HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSD-04-06 REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting:General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: Resolution #: February 20, 2006 _____ Report #:CSD-04-06File #:By-law #: _____ Subject:2006 MUNICIPAL GRANTS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CSD-04-06 be received; 2. THAT Council consider all submitted grant requests; 3. THAT all requested funds exceeding the $5,000.00 limit be referred to the Municipal budget process; and 4. THAT all applicants be advised of Council’s decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: Joseph P. Caruana Franklin Wu Director of Community Services Chief Administrative Officer JPC/ SC/JM CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-5506 REPORT NO. CSD-04-06 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 The Municipal grant process is intended to provide financial assistance to community organizations providing programs and services within the Municipality of Clarington. The Municipal Grant Policy (Attachment #1) establishes the objective, criteria, funding categories, funding formula and public notice for the Municipal grant process. 1.2 The policy provides four (4) distinct categories for grant distribution. Each applicant must meet the required definition for at least one of the following four categories: Recreation/Leisure Services, Civic, Social and Hall Board/ Community Centres. Organizations that receive any form of other funding from the Municipality of Clarington are not eligible to apply. Please note for the assistance of Council, the grant applications have been presented within the appropriate funding categories. 1.3 As outlined in the Municipal Grant Policy, the allocation of funding is established at $1.00 per capita. Accordingly, a maximum amount of $80,000.00 has been established for awards to eligible applications in 2006. 1.4 In keeping with the current policy, an advertisement was placed in all local papers announcing the program and establishing a deadline for filing an application. 1.5 Applications for funding through the Municipal grant process must not exceed $5,000.00. Applications requesting in excess of $5,000.00, if approved, will be referred directly to the budget process for consideration of the amount exceeding the $5,000.00 limit, on an individual basis external to the Municipal grant process. Late applications or requests received subsequent to the current year’s municipal budget will be referred to Council for direction. 1.6 A total of 42 applications have been received for review and consideration, compared to 35 in the 2005 process. The 42 applications represent a total of $132,438.40 in requested funding through the Municipal grant process, compared to $115,650.00 requested in 2005. 1.7 Four of the applications requested funding in excess of the $5,000.00 limit. The Municipal grant process would consider funding the initial $5,000.00 and refer the balance requested, in the amount of $101,500.00, to the budget process. 1.8 Report CSD-03-05 (2005 Municipal Grants) dated February 7, 2005, allocated $58,050.00 to 37 groups. A further $14,500.00 was allocated to additional requests which were considered by Council throughout the year. (Attachment #2) REPORT NO. CSD-04-06 PAGE 3 2.0 APPLICATION PROCESS 2.1 All applications received by the Department have been recorded onto a summary sheet (Attachment #3) providing Council and staff with an overview of all applications being considered. 2.2 Each application is also presented on a one-page summary numbered from 06-01 through 06-42 providing basic information necessary in considering the appropriate level of funding for each application. (Attachment # 4) 2.3 All 2006 submissions reflect the grant request amount in their 2006 revenue statements. 2.4 All applicants who submitted incomplete financial information were contacted and requested to forward the outstanding information. 3.0ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 3.1 From time to time various applicants make comments through the application process or in other cases resolutions of Council were previously approved that may affect how a particular application is dealt with. The following applications and associated comments are provided for the information of Council. 3.2 Application 06-18, Clarington Minor Lacrosse Association, is requesting funding to assist with the start up costs of a new girls program. Registration has grown from 300 in the initial year 2003 to over 750 participants in 2005. In the past some girls did play in the house league program, but there has been a demand for an independent girls program which would encourage more participation by girls. 3.3 Application 06-22, Enniskillen P.S. Parent Council is requesting a grant to assist with the purchase of replacement playground equipment for Enniskillen Public School. It should be noted, that in 1997 the Enniskillen School Council received a one time grant (Resolution #GPA 125-97) of $700.00 to assist with the purchase of new playground equipment. 3.4 Application 06-38, Durham Celtic Fiddle Orchestra is requesting funding to assist with the purchase of supplies and to offset the rental cost of rehearsal space. This group was just formed in October 2005 and provides free musical entertainment to nursing homes, seniors apartments, hospitals and other community events. REPORT NO. CSD-04-06 PAGE 4 3.5 Application 06-40, Royal Canadian Air Cadets, is requesting funding to assist with one time start up costs. This group was formed in September 2005 and is providing a quality program of leadership, fitness and education in the air element of the Armed Forces. 3.6 Application 06-41, Tyrone Community Herald, is requesting funding to assist them in their first year of operation. The intent of this community newsletter is to become self sufficient through donations and community fundraising. 4.0 COMMENTS 4.1 The Municipal grant program in Clarington ensures citizen involvement in recreational/leisure, civic, social and community hall boards enhancing community well being. 4.2 Each application is on file in the Community Services Department and will be made available during grant discussions, should further details of a particular application be required. Attachments: Attachment # 1 – Municipal Grant Policy Attachment # 2 – 2005 Grant Funding Allocations Attachment # 3 – 2006 Grant Information Summary Attachment # 4 – 2006 Summary of Grant Information Attachment # 1 to CSD-04-06 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES MUNICIPAL GRANT POLICY Revised September 20, 2002 OBJECTIVE To provide financial assistance to those organizations which provide direct services or . programs to the residents of the Municipality of Clarington CRITERIA 1. The organization requesting financial assistance must be based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham. 2. Regionally based organizations must provide details demonstrating how their service directly benefits the residents of Clarington. 3. Organizations must be volunteer based, or operate as not for profit. 4. Funding applications will be considered for operational expenses only. Capital requests may be considered as a one-time grant only (excluding Hall Boards/Community Centres). 5. Organizations that receive any form of other funding from the Municipality of Clarington are not eligible to apply. 6. Applications for funding through the Municipal Grant Process must not exceed $5,000.00. 7. Applications requesting in excess of $5,000.00 will be referred directly to the budget process to be dealt with on an individual basis external to the grant process. 8. Late applications or requests received subsequent to the current year’s municipal budget approval will be referred to Council for direction. 9. That areas where the Provincial or Federal government is responsible through ownership of the property or through the School Board budgets, not be eligible for a grant (excluding playground funding). 10. That Citizen Ratepayers Associations not be eligible for a grant. FUNDING CATEGORIES 1. Recreation/Leisure Services This category is defined as those organizations offering athletic or leisure opportunities not offered by the Municipality. 2. Civic This category is defined as those organizations providing events, or services promoting the Municipality of Clarington (i.e. Santa Clause Parade, Horticultural Societies, Historical Society etc.) 3. Social This category is defined as those organizations offering specific service (other than recreational/leisure) to residents of the Municipality of Clarington. 4. Hall Boards/Community Centres This category is defined as a Hall Board or Community Centre that operates and maintains a Municipally-owned facility. (Please note grants will be considered for operational expenses only. Capital requests must be referred to the appropriate municipal representative for consideration during annual budget deliberations.) MUNICIPAL GRANT FUNDING FORMULA To consider all eligible grants, the Municipality of Clarington will provide a funding formula of $1.00 per capita annually. All unallocated funds will remain in the unallocated grant account for un-anticipated requests received during the current year. PUBLIC NOTICE The Municipality of Clarington will provide public notice of the Municipal Grant Program twice each year through local newspapers. Attachment # 2 to CSD-04-06 2005 Municipal Grant Program – Funding Allocations Report Number Report Date Amount Balance Grant Funds Available as per Policy $ 80,000. Grants Awarded CSD -03-05 Feb 07, 2005 $58,050. $ 21,950. th Newcastle BIA – 150 Anniversary Motion – GP&A Apr 04, 2005 $ 5,000. $ 16,950. Wilmot Creek Homeowners Ass’n Correspondence – D.18 May 02, 2005 $ 1,500. $ 15,450. Newcastle Santa Clause Parade Correspondence – D.19 May 02, 2005 $ 2,000. $ 13,450 Rotary Club of Courtice* Correspondence – D.7 May 30, 2005 $ 1,500. $ 11,950 Orono Town Band Festival Correspondence – D.20 May 02, 2005 $ 3,500. $ 8,450 UOIT Solar Team CSD -12-05 Sept. 19,2005 $1,000. $ 7,450 *Rotary Club were awarded $500.00 at initial grant program. (0 o I "=t o I a en C) o - M '**' - c: Q) E .L: (,) CtI ~ ~ ns E E ~ t/) c o :,;:; ns E 2 c - .... c l! <.? U) o o N .... ~z o~ N(!) .... o cow 0::) 00 NW 0:: .... lI)Z g~ N(!) .... o lI)W 0::) 00 NW 0:: .... ~Z O~ N(!) .... o ~W 0::) NO W 0:: C WW ....~ <cW CO W 0:: oogoog ~~c:i~~o 000000 OOOOOLO LOLOiOLOLON WWWWWW gg go , 'CtI ,0 CtI 00_00_ OOC:OOC: LOLO LOLO WW Ww og go o 'CtI ,0 CtI 00_00- LOOC:OOC: MO MLO ..... 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Provide areas for individuals and organizations who would like to grow their own vegetables who would normally not be able to do so. Provide seeds, plants, tools and a library. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 87 REVENUE 2005 $350 2006 $660 TOTAL EXPENSES 2005 2006 $250 $600 TOTAL EXPENSES NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2005 2006 LESS REVENUE $100 $60 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT 2006 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED ~Ql.IlESTED $3 50 $500 $500 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-02 CONTACT NAME I Elaine Hutton DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Civic improvement projects - planting trees, shrubs, flowers. Hold meetings for instruction and discussion subjects related to the practice of horticulture. Participant of Apple Blossom Awards. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 64 ADULTS TOTAL $1028.34 $1478.34 TOTAL EXPENSES $4690.00 $4628.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $350.00 $500.00 $500.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-03 CONTACT NAME ~ Gordon Lee DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: The operation of a farmer's market every Sunday May through Oct. to provide the agricultural community of Durham Region an opportunity to promote and sell their products to residents of the Municipality of Clarington and surrounding areas. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIPARTICIPANTS: Variable TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: N/A $5000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-04 ~ CONTACT NAME ! Mark Stanisz DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Community beautification informational. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: Variable TOTAL $800 TOTAL EXPENSES $397.09 $800 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-05 CONTACT NAME ~ Pam Daley DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Six or more general meetings per year for all to attend, with guest speakers on subjects relevant to gardening and environmental concerns. Planting and maintaining gardens at Newcastle Community Hall and St. George's Cemetery. A Junior club. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 95 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES $3853.93 $4500.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $350,00 $500.00 $500.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-06 CONTACT NAME ~ Mark Hendrix DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Plan, promote and hold Newcastle Santa Clause parade, Nov. 26, 2006 The parade attracts residents of Newcastle, Newtonville and Orono as participants and watchers Fosters community pride and fellowship TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 4000+ TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES $7000 $8000 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-07 CONTACT NAME ~ Myno VanDyke DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Maintaining an archive room with free access to the public; maintain a website relating to the history of Newcastle and area; produce historical newsletters four times a year with copies donated to local libraries; acquire historical speakers and presenters for four free general meetings per year. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 80 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES $1000 $1500.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-08 CONTACT NAME i Flora Sharpe DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Planting and maintaining village flower beds and planters on main street. Provide good speakers on horticultural related topics at our monthly meetings. Provide bus trips to flower shows in other areas. Encourage our youth to participate in all of our activities. We as a society have volunteered 350 hours in maintaining and planting our flower beds, TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIPARTICIPANTS: 101 TOTAL $7595.80 $7200.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $6296.84 $6300.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: APPLICATION # 06-09 CONTACT NAME ~ Lee Campbell DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: AA, Guiding, Scouting, Community Fundraisers, Community Gatherings, Community Meeting Place. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 9 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: n/a n/a $5000 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-10 CONTACTNAME ~ SheliaHannah DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Monthly Youth Dances, Wee Tot Play Group, Euchre Nights, Dart League, Christmas Tree Lighting, Canada Day Fireworks, Movie Nights for Children, Ball Association - grounds and washroom facilities, Newsletters, Memberships - reduced rates for rentals. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 27 TOTAL $25,615.15 $23,324.60 TOTAL EXPENSES $22,940.55 $24,850.82 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $2500.00 $2500 $5000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-11 CONTACT NAME ~ Gordon Lee DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Municipality of Clarington Arena - offering: - Hockey, Figure and Pleasure Skating, Lacrosse, Ball Hockey, Hall Rental for Dance Program (Newcastle Family Connection), and Summer Day Camp. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 7 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $2500.00 $2500.00 $5000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-12 CONTACT NAME ~ Gabrielle Bell DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Use of rooms in the community hall to the public at affordable rates i.e, community events, fundraisers, weddings, meetings, dance classes, etc. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 7 TOTAL $82252 $90764 TOTAL EXPENSES $84740 $90884 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $ 13,000 $5000 $13,000 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-13 CONTACT NAME I Vicki Burrows DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Euchre Nights, Family Nights, Board Meetings, Dances - all ages, Aerobics, Open House, Games Night, Family Nights, Halloween Events, Heritage Artifacts, Christmas Parties, Movie Nights, Women's Wellness Group. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 11 TOTAL $15,230.32 $12,500.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $11,838.76 $5850.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $2500 $2500 $3500 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-14 CONTACT NAME I Ann Dreslinski DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Community and public meetings (planning, c.I.P, Crown Land Trust, Regional and Municipal information), Girl Guides, Weddings, Social Gathering, Educational Instruction. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: nJa TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES $19,950.00 $24,740.00 $2500.00 $5000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-15 CONTACT NAME ~ Helen Wotten DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Soccer, Baseball, Picnics, Card Parties, Senior Socials, Women's Institute, Exercise classes. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 163 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: n/a $5000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-16 CONTACT NAME ~ Shari Rowan DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Local Community Centre that holds: Senior's programs (euchre each Friday evening, luncheons once per month). Location for community fun fairs, social events, and award banquets for the Tyrone Athletic Association. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIPARTICIPANTS: Variable TOTAL $35,612.54 $40,012.58 TOTAL EXPENSES $32,100.01 $33,580.00 $2500 $3500.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-17 CONTACT NAME ~ Sandra Crandall DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Provide ongoing ski lessons (instruction) to disabled persons; provide a no-cost program to disabled participants; provide CSIA and CADS certification courses for volunteers; provide technical training for instructors and volunteers. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 97 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-18 CONTACT NAME ~ Charlie Simpson DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: To promote, develop and govern minor lacrosse within the Municipality of Clarington, and to provide a safe and competitive environment to do so. CMLA has initiated a Girl's program and start up costs are significant. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 750 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: N/A N/A $1500.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-19 CONTACT NAME I Janice Aluin DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Training/coaching for competitive swimmers - novice/age group/masters, training/coaching for triathletes/youth fitness swimmers, masters fitness swimmers. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 117 TOTAL $151775.95 $141714.04 TOTAL EXPENSES $171381.18 $161775.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: N/A N/A $5000 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: APPLICATION # 06-20 CONTACT NAME I Cathy Dinetz DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Provide young ladies the opportunity to play softball on a competitive junior team during the spring and summer. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: N/A TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-21 CONTACT NAME ~ Steve Wyrozub DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Triathalon training (swim, bike, run) for youth (kids of steel), adults (19+) and police and fire teams. Also offer programs/services for dualthon (run, bike and run), yoga, swimming, cycling, running and weight training (strength). TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 15 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES $2913.93 $10220 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: n/a n/a $5000 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-22 CONTACT NAME! Ralph Robinson DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: A voice for the community and parents to ensure children's growth and success in development in school using the resources available as well as physical education and character building, TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 15 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: N/A $500.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-23 CONTACT NAME ~ Marilyn Cole DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Serve the citizens of Clarington and all residents of Durham and deliver messages about the environment, the importance of wetlands, their function in maintaining a healthy environment and the need to protect our natural heritage. The Great Lakes Wetlands Centre will have classrooms for educational programs, a research centre where university level wetland research will be conducted; state-of-the-art interactive displays and exhibits, a library, auditorium, restaurant and gift shop. It will function as a major attraction on the waterfront greenspace linkage between Oshawa and Clarington, and will promote use of the entire greenspace area. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIPARTICIPANTS: 100 TOTAL $19297.00 $163750.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $178365.00 $189800.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-24 ~ CONTACT NAME I Mark Soles DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Outdoor soccer. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 145 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: n/a $3000 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-25 CONTACT NAME! Helen Page DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Skate Canada approved Skating Club; offer learn to skate programs for children 3 years to adult; programs cover test stream and competitive figure skating; also power skating geared for hockey and ringette; and adult skating for fitness and to improve on skills. TOTAL MEMBERSffiPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 131 TOTAL $43462 $52880 TOTAL EXPENSES $49174 $59650 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $1500 $1500 $3000 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-26 CONTACTNAME ~ Martha Coady DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: We maintain the section of the Oak Ridges Trail that comes through Clarington. We promote, organize and lead hikes for the general public on our trails here in Clarington. We have recently developed a section of our trail (Old Swamp Road) wheel chair accessible. TOTAL MEMBERSmpIPARTICIPANTS: 652 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: n/a $500 $1000 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-27 CONTACT NAME I Laverne Boyd DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: We promote minor sport programs for Orono and the surrounding area. Hockey, rep and house league, also instructional hockey for 4 and 5 year olds (mite). Soccer-house league; baseball and girls softball if numbers warrant. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 610 TOTAL $255550 $268328 TOTAL EXPENSES $225420 $236697 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $2000 $2500 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-28 CONTACT NAME ~ Charlene Peria DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: We provide a canskate program for children three years and older who progress through badge levels. This is taught by professional coaches, we also offer test and competitive skating for our more skilled skaters. An adult learn to skate program for those 18 years plus to either learn to skate or improve their skills and for exercise. This program is also taught by professional coaches. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIPARTICIPANTS: 105 TOTAL $50027.12 $48575 TOTAL EXPENSES $57982.13 $49150 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $1500 $1500 $4500 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-29 CONTACT NAME ~ Lisa McNee Baker DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: The country's leading youth service organization providing mentoring opportunities across not only the Municipality of Clarington but across Canada. Provides one-to-one mentoring, group mentoring, Durham Cruisers after school program and Girls and Boys Groups. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 450 TOTAL TOT AL EXPENSES $233,640.00 $246,742.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $2000.00 $2000.00 $5000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-30 CONTACT NAME! Stephen Bourque DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Making Connections Clarington - Oddfellows Hall, New horizons Employment Rehabilitation Program, Resource Centre for Wellness, CTO Program / Act, Case Management, Supportive Housin , Housin Out Reach, Communi Su ort Services. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: N/A TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES ($6000.00) DEFICIT ($6000.00) DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: N/A $6000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-31 CONTACT NAME! Colin Rowe DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Volunteer Community Hours for high school students in Clarington, Fundraising for community organizations and local elementary school music programs, mentoring and free music tuition for high school students in the band. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 55 TOTAL $47553.98 $41752.34 TOTAL EXPENSES $21001.64 $22040.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $500.00 N/A $2000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-32 CONTACT NAME i Shirley Severn DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Entertain -locally wherever asked, Seniors (Expressions of Musical Talents, Dancing Exercise and socializeO, Youth (Interaction with seniors and other young people, stage experience, young champions have honed their skills at our club), Support (local charities and fiddle competitions. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 250-300 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $500.00 $500.00 $1000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-33 CONTACT NAME ~ Kaye Quinney DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Give a three day supply of food for each member of the family usually once per month. More often in exceptional circumstances. Food vouchers are also supplied for fresh food. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 33 TOTAL $22,270.35 $22,062.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $15,356.59 $17,500.00 $6913.76 SURPLUS $4562.00 SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $1500.00 $1500.00 $5000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-34 CONTACT NAME ~ Laura McDonald DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Social, physical and educational and informational programs for the active older adults living within the Municipality of Clarington. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 643 TOTAL $254626.00 $263.852.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $231764.00 $263852.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $3000.00 $3000.00 $77000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-35 CONTACT NAME ~ Sally Barrie DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: A multi-service registered charitable organization that provides Home Support, Respite (Caregiver Relief) and COPE Mental Health services for adults and their caregivers with needs related to physical disability, aging, and/or mental health. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 2246 TOTAL $528544.00 $571320.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $528544.00 $571320.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $12000.00 $500.00 $25500.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-36 CONTACT NAME I Glynis Withyman DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: COMRA operates on a 24 hour seven day a week basis during the months from May - November. In the winter months provides ongoing training for their members as well as continuing to provide safe boating information to the public. COMRA provides local community groups and organizations with safe boating seminars - boy scouts, sea cadets, local yacht clubs. Participates in many local events - Police Week, Wooden Boat Festival, Canada Day Celebrations, Bowmanville Santa Clause Parade, Whitby Harbour Days and Clarington Family Safety Day. Another key role is to offer mutual aid to other local emergency services such as local fire and police. TOTAL MEMBERSmplP ARTICIP ANTS: 45 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: N/A $5000,00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-37 CONTACT NAME ~ Barb Hiff DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: 24 hour Helpline for Durham Region residents, A Community Resource Centre, Adolescent Awareness Program for High Schools, Suicide / Homicide Survivor Support Groups. TOTAL MEMBERSmplP ARTICIP ANTS: NIL TOTAL $342,839.00 $400,102.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $342,839.00 $400,102.00 N/A $5000.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-38 CONTACT NAME i JoanKellett DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: We are a Fiddle Orchestra formed in October 2005. Our twice monthly rehearsals are preparing us to provide musical entertainment for Seniors Nursing Homes, Senior's Apartments and / or other community functions (fundraisers) in the Durham area. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 570 TOTAL $360.00 $713.25 TOTAL EXPENSES $173.25 $1250.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: n/a $250.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICATION # 06-39 CONTACT NAME! Shari Davis DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Computers for Literacy Development Tutoring Program - One to one tutoring utilizing specialized adaptive technology for school aged children, form grade 2 through secondary school. Specialized Summer Tutoring - Partnership with the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board offering specialized one-one summer tutoring for students of all denominations. Parent/Child and self advocacy training and parent support and education. Resource Lending Library - sharing the latest books, videos, articles etc. concerning learning disabilities. Short-term counseling, Resource Facilitation - assisting parents and clients in identifying and obtaining relevant community services. Community Education - informative educational seminars and presentations to community. Resource and assistive software educational training for educators and professionals working with learning disabled. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 508 TOTAL $20,256.00 $28,280.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $20,349.00 $28,280 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: $500.00 $750.00 $1500.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-40 CONTACT NAME i Major Don Duthie DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Air Cadets are open to youths of both sex from age 12-18. The aim is to provide and promote physical fitness, to develop the attributes of good citizenship and leadership and to stimulate an interest in the air element of the Canadian Forces. TOTAL MEMBERSmplP ARTICIP ANTS: 54 TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: N/A N/A $1500.00 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-41 CONTACT NAME ~ Mark Canning DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Community newsletter for the citizens of Tyrone and surrounding area. Providing information on local community events, history of Tyrone, significant events and significant issues from the Municipality, Region and Province that affect the community of Tyrone. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 3 TOTAL $90.80 $0 TOTAL EXPENSES $78.20 $944.00 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: N/A N/A $938.40 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: APPLICATION # 06-42 CONTACT NAME ~ Nancy Burke DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Volunteer recruitment and referral, youth volunteer program, volunteer recognition, promotion of volunteerism, resource centre, education program for volunteer managers. TOTAL MEMBERSIDPIPARTICIPANTS: 132 TOTAL $167,874.00 $78920.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $171,582.00 $82871.00 denided $2500.00