HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-14PREL Absent TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting November 1t., 1977; 7:00 p.m. Municipal Building, Hampton. Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member N. &N. Bd. of Ed. Planning Director Ply Assistant Acting Secretary Member Member Member R•C.S•S.Bd. Rep. Rep. Councillor R. Dykstra Councillor E. Woodyard Councillor B. Taylor Mr. IC. Bntwisle Mr. H. Ballon Mr. K. Barr Mayor G. B. Rickard Mr. S. Worden Mr. G. Hayden Ms. N. Forrest Irs. M, Best Mr. H. Hammond Mr. R. Hetherington Dr.11,HT.R., RRawsonj .I2.. 3. Liptay (1) iv%aiut s of Previous Meets n� Resolute on Igo, P-1 -77 Moved by Mr. H. Belson, seconded by Mr. K. Bar, That the minutes of the meeting, held. on October 241.9 1977, be approved as read. "CARR1111}Ir In the minutes of October 24, on page two, item (c) that "Swartz" be inserted instead of "Wilewa:r" and "surveyor" instead of "Solicitor", and in Resolution No.P-178-77 and No.P-179-77, that the spelling of Mr. Saddler's name be corrected. Resolution No. P 192--77 Moved by Mr. K. En-twiele, seconded by Councillor E. Woodyard, As there appears to be an inconsistancy and vagueness in the wording of resolution 175-77 amending resolution 174-77, I would move that the mover and seconder of resolution 175-77, re -submit revised wording of the resolution to the next meeting of this Committee. "CARRIED" Planni g Advisory Committee, November 11, 1977, continued- Page 2 (2) Be�tiana Jr. Meipoom for Libsol Developments, Part Lot Concession 2 Bowmzanville Dr. hcipoom presented his draft plan of subdivision bordered by Meas and Concession Streets. At the present time there is not a neighbourhood plan for this section. (3) Resolution No. P-123-11 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mr. IL Belson, That we refer this plan to Staff for preliminary evaluation. "CARRI:j " (a) 3.1.1. Werry Subdivision - Enniskillen, Lot 19, Concession 8, Sas4REan �..._.. R____.._.._......., . �. Resolution NoP-19177 Moved by Mr. S. Worden, seconded by Councillor B. Taylor, That Mr. Strike be now heard. "CARRIED" Mr. Strap, Solicitor, spoke to the matter regi his client's subdivision of five lots in ss< 'skillen. Be explained that due to the previous circulation to the agencies he felt that the Staff could expedite this application. Resolution pat_117125.7.71 Moved by Councillor B. Taylor, seconded by Councillor E. Woodyard, That the recommendations of report No. 287, be endorsed by this Committee. Amendment to Resolution No. P-195-77 Was Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Mr. K. lIatvisle, That the following words be added to the recommendations of report No. 287, "But utilizing previous circulation data where aPp1ioable". "CARRIED" Question vas then :put that motion 195-77 as amended be approved. tPCARU ° Planning Advisory Committee, November 14, 1977, continued- Page 3 (b) 3.1.2. Part of Lot 28, Concession 1, Newcastle Villa , Thomas J. Nuzar Resolution No. P-196-77 Moved by Mr. K. Barr, seconded by Ni'. K. Entwiale, That Mr. Thizar be now heard. "O RT tD o 1b . Huzar spoke regarding clarification of his proposed plan, availability of sewer and water. The question was asked if he had been notified of the route the Nydro line would take, also if this land would be included in the Study for the village of Newcastle. Resolution No. P-197-77 Moved by Councillor B. Taylor, seconded by Councillor E. Woodyard, It is recommended that the plan proceed to circulation and detailed evaluation upon payment of the reguired additional fees. "CABRIIU (c) 3.1.3. Sohiokedanz Development and. Penweat Developments Corporation, Parts of Dots 8. 9 and 10, Concession 1, Bowmanviile Resolution No. P-198-77 Moved by Nr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Mr. S. Worden, That Mt, Hugh Macklin be now heard. "C is T. Macklin spoke regarding item (2) on page 5 of the recommendations, contained in report No. 289, that they were agreeable to make available such technical assistance as may be required. Resolution No. P-199-77 Moved. by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Nr. H. Baleen, That we endorse and accept the recommendations of report No. 289. "CARRIED" RECESS Resolution No. P-200-77 Moved by Councillor B. Taylor, seconded by Councillor E. Mooc1yyard, That we recess for 10 minutes. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, November 14, 1977, continued- Page 4 Resolution No. P-201-77 Moved by Councillor B. Taylor, seconded by Maw. K. Barr, That Mr. Service be now heard in respect to report No. 290. "CARRIED" (d) .1. Past of Lots 2 and 0 Conoession 2 Clare Mr. Service spoke to the matter regarding the % of land requested by the Town for Park of the total holdings. He also stated they would pay their fair share of road costs. So far the School Board have not registered their site, it was stated that the park be in conjunction with the school. Question was asked regarding the naming of streets, that they mould have to be approved by the Region. Resolution No. P-202-77 Moved by Councillor H. Woodyard, seconded by Councillor B. Taylor, That report No. 290, be tabled until the nett meeting. "CARRIED" (0) 7ili Stree Underpass Report No. 286 from the Planning Staff dealt with correspondence from Mr. H.IH.BZa'kney, Regional Engineering Manager, Railway Transport Committee. Resolu-bio o. P�-2„_03-77 Moved by Councillor B. Taylor, seconded by Councillor B. Woodyard, That we recommend that Mr. Bla ney be advised that w further action is contemplated unless substantial developments are given approval in the area south of the subjeot underpass. ''C (fir.) OteauEB'SIESS (a) Green Pa er on, PZannor i 'fcuZture A * ra[I 11 The Secretary advised that Mr. D. Welsh of the Durham Federation of .Agriculture had verbally advised that they would send a letter, in response to the Director's report No. 282, in for the next meeting. Secretary was requested to contact Mr. Donald H. Rickard of The Durham County Soil and Crop Improvement Association regarding their response to the Director's report No. 282, for the next meeting. -Planning . dvisQxy Cottee, November 11i., 1977, continued, - 00) CURFEW (0) Page 5 Resolution No. P 20 d b Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by C oillor E. Woodyard' Move Y That N. Service be now heard. "CARRIED" comments that the Mr. Service spoke regards the roads, desisted Ministry of Transportation and Communications d dies were certain roads now. Be also felt that no .s werlon, oonsiderable work already had been done b'`J ted in the needed as Planning Consultants cher Murray V. donee and Municipal ng the need dor past, thereby in his opinion eliminate District Planning. 11.22.9 2:11...0.9.11- I . tS.Sle s (J -j) . I. Barr, seconded A 11,. Moved by ,�a�oved Villags of Newcastle be(to ) That a District Further that an of ethe Planning Staf be directed ary a pare l i other epee this plan from oared Town Departments, e recess iaz consu�- tation Frith Region, a effected agencies. the Village oi' e available such tec1i ica�. assistance Wither that teoto th interest Newcastle be requested as may be reciuired to complete this District Plan. ItC 1RRIOD" Resolution No. P-206- Moved Nr. K. Barr, seconded by Councillor E. irioodyard„ Moved by That the hour of the meeting be extended. It0ARRT :, (5) 0.--a 1LET�G Becember The nem meeting of the Commi..to�e�ic�.pa eelBui-�d�„d�p 12, at 7:00 p.m• in the Ramp (6) ,Av<To� R solution No. P-20-�=- Moved by Councillor B. Taylor, seconded by Councillor llor E. Woodyard, "CAROM" That this meeting do now adjourn. meeting adjourned accordingly at 10:20 p.m Chairman