HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-03-14TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Munioipal Building Hampton, Maroh 1)4, 1977; 7:00 p.m. Present: Chaim Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N. 1631. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Maiming Director Assistant Planner Counoillor R, Dykstra Batson Mr. H. Hammond Councillor B. Taylor Councillor E. Woodyard Mr. K. Barr Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. R. Entwisle tr. R.Rowsell at 9:00 p.m. Mr. S. Worden Mr. Geo. Howden Ms. N. Forrest Absent: Member Mayor G. B. Rickard R.C,S.S.Bd.Rep: Mr, J. Liptay Also present: Councillor J. Holliday (1) Minutes of nrevioue meetinjg Resolution No. P-147-77 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr: H. Barr, That the minutes of the last regular meeting on February 28, 1977, be approved as road. (2) Delegations (i) Durham -Rye Joint Venture Mr. Gary Hodgins of G. A. Hodgins and Aasooiatee and Mr. Bruce Corbin of Riohard Strong,Steven Morehead and Associates presented a development plan for a 67.5 acre parcel of land in the north western quadrant of Newcastle Village. This land is owned by Milani and Milani and includes a subdivision which received draft approva]. in 1972, subject to the availability of water. PlLUMI.Pg Advieemte °Co nittee, March 114, 1977, continued- Page 2 Mr. Hodgins stated that this plan has no pa_rkkland, provision and is not adequate for to-day'a development needs. For this reason, they are proposing either to attempt to make red line revisions to the plan or if this is not possible, to resubmit the application. Mr. Corbin presented a development plan which wea designed to blend in with the character of the existing development in Neweeatle, to preserve as much of the orchard existing on the site as possible and to take into consideration development constraints due to soil and topography. The resulting plan had a grid -type road pattern with multiple family housing and single family units in the orchard and as many trees as possible preserved. Other features included an east -seat pedestrian corridor and road allowances varying in width from 66 feet to 88 feet to permit landsoaping features auoh as centre boulevards. The Committee considered the proposal and expressed the concerns over the possibility that the apple trees would not be sprayed and would therefore become breeding grounds for disease and insects which would oontaminate other productive orchards in the area. Resolution No. P-48-77 Moved by Mr. if. Entwiele, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this Committee advise Council that we recognize that the present Draft Approved Plan north of Sunset Boulevard in Newcastle Village is probably outdated; that we believe a new, comprehensive development plan for the North-West quadrant of Newcastle Village is required; and that we ask Council how this plan for the Village will be formu- lated, when it will be available, and if it will recognize the work of these gentlemen, who have made an intelligent submission to this committee this evening. Motion Lost. Rosolution No. P-42-77 Moved by Mr. H. Belson, seconded by Dr.Rowsell, That we accept this presentation as given and recommend to Council that these gentlemen proceed to refine these plane on the basis of the comments heard to -night and return it to this Committee for consideration. "CARRIED)" (ii) Mr. McLean re: request to construct an accessory residential unit in an Industrial Zone. McLean owns a small factory in part of lot 26, Concesaion 1, Darlington. nemtpg Advisory Committee,, Mexate i 4, 1977) continued- Page 3 This subject lot, whioh fronts on the Baseline, is zoned. Ni in the Darlington Zoning By-law. Section 8(a)(iv) of the By-law states that "no residential uses shall be permitted except dwellings for a caretaker, watchman or other similar person employed on the premises concerned and such person's family". Mr. McLean asked direction from the Committee as to what steps he could take to obtain a building permit for a dwelling on the lot for his own use. Resolution No. P-50-77 Moved by Dr. Rowsel1, seconded by Mr. K. Entwisle, That this matter be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee with a report from the Building Inspector and Council and a copy of the files. "CARRIED" (3) Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge. Resolution No. P-51-77 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That Report No. 245 be heard first. "CARRIED" Application is made for the rezoning of a 2.9 aore parcel of land located south and east of the intersection of Beaver and Edward Streets in Newcastle Village to permit the construction of a forty unit senior citizens housing development. Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor, for the applicants, appeared in support of this application. Director's Report Number 245 included the following recommendations: 1. that a site plan agreement be entered into with the Town of Newcastle; 2. that the easterly extension of Edward Street from Beaver Street be acquired, improved to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle Works Department, and dedioted by By-law as a highway. 3. that a secondary acoees be provided for fire protection; 4. that the Region of Durham notify the Town of Newcastle in writing that the applicant has entered into a servicing agreement with the Region of Durham and that the water treatment plant is within six months of completion. PlaningPlwring Advisory Committee, March 14, 1977, continued- Page 4 (4) Report Resolution No. P-52-77 Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That we recommend to Council that we accept the recommendations stated on pages 5 and 6 of Report 245 with the following revisions: 1. that condition three be mended to delete the word "provided" and add instead the word "considered" 2. that the words "or as otherwiseeed upon between the parties concerned" be added to condition. "mum)" on Outstanding Rezoning Applications Direotor's Report No. 243 outlined the status of the outstanding rezoning applications which have been referred to the Platting Advisory Committee. Resolution No. P-53-77 Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Mr. K. Entwisle, That report No. 243 be referred to the Planning Alininistration Committee. "CARRIED" (5) Rpp]4 tion_No.93 - S._Mastrar elo Part of lot 14, Concession 4,Darlington. No person appeared in support of this application. Mr. Maatrangelo had requested that this matter be tabled until the first meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee in April. Resolution No. P-54-77 Moved by Mr. H. Ballon, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That Director's Report No. 244 be tabled until the first meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee in April. "CARRIED" (6) Adjournment Resolution No. P-55-77 Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this meeting now adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ,A=7/e sti Sec tary(Acting) Chairman "CARRIED"