HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/26/1982 I ~ I and Administration Commit Fee Minutes of a Meetint of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on M nday, July 26, 1982, at 9:30 a.m. in coulrt Room /I 2. Present Were: Counlcillor M. Prout, Chai rman Counicillor A. Cowman, Member Counlci llor D. Hamre, Member Counlci 11 or M. Hubbard, Member Cou1cillor R.B. Taylor, Member Cou~cillor E.R. Woodyard, Member-9:30-11:30 a.m. i and 1:30-4:15 p.m. MaY9r G.B. Rickard, Member until 8:00 p.m. Depyty Clerk, G. Gray Also Present: Chidf Administrative Officer, D. Smith Tow~ Clerk, D.W. Oakes until 8:45 p.m. Tre:surer, K. Campbell until 6:00 p.m. Dir ctor of Public Works, R. Dupuis until 6:00 p.m. Dir ctor of Planning, T. Edwards until 3:45 p.m. Dir~ctor of Community Services, T.A. Fanning I 2:30-3:30 p.m. Genera 1 Purpose . Roll Call Mi nutes . Pythbow Development Ltd. - Shopping Mall . James "Dave" Johnson - Toronto Central Ontario Building and Construction Trades Council - Shopping Mall .;J July 26th 1982 i Resolution /I GPA-9?3-82 , Moved by Council lot Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Woodyard THAT the minutes of the meeting held on July 12th 1982 be approved as read. ' "CARRIED" Resolution # GPA-9p~ ! Moved by Mayor Ric~ard, seconded by Councillor Hubbard , . I THAT the delegatlors as listed on the agenda, be heard. "CARRIED" Mr. Peter Robarts ,representing Pythbow Devâ‚ĴlqJment Limited asked Committee to, reconsider their decision relative to the proposed ShoPPling Mall at Highway 401 and Waverley Road in Bowmanvillle. He also asked that they rescind Resolution GPA-442-82. He stated that his reason for appearing at the ~eeting was to try to reach an amicable decision with the ITown. i Mr. James "Dave" ohnson, Business Manager of the Toronto Central Ontario B ilding and Construction Trades Council also spoke to Co ittee relative to the Proposed Shopping Mall. He stated hat the Trades Council supports the job creation part of he project. He outlined the construction jobs and jobs Whilh would result as a spin-off. He also understood when t e mall was in operation it would provide approximately 200 jobs. In response to questions he stated that there are th ee affiliated unions based in the Bowmanville area. . e'*' G.P.A. Minutes Al Strike - Bowmanville Improve- ment Area - Revitalization Loan Recess Pedestrian Cross- over at King and Division L Jf .?. Public Works Dept. Job Descriptions Eng. Tech. and Administration and e Records Supervisor ~. ;;....,' July 26th 1982 - 2 - Mr. Al Strike spoke for the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area regarding the ~pplication for a Main Street Revitalization Loan~ He said that Mr. Terry Edwards had been authorizedl.to assist in making the application to the Ministry of Mun~cipal Affairs and Housing. The submitting of the application had been approved at a General Meeting of ~he Bowmanville Business Improvement Area. He stressed the need for more off-street parking. The survey of possiple locations includes lots at Division and Church, Silver ~treet and Scugog and King. He stated there was some urgercy to approve the application as it has to be sent in by th~ end of September. Resolution /I GPA 90~ Moved by Counci llorl Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT there be a tenl minute recess. "CARRIED" Resolution /I GPA 9q~ Moved by Councillo~ Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard ! THAT the recommend~tion in Report WD-59-82 Pedestrian Crossover, Kin9 an~ Division be endorsed, and 1. 2. That this repont be received, and; i 3. That the Direc~or of Public Works be authorized to ask the Ministry o~ Transportation & Conununications to recognize the ~ing Street/Division Street, Bowmanville, intersection a eligible for traffic signal installation, to be installe and subsidized in 1983 under the Connecting Lin~ Agreement, and; That the Town ~dvise Mr. George Walton, representative of the petitio~ers in the Veltri Complex, that the existing signs land pavement markings represent the legal requirem~nts for a Pedestrian Crossover, and; That a copy of IReport WD-59-82 be forwarded to Mr. Walton. 4. "CARRIED" Resolution /I GPA 9~ Moved by Councillo~ Hamre, seconded by Councillor Woodyard THAT the recolMlend~tion in Re~ort WD-60-82 be endorsed, and; 1. This report be jreceived; and 2. The attached g1ne:-al jOb description for Englneenng Teclhnician be endorsed; and the position of GPA Mi nutes . Petition - Closure of Road Allowance Lots 24 & 25 Concession 9 - former Darlington ~ 3. . Recess . ...,. ..... (J' I - 3 + I July 26th 1982 3. i That the attache~ general jOb description for the position of Admi~istration and Records Supervisor be endorsed. I I "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 908r~ Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Taylor ! THAT when the reco~ndation and by-law for hiring the Administration and R~cords Supervisor is brought forward, the Administrator an~ Director of Public Works also present to Council a furtherl review of the Public Works Organization and recommendation tpr making it more efficient and effective. "LOST" , Resolution 1/ GPA 90~~ I Moved by Councillor iHubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recomnenda~ion in Report WD-58-82 be endorsed, and; 1. Report WD-58-82 Ibe recei ved, and; , 2. The Petitioners ifor the closure of the road allowance between Lots 241& 25, Concession 9, former Township of Darlington, be qdvised that the Town of Newcastle can neither phY$ically, or legally, close said road , allowance, and; i 3. A copy of this 1eport be forwarded to Mr. & Mrs. Weirstra, as re~resentatives of the Petitioners, and; Durham Region P~lice Force of the area res1dents. be advised of the concerns 4. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution 1/ GPA 91f~ Moved by CouncilloriHamre, seconded by Mayor Rickard amen~ed ! I I THAT item 4 be investigate" . by adding "and be asked to "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 91~ Moved by CouncilloriHubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre I I THAT the meeting refess until 1:30 p.m. ! "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . "* 'I. COIMlittee of Adjustment ;\<$. Land Division Committee Appl. trio. Stephen's Gulch Conservation Area Master Plan . . The meetin9 present. ~ i reconvtned ! at 1:30 p.m. with all members v July 26th 1982 I Resolution 1/ GPA 9~ i Moved by Counci lloir Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the minutes olf a meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be received for iniformation. I "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA ~13-82 Moved by Councill~r Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard THAT Report PD-12~-82, Sunmary of Land Division Committee Applications January 1982 - June 1982 be received for information.i "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA t14-82 Moved by councilltr Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommen~ation in Report PD-123-82 be endorsed, and; I 1. Report PD-123t82 be received; and 2. ! C.L.O.C.A. bel advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objections! to the Stephen's Gulch Conservation Area Master Plan, ~ubject to the following concerns being given consideration: a) The Stephen's Gulch Conservation Area Master Plan should bel amended to address the concerns raised by the To~n of Newcastle Public Works Department as outlintd in Staff Report PD-123-82; b) The Steph~n's Gulch Conservation Area Master Plan should bel further amended to incorporate a section on any bepefits other than recreational of the StePhen'sLGulch Conservation Area to the residents of Newcasfle; and Land acqu~sition for and development of the BOMnanvil~e Creek Conservation Area be considered as the To~n's priority for Conservation Areas within Ne~castle. ~C) ,<I" f\"'- 3. A copy of Rep~rt PD-123-82 be forwarded to Central Lake Onta ri 0 conselrvat i on Authority, the consultants presently preparing the Town of Newcastle Master Plan for Culture and Recreatiol'n, and Mr. Lawson, President of the Bowmanvil1e Creek Angler's Association. ! i "CARRIED AS AMENDED" G.P.A.Minutes . ... 7. Rezon i ng App 1. J. Chow, South Wes t Corner of Ki ng St. & Queen . ...8 Rezoning - Part of Lot 8, Cone. 7, fonner Twnsp. of Darlington Ray Abbot & Murray . Marchant , ~ I I I i - ~ - i ! July 26th 1982 lJ Resolution 1/ GPA 9~~ Moved by councill01 Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard ! THAT Item 2(c) be qeleted and replaced by , 2. c) That the M~ster Plan process for the land acquisitio~ for, and developn~nt of the Bowmanville Creek Cons,rvation Area be encouraged to proceed as quickly aSiPossible. ! , i "CARRI ED" , Resolution 1/ GPA 9~~ i Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor I THAT the recommend~i tion in Report PD-124-82 re appl ication for rezoning James Chow Property, Southwest corner of King Street and Queen S reet, Bowmanville, be endorsed, and; 1. Report PD-124-~2 be received; and ! 2. Rezoning application Z-A-2-4-8 be denied without prejudice at this time; and tt> W....'~3. . ! The appllcant Ibe advised to resubmi t the rezoning application o~ce Regional sanitary sewer services are available to ~he site; and 4. A copy of Rep1'rt the applicant. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" and Council's decision be forwarded to Resolution 1/ GPA 17-82 Moved by Councill r Hamre, seconded by Mayor Rickard i THAT Item 3 be amclnded to read "The app 1 i cant be advi sed to resubmit the r~zoning application conditional upon sanitary sewer se~vices requirements being met". "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA ~18-82 Moved by .Coun:ill~r Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard ! THAT the reconvnenrdtion in Report PD-125-82 Part of Lot 8, Concession 7, for er Townshi: of Darlington, Ray Abbot and Murray Marc0~~t Z A-1-11-12, be endo,sed, and; i 1. Report PD-125t82 be rec~jved; and i . . . G.P.A. Minutes ... q. Detennination of Valley Land Limits C.L.O.C.A. .. '0. Building Report for June/82 . , '-' i ! I - 61- July 26th 1982 u 2. The attached byl-law be forwarded to Council for approval upon e~ecution of a subdivision agreement between the aPPllicants and the Town of Newcastle, which shall addlress the concerns raised by Central Lake Ontario Cdnservation Authority pursuant to Condition 12 (b) of the conditions of draft plan approval of subdivision 18T-77067; and 3. A copy of the ~eport PD-125-82 and Council Resolution be forwarded tq the applicants. "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 919-82 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the recommend~tion in Report PD-126-82 be endorsed, and; I 1. Report PD-126-?2 be received; and 2. Council endors~ staff's comments to the Central Lake Ontario Conser~ation Authority on the proposed Policy for the Determ~nation of Valleyland Limits; and I 3. The Central Lalke Ontario Conservation Authority be advi sed of Courcil' s endorsement. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution 1/ GPA ~20-82 Moved by Councillqr Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT Item 3 be alll~nded by adding "as it relates to the report". and Item 4 be add~d: i 4. Council reque~t C.L.O.C.A. to give further study to ownership of lland within urban and rural areas and the maintenange of same and report back. "CARRIED" the Resolution 1/ GPA ~21-82 ! Moved by Mayor Ri4kard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Report PD-12t-82, Monthly Building Report for June, 1982 be received for i~formation. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . ~II. Amendn~nt No.77 to Official Plan ... J;". By -1 aw 80-82 City of Oshawa . . .,. By-l aw 76-25 Sign By-law Rezoning and Site Plan Approval - Glenson Invest. Liberty & Baseline . u I i I - 71 - July 26th 1982 G ! Resolution 1/ GPA 92~ ! Moved by Councillo~ Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hamre I THAT the recon~nd~tion in Report PD-128-82 be endorsed, and; ! 1. Report PD-128-~2 be received; and 2. The Ministry o~ Municipal Affairs and Housing be advised that the Town qf Newcastle has no objections to the an~ndment of the Region of Durham Official Plan incorporating 4 policy permitting hotels/comnercial uses in industrial qreas abutting Highway 401, and subject to Official Plqn Amendment application Number 77. "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 9t~ Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor. , THAT Report PD-129~82 be received and By-law 80-82 of the City of Oshawa be received and filed. "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 9r~ Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Counci llor Hubbard I . THAT the recollVllend~tlOn in Report PD-132-82 be endorsed, and; 1. Report PD-132-~2 be received; and I 2. The attached g~neral amendment to By-law 76-25, as an~nded, be foirwarded to Council for approva 1. , "CARRI ED" Resolution 1/ GPA 9125-82 i Moved by Mayor Ri cikard, seconded by Council 1 or Hubbard That Report PD-1311-82 be tabled until later in the week. I i Resolution 1/ GPA ~26-82 "LOST" , Moved by Council19r Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the reconunen1ation in PD-131-82 be endorsed, and; 1. Report PD-131182 be received; and I I I G.P.A. Minutes . . ..,. /110. Bowmanville Bus i ness Improvement Area Main Street Revitalization . '-.l I I ! - ~ - Jul~ 26th 1982 r. ....... 2. ! 1 . The following ~ecommendatlOns be considered for approval: I That the a~tached Site Plan Agreement (Attachment 1) between th~ Town of Newcastle and Glenson Investments Limited be lapproved for execution; and , ii That the a~tached By-law authorizing execution of a Site Plari Agreement between the Town of Newcastle and Glenso~ Investments Limited be approved; and That the a~tached By-law amending Restricted Area 8y-law 158~, as amended, of the former Town of Bowmanvill~ be forwarded to Council for approval at such til~e as the applicant has satisfied the requirements of the Town in respect of development charges re~uired pursuant to By-law 76-58 and the . subject Site Plan Agreement has been executed. ! iii "CARRIED" i Resolution 1/ GPA 9t~ Moved by Mayor Ric~ard, seconded by Councillor Hubbard i THAT the matter bel tabled until a later date this week to provide an oppottunity for further discussions with the applicant. , "CARRI ED" Resolution 1/ GPA 9f~ Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor i THAT Mr. Strike's ~elegation on behalf of the Bowmanville Business Improvel1le~t Area be acknowledged, and the recommendation in ~eport PD-133-82 be endorsed and; I I 1. Report PD-133-~2 be received; and 2. , I The attached D~velopment Plan for the Bowmanville 8usiness Improrement Area be approved; and , The Ministry o~ Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to provide the Town of Newcastle with a Main Street Revital~zation Loan in the amount of $150,000 for implementabon of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Arfa Development Plan, as attached. "CARRIED" 3. Councillor Prout d~clared a Conflict of Interest in Report PD-134-82 ard Councillor Taylor took the Chair. i I i G.P.A. Minutes . Jf IS'. Rezoning Application Cean Investments Part Lot 11, Conc.2 former Town of Bowmanville . 11' jp. Rezoning Application Subdivision and Official Plan Amendments ... 1'1. Mardi Gras Parade Soap Box Derby . . I "'-i ! I ! I - 9 r- j I I 929~ I July 26th 1982 ;..,;.;' Resolution 1/ GPA Moved by Councillor IHubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre I THAT the recommendatlion in Report PD-134-82 be endorsed and; 1. Report PD-134-8~ be received; and 2. A copy of Repor~ PD-134-82 be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board1 and the Board advised that the Town of Newcastle objec~s to the proposed an~ndments to Res tri cted Area iBy-l aw 1587, as amended, on the bas is of non-conformi~y with the intent of Section of the Durham R9gional Official Plan; and 3. That staff and ~he Town Solicitor be authorized to make representation before the Ontario Municipal Board at any He~ring which may be convened in respect of the subject ~pplication; and , I 4. The appl icant b~ advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Councillor Prout re~umed the Chair. Resolution 1/ GPA 93~ I Moved by CouncillorlHamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard , I THAT the reco~nendaFion in Report PD-135-82 be endorsed and; ! 1. Report PD-135-8~ be received; and 2. The attached prpcedure for providing public notice in respect of reZO~ingS' subdivision approvals and Official Plan a endments be approved and incorporated within this Dep rtment's procedures for processing such applicatio s. ! I Resolution 1/ GPA 93~ "CARRIED" Moved by i Councillo~ Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor I recommendafion in Report CS-29-82 be endorsed and; I . report be recelved; and , I THAT the 1. Th is 2. Council adopt the following resolution: "Council herebyl approves the Department of Communi ty Services request to hold the Annual Mardi Gras Parade and Soap Box Delrby as outl i ned in the correspondance of July 6, 19821 attached to Community Services '<.eport I/CS-29-82 and f rther directs that a cop,}' of this report lS to b~ forwar ed to the Regional Police Force for G.P.A. Minutes . . 1& l.ctivity Report Treasury Lega 1 Insurance Coverage . . . , ~ c Jul:y 26th 1982 - to ~ , , , Resolution 1/ GPA ~32.82 Moved by Council19r Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the recommenflation in Report TR-38-82 Activity Report be endorsed and; 1. In accordancel with provision of Section 220(i) of the Municipali Act R.S.O. 1970 as restated, in part, below: "The Treasurelr shall receive and safely keep all money of the Corporlati on and sha 11 payout same to such persons and in such manner as the laws of Ontario and the By-laws or Resolutionls of the Council direct," the Treasure~ reports to Committee that the cash position of ~he Town of Newcastle for the month ended June 30, 198~ is as shown on the attached schedule; and 2. The expendit~res for the month of June 1982 be approved. "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPAj933-82 I Moved by Counci110r Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard i THAT the reconune~dation in Report TR-39-82 be endorsed and; 1. This report ~e received and consideration be given to legal expens~ insurance; and 2. COlllmittee give direction to staff regarding this matter. "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA1934-82 I , Moved by Council~or Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard THAT Staff proce~d to cover Members of Council and Local Boards for legall insurance at the rates quoted in Report TR-39-82. I Resolution 1/ GP~ 935-82 Moved by Councililor Cowman, seconded by Council 1 or Hubbard , THAT the questioln be divided into 1) Insurance for Members of Council and 21) Members of Local Boards. I "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . W Iq. Recess '" ~D. Cancellation, Reduction or Refund of Taxes . Assessment Review .Jt .11. Supply & Delivery of Winter Supplies . J .J ! - 11 - 1 I I i Insuri~g Council premi U1r of $400. I I I I 2) ProvidIng legal local ~oards. ! insurance for members of July 26th 1982 The Vote on 1) Members at a minimum "CARRIED" i "CARRIED" ! I Resolution 1/ GPA 936-r~ Moved by Councillor Cpwman, seconded by Mayor Rickard , .1 THAT there be a 10 mlrute recess. I , "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 937-~ ! Moved by Counci 11 or Hlubbard, seconded by Council 1 or Taylor , THAT the reconunendatijon in TR-40-82 be endorsed and; ! 1. This report be r~ceived; and , 2. The recommendatiolns as per the attached list of applications for tancellations, reduction or refund of taxes be approvedi in the amount of $74,315.09. "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 938-~ I Moved by Councillor ~ubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman I ! THAT Staff report ba~k to Conunittee on the impact of the Assessment Review on It he 1980 deficit. 1 "LOST" Resolution 1/ GPA 939-182 i Moved by Councillor ~aY10r, seconded by Councillor Hubbard , THAT the reconunendatilon in Report TR-41-82 be endorsed and; 1. This report be rJceived, and . . . G.P.A. Minutes ;.- ;.~. Budget Review to June 30, 1982 J.. iJ - 12 1- July 26th 1982 2. i The low respons~.!ble bidders meeting all specifications, terms and condi ions of the tenders for the supply and delivery of sodium chloride and winter sand be accepted as follows: I Tender #WD-25-8~ (Supply of Sodium Chloride) - canadqn Salt Co., Mississauga Tender I/WD-26-8~ (Delivery of Sodium Chloride) - Robert$ Haulage Limited, Peterborough Tender I/WD-28-8~ (Supply and Delivery of Winter Sand) - Robert$ Haulage Limited, Peterborough , (N.B. - Subjectl to results of quality tests by the Region of Durh~m) and 3. The funds expeneed for these Account Number r210-X-00327. "CARRIED" tenders will be charged to I Resolution 1/ GPA 94~ Moved by Counc ill or! Taylor, seconded by Counc ill or Cowman ~. THAT Report TR-37-812 Budget Review be received and the reallocation of funds in the 1982 Budget, as recommended in the report, be approved. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Contract Inspection Resolution 1/ GPA 94~ Moved by Councillo~ Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard i , THAT Item 2 (L) be I de 1 e ted . i i Resolution 1/ GPA 91~ Moved by Counci11o~ Hamre, "LOST" seconded by Councillor Hubbard ! THAT 2(L) be delet~d and in its place, approval be given for one part-time Cler~ Typist for the Treasury Department, funds to be transferred ~rom Contract Inspections to 7702-242-X-2. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . , .;1-,. Orono Buildings Snow Removal Recess ~.H. Renami ng of Newcastle Commun i ty Ha 11 . . J, ..... , - , - ~3 - j 9i~ July 26th 1982 Resolution 1/ GPA Moved by Councillo~ Hamre, seconded by Councillor Cowman , THAT Orono buildin~s be excluded from future Snow Removal Contracts. I "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 9~ Moved by Councillo~ Hamre, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the meeting rtcess until 7:30 p.m. "CARRIED" I I I The meeting reconv$ned at 7:30 p.m. with all members present except Cou~cillor Woodyard Resolution # GPA 9~ , Moved by Council lot Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the recommend.tion in CD-49-82 be endorsed and; I , 1. This report beireceived; and 2. The Newcastle ~istorical Society be provided with a copy of the re~ort for review; and 3. Upon receipt of a name Solicitor be r$quested the.name(s) an~ advise actlon propose~. i I Resolution 1/ GPA 9t~ Moved by councillo~ Hamre, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the Newcastle'Hall Board also be provided with a copy of the report. or list of names the Town's to review the deed document and Council on the legality of the "CARRIED AS AMENDED" "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes Renami ng of Cemetery Road . . :1.5: . House Numbering 4 al.. Voter Notification of Polling Place ~n. 125th Anni versary Bowlllanville . J. July 26th 1982 - 14 . , i Resolution # GPA 947t~ Moved by Councillor fowman, . , '-' seconded by Councillor Hamre I THAT Report CD-47-821 "Renaming of Cemetery Road" in the former Town of BOWlllapville be considered by the Conunittee. "CARR! ED" Resolution 1/ GPA 948~82 Moved by Counci llor ~owman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard ! THAT no action be ta~en relative to renaming of "Cemetery Road". "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 94~~ , r'loved by Mayor Rickalrd, s::conded by Counci 1l0r Hamre THAT Report CD-47-8~ be received for information and the matters other than ~e lated to Cemetery Road be brought forward at an appropriate time for further consideration. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution 1/ GPA 9S9~ Moved by Councillor IHamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the previous r~port in respect of house numberi ng be lifted from the tablle and included with this report. , "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 95~~ Moved by CouncillorlHamre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the recon~nda4ion in Report CD-Sl-82 be endorsed and; 1. This report be ~eceived; and 2. The Committee r~commend that Council pass a by-law to provide for the notification of resident electors of the location of the polling place. (Attached) "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 9S1~ I Moved by CouncillorlTaylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard , , THAT Report .I\dmin 8~-S9, the I25th Anniversary of Bowmanville Celebration be ;-ecelveci for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" G.P.A. Minutes . 't' .a.. Conveyance of Park Street Road Allow- ance - Newcastle . . ~'l. Solina Park ... )(l. Employment Incentive Program Application . .... ~j July 26th 1982 - 15 ~ Resolution 1/ GPA 953-~ ! Moved by Councillor Cqwman, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the previous resqlution be amended by adding "and the Town advertise formally for citizens who are interested in volunteering to serve Ion a Steering Comnittee for the 125th Anniversary of ~owmanville Celebration. "CARRIED" Resolution # GPA 954-fl , , Moved by Councillor H~mre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT the and; reconunendatibn in Report Admin 82-60 be endorsed ! I 1. Thi s report be refei ved "i n camera"; and 2. Council set the vplue of the unopened road allowance between Blocks "UI' and "V" (Hannings Plan) Newcastle Village at $3,00DI.00 and authorize staff to proceed with the conveyan~e to the abutting property owners; i I . Counci 1 forward ai copy of thlS report to Messrs. Ewert and Wynn. 3. "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 955-~ Moved by Councillor Tpylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard , THAT the reconunendati~n in Confidential Report Admin 82-61, re Solina Park, Land rale and Park Expansion, be endorsed. i "CARRIED" I Resolution 1/ GPA 956-~ , Moved by Councillor H~bbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT the correspondenre from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing re EmploY~lent Incentive Program Application approval be received ror information. "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . .. JI. Bicycle By-law . ..H~. J. Johnson for Toronto Centra 1 Ontario Building & Construction Trades Counc i 1 ~ J~. Mr. Peter Robarts Pythbow Development If.J4. Traffi c - Morgan's Corners . I '...I "-" - 16 July 26th 1982 Resolution 1/ GPA 957 82 Moved by Councillor ubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre I THAT the Mayor's Rep~rt re Bicycle By-law 80-36 be received for information. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" i Resolution 1/ GPA 958r~ ! Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Hubbard ! THAT the previous re~olution be amended by adding "and the Mayor write to the Cpief of Police and request that the Conmunity Services O~ficer incorporate son~ type of educational program pn the bicycle by-law in his own program when he visi~s the schools. "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 959 82 I Moved by Councillor ~owman, seconded by Councillor Hubbard ! THAT the delegation pf Mr. J. Johnson on behalf of the Toronto Central Ontario Building & Construction Trades Council be acknowled~ed and the Chief Administrative Officer extend an in~itation to Mr. Johnson and his deputies to meet andl discuss the question of development proposals and buildipg in the Town. i I "CARRIED" ! ! Resolution 1/ GPA 960 82 Moved by Councillor OMnan, seconded by Councillor Hamre I THAT the delegation pf Mr. Peter Robarts on behalf of Pythbow Developmentsl Ltd. be acknowledged and he be advised that this Council aw~its with interest the Market Impact Analysis which the Rfgion has requested. "CARRIED" Resolution 1/ GPA 961t82 i Moved by Councillor ~amre, seconded by Councillor Hubbard THAT Staff be directtd to convene a meeting of appropriate members of Staff and Council and the Ministry of the Environment to discuss environme~tal and truck traffic problems in the vicinity of Morgan'siCorne.'s for early September. ! "CARRIED" G.P.A. Minutes . Recess Rezoning and Site Plan Approval Glenson Investments Liberty & Baseline . In Camera . 1 I - 1~ - I Resolution 1/ GPA 96 -82 ~ ~. July 26th 1982 and July 28th 1982 Moved by Counci llorj Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the meeting rel'cess at 9:30 p.m. until 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 28, 1982. i ! "CARRIED" i The meeting reconv~ned at 1:45 p.m. on Wednesday, July 28th 1982 in Court Room 1# 2 with all members present. Also present: Chidf Administrative Officer, D. Smith Tow~ Clerk, D. Oakes Dir~ctor of Planning, T. Edwards Dir~ctor of Public Works, R. Dupuis Tre4surer, K. Campbell , I Resolution 1/ GPA 9~3-82 ! Moved by Council lot Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Taylor THAT Resolution GP~ 1/ 927-82 be lifted from the table. , ! "CARRIED" ! , Mr. Smith brought Committee up to date on discussions with the proponents sinfe the last meeting. Resolution 1/ GPA 9~~ I Moved by Mayor Ric~ard, seconded by Councillor Cowman i THAT the meeting bF 'in camera' to discuss legal and property matters. I I I I "CARRIED" , Resolution 1/ GPA 9f5-82 Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Hamre ! THAT the meeting bF open. I "CARRI ED" J I - 18 -1 '"r '--J July 26th 1982 and July 28th 1982 G.P.A. Minutes . Resolution 1/ GPA 966i~ Moved by Mayor Ricka~d, seconded by Councillor Hamre , , THAT the Town reviseithe draft agreement attached to Staff Report PD 131-82 to ~ermit revisions to the sections in respect of the appro~al of Plan (1), sidewalks (9), the release of Performan4e Guarantees (14b), and section (16) in respect of the la*se of approval; and Schedule "D" and on execution of suchia revised agreement, that the proposed rezoning be approved~ "CARRIED" Adjournment Resolution 1/ GPA 967t82 Moved by Councillor ~owman, seconded by Councillor Hamre , THAT the meeting adj~urn at 3:10 p.m. "CARRIED" . .