HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-01-05(1) Present: TU -117 OP Ii'<ICASTY PLUnTMG ADIMUSTRATION COI•II3Ii°M1, Thursday, January 5, 1978; 9:30 a.m. Munioipal Building, Hampton. Chairman Ilember I•Iember I1mber Toon Manager Planning Director. Secretary(acti.nC•) (2) Readinr^ of ILi.nutes Councillor R. Dylmtra Councillor B. Taylor Mayor G. B. Rid=%d attended at 10:00 a.m. Councillor L. Woodyard attended at 11:40a.m. It?. A. Guiler Ur. Goo. Lowden Sirs. I.I. Best Resolution No. 1'A-1-78 !loved by Councillor B: Taylor, seconded by Councillor Dykatra, That the minutes of the meeting of December 7, 1977, be approved as read. "CAIII2IL:D" (3) Delerrations: 1) Rr. G. Hodrins and Al i!3ociate©. I•ir. Druce Corban of Stron.-Ploorhead, with the aid of mapping rnesented a revised plan of subdivision on Lots 29 & 30, Concession 1, Village of Newcastle. The;; had increased their parkland and it would now be over the 51; required. Also they were working in conjunction with adjacent owners for an overall Neighbourhood Plan. In the copies of the reports from i�. J. Dunham, Director of I'LL" _'ublic Works and . Fuming, Director of l'arl.s and Recreation, were expressed several concerns regardizW,, this proposed revised subdivision. Resolution No. 1'A-2-78 gloved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard, That a. Ilodgins and Associates be informed of the concerns by the different Departments, and revise same to incorporate them into the revised plan, and then the Committee will not up a plazuLUig, meeting to review it. v "CAEtit�'.0" dry; Administration Committee, January 5, 1978, continued- Page 2 (LE) Now Comprehensive Zoning By-law The Chairman outlined some concerns regardtr the letter he had received dated Jramaty 59 1978. from I•nanioipal Planning Consultants Limited. 11r. D. Barber of Mmicipal Planning Consultants Limited was in attendance to answer questions and concerns of the Committee. Recess at 12:00 to re-corrveno at 1:30 p.m. Dincussion areae regarding the beet possible method of completing the proposed zoning by-law. 11aW suaections were offered in order to speed up the process, but still giving a thorough and oomlrreliensive review of it. Ile. J. Dunhcmu, Director of >ublic I.'orl:a and IIr. Ii. ?Tight, Chief Building Inspector, tare requested to attend the meetLv,. Is. Dunham spoke regarding, an updated man, which would have the status of ouch road marked on it, and they holed to have it completed by the enl of the month. Ih-. l;i;;lit spoke to the matter, that the new Goni3v, By -lawn proceed to completion. itesolution I?o._ PAi3-7� Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor 'loodyard, That a copy of the draft ::oninl; Dy -law be forwarded to the l:eg.on, including ar'ccial zones, designations and updated mapnirir, for their perusual and corm•1e11to. "CLUIDO" Resolution ;loved by Councillor Woodyard, secondod by Councillor Taylor, '!pct it be recommended to Council that all members of Council be involved in the _mre naration of the new Comprehensive :c'oilily; By-laur and a copy be foriin,rded to each Council I•iember. Resolution No. 7'A-1-.j`i loved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor 'aoodyard, Uiat it be recommended to Council., that 1w. Gui.lcr, `i'o%m I £upper, tape un contact with Ifuunici;oal 111,,uuZink ;,onaultnnts Ztmitod., in order to c].earl;r identify the method of hroeedurc with-cs;ect to the Consolidation of the :;onizk- D;; -law. "CAR1tIJ" Administration Committee, January 5, VV, continued - Resolution Iioved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor lloodyard, Pad'e 3 T1i3t -vriien we have all relevant material at hand, a meeting be net un at the call of the Chair. "CARi2Il�" (5) Otller BusineAfl_ Correspondence from Mr. Merrill Brown, Re: A �ro:,erty on 5 Carlisle Avenue, Bowmen il7_e. ResolutionL1; Piovod b7r Councillor Taylor, seconded lrr Councillor 'vToodyard, That tro recor-send to Counoil, that a By-law to ' rovido that subsection i. of Section ?9 of the planninj.Aet does not a„'?1 r to certain lands in tLe Tozni of Newcastle for evem')tion from i'art Lot Control, i?egi.stered Plan 5-,, Crrli.ale Avenue, Bowmanville. 101AIti2L .D” (6) Ld;mrnanent Renolution rlo._ Pa's-iT, Proved by Councillor Wood mrd, secondod by Co nc illor Taylor., Thp-t title meetinC do now adjourn. 110,1 GUYID" P'eetin:; adjourned accordingly at 5:10 ..m. >ecrC; aL"STctiz � Chainmm