HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-02-14TOWN OF NEWCASTLE mdawnG AD MI=RY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Munioipal Building, Hampton, Pebruaxy 14, 1977; 7:00 p.m. Presents Vice -Chairman Mr. H. Hammond Memberr Mayor G. B. Rickard Member Counoillor E. Woodyard Member Councillor B. Taylor Member Mr. K. Entwisle Member Mr. H. Belson Member Mr. K. Barr Member Dr. R. Rowsell. N. & N. Bd.of Ed. Rep. Mr. S. Worden R.C.S.S. Bd. Rep. Mr. J. Liptay Planning Director Mr. G. Howden Planning Assistant Ms. N. Forrest Secretary H, R. Best Absent: Chairman Councillor R. Dykstra Member Mr, R. Hetherington Also present: Councillor J. Holliday; M.P.P. D. Moffatt; Mr. Wm. Amen; Mrs. A. Cowman and Mr. T. E. Bobier. 1) Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution No. P-19-77 Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded WNW. H. Baleen, That the minutes of the last regular meeting on January 24, 1977, be adopted as printed. Resolution No. P-20-77 Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Mr. H. Ralson, That item 2 of the foregoing minutes be amended by adding the words "Planning Administration" immediately prior to the word Committee as it appears in the second line of resolution No.P -7-77. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, February 114, 1977, oontinued- Page 2 2) Dele ationa Resolution No. P--21-77 Moved by Mr. H. Batson, seconded by Mr. K. Entwisle, That Nr. T. E. Bobist be now heard. "CARRIED" Mr. Bobier, President of the Courtice & Area Citizens Association addressed the Committee in support of the citizens of the Courtioe Area and their conoerna relating to the proposed development in the Courtice Area. In summary, he requested that the Town, Region, Province and members of C.A.C.A. form a task force to negotiate ways and means of avoiding hardships and misunderstanding within the following terms of reference. 1. A policy amendment which would permit the construction of major and minor services but allow the portion of the frontage charges affecting Courtice residents of 1977 be negated. 2. Before major construction is initiated attempt to delineate the homes that will be affected by frontage charges and that these_' residents be made Fully aware of the financial impact, if any, or be reassured in writing that the development of Courtioe will not be a financial burden to present individual homeowners. 3. The town and region address themselves to the problems of increased traffic on existing roads which will obviously result in road widening and reconstruction. There are many residents greatly concerned about this aspect of the impact of development in Courtice. 4. What will the tax responsibilities be increased to for the present residents? It is obvious that industrial development in the municipality is static with no signs of early improvement. Therefore a five year tax forecast should be attempted. 5. That the Town Council, in the interest of good will approve a resolution to direct all funds (O.H.A.P. & A.H.O.P.) that would be generated by development in the Courtice Area, into a special account, until auoh time as the finanoial impact on the Courtioe area has been evaluated. Ho further requested that the first meeting be held prior to February 28, 1977. IlanniA6.Advisory Committee, February 1 LL, 1977, continued - Page 3 Mrs. A. Cowman, Chairman of the Development Committee of C.A.C.A, also addressed the Committee requesting information relating to the oasts of upgrrading existing roads Road between Nash Road and No. 2 Highway) construction of new sidewalks, street Lighting etc, that would be necessary when the proposed subdivision was developed. Resolution No. P-22-77 Moved by Mr. B. Taylor, seconded by Dr. R. Rowsell., That the concerns of C.A.C.A. relative to the financial impact of the proposed development on the existing residents and the other matters as expressed in their written submission to Council, be referred to a meeting of the Planning Administration Committee, appropriate staff members and the executive of C.A.C.A. The meeting to be held at the call of the Chair and prior to February 28, 1977. "CARRIED" 3) Zoning and Subdivision Analicatjons not conforming to the Region:.. Official Plan. Resolution No. P-23-77 Moved by Mr. H. Belson, seconded by Nr. K. Entwisle, That this Committee concur with the recommendations as set forth in Director's report # 233. Resolution No. P-24-77 Moved by Mr. K. Entwisle, seconded by Dr. R. Rowsell, That report # 233 be tabled to the next meeting of this Committee. "CARRIED" t,.) Proprosed Rig i y L Oi widenir ; Harmony Road to_ Highway 1s. Director's Report No. 237 concluded as follows: "In general we are in agreement with Commissioners Report # 77-18, but before making a final recommendation on the Ministry of Transportation and Communications proposal, we would like to hear the oomments of M.T.C. and the railway's on the alternatives put forward in this report". Planning. Advisory Committee, February 140 1977, continued - 5) Curfew Mr. Cather of the Consulting firm, DeLeuw,Cather Canada Ltd., by means of mapping and an overhead projector, defined and illustated the concept plans to increase the capacity and improve the safety on that portion of Highway 401 between Harmony Road and Highway 35/115. The plans included the widening from Li. to 6!lanes, interim improvements to existing interchanges, elimination of railway grade crossing on: C.N.R. spur line to Goodyear, etc. 4 Mr. L. Dutchak, Senior Project Manager M,T.C., outlined the construc- tion staging and the re -assessment of the 5 year schedule. In summary, he stated that the Ministry wished to receive approval of the proposed design from the Council in the form of a resolution on the following points. a) Agreement in principle of the proposed design. b) Approval for the Ministry to assume portions of those road- ways under jurisdiction of the Town for purposes of construction. The Ministry will, upon completion of the necessary road work, revert the assumed portions of roadways back to the Town. c) Approval for the Ministry to "close" those portions of by-passed roadways where a deviation or relocation is proposed. Resolution No. P-2-77 Moved Moved by Dr. R. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. H. Batson, That this Committee recommend that Council approvo of the MinistrSy's request as noted in item a, b & c above and further that it be recommended to the Ministry that they reschedule reconstruction of Highway 401 from Harmony Road to Highway 35/195 to within a 5 year period. "CARRIED" Resolution No. P-267 Moved. by Dr., R. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. H. Batson, That this Committee concur with Director's Report # 237. napaRTRir Resolution No. P-2 77 Moved by Dr. R. Rowsell, seconded by Nr. B. Taylor, That this meeting be continued for 30 more minutes. "C" Planning Advisory Committee, February 14, 1977, continued- Page 5 6} APalication for Rezoning9 RVilY Street at Church, Stree_t�Newoaatle ViLla Toms and Sons Limited, No person appeared in support of this application. Resolution No. P-28-73, Moved by Mr. K. Barr, seconded by Councillor E. Woodyard, That the applicants, Toms and Sona Ltd., be notified that, unless they or their agents appear at the next meeting of this Committee, wherein their applioation appears on the agenda for same, the said applioation will be dismissed. "C -r 7) Papulation and Land Use Allocation for Courtice Resolution No. P-29-77 Moved by Mr. H. Belson, seconded by Councillor E. Woodyard, That this item be referred to the Planning Administration Committee. "CARRIED" 8) Adieurnment Resolution No. P-30-77 Moved by Dr. R. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. K. Barr, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10x30 p.m. Secretary "CARR K O"