HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-06-13TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMIT'iht Regular Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, June 13, 1977, 7:00 p.m. Present: Chairman Councillor R. Dykstra Member Councillor E. Woodyard Member Councillor B. Taylor Member Mayor G. B. Rickard Member Mr. H. Hammond Member Mr. H. Belson Member Mr. K. Barr Member Dr. R. Rowell Planning Director Er. G. Howden Planning Assistant Ms. N. Forrest Secretary H. R. Best Absent: Member Mr. K. Entwisle Member Mr. R. Hetherington N.& N.Bd. of Ed. Rep. Mr. S. Warden R.C.S.S.Bd. Rep. Mt. J. Liptay (1) Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution No. P-92-77 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. H. Belson, That the minutes of the meeting held on May 9, 1977, be approved as read. "CARRIED" (2) Delegations (i) Durcourt Developments Lt_d._ Resolution No. P-93-77 Moved by Mr. H. Belson, seconded by Mr. K. Barr, That Nr. Ron Shiomi and Mr. Harrie Wertheim be now heard. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, June 13, 1977, continued- Page 2 Mr. Shiomi of Ian McPherson Associates Ltd. and Mr. Barrie Wertheim, Realtor, on behalf of Durcourt Developments Ltd. submitted a draft plan of subdivision situate in the south part of lots 32 and 33, Concession 3 and part of closed road allowance between lots 32 and 33, Concession 3 in the geographic Township of Darlington. The proposed subdivision covered a total of 80 plus or manus acres and provided for a total of 493 dwelling units, comprising 176 single family detached dwellings, 168 semi-detached, 87 link houses and 62 street townhouses. The plan also provided for a six acre school site, eight acres of parkland and eight acres of open space. Resolution No. P-94-77 Moved by Mr. H. Belson, seconded by Councillor Woodyard, That the draft plan of subdivision as presented by Durcourt Developments Ltd. be referred to the Planning Staff for a preliminary report to this Committee. "CARRIED" (ii) JackJJacobsen Construction i,,mited E.0211111.212.12. Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That Mr. Steven Bedford be now heard. Mr. Bedford, Planning Consultant for Jack Jacobsen Construction, owners of some 50 acres of land situate near to the south-west corner of Highway Nog 2 and Courtice Road in lot 29, Concession 2, Darlington, suggested that all of the major owners of residential land, within Area No. 7 as defined in the Dillon Concept Plan, fund the preparation of a development plan for that area. Resolution No. P-- 6 - Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That Mr. Bedford's suggestion be referred to the Planning Administration Committee. "CARR M" Planning Advisory Committee, June 13, 1977, continued- Page 3 (3)Business Bro t Forward (i) Assisted Rental Housira Resolution No. P-97-77 Moved by Hr. H. Batson, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That resolution No. P-87-77, be lifted from the table. "CARRTRfl t' Resolution No. P-98-77 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That Mr. Gary Kent be now heard. "CARRD3D" Mr. Kent of the Newcastle Community Housing Discussion Group out- lined the objectives of their organization which included affordable housing for moderate and low income families, handicapped persons and senior citizens. He suggested that the hnnicipality provide for the allocation of certain lands within a plan of subdivision for non profit housing. Resolution No. P-99-77 Moved by Councillor Takylor, seconded by Mr. K. Barr, That Director's report # 257 be tabled and that Mr. Kent be requested to provide the Planning Staff with additional information pertaining to Assisted Rental Housing and further that the Minister of Housing be asked to forward the information kit as per his letter dated February 18, 1977 and that the planning staff prepare a more detailed report on a housing policy for this Committee's consideration. "CARR:fiLL)" (ii) Official Plan Amendment Application No. 106 Covic Holdings, Part Lot 19 ans 20, Concession 7, Darlin on Brought forward from the meeting of play 9, 1977. Mr.. Joseph C. Victor, Q.C., Solicitor for the applicant and Mr. Wylie Freeman, Planning Consultant, addressed the Committee in support of this application. Planning Advisory Committee, June 13, 1977, continued - Page Handouts wore provided in the form of a "Planning Report Proposed Estate Residential Subdivision" prepared by Mr. Freeman and an "Analysis of Landscape Features" prepared by Milus Bollenborghe Topps. Resolution No. P-100-�2 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by It. H. Hammond, That Official Plan. Application No. 106 be held in abeyance pending the Region's presentation of a District Plan for the Hamlet of Solina. "CARRTRD" (iii) Zoning.By-law Ameneramt Application, C. P. eischmann Part lot 1 Concession Clarke Brought forward from mooting of May 9, 1977. Mr. Carl Fleischmann, applicant and Mr. E. R. Lovokin, Solicitor spoke in support of the application. Correspondence, as follows, was received and contents noted. a) From G. D. Cameron, Current Operation Branoh, Regional Municipality of Durham. b) from Mr. J. E. Watt, Director Environmental Services, Regional Municipality of Durham c) from Mr. James A. Rowat, Resources Manager, Ganaraska Consorvation Authority. Resolution No. Moved by by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Woodyard, That this application be deferred to the next meeting of this Committee. "CARRIED" CURFEW Resolution No. P-102-73_ Moved by Mt. H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Woodyard, That the time of adjournment be extended. Planning Advisory Committee, June 13, 1977, continuodr- Page 5 (iv) Parm Implement Dgalershit� Sites Brought forward from meeting of May 9, 1977. Director's Report # 261 contained an evaluation of five alternative sites for the possible location of a farm implement dealership. Mr. Baker, Farm Implement Dealer, commented on the availability of the various sites. Resolution No. P-103 7J Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. H. Ealson, That Council request the Region to expedite the designation of a site which would permit a farm implement dealership. TTCARR'j"H?T I1 (v) SteDhcneon's Salvage Yard. Lot 23. Concession 1, Clarke Brought Forward from previous meetings. Director's Report # 263 set forth the background information and the present status of Mr. Stephenson's application for rezoning. Certain action was required by Mr. Stephenson before the appropriate zoning by-law amendment could be enacted. Mr. Stephenson, in addressing the Committee, objected to the amount of monies he was required to pay to the Town for all expenses incurred by the Town in this matter for services provided by Municipal Planning Consultants Limited. Resolution No. P-104-77 Moved by Mr. H. Baleen, seconded by Nr. H. Hammond, That the account of Municipal Planning Consultants Limited for services relating to a site plan for Stephenson's Salvage Yard be checked into and a detailed account be submitted to Council for their consideration. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, June 13, 19779 continued- Page 6 (4) NEW BUSINESS (i) Official Plan Amendment Application # 118, L.D. C.M. Investments, Part lot 14, Concession 2 z Bowmanvil1e Mr. Peter Weston, applicant, addressed the Committee relative to his application. Director's Report #2S9 was received and noted. Resolution No. P-105-77 Moved by Mr. H. Fond, seconded by Dr. R. Rowsell, That the Regional. Planning and Development Department be advised that with respect to Mr.. Weston's application, an amendment is not required to the Bowmanville Official Plan and further that the Regional Official Plan be modified to conform to the land use designation as presently expressed in the Bowmanville Official Plan and to accommodate the concerns expressed by Mr. Weston. "CARRTRD it (ii) Zoning By-law Amendment Application # Fred and Roy Owen, Part Lot 29, Concession 2, Darlington. Application is made to rezone 2 acres of land at the south-west corner of Highway #2 and Courtice Road in order to permit the reconstruction and enlargement of an existing automobile dealership. Mr. Fred Owens addressed the Committee in support of his application. Director's report # 260 recommended as follows - "That the whole of the subject lot be rezoned to permit a new and used car dealership with the buildings to be located in accordance with the recommendations of the Durham Works Department, and that such rezoning be conditional on the prior conveyance to the Region of Durham of the required road widening and sight triangle19. Resolution No. P -106-'J. Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. K. Barr, That this Committee concur with the recommendations as contained in Director's report # 260. "CARRIED" i Planning Advisory Committee, June 13, 1977, continued - ' E (iii) Zoning By-law Amendment Application #Z -A -2-L-), John Ballentine. Part lot 1 Concession 1 Bowmanville Page 7 Application is made to rezone, from Commercial to Single Family Residential, a 35,310 square foot parcel of land situate on the south-west corner of Waverly Road and the old No.2 Highway. Mr. Ballentine appeared in support of this application. Director's report No. 258 recommended as follows - "That the subject application be approved subject to the following conditions which must be complied with prior to rezoning. 1 That the Region of Durham Official. Plan be approved by the Minister. 2) That the owner apply for and have granted draft approval of a plan of subdivision by the Town. 3) That a subdivision agreement be entered into between the Town and the owner including in addition to the usual requirements, clauses which would incorporate adequate protection from railway noise into the location, design and construction of the dwellings." Resolution No. P-127-77 Moved by Mr. H. Belson, seconded by Dr. R. Rowell, That this Committee concur with the recommendations as set forth in Director's Report #258. (iv) Subdivision Approval Application 7/S -A-1-5-1, Mark Tominaa....mEtaotIL Concession 24_DarlinEL11 Application is made for approval of a four lot subdivision on a 2.38 acre parcel of land situate at the south-east corner of Nash Road and Hancock Road. Mr. Tomina appeared in support of his application. Director's Report # 264 recommended as follows - "That the Minister should be advised that the plan should not be approved at the present time due to its non -conformity with the servicing policies of the Regional Official Plan. Planning Advisory Committee, June 13, 1977, continued- Page 8 (5) If the plan is approved it should be subject to the following revisions: 1) a 10 foot road widening be provided on Nash Road and Hancock Road. 2) The area of lot 2 be increased to conform with the proposed R-1 Zoning. 3) The area below elevation 454.5 feet be excluded from the playa.". Resolution No. P- 108 Moved by Mr. H. Batson, seconded by Mr. H.'gamma, That application # S -A-1-5-1 be approved subject to recommendation Nos. 1, 2 and 3 as set forth in Director's report # 26. "CARRIED" (v) Minister of Agriculture and Food, re .Paper on Food Guidelines. 1 :CH" Referred. by Council resolution #0--77.311. RenolTitjon X30. P -2Q -77 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard, That this matter be set aside to a special meeting of this Committee, with members of Council invited to attend, and further that representatives of the Durham Federation of Agriculture be requested to address the meting with respect to the report prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food,'A Strategy for Ontario Farmland'. BITSI SS (i) "CARR F; r Or Vera Irene Garrard Lot 11 Concession 8 Da,rl n on Ms. N. Forrest, Assistant Planner, stated that a search in the Registry Office had failed to produce sufficient information to prepare a by-law whereby the designation of the northerly extension of King Street, Haydon, would be changed from Class "B" to Class "A" Public Street. Resolution No. P-110711 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Woodyard, That if uncertainity exists as to the width of the subject road, that a survey be ordered at the expense of the applicant. "CARRTFD" Planning Advisory Committee, June 139 1977, continued - (ii) Special Meeting. Resolution No. P-111-77 Page 9 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard, That a special meeting of this Committee be held on Monday, June 27, 1977, at 7200 p.m. in the Hampton Municipal Building to consider the following matters, i) District Plan for the Hamlet of Solina ii) Land Use Planning for Agriculture (Green Paper) "CARRIED" (6) ADJOURNMENT Resolution No. P-112-77 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Woodyard, That this meeting do now adjourn. "CARR" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 11230 p.m. Secretary Chairman