HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-25REPORT OF CIIAIRMAN OF THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE A. Proposed RC; The following resolutions are submitted to implement the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee meeting of February 25, 1974. 1. WHEii4EAS, there are presently two draft approved subdivisions in the former Village of Newcastle now awaiting action by Council before final approval can be given and, WHEREAS, there appears to be conflicting engineering advice regarding the availability of water supplies to serve any or all of these proposed developments, THEREFORE) be it resolved that the Regional Commissioner of Engineering , the Regional Planning Director and the Area Manager of Ontario Hydro be asked to assist the staff of this municipality in carrying out the following work, i) to review the operating characteristics of the present water and electrical systems in the Village of Newcastle. ii) to determine the number of lots which could safely be developed using the present systems. iii) to estimate the number of lots likely to be developed on an infilling basis. iv) to advise us as to the number and best location, of any new subdivision lots which could be released for development at this time. 2. W=;EREAS, the Planning Advisory Committee have approved in principle the establishment of the Durham Christian High School on the proposed site, provided certain precautions are taken to ensure traffic safety and protect adjacent owners and, WHEiiEAS, it is necessary that an Official plan amendment be adopted before this proposal can be permitted to proceed and, WHEREAS, it is now the responsibility of Regional Council to adopt any amendments required to official plans in force within the Regional Area, 3. -2- THEREFORE, be it resolved that this Council recommend to Regional Council that they adopt the draft official plan amendment appended hereto. WHEREAS the Planning Advisory Committee were instructed by resolution #C-74-229, to interview planning consultant firms and present their recommendations to Council for the engagement of a Planning Consultant and, WHEREAS, six such firms were interviewed by the Committee on February 23, and, WHEIIUS, the Planning Advisory Committee have recommended the selection of Municipal Planning Consultants Company Limited as planning consultant to this municipality for purposes of District Plan preparation, TIEhEFORE, be it resolved that the services of Municipal Planning Consultants Company Limited be retained by this Council for the purpose of preparing a District Official Plan for the Town of Newcastle under terms of reference to be subsequently agreed. 4. WYlEiaAS, the Planning Advisory Committee consider it necessary to retain further consultant advice to assist the Planning Director in the processing of current applications, relieve items, and other items referred to the Committee by Council, and, W EEEAS, it is considered desirable that such consultant be locally resident and easily available, and, WHEREAS, there is living within the municipality an eminently qualified and experienced architect and town planner, THEIIEFORE, be it resolved that John Layng, B. Arch., M.R.A.I.C., be engaged for the year 1974 to assist the Planning Director in the processing of current applications review items, and other itmes referred to the Planning �dvisory Committee by Council, AND, be it further resolved that Mr. Layng be employed on a per diem rate to be subsequently agreed. 5, WHEEEAS, it appears that Section 12 (1)(a) of the proposed building by-law may confer powers of entry upon building -inspectors which its is not legally within the authority of Council to confer, -3 - THEREFORE, be it resolved that Section 12(1)(a) of the proposed building by-law be referred to the Towrls solicitor for advice as to its legality and suggestions as to its amendment or deletion. 6. WhEF'EAS, under the terms of a subdivision agreement between the former Township of Darlington and St. Mary's Cement Company, municipal approval of a rehabilitation plan was required before the company could begin excavation in this proposed limestone quarry adjacent to their plant, and 0 1. WHEREAS, the Pits and Quarries Act now requires provincial approval of a similar rehabilitation plan and WHEFEAS, the Planning Director has advised the Planning Advisory Committee that the rehabilitation plan submitted to the province appears also to be satisfactory from the Town's point of view, THERETO=�E, be it resolved that the Rehabilitation Plan, Phases 1-5 be approved as submitted by St. Maryks Cement Company and that the company be notified of this approval. The following draft by-laws are submitted to implement the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Committee meeting of February 25, 1974. THE CORPOI�'ITION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER •........ A By-law to amend By-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Darlington , WHEREAS, the Municipal Council of the former Corporation of the Township of Darlington deemed it advisable to amend By-law 2111 as contained herein, and, WHEREAS, the Ontario Municipal Board require re-enactment of the same By-law by the new Corporation of the Town of Newcastle before approval can be given, and, WHEI:EAS, the Planning Advisory Committee of the Town of Newcastle have recommended that the same By-law be re-enacted, -4 - NOW ThEx?EFUE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: i) That Schedule "A" to By-law Number 2111 is hereby amended by changing R2 the zone symbol of the lands designated R2 on Schedule "X" hereto. ii) This By-law shall become effective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. BEAD a first and second time this day of A.D. 1974. Mayor Clerk BEAD a third time and finally passed this day of A.D.1974. Mayor Clerk