HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-11TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUNNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Munioipal Building, Hampton, Monday, April 11, 1977; 7:OO p.m. Presents Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Assistant Planner Secretary Absent: Member N.& N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. R.C.S.S. Bd. Rep. (1) Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution No. P-56-27 Moved by Mr. X. EntwieLe, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, Counoillor R. Dykstra Mayor G. B. Rickard Councillor B. Taylor Mr. H. Hammond IIr. R. Hetherington Nr. H. Belson Mr. IC. Entwisle Mr. K. Barr Dr. R. Rowsell Ma. N. Forrest H. R. Best Councillor E. Woodyard Mr. S. Worden Mr. J. Liptay That the minutes of the meeting held on March 149 as read. "CARRIED" (2) Delogations 1977, be approved. Resolution No. P--57-77 Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That Mr. Zygooki and Mr. Watt be now heard. "CARRIED" Mr. Zygooki addressed the Committee on behalf of Cean Investments Limited of Oshawa and with respect to an assemblage of land in the Town of Bowmanville situate north of the C.P.R. right-of-way and east of High Street. He stated that his company had recently acquired additional sand which he now wishes to include in his development proposal for a 30 lot subdivision. A copy of the updated plan had been submitted to the Planning Director. Planning Advisory Committee, April 11, 1977, oontinued- Page 2 (3) Resolution No. P-58-77 Moved by Mr. H. Belson, seconded by Dr. R. Roweell, That the planning staff be requested to submit a report to the next meeting of this Committee relative to the updated plan of subdivision as provided by Cean Investments. "CARRIED" Servicix_ of Land in Area 6 of M.M.Dillon Conce t Plan for the Town of Bowmanville. Resolution No. P-.9-77 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That Dr. Zakarow be heard at this time. "CARRIED" Dr. Zakarow stated that he is the owner of 92 aores of land in lot 11, Concession 2, and situate on the west side of Liberty Street, Bowmanville. The subject lands are designated as Area 6 in the staging proposal as defined in the Dillon Plan. In summary he requested that Area 6 be advanced in the staging proposal. Correspondence from the Regional TrJorks Department, setting forth their comments on the servicing of lands in Area 6 (Dillon Concept) together with Director's Report #247 were reviewed and noted. Resolution No. pAa Moved 14, -Mt. H. Raison, seoonded by Councillor Taylor, That the letter, under date of January 25, 1977, and over the signature of W. A. Evans, P.Eng., Design Manager of the Durham Region Works Department, be received as input into the Staging Plan which will form part of the District Plan for the Bowmanville Urban Area. "cARRrrID" Resolution Noir . P-61 31 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mr. K. EntwLsle, When the District Plan for the Urban Area of Bowmanville is proceeded with, that all development and subdivision applications on file at that time be considered and that a staging of development areas be determined in the District Plan. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, April 11, 1977, oontinued- Page 3 (4) Application for Official Plan Amendment.a_ Part lot 14, Concession 4, Darlington; S. Mastrangelo Application has been made to the Regional Ply Department for an amendment to the Darlington Official Plan to permit the sOdivision of the subject site into one acre lots. Resolution No. P-62 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That Director's report # 44 be lifted from the table. "CARRIED" Resolution No. P._, Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Hr. K. Barr, That Mr. S. Mastrangelo be heard at this time. "CARRIED" Mr. Dehn, Solicitor for Mr. Mastrangelo commented on items a, d, e, i of seotion 6 (comments) of report 244. Resolution No. P-64-77 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seoonded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this Committee recommend to Council that Regional Council be advised that the Town of Newcastle cannot support this application for Official Plan Amendment. "C ' IDI) Is (5) AAAlication for Official Plan Amendment # Part of lot 18 and 19, Concession 10. Darlington. Burketon Hills Develo ent. An application has been submitted to the Region of Durham requesting the redesignation of an area of approximately 90 acres of land east of the Hamlet of Burketon Station from Agricultural to Suburb. Residential to permit development of a subdivision and to re --designate 3 acres of land within the Hamlet from Suburban Residential to Commercial to permit a neighbourhood commercial development. Resolution No. P-65-77 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. K. Barr, That Mr. Giddens be heard at this time. "CARRI/U" Planning Advisory Committee, April 11, 1977, continued- Page 4 In summary, Mr. Giddens requested final approval of a previous application for a 30 lot residential subdivision together with a neighbourhood commercial retail development. Director's report # 26 recommended as follows - "That Regional Council be advised that the Town considerIapplication O.P.A.; 49 to be premature pending the completion of a District Plan for the Hamlet of Burketon Station. Resolution Vo. .r66,-„1 Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, (a) That this Committee adopt the recommendation as net forth in Report # 246 (b) That this Committee recommend that Council undertake a District Plan Study for the Hamlet of Burketon, without delay. (6) Application for a licence to permit an annual extraction of 15,000 tons from an existing pit. Part lot 7, Concession 9, Darlington; Gerald M. Balson and Sons. Resolution No. P-6/72/ Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Dr. R. Rowell, That thio Committee concur with the recommendation as contained in Director's report tiir 248, as follows; "That this Committee recommend to Council that the Ministry of Natural. Reaourcea be informed that the Town would have no objection to the proposed increase in tonnage for a one year period". "CARRIED" (7) Steve Komazeo Part lot , Concession 2 , Darlington Mr. I{omazec was represented by his Solicitor W, K. I,,yoett. His property comprises 11 to 1 3/4 acres and with frontage of 122.5' onto the north side of Highway # 2. He wishes to develop his property for commercial purposes and to have same included in the special study area now under consideration for the lands on the south side of No. 2 Highway. Resolution No. P-68 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. K. Entwisle, That Director's report #249 and all material relating thereto be referred to the Planning Administration Committee. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, April 11, 1977, continued- Page 5 (8) Curfew (9) Resolution No. P-62:31 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mr. K. Barr, That this meeting continue to 10:30 p.m. "CARR I NO Application for Rezonin a Part of lot 29 Conoession�C1arie; William Irwin. Application is made to change the zone designation of a 3.5 acre parcel from "A" Agriculture to "RI" to permit the development of 7 existing lots for residential. purposes. The property is situate on the west side of Highway #35 Z:115 and lies to the south of the Village of Orono. Mr. S. Curestz, Solicitor appeared on behalf of Mr. morin. Director's reports 250 was received and noted. Resolution No. P-70-77 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. K. Entwisle, That this Committee recommend to Coyncil that the application of Mr. W. P. Irwin for rezoning to an "RI" category bo approved on the condition that a suitable fence be dreoted along the east side of the lots designated as "8thly" and. ".th1y" by instrument No. 48943. "CARRILLO" (10) Oral McLean and Drowsed dwelling on Industrial Zoned land; Part lot 26, Concession I, Darlington. Resolution No. P-71-77 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. K. Entwisle, That this matter, together with Director's report # 251, be referred to Council with a reminder that this Committee has previously dealt with this matter and also that this matter is under litigation. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, April 11, 19779 continued- Page 6 (i1) Next Meeting Resolution No. P-72-77 Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That the next meeting of this Committee be held on Monday, May 9, 1977, at 7:00 p.m. in the Hampton Municipal Building. "CARRIED" (12) Ad.j ournment Resolution No. P-73-77 Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10030 p.m. .94 "CARRIED" Secretary Chairman