HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-28TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR METING February 28, 1977; 7:00 p.m. Hampton Municipal Building. Present: Chairman Councillor R. Dykstra Member Mr. H. Hammond Member Mr. R. Hetherington Member Mr. H. Belson Member Councillor B. Taylor Member Councillor E. Woodyard Member Dr. R. Rowuell at 9:00 p.m. Member Mr. K. Barr N.& N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Mr. 5. Warden Planning Director Mr. Geo. Howden Assistant Planner Me, N. Forrest Secretary H. R. Beet Absent: Member Mayor G. Rickard Member Mr. K. Entwiale R.C.S.S.Bd. Rep. Mr. J. liptay Alpo present: Councillor J. Holliday. (1) Minutes of previous meeting Resolution No. P-31-77 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. K. Barr, That the minutes of the last regular meeting on February 14, 1977, be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" ED" (2) Business Arising from the minutes of February 14, 1977 With respect to item 2, Resolution No. P-22-77, of the said minutes the Chairman reported that the Planning Administration Committee had met with the executive of Courtice .Area Citizens Association at 9:00 p.m. on Friday, February 25 in Court Room # 2, Bowmanville. Planning Advisory Committee, February 28, 1977, continued- Page 2 A resolution had been passed recammendiag.to Oouncil that a teak force be established comprising members of the Planning Administration Committee, two representatives of C.A.C.A., one representative from the Region's Planning and Development Department, one representative from the Region's Public Works Department, one representative from the Town's Public Works Department, one representative from the Town's Planning Department or the Town's Planning Consultant, with Mr. Wm. Manson acting as contact man with the Ministry of Housing. A further resolution had been passed recommending that the matter of placing lot levies into a special account be referred to the Chairman for clarification with the Town. Solicitor. Both of the foregoing recommendations were adopted by Council at a Special Meeting held in the afternoon of even date. (3) Zonis and Subdivision duplications not conforming; to the Regional Official Plan. Brought Forward from the meeting on February 114, 1977. Resolution No. P-32-77 Moved by Nr. H. Belson, seoonded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That the recommendations as set forth in Director's report # 233, be accepted by this Committee as guide lines for processing all application for zoning amendments and for subdivision approval, received on or after March 1, 1977. Resolution No. P-33-77 Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Mr. I{, Barr, That Director's report # 233 be referred to the Planning Administration Committee. (4) Beatty Haulage; Application for increase in tonnage. Part of Lots 27 and 28, Concession 10, Clarke. Resolution No. P-34:777 Moved by Nr. H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That Mr. Beatty be heard at this time. "CARRIED" Plauming lid�dvisoTr Committee, February 28, 1977, continued,* Page 3 Mr. Beatty addressed the Committee in support of his application to the Ministry of Natural Resources for a licence to increase their annual tonnage from 10,000 cubio yards to 450,000 cubic yards, to enable him to supply gravel contracts in Oshawa during the next three to five years. Director's report # 2L2 recommended that the Ministry of Natural Resources be advised that the Town has no objections to this increase for a one year period. Resolution No. P-35-77 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendation and further that all similar requests for an increase in tonnage be approved on a year to year basis. "CARRIED" (5) Proposed Amendment No. 9 to the Darlin bon Official. Paan. Resolution No. P-36-77 Moved by Mr. H. Batson, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That Nor. Ron Amyotte be heard. "CARRTI D" Mr. Amyotte spoke in support of his application for amendment to the Darlington Official Plan and By-law #2111, which would permit the recovery and manufacturing of wood products on his 9.54 acre, parcel of land situate on the south side of the Baseline Road in part of lots 31 and 32, Darlington. He requested that his application be given top priority and further requested that the Parkway Belt Task Force be invited to contribute to a site plan agreement with respect to the subject premises. Resolution No. P-37-77 Moved by Mr. J. Liptay, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this Committee take whatever steps are neoessary to expedite amendment No. 9 to the DA.rlington Official Plan. "CARRIED" Ply Advisory Committee, February 28, 1977, continued - Page l+ (6) Toms and Sons Limitedt ApRlica+ion for rezoning' Emil and Ch=eh Street Vill of Newcastle. Brought forward from meeting of February IL1., 1977. Correspondence under date of February 25, 1977 and over the signature of Murray Patterson requested than tbeia a pp],.laetjon be, tabled for the present time. Director's report 4221 recommended that this application for rezoning be refused as submitted, but that the applicant be pelted to rise his application to permit a more acceptable Commercial use. Resolution No. 24-38-77 Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Caunaillor Taylor, That this application be tabled for three months Motion Lost Resolution No. P-39-77 Moved by At. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. S. Worden, That this application be set aside until such time as the owners have revised their application to permit a more acceptable commercial use. "CARRIED" (7) Po §tion and Land Use Allocation and Staging of Development ir{ Cvrtiae. Resolution No. P -40-77L Moved by Mr. H. Belson, seconded by Mr, H. Diamond, That, in accordance with resolution # P-29-77, that this matter be referred to the Planning Administration Committee. "CARRIED" (8) Proposed Deeming By-law Director's report # 238 recommended as follows - "that after its passage, the affected owners be given a period of time to object to the by-law and if any well founded objections are received, the by-law could then be amended to exclude the objector's lands". Plein. Advisory Committee, February 28, 1977, oontiimmpd.-- Page 5 Resolution No. P-41-77 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mr. R. Hether.5*. That this Committee recommend, that after the deeming by-law is passed by Council, the affected owners be given a period of three months to objeot to the by-law and if any well founded objections are received within the throe months, the by-law could then be amended to exclude the objector's lands. "CARRIED" (9) C.N.R 1 Overpass, Mill Street.S.. Village of Newcastle. Director's Report # 239 and. addendum No. 1 to Report Na. 10 of the Council .Agenda of December 13, 1976 set forth the following recommendations. "That report # 8 be approved by Council provided that the Tom not undertake to spend any money on the replacement of the overpass unless and until it has been determined through the Regional. Offioial Plan that some form of development will take place which would justify such an expenditure, Report # 239 recommended as follows - 1) That before any large scale of development of any kind is approved irrevocable oommittments should be obtained from all parties who are expected to contribute to the reconstruction of the Mill Street underpass. In particular, residential development should be approached with caution sine the present structure provides no facilities for pedestrians. 2) That the applicant's request tp proceed with preliminary studies relating to the overpass on Mill Street be approved. 3) That the Town make application to the Railway Transport Committee for permission to proceed with the said studies. Resolution No. P-12.77 Moved by Dr. R. Rorsell, seoonded by Mr. H. Hammond, That the recommendation as set forth in Report # 8 and Director's Report # 239 be adopted by this Committee. "CARRIED" (10) Application for Rezoning. North side of George Street, Village of Newcastle; Victor Plummer. Resolution No. P-3-77 Moved by Councillor Woodyard, seconded by Councillor Taylor, That Mr. Plummer be heard.. Planning advisory Committee, February 289 1977, continued- Page 6 Mr. Plummer presented revised plans indicating an increase in the number of units from 7 to 12 and a change in the nature of the development from street town houses for sale on a freehold basis to condominium or rental townhouses fronting onto a private driveway. Mr. Keith Barr declared a conflict of interest and withdrew from the discussion, Director=s report # 21.1 contained the following recommendations - 1) prior to rezoning the developer enter into a site pian agreement with the Town of Newcastle regarding the payment of development charges, the design of the development and the installation of roads and services, drainage, fenoing, landscaping and other pertinent matters; 2) prior to rezoning the Town be advised that a contract has been awarded for the construction of a water filtration plant for Newoastle Village and the connection thereof with the present water system. Resolution No. P-44-77 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. S. Worden, That this Committee adopt recommendations one and two aft contained in report # 2!.1 and that the following recommendation be added as item 3 "That all condominium units be deleted from the proposed development". "CARRIED" (1i) Other Business (1) Senior Citizens Lodge, Village of Newcastle Resolution No. P -L5-77 Moved by Mr. K. Barr, seconded by Councillor Woodyard, That the Planning Director submit a report to Council with respect to the present status of the rezoning application of the Durham County Senior Citizens in the Village of Newcastle. "C TM" (ii) Courtioe Heights Development The Chairman advised the Committee that I.B.I.Consultants had been retained by Council to complete the subdivision agreement with Courtice Heights Developments and to prepare the necessary amending zoning by-law. Mr. S. Worden advised that the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education had approved of both projects. Planning Advisory Committee, February 28, 1977, continued Page 7 (iii) Applications listed on Work Sheet. The Planner was requested to submit a report regarding the status of the applications listed on the work sheet. (iv) Parking in Bowmanville The Planner was requested to gather all information pertaining to previous action by this Committee and by Council relative to parking in the business section of Bowmanviile and submit same to this Committee. (12) Adjournment Resolution No. P-6-77 Moytod by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mr. H. Balaon, That this meeting do now adjourn. "C Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. "• Toil !1