HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-22Present: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1 IN, 1 6 fl' 1 Wu�Y4YM Mtm oipal Buildingp Upton, Monday, November 229 1976;; 7:30 $.m. Member Member Member Member N:& N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. R:C.S.S.Bd. Rep. Planning Direotor Secretary Absent: Member Member Member Member (i) }1linutea of Previous Meeting Counoillor It. Entwisle Cobnoillor D. Allin Mr. H. Balson Counoillor B. Tink Mr. S. Lanoaster Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. S. Warden Mr. R. Gutteridge Mr, Geo. Bowden H. R. Best Mayor G. B. Rickard Mr. R. Hetherington Por. H. Hammond Mr. R. Yates The Secretary requested that the minutes of the meeting of Ootober 129 1976, be Oorrected as follows; that the word. 'Heydon' as it appears in the last line of the first paragraph of item 7, page q, be deleted and the word iTyrone+ substituted therefore. RasOlution No. 1%-95-76 Moved by CounaillOr Tink, seconded by Counoillor Allin, That the minutes of the regular meeting of Ootober 12, 1976, be adopted as oorreoted. "CARRPIPD" (9tj AW1192110n for Subdivision Part lot 12 Conoession 1 Bowmanville; Joasph and Carl Sohwarz. Brought forward from the meeting on Ootober 12, 1976. Mr. Fleisohmann, on behalf of the applioanta, presented a revised plea of survey, dated Ootober 29, 19761, showing a total of 18 lots, an fronting onto Spry Avenue. Planning Advisory Committee, _November 22, 1976, continued- Page 2 He also referred to a recent discussion with the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, whereby verbal approval had been indicated with respect to a fill permit for the area outlined on the revised plan of subdivision. Resolution No. P-96-76 Moved by H. Belson, seconded by S. Worden, That this Committee recommend approval of the revised plan of sub- division, provided that the applicants obtain the necessary permits from Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. "CARRIED" (3) #Mlioation for Plan of Subdivision Lot 14y Concession 1 Bowmanvilleg One Fourth Investments Limited. (4) Application is made for approval of a subdivision located on the west side of Waverly Road and north of the intersection of Lawrence Crescent. The plan comprised 2 single family dwelling units, 174 semi-detaohed units and approximately 121 medium density multiple family units to- gether with 8.3 acres of parkland and a separate school site addition of 1.1 acres. Mr. Peter Feddema, agent for the applicants, appeared in support of the application. Director's Report # 225 recommended that the proposed plan of sub- division be given draft approval, subject to certain revisions and conditions. Resolution No. P-97-76 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. H. Belson, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendations as set forth in report # 225 and that input be requested from the residents of the Waverly Road area relative to the proposed subdivision and further that if the Separate School Board do not purchase Block C for school purposes, then the Town acquire same for park purposes. Director's report # 226 was reviewed and noted. Correspondence from Mr. R. Yates regarding report # 226 was provided by the Chairman. Planning Advisory Committee, November 22, 1976, continued- Page 3 (5) Mr. Shaw appeared before the Committee and requested approval to proceed with preliminary studies pertaining to improvements to the subject bridge if such improvements are necessitated by the increase in traffic volumes generated by their proposed development on 164 acres of land lying south of the C.N.R. tracks. Resolution No. P-98-76 Moved b Mr. H. Balson G6o bd. Y , e by Dr. Rowsell, That this Committee concur with Director's report i# 226, and that the conclusions as set forth in the report be expanded to include the applicants request to proceed with preliminary studies relating to the reconstruction of the C.N.R. overpass on Mill Street and further that the Town make application to the Railway Transport Committee for permission to proceed with the said studies. ems Application is made for amendment to the Darlington Official Plan to redesignate a 150 acre parcel of land comprising part of lots 3 and 4. Concession 4, Darlington, to permit the development of five large estate residential lots. Mr. Brooks appeared in suppo=t of the application. Director's report No. 227 suggested that the Town recommend this application for approval, subject to the following conditions: 1. That any development of the site proceed by plan of subdivision. 2. That the estate residential designation be limited to the areas outside of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority's Fill and construction limits shown on sheet no. 108 of the Oshawa-Gmitby floodplain mapping. 3. That, prior to the approval of any Official Plan Amendment, an agreement be reached with the authority having jurisdiction regarding the improvement of the roads giving access to the proposed lots. Resolution No. P-99-76 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this Committee conour with Director's report No. 227. Pleunling Advisory Committee, November 22, 1976, e+ontinued- p age (6) Next Meeting The next meeting to be held on Monday, December 20, 1976, at 7:30 P.M. in the Hampton Municipal Building. (7) AdLurnment Resolution No. P-100-76 Moved by Councillor Tink, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 9.45 p.m. Secretary Chairman