HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-10-24PRESENT: Chairman Member Member Member Member. Member Member Member Member Member R.C.S.S. Bd. Rep. Planning Director Plug Assistant Acting Secretary TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Ootober 24, 1977; 7:00 p.m. Munioipal Building, Hampton. Absent: N.& N. Bd.. of Ed. Rep. (1) Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution No. Councillor R. Dykstra Councillor B. Taylor Mr. H. Hammond Mr. R. Hetherington Mr, K. Entwiale Mr. H. Ballon Mr. K. Barr Councillor E. Woodyard Mayor G. B. Rickard attended at 8:15 p.m. Dr. H. R. Rowaell attended at 8:30 p.m. Mr. J. Liptayy Mr. G. Howden Ms, N. Forrest Mrs. Ni, Best Ni. S. Wordeu 10-172777 Moved by Mr. B, Haanmond, seconded by Mr. K. Barr, That the minutes of the meeting held on September 26, 1977, be approved as read. "CARRIED" (2) (a) Merry Subdivision - Enniskillen Lot 19, Concession 8l, Dapl.ington Mr. A. Strike, as their Solicitor, spoke to the matter outlining the background and present status and felt it would conform to infilling regarding 1m1 et criteria. Resolution No. P-173-77 Moved by Mr. K. J ntwiele, seconded. by Mr. H. Hammond., That Staff make preliminary evaluation and bring a report to next meeting. fIC+ ,L tt . P1azming Advisory Committees. October. 24, 1977, continued Page 2 (b) Gs A. Hodgins regarding Special Study Area # 13 Mr. G. Hodgins spoke to the matter regarding their development of Durham -Rye. He presented a very extensive display of mapping out- lining land use, population, servicing facilities, park and sohoo1 facilities and the overall concept of a community with amenities to be known as New Darlington Mills. Mr. Hodgins introduced his Project Consultants, as follows - Montague, Pound Associates Limited Richard Strong,Steven Moorhead timTted Play Pound. Bob Fleming Gartner Lee Associates Limited John Gartner Don MoQuay Underwood McLellan & Associates Limited Karl Reichert Murray Rosen Associates G. A. Hodgins Associates Resolution No. P-174-77 Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That we thank these gentlemen for their presentation. Murray Rosen Garay Hodgins Principal Senior Landscape Architect Principal, Earth Scientist Chief Sanitary Engineer Principal Principal Amendment Resolution No. P-175-77 Moved by Mr. H. Haammond, seconded by Mr. E. Belson, That the presentation submitted to -night be referred to Staff for consideration and assistance to Region as the review and submit overall plan for Special Study #13. "CARRIED" (o) Wilswar Enter rises - Pt.Lot 26 Concession 2 Clarke Mr. Wilmer spoke to the matter and called on Mr. Fleischmann, his Soli,ci#or, to outline their proposal, which is on the east side of Arthur Street in the Village of Newcastle adjaoent to an established Subdivision. Resolution No. P-176-77 Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Mr. H. Baison, That this proposal be turned over to Staff for their preliminary evaluation report. „CARR" Planning Advisory Committee, October 24, 1977, continued - (d) S. Gujda and T. Bazar - Lot 28, Concession , Clarke (3) (a) Page 3 Mr. Merrill Brown, O.L.S., spoke to the matter regarding the status of this proposal, and the length of time the application was taping to be processed. Mr. T. Buz= also spoke on behalf of this applic- ation, hoping that it could be dealt with in the very near future. Resolution No. P-177-77. Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Br. R. Hetherington, That the Planning Staff do a preliminary evaluation report and it be presented to the next meeting of this Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution No. P-178-77 Moved by Councillor B. Taylor, seconded by Mr. K. Barr, That I. Sadler be now heard. "CARRIED" Resolution No. P-179-77 Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That Mr. SadAler be thanked for his presentation in the form of a letter, and provide the Committee Members with a copy of same. "CARRIED" Resolution No. P-130-77 Moved by Dr. Rowaell, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That item 3..2.2., Report No. 283 on the Proposed District Plan for the Ramjet of Salina, be now dealt with. "CARRIED" Resolution No.. P-181-7 Paved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. K. Entwisle, That the people of Solina in attendance be now heard. °CARR.J." PlanainerAdvigory Committee, October 24, 1977, continued.- Page 4 CURFEW Resolution No. P-182-77 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr, K. Entwisle,, That we delete from item 1.6 'ash may range from one to a maximum of five units annually'. Motion not voted on. Resolution No. P-183-77 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That the time of the meeting be extended. "CARRIED" Mr. Jim Blair of the Planning Department of the Region of Durham was in attendance to anewer any questions regarding the Region's policy on the Proposed District Plan for the TTam1et of Solina. Resolution No. P-1.8_Ji.-73_ Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That we table this item to the next meeting of this Committee or the Call of the Chair. (b) (3.1.1) Subdivision No. S_A-1-10-3, Pt.Lot 30 , Coneession 1 and Parts of Lot 29 and 30, Concession 2, Newcastle Village, Narva KSW and Erehwon Develo ments Resolution No. P -185-i7 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by lir. K. Entwisle, That Mr. Service be now heard. Nr. Service spoke regarding their application for subdivision, and stated they were prepared to resolve all the requirements as set down by Director's Report # 284. Resolution No. P-18€±7.1 Moved by Dr.. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. K. Entwisle, That we not accept Director's report # 284, but it be turned back to Staff for fumther review. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, October 219 1977, continued - Page 5 (o)(3.1.2.) Subdivision (Preliminary) Pt. Lots 11 and 12, Concession 1, Bowmanville. Schwarz Bros. Resolution No. P-187-77 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That we concur with Director's Report # 285, and start the Circulation of this application in order to keep it moving along. "CARRIED" Resolution No. P-188-77 Moved by Mr. K, Barr, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That Mr. Dakin be new heard. "CARR" Mr. Dakin spoke to the matter regarding the zoning from Heavy Industrial to Residential to accommodate their Senior Citizens and Family Unit project, on the five acres of the Schwarz property, by the Canadian Forresters. (d) S lenient Re ort on Green Pa er on. Pl for iculture Mr. Don Zlelsh of the Durham Federation of .Agriculture spoke regarding the Director's report # 282, asked some clarification on parts of the report, and as he had only received same this evening, he would appreciate time to study it. As Nr. Donald H. Rickard of Durham County Soil and Crop Improvement Association was not present, a copy of report # 282 be mailed to him. Resolution No. P-189-77 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That Report # 282 be tabled until next meeting, and a copy of the report be sent to Durham County Soil and. Crop Improvement Association, in care of Mr. Donald H. Rickard. Planning Advisory Committee, October 2L., 1977, continued- Page 6 (4) ADJOURIZENT Resolution No, P -19O--77 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mrs K, Entwisle, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 11:115 p.m.