HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/29/1987 (Special) . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Special General Purpose & Administration Committee June 29, 1987 Minutes of a Special Meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee, held on Monday, June 29, 1987, in the Courtice Secondary School, 1717 Nash Road, at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call Present Were: Mayor J. Winters Councillor A. Cowman (at 8:00 p.m.) Councillor D. Hamre Councillor M. Hubbard Councillor H. McKnight Councillor F. Stapleton Councillor A. Wotten . Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, L. Kotseff Town Clerk, D. W. Oakes Deputy Director of Public Works, D. Gray Long Range Planner, J. Szwarz Deputy Fire Chief, M. Creighton PURPOSE OF THE PUBLIC MEETING: "To receive input from the public with respect to certain planning matters related to the Courtice Neighbourhood Development Area", more particularly dealing with the following proposals: (a) Town initiated amendments to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (Courtice Urban Area). (b) Town initiated amendments to the Neighbourhood Development Plans . for Courtice West, Courtice South and Courtice North. (c) A Council initiated review of the land use designations for that portion of the Court ice Urban Area located east of Courtice Road. (d) Applications OP.2.2.2(2) and DEV 87-41, Part of Lots 34 & 35, Concession 2, Darlington, KIDDICORP INVESTMENTS. (e) Application DEV 87-42, Part of Lots 33, 34 & 35, Concession 2, Darlington, AKAL INTERNATIONAL. (f) Applications 87-27/DN, OP .2.2.2(3) and DEV 87-43, Part of Lots 33, 34 & 35, Concession 2, Darlington, AKAL INTERNATIONAL. (g) Applications 87-27/DN, OP.2.2.2(4), and DEV 87-44, Part of Lots 33, 34 & 35, Concession 2, Darlington, AKAL INTERNATIONAL. . . . . . S.G.P.A. Minutes - 2 - June 29, 1987 OPENING REMARKS OF THE CHAIR Councillor Marie Hubbard acting as Chairman for this special meeting, called the meeting to order, announced the purpose of the Public Meeting, and introduced the Members of Council and Staff. Mr. Larry Kotseff, Chief Administrative Officer, spoke briefly about the purpose of the meeting and provided some background information on the process to be followed respecting the various applications. Mr. David Oakes, Town Clerk, then advised the persons in attendance on the manner in which notice was given for each of the applications listed on the Agenda. Mrs. Janice Szwarz, Planner, reviewed the purpose and effect of each of the applications. There were no challenges from the floor respecting the form of the Notice or the Purpose and Effect of each application at this time. The Chairman then proceeded with the consideration of each of the applications. (a) & (b) TOWN INITIATED AMENDMENTS TO THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICIAL PLAN (COURTICE URBAN AREA) AND TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR COURTICE WEST, COURTICE SOUTH AND COURTICE NORTH As required under the Planning Act (Section 21(1) and Section 24(12), Council is holding a public meeting prior to either adopting or rejecting the proposed Official Plan Amendment for the Courtice Urban Area and the proposed amendments to the Courtice West, Courtice South and Courtice North Neighbourhood Development Plans. The Chairman then asked if there were persons present wishing to speak to these matters. A number of persons indicated that they desired to speak to these proposed amendments. It was noted that the manner of notice was as follows: that notice was published in the local newspapers serving the area on June 10, 1987. SPECIFIC AMENDMENTS i) Amending the requirement for the preparation of Neighbourhood Development Plans The Planner then again briefly described the purpose and effect of the proposed amendment; "The proposed Official Plan Amendment would amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan by revising the requirement for the preparation and amendment of Neighbourhood Development Plans for the Courtice Urban Area." The proposed amendments to the Court ice West, Courtice South and Courtice North Neighbourhood Development Plans would make minor amendments to the text to reflect the above proposed Official Plan Amendment." The Chairman then invited those persons wishing to comment to come forward. . . . . S.G.P.A. OBJECTORS - 3 - June 29,. 1987 (Name not recorded): is unhappy with deviations from the approved Neighbourhood Development Plans. IN SUPPORT No one spoke in support of the matter. (ii) Courtice West Neighbourhood It was noted that the manner of notice was as follows: that notice was given by prepaid first class mail and that the notice was mailed on June 9, 1987. The Planner then again briefly described the purpose and effect of the proposed amendment. "The proposed Official Plan Amendment would amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan by designating a Collector Road in the south half of Lots 33 and 34, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, and would designate a Neighbourhood Park in Part Lot 35,Concession 2, former Township of Darlington. The proposed amendment to the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan would establish land use designations and road patterns for the northern portion of the Neighbourhood and the area west of Varcoes Road north of Nash Road, by designating a Neighbourhood Park in Part Lots 35, Concession 2, and by making minor amendments to reflect the above changes and proposed and approved Official Plan Amendments. The Chairm&n then invited those persons wishing to comment to come forward. 1. Jo-Anne Mehring, 60 Varcoe Road, R.R. #3, Bowmanville: "The park for our area is not dimensioned on the plan, why not?" Mrs. Szwarz, the Planner, replied that it was an oversight and it would be an area of 2 to 2 1/2 acres. 2. Pam Welch, R.R. #3, Bowmanville: "Why is the large park area designated, so close to the Oshawa boundary?" I don't want it so close to my property, why not locate it in the heart of Courtice Area?" Mrs. Szwarz, Planner, advised that the park was intended to serve the residents of the area in which it was to be located. 3. Robert Kirby, R.R. #3, Bowmanville: Objected to location of park next to Townline Road; will be used by Oshawa residents. 4. Varcoe Road: (Name not recorded): "What happens to our street?" It's not shown on the plan. Also agree with the previous speakers respecting the location of the park so close to the Oshawa boundary. 5. Vie Nozdryn, R.R. #4, Oshawa, Prestonvale Road: "If the park doesn't go in, will the land be developed for residential use?" "Is there any money in the budget for the park?" Would prefer a park with full facilities not parkettes and no parks with creeks in them. S.G.P.A. - 4 - June 29, 1987 6. John Nekkers, R.R. #3, Bowmanville (3336 Tooleys Road): The west side of the property is zoned (ER) Environmental Protection. All other lands in area are zoned residential. Would like Planning to look at zoning this parcel to residential. Letter submitted. . 7. Paul Newman, R.R. #3, Bowmanville: Parking is very large and too near Oshawa; wants it more centrally located. 8. John Adamkovics, R.R. #3, Bowmanville (112 Old Varcoe Road): Has had several address changes; street should be shown; do not need park. 9. Hilt Dakin, Chairman, N .C.S.A.B., in reply to questions about parks, advised that there were three types of parks: (a) Community Parks, 25 - 30 acres in size; (b) Neighbourhood Parks, 5 acres in size; (c) Parkettes, small local playground. . (iii) Courtice South and Court ice North Neighbourhoods The Planner again then briefly described the purpose and effect of the proposed amendments. "For the Courtice South Neighbourhood, the proposed Official Plan Amendment would redesignate a site at the southeast corner of Prestonvale Road and Highway 2, from "Special Purpose Commercial" to "Residential." The proposed amendment to the Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan would redesignate this same site from "Special Purpose Commercial" to "Convenience Commercial", and would redefine the collector road system." For the Court ice North Neighbourhood, the proposed Official Plan Amendment and the proposed amendment to the Court ice North Neighbourhood Development Plan would delete the collector road system from the approved land use schedules for the Court ice North Neighbourhood 3B." . The Chairman then invited those persons wishing to comment to come forward. 1. Hr. Hugh Neil, Prestonvale Road: "How will vehicular traffic be handled through Court ice on Prestomrale Road? When will Glen Abbey and Huntington Drive be built? When will Bloor Street be upgraded? How many development approved lots are there in Courtice?" Hayor Winters stated that no one can accurately predict the pattern of development anywhere. lt is usually dictated by market forces. 2. Charles Campbell, 49 Pinedale Crescent: "There are prOblems with the proposal. If the streets (Glen Abbey and Huntington) are opened to traffic it would be dangerous because kids play on streets." "Area needs schools and parkland. He stated that he paid a premium for his lot because it backs onto a greenbelt, doesn't want open space destroyed by development, especially by medium density development. . S.G.P.A. Minutes - 5 - June 29, 198'7 . 3. M. Hajnik, 18 Glen Abbey Drive: Group 1, Box 43, L1C 4A7): Concerned about traffic on his street, concerned about development of a plaza at Townline Road. Concerned about speeding, wants a four- way stop at Glen Abbey and Pinedale. Stated he felt there was a need for more schools in the area. Presently there are 55 school buses travelling through the area, morning and night. Councillor Hamre responded to the school question by advising that the decision on schools was made by the Board of Education, but the Town's Planning staff always looked at providing land for school purposes in development plans. There being no further speakers, the Chairman declared this portion of the public meeting closed. ********************************* (c) Review of Land Use Designations For That Portion of the Courtice . Urban Area Located East of Courtice Road As required by the Planning Act (Section 21(1) and Section 24(12), Council is holding a Public Meeting prior to either adopting or rejecting any proposed amendments to this area. The Chairman then asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to this matter. A number of persons indicated that they desired to speak to the matter. At this point, it was noted that the manner of notice was as follows: that notice was published in the local newspapers serving the area on June 17, 1987. . 1. Mr. Don Bernstein, Solicitor, 1500 Don Mills Road, Don Mills Ontario, M3B 3K4, representing Macourtice Developments, advised the people present that his clients purchased 38 acres of residentially zoned land (H)R-1. It was acquired as developable land which only required the removal of the (H) designation. The land was designated in the Official Plan as being a residential parcel. He stated that the proposal to redesignate at this time was grossly unfair to his clients who bought the land in 1974. Altering of the boundaries of the area would be unfair and not in anyone I s best interests. Mr. Bernstein then left the meeting. 2. Mr. Ron Armstrong, clo Jones and Jones, Solicitors for Jarigay Investments, 130 King St., Oshawa, submitted a written document at this time related to items ((f) and (g)) in the Agenda: (Dev 87-43 and 87-44) The written submission is attached to the minutes. j. Mr. Ken Smith, R.R. #5, Bowmanville: Development is out of phase. The Town is unable to provide the necessary infrastructure. All development should be stopped at this time. Properties like the Muir Farm are in jeopardy because of the growth in urban hOUSing. People in the area are in need of "soft" services and the Town can't provide them. . 4. Mr. Bill Manson, presented everyone present with an historic review of development in the Courtice Area. As the Consultant for clients who own a total of 50 acres, any change in the Courtice envelope would have an adverse effect upon the ability of the central area to develop. . . . . S.G.P.A. Minutes - 6 - June 29, 1987 5. Mr. Charles Campbell: 49 Pinedale Crescent: He stated that he agreed with Mr. Smith that development should be stopped. Also, that Court ice residents should look at having area taken over by the City of Oshawa. There being no further speakers the Chairman declared this portion of the public meeting closed. ********************************** (d) Application to amend the Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan to Redesignate a 3.6 hectare portion of Parcel 1 from "Minor Open Space" and "Low Density Residential" to "Medium Density Residential" to Permit the construction of a 126 unit multiple housing development (O.P. 2.2.2.(2) & Dev 87-41.(KIDDICORP INVESTMENTS) PT. LOTS 34 & 35, Conc. 2, Darlington As required under the Planning Act (Section 21(1) and Section 24(12), Council is holding a public meeting prior to either adopting or rejecting any proposed amendment to this area. The Chairman then asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to this matter. A number of persons indicated that they desired to speak to the application. At this point, it was noted that notice was provided by first class prepaid mail and by publication in newspapers serving the area on May 27, 1987. It was noted that Mr. Bill Creamer and Mr. Hannu Halminen representing Kiddicorp Developments, were in attendance and had provided a model of the proposed development for review by the people in attendance. Mr. Bill Creamer indicated that it was planned to have Huntington Drive connect with Bloor Street and this would relieve the traffic on Glen Abbey. Prestonvale is to be closed and traffic diverted to Huntington Drive. 1. Name Unknown: Don't like townhousing, can't control who lives in them. Why not build singles not townhousing don't want them in the area at all. High traffic volumes in this type of development, may impact adjacent property values. Can't guarantee the development wouldn't be used for social housing. 2. Mr. Bill Windsor, 4 Pinedale Crescent: Provided Council with a petition and his neighbours' concerns. They are attached to the Minutes for ready reference. Mr. Windsor stated that the residents of St. Andrews Parish are opposed to the construction of multiple family housing. They believe its out of keeping with the other housing in the area. Such a change is unfair to the present residential property owners. As well, Mr. Windsor expressed his concern with traffic congestion, the quality of police and fire services, and the lack of garbage collection and parks. . . . . S.G.P.A. Minutes June 29, 1987 - 7 - 3. Mr. Charles Campbell, 49 Pinedale Crescent: There should only be single family homes in the area, because its a developed single family home area. The developer says that he has provided lands for schools and parks but the school board turned down the land offer. Why? The area schools are inadequate and there's no place for kids to play. The Town should address these problems. 4. Sandra McCulloch, 35 Pinedale Crescent: The residents are concerned about the way the area is being developed. And, as well, they are concerned about the environmental issues. The Kiddicorp proposal would see the destruction of a mature wood lot. Why build on this land, there is other land to build on. Before any more development in the area, there should be an environmental impact analysis with respect to both the proposed development and the Environment Protection area. There is a need to retain the EP area for future generations. Opposed to the granting of the amendments which would see the lands in the area used for multiple unit housing. Leave O.P. and Zoning as written. Mrs. McCulloch requested a copy of any report prepared respecting the development. 5. Nancy Cockin, 136 Turnberry Crescent: Just moved to the area. Was told by salesman that there would be no further development. If development is approved, what will he do with the other phases. (Phase 2 & 3) Mr. Halminen in reply, advised that all that was proposed was the luxury condominium development in Phase 1. There were no other phases. 6. Alderman Choldra, City of Oshawa: Both she and Alderman Al Mason, were opposed to the development and presented a petition on behalf of the residents of the City of Oshawa adjacent to the proposed development Objecting to the application. Alderman Choldra: Her position is that the area should be reserved for single family homes only. 7. Archie Campbell, Prestonvale Road S: There is a large area of valleylands abutting the rear of their property and others along the road. Would Council consider dividing the valley lands and adding parts to the holdings of abutting landowners. In this way, the valleylands could be cleaned up and maintained by the owner. There are years of garbage in the valley at present which should be removed. 8. Mr. Bernhard, speaking on behalf of the Courtice & Area Residents' Association, advised that they did not want anything on the lands but single family homes. There being no further speakers, the Chairman declared this portion of the public meeting closed. ********************************** . . . . S.G.P.A. Minutes - 8 - June 29, 1987 (e) Application to Amend the Zoning of a 0.26 hectare portion of Parcel 2 from "Environment Protection (EP)" to an appropriate zone to permit the development of a residential subdivision. (AKAL INTERNATIONAL) DEV 87-42, Pt. Lots 33, 34 & 35, Conc. 2, Darlington As required under the Planning Act (Section 21(1) and Section 24(12), Council is holding a public meeting prior to either adopting or rejecting a public meeting prior to either adopting or rejecting any proposed amendment to the area. The Chairman then asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to this matter. A number of persons indicated that they desired to speak to the application. At this point, it was noted that notice was provided by first class prepaid mail and by publication in newspapers serving the area on May 27, 1987. The Planner advised the persons in attendance that the issue was the changing of the zoning for a 1/2 acre parcel from Environment Protection (EP) to a suitable residential zoning. 1. Mr. Bill Windsor wanted it noted in the record, that he and the other property owners in his area were opposed to the proposal. 2. Gil Roussi, Prestonvale Road: When will construction begin if the application is approved? Also advised that he wants a public noti0e prior to Council considering the matter further. Wants developer to construct all roads on his lands and that none of them be dead-end streets. Wants proposal redesigned. The Planner provided Mr. Roussi with a brief overview of the development process explaining that it takes at least a year or longer to complete the process. There being no further speakers, the Chairman declared this portion of the public meeting closed. ********************************* (f) Application to Amend Durham Region Official Plan and Town of Newcastle Official Plan and Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan to extend the boundary of the Courtice Urban Area to permit the development of 104 single family lots and to rezone the lands to an appropriate zone. (AKAL INTERNATIONAL) Pt. Lots 33, 34 & 35, Conc. 2, Darlington As required under the Planning Act (Section 21(1) and Section 24(12), Council is holding a public meeting prior to either adopting or rejecting any proposed amendments to the area. The Chairman then asked if there were any persons present wishing to speak to this matter. A number of persons indicated that they desired to speak to the application. At this point, it was noted that notice was provided by first class prepaid mail and by publication in newspapers serving the area on May 27, 1987. S.G.P.A. Minutes - 9 - June 29, 1987 . At this point, it was determined that the comments to be made were in effect the same comments which would be made with respect to the next matter on the Agenda. The Application numbered "G" was added and is described as follows: Application to amend theRegion of Durham Official Plan and Town of Newcastle Official Plan and Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan to extend the boundary of the Courtice Urban Area O. P. 2.2. (4) and DEV 87-44 (AKAL INTERNATIONAL) Pt. Lots 33, 34 & 35. Cone. 2, Darlington 1. Bill Roka: The Courtice Urban Area was a concept plan which was discussed at least seven years ago. At that time, it was projected to include a population of 60 to 70,000 people. At present the area projections show a potential population of 26,000. Now, however, there are only approximately 5,000 residents in the Courtice Area. "wny the prime agricultural lands out of production for development?" . There is no need of additional lands for housing. 2. John Conboy, R. R. #4, Bought lands in 1955. these lands. "What is Council not to support Oshawa, Prestonvale Road: There was a designated road allowance beside the status of that road to-day?" Asking that the development if it is not needed. D. Gray, Deputy Director of Public Woroks, in reply suggested, that the road allowance existed only on paper as a proposal and might never be built. Councillor Hamre stated that Council will deny the application if it is deemed to be premature. Might also be appropriate to have the main roads in the area reconstructed before further development is approved in the Huntington- Glen Abbey area. Councillor Cowman suggested that what was needed is a large active . park for the Courtice area. 3. Mr. John Slemko, R. R. lt2, Bowmanville: "Opposed to medium density development pr'oposed in development proposal DEV 87-44. Also concerned about the type of housing development permitted immediately adjacent to commercial areas." There being no further speakers, the Chairman declared this portion of the public meeting closed. ********************************** Councillor Hubbard thanked all of the people in attendance for their input and indicated that their comments would be reviewed by the Planners who would then report to Council on the various applications. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. . . 4. . 5. 6. 7. 8. . . S.G.P.A. MINUTES - 10 - JUNE 29, 1987 Attached to the Minutes are copies of the following: 1. Attendance record showing names and addresses of persons who attended the meeting and signed the attendance sheets (not all persons signed in). 2. Submission by Sandra McCulloch, St. Andrews Parish. j. Petition from residents of City of Oshawa, adjacent to proposed development area (presented by Alderman Sholdra, City of Oshawa, on behalf of area residents) . Petition opposing applications to rezone land uses in Courtice Area which were subject of the meeting (parcels 1, 2, 3 & 4). Hand written note opposing medium density proposal (Mr. Bernhard). Mr. Bill Windsor's written notes opposing the medium density development and other proposals. Written submissions from Mr. Ron Armstrong, Jones & Jones on behalf of applications submitted by AKAL INTERNATIONAL. Written submission by Mr. & Mrs. J. Nekkers, R.R. #3 Bowmanville, asking that their lands be rezoned to residential. (Attendance 200 - 300) OTHER ISSUES OF CONCERN TO RESIDENTS - LACK OF ADEQUATE SCHOOL FACILITIES - LACK OF ADEQUATE PARKS OF ALL TYPES - LACK OF ADEQUATE FIRE AND POLICE PROTECTION - ABSENCE OF MUNICIPAL GARBAGE COLLECTION - UNACCEPTABLY HIGH TAXES, GIVEN THE SERVICE LEVEL PROVIDED BY THE MUNICIPALITY - DISSATISFACTION WITH THE QUALITY OF WORKMANSHIP IN HOUSING, ASKING COUNCIL TO FORCE CONTRACTORS TO FINISH HOMES PROPERLY