HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-05-29TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning and Development Committee May 29, 1978 Minutes of a meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on Monday, May 29, 1978, at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Roll Call Present were: Councillor Robert Dykstra, Chairman Councillor D. W. Allin, Member Councillor Alfred Gray, Member Councillor J. W. Holliday, Member Councillor R. Bruce Taylor, Member Councillor E. R. Woodyard, Member Mayor G. B. Rickard, Member Deputy Clerk, G. Gray, Committee Secretary Also Present: A. Guiler, Town Mangger L. Kristof,Director of Planning, G. F. Howden, Planner N. Forrest, Assistant Planner Resolution #PD -251-78 Moved by Con. Gray, seconded by Con. Allin Adoption THAT the minutes of the meeting of May 15, 1978 be of Minutes adopted as read. "CARRIED" Resolution i/PD-252-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Gray Item 2 THAT Item X12. re Building Permits, on Report of Meeting May 15 Report of May 15, 1978 be deleted as it was reported in error. "CARRIED" Mr. Ian Chovil Mr. Ian Chovil of the Newcastle Community Conservation Newcastle Community Centre spoke to Committee regarding Energy Conservation Conservation Centre and the information available on the subject at the Centre. Bob's Towing Mr. Hockney„ of Bob's Towing addressed the Committee re Zoning regarding a problem of zoning of his property at lot Lot 21, Conc. 2 21, Conc. 2, former Township of Darlington. Darlington Resolution G6PD -25378 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday THAT the matter be referred to the Director of Planning for direction. "CARRIED" Planning & Development Committee - 2 - May 29, 1978 Resolution /SPD -•254-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday Extension THAT the verbal report of the Director of Planning to Rhonda that he had discussed the matter of the Extension to Boulevard Rhonda Boulevard with the Principal of the new school on Waverley Road and had a letter from the School Board that a turning circle will be constructed on school property for this year and negotiations will continue with the developer to the north, be endorsed. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -255-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Mayor Rickard Proposed THAT the following recommendation contained in Redesignation Report P-45-78, dated May 24, 1978 regarding the of portion of Proposed Redesignation of Old Scugog Road be endorsed: Old Scugog Road "l. That the firm of Coath, Livingstone and Johnston be Report P-45-78 advised that Council is willing to redesignate the portion of the Old Scugog Road referred to in their letter of April 4, 1978, upon receipt of the required application and fee. 2. That the same firm also be cautioned that the redesignation of the subject road does not necessarily imply that any severance of their client's land would be granted. Resolution #PD -256-78 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Woodyard THAT the report be referred back to staff for further study and the applicant be so notified. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -257-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Holliday Site Plan THAT the matter of the Site Plan Agreement for Cedar Agreement Park Camp be referred to the Town Manager. Cedar Park Camp "CARRIED" Planning & Development Committee - 3 - May 29, 1978 Resolution #PD -258-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Gray Res. #PD -235-78 THAT the matter of the letter from Inducon Consultants Inducon Consultants of Canada re By -Law 78-16 be referred to the next meeting. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -259-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday Res. #PD -236-78 THAT the matter of the letter dated May 25, 1978 from Region re the Region of Durham re Sewerage Plan for Newcastle Village Sewerage Plan be left with the Director of Planning for a report back as Nevcastle Village soon as possible. "CARRIED" Resolution G6PD -260-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday Report P-43-78 THAT the following recommendation contained in Report Res. IIPD-242-78 P-43-78, dated May 19, 1978 be endorsed: The Future Board "That the letter from the Future Board and the matter of the Municipal Housing Policy Statement be tabled until the matter of the engagement of consultants to undertake District Plans has been resolved." "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -261-78 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Woodyard Res. #PD -243-78 THAT the verbal report of the Director of Planning Topsoil that the Town of Newcastle does not need a by-law Preservation under the Topsoil Preservation Act at this time, be Act. endorsed. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #PD -262-78 Moved by Con, Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the verbal report be received and the Staff investigate further a by-law under the Topsoil Preservation Act and bring back sample by-laws from other places for a review by the Committee. "CARRIED" Planning 6 Development Committee - 4 - May 29, 1978 Resolution YIPD-263-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Allin Res. i/PD-244-78 THAT the appeal of the Land Division Committee decision Appeal of Land regarding Frances Rickard be referred to the next meeting. Division Committee Decision - F. Rickard "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -264-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Allin Ministry of Housing THAT Items of Correspondence #11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 27 letters re portions from the Council Agenda of May 24, 1978, regarding of Durham Official portions of the Durham Official Plan referred to the Plan referred to Ontario Municipal Board, be referred to Staff for perusal Ontario Municipal and a report back. Board "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -266-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard Social Planning THAT the letter from the Social Planning Council of Council Ajax/Pickering Ajax/Pickering re Urban Seminar on "Social Objectives re Seminar in Urban Planning" be received for information. Heritage Committee re Planning Agenda "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -267-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday THAT it be recommended to Council that they concur with the request contained in the letter from the Heritage Committee, dated May 11, 1978 that they be given a copy of the Planning Agenda in order that they may be updated in planning activity as it relates to heritage conservation. "CARRIED" Resolution IIPD-265-78 _Roved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday Krick Osmond THAT the letter dated May 12, 1978, from Krick -Osmond Assoc. Ltd. Associates Limited re Land Development Planning Services, re pt lot 11, pt. lot 11, Conc. 2, former Town of Bowmanville, Conc. 2, Bowmanville Cadillac -Fairview Corporation, be referred to Staff Cadillac Fairview for a report back. Corp. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -266-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard Social Planning THAT the letter from the Social Planning Council of Council Ajax/Pickering Ajax/Pickering re Urban Seminar on "Social Objectives re Seminar in Urban Planning" be received for information. Heritage Committee re Planning Agenda "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -267-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday THAT it be recommended to Council that they concur with the request contained in the letter from the Heritage Committee, dated May 11, 1978 that they be given a copy of the Planning Agenda in order that they may be updated in planning activity as it relates to heritage conservation. "CARRIED" Planning & Development Committee - 5 - May 29, 1978 Resolution #PD -268-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Taylor THAT the following items in the letter from the Heritage Committee dated May 11, 1978 be referred to Staff of the Planning Department to confer with the building department for comments: Heritage 2. The Committee would like an opportunity to review Committee all demolition permits assigned by the planning department. re Demolition 3. A "holding period11 for all demolition would provide the Permits council and heritage committee with an opportunity to review the building to be demolished and make recommendations. 4. The committee would be willing to provide a list of buildings of heritage interest to the planning department for their information. "CARRIED" lution #PD -269-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard Municipal THAT the letter from Municipal Planning Consultants Planning re Zoning By -Law, Town of Newcastle, dated April 28, 1978, Consultants be'referred to the Finance Committee and the Town Manager re Zoning attach a report. By -Law Town of Newcastle "CARRIED" Resolution CPPD -270-78 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Con. Taylor THAT the Ontario Municipal Board Notice of Hearing re appeal by Olga Goreglad from a decision of the Region of Durham Land Division Committee be referred to Staff for comment. "CARRIED" Planning & Development Committee - 6 - May 29, 1978 Resolution #PD -271-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday Report P-44-78 THAT the following recommendation contained in Application for Report P-44-78, dated May 23, 1978, regarding Plan of Subdivision Application for Plan of Subdivision No. S -A-3-12-2, S -A-3-12-2, Lot 28, Conc. 1, Newcastle Village, be endorsed: lo£ 28, Conc. 1 Newcastle "That the proposed plan of subdivision be approved Village by the Town subject to the following conditions and that the Minister of Housing and the Region of Durham be so advised: 1) That the plan for approval be as revised by the Town of Newcastle Planning Department and dated May 24, 1978. 2) That the owner enter into a subdivision agreement with the Town of Newcastle. 3) That the 10 foot widenings on Clarke Street and Baldwin Street shown on the plan be conveyed to the Town of Newcastle, 4) That the Town be authorized to receive cash -in - lieu of land for park purposes in accordance with Section 33(8) of The Planning Act. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #PD -272-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday THAT the foregoing resolution be amended by adding the following condition: 5) THAT the Director of Public Works give his approval. "CARRIED" Resolution itPD-273-78 Moved by Con. Woodyard, seconded by Con. Taylor Recess THAT there be a 5 minute recess. "CARRIED`° Councillor Gray left the meeting at this point. Planning & Development Committee - 7 - May 29, 1978 Resolution IIPD-274-78 Moved by Con, lIolliday, seconded by Con. Woodyard Zoning By -Law THAT Mr. Skells he heard on behalf of Dom's Auto Amendment Parts, concerning the by-law to amend By-law 2111 (Dom's Auto Parts) of the former Township of Darlington by adding to Section 9, subsection (c) entitled "SPECIAL PROVISIONS". "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -275-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Woodyard Extension of Curfew THAT The hour of curfew be extended to 11 p.m. "CARRIED" Resolution IIPD-276-78 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Holliday Zoning By -Law THAT the Town Manager and the Planning Director, with appropriate staff, liaise with the principals of Dom's Auto Parts regarding the Restricted Area Zoning By -Law. "CARRIED11 Resolution IIPD-277-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday Mr. Jensen THAT Mr. H. Jensen be heard regarding by-law for Solina Investments Selina Investments Ltd. Limited "CARRIED" Resolution IIPD-278-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Taylor Zoning By -Law THAT the by-law to amend Restricted Area By-law re Solina Number 2111 of the Former Township of Darlington Investments Ltd. by adding to Section 9 Subsection (c) Subsection 2, be forwarded to Council for processing. "CARRIED" Planning & Development Committee - 8 - May 29, 1978 Resolution #PD -279-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Mayor Rickard N.Forrest THAT Norma Forrest be authorized to attend Noise re Seminar Control and Land Use Planning Seminar in Toronto June 6 and 7, 1978 on June 6 and June 7, 1978, in accordance with Town Policy. "CARRIED" Resolution 44PD-280-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Holliday Township of THAT the Notice of Application by the Township of Scugog By -Law Scugog to the O.M.B. regarding by-law 4120-78 be #20-78 to received for information. O.M.B. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution 44PD-281-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the foregoing resolution be amended by adding that it be forwarded to Staff for a report to the next Council meeting. CARRIED" Resolution #PD -282-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Taylor In Camera THAT the meeting be "In Camera" "CARRIED" Resolution 44PD-283-78 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Taylor Curfew THAT the hour of curfew be extended to 11030 p.m. "CARRIED" Planning & Development Committee - 9 - May 29, 1978 Curfew Resolution #PD -284-78 Moved by Con. Taylor, seconded by Con. Holliday THAT the hour of curfew be extended until the completion of business. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -285-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Woodyard Open Meeting THAT the meeting be open. "CARRIED" Resolution #PD -286-78 Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Holliday THAT the meeting adjourn at 12.30 a.m. /Secretary C Chairman