HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-28PRE TOWN OP NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMIT= Special Meeting Monday, November 28, 1977; 8:00 p.m. Solina Community Hall CIS Member Member Member Member Member N.& N. Bd. of Ed.Rep. Member Town Marr Planning Director Director of Public Works Assistant Planner Secretary(Acting) Councillor R. Dykstra Councillor B. Taylor Mayor G. B. Rickard Mr, H. Ballon Mr. H. Hammond Mr. K. Barr Mr. S. Warden Dr. H. R. Rowsell E.W. A. Gu ler Mr. G. Howden. Mr. J. Dunham Ma. N. ForreSt Mrs. M. Beat Also present; Mr. Larry Kotaeff, Manager, Strategic Ply Branch, Region of Durham, Mr. John Sharpe, Planner, Region of Durham and. approximately 30 interested residenta(aee attached sheet) 1. Cute Remarks Opening remarks by the Chairman stated that the Salina. Hamlet Study had been on the Agenda of the Planning Advisory Committee on October 24, 1977, and had been held over for a special meeting in order that the people of Solina could have an input regarding the growth of their Community. 2. Presentation Mt, Larry Kotseff, Manager, Strategic Planning Branch of the Planning Department of the Region of Durham, presented their proposal for a District Plan for the Nam1 et of Salina, outlining the different areas regarding residential units allowed and possible mare development. Planning Advisory Committee, November 28, 1977, continued- Page 2 Present population of approximately 120 with future expansion of a possible 80, this would allow Solina to grow in order to sustain itself. At a reasonable rate of growth, many of the problems could be eliminated. 3. Questions and Comments from the Floor Mr. H. Hammond questioned the policy regarding roads, i.e. Arterial roads and setbacks. D. B. Taylor asked regarning development on one side of the road and not on the other, and if it was feasible for infilling on a travelled road. Mr. H. Batson asked if a developer built a road in a subdivision, could they then build houses to sell in order to pay for the cost of the road. Mr. K. Barr questioned why the proposed "dram'# et was not squared out in the North --West corner, on the west side of the road. Mr. Gascoigne and several other residents asked how they had arrived at the number of lots. He was concerned regarding Tiding just on one side of the road, and have lot sizes a minimum of 3/4 of an ., acre, Mrs. Cowman bad concerns regarding boundary lanes between each different part and if this was then maximum on each quadrant, or cold each quadrant be divided into more unite. If not, would it require an Amendment? 4. Presentation by Mr. Ross Kossatz of a plan of subdivision, on pacoer owned by Mr. Wm. Ashton and Mr. Balla Davis. Mr. Kossatz presented a plan of subdivision on a 30 acre parcel of land., comprising a total of 24 lots. Each lot was 3/4 to 1 acre in size, with 11 lots on the Ashton property and 13 lots on the Davis property. Mx. Ashton spoke regarriing amendments, maybe have a cine inserted that should problems develop then a freeze be places on development until the problems are reotified. Hr. Dykstra spoke on behalf of Mr. Ashton regarding the status of his subdivision application, bad been approved by the Vunicipality, but has not been approved by Ministry of Housing or the Region, as the Region have tabled the subdivisions in the Hamlets, until thy. Study for Hamlets is oompleted. Their subdivision is located in guadrant B, and now revised from 19 lots to 12 lots. Mr. Gascoigne stated that hie subdivision was tabled, and under the present Study only 4 units allowed, and he further stated it was not economically feasible to build internal roads for only 4 units. P1org Advisory Committee, November 28, 1977, continued Page 3 Mayor Rickard spoke regarding proposals that were already submitted, in relation to Green Belt and a buffer needed to more clearly delineate the boundary and should relate to both sides of the road. He further stated that economics must be considered, such as roads, street lighting, etc., in an overall picture for single family homes in a Rural Community. RECESS for 15 minutes. (Coffee and doughnuts) Many concerns were expressed by residents, such as: terms of stags g, flexability ofplanning, development to take place 3n an orderly fashion, approval be given for more dwelling units and then controlled by the Municipality, and also the Commercial Zoning in Solina. Imo. Barr spoke regarding development in quadrant B and. B, be felt if development took place then we could see if water would be a problem. ADJOURMMT Resolution No. P-208-77 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. H. Belson, That this meeting do now adjourn, Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10:25 p.m. "aARRI t! Chairman Mr. G. Delaney Mr. H. Gasooigne Mar.'. B. Biomes Mr. F. Hockaday Et. Ross Kosaatz Mr. Ralph Davis Mr. Burney HooDy Mr. Dorm Flett Mr. Wes. Yellowl.eea Mr. Lloyd Broome Mas. Viola Ashton Mr. Fpm. Ashton Mr. Peter Parrott Mr. rel. Cancellier Mr. H. Grander Ht. Francis Wotten Mrs. Jean Taylor Mts. Elaine Baker Mrs. Dorothy Pascoe NC's. Doris Flett Th s. Norma Hockaday Mrs. Doreen P. Westlake Mrs. A. Cowman Mts. \'T. Yellowleea * Several names not on the list, as people left before we could get their names.