HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-10-12TMIN OF NMICASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Municipal Building, Hampton, Tueeday, October 12, 19769 8:00 P.M. Present: Member Member Member Member Member Member R.C.S.S.W. Rep. Planning Director Assistant Planner Secretary Absent: Chairman Member Member Member N.& N. Bd, of Ed: Rep. (1) Minutes of Previous Meeting (2) Councillor D. Allin (Acting Chairman) Councillor H. B, Tink Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Belson Mr. S. Lancaster Dr. H. R. Rowsell (attended at 8:45 p.m.) Mr. R. Gutteridge Mr. Geo. Howden Ms. N. Forrest H. R. Best Councillor K. Entwisle Mayor G. B. Rickard Mr. H. Hammond Mr. R. Yates Mr. S. worden Resolution No. P-84-76 Moved by Mr. H. Balson, seconded by Mr. R. Gutteridge, That the minutes of the regular meeting on August 23, 19769 be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" Brought Forward from the meeting on August 23, 1976. Mr. Richards appeared in support of his application. The recommendation, as follows, was noted in Director's Report 211. "We can only recommend that the application be denied due to non -conformity with the existing and proposed Official Plan, and that the $50. application fee be returned to the applicant since he acted in good faith in conformity with the Official Plan proposed at the time. Ply t=tft. QQtQ1M3: 12,1,976, Q=t*M1P . Poga 2 Resolution No. P-85-76 Moved by Councillor Tink, seconded by Mr. H. Batson, That this Committee concur with the Director's reoommendation as set out in report jr 211. "CARRIED" �3) Application for Subdivision. Part of lot 12. Concession 1, Bowmanville. Joseph Schwarz and Carl Schwarz. Application is made for approval of a 26 lot single family dwelling subdivision on a 4.43 acre parcel located on the east side of Spry Ave. Messers A. Fleischman, Carl Schwarz and Joseph Schwarz appeared in support of the application. Director's report ;= 219 contained the following comments. "The subject lands are several feet lower than Spry Avenue in elevation and are obviously in the floodplain of the Bowmanville Creek. The fill required to build the lots above the flood elevation would decrease the storage capacity of the floodplain and could cause serious flooding elsewhere in the event of a major storm. It is unlikely that the Conservation Authority would issue the Fill Permit which would be required before this subdivision could be built. It also appears that only a small portion of the proposed subdivision would conform with the Bowmanville Official Plan, while the proposed Regional Official Plan would preclude any residential development of the site. For these reasons, we would recommend that this subdivision not be approved". Mr. Fleischmann, in addressing the Committee requested that that this application be tabled for one month in order that the applicants could prepare a revised plan whereby only those lots (16 - 17) fronting onto Spry Avenue would be developed, subject to obtaining a fill permit from Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Resolution No. P-86-76 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. H. Balson, That this application be tabled for one month. 11anni.ng Adviisomy Committee, October 12, 1976, continued- Page 3 (4) Application for rezoning-, Lot 8, Block B. C.G.HanniM's Plan. Bormianvillea John Rice. Application is made to rezone a 10,956 square foot parcel, located on the south side of Bing Street East and to the immediate west of the Dairy Barn Store, to permit a Commercial use of the lot as a retail store, drive-in restaurant, bank or trust company. Mr. John Rice appeared in support of his application. Director's report y§ 220 recommended as follows; "That the subject site be zoned "General Commercial", with a special provision to erolude highway commercial uses from the site and to require that the owner enter into a site plan agree- ment with the Town. This site plan agreement should contain a provision for adequate landscaping of the site". Resolution No. P-87-76 Moved by 11r. R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor B. Tink, That this Committee concur with the recommendation as set forth in Director's report jt 220. {'CARRIED" (5) Application for Rezoning-, Emily Street at Church Street. Village of Newcastle; Toms and Sons Limited. Application is made to rezone an 8,631 square foot (66' x 1321) parcel of land, at the north-east corner of the intersection of Church and Emily Streets, to permit the establishment of a 3 bay car wash. Messers Murray Patterson and Robert Wagar appeared in support of the application. Director's report it 221 recommended as follows; "That this application for rezoning be refused as submitted but that the applicant be permitted to revise his application to permit a more acceptable Commercial Use. I -To note that there is existing vacant land in the Village of Iewcantlo abutting highway 2 which is presently zoned for Highway Commer- cial uses. we would consider such a location abutting an arterial road to be more suitable for the proposed car wash". R000lution No. P8-'76 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. R. Gutteridge, That this Committee concur with the Di -rector's recommendation. Motion defeated. Planning Advisory Committee, October 12, 19769 continued- Page 4 Mr. Patterson requested that the application be tabled to enable the applicant to investigate the recycling equipment as referred to by the Durham Works Department. Resolution No. -P-896 Moved by Councillor Tink, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this application be tabled and brought forward at the request of the applicants. "CARRIP.D" (6) Application for Rezoning. Part of lot 5. Concession L, Darlington; R. L. Woolger. Director's report # 222 commented as follows - "In September of 1975, negotiations between Mr. Woolger and the Conservation Authority began, and have now been concluded by the acquisition of this parcel by the Authority. We would therefore recommend that Council be advised that no further action is required on this application for rezoning". Resolution Ho. P-90-76 Moved by Mr. H. Balson, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with the Director's report # 222. "CARRIED" (7) Application for Plan of Subdivisions Part of lot 8. Concession 6, Darlington, - R. Spencer. Application is made for approval of a 12 lot subdivision on a 9.8 acre parcel fronting onto the 7th line road and lying to the immediate east of the Hamlet of -Tyrone.; _ The Chairman reported that Mr. Spencer had previously requested that his application be tabled. Resolution No. P-91-76 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. R. Gutteridge, That the applicant's request be granted. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, October 12, 1976, continued- Page 5 (S) Application for rezoning; Part of lot 8, Concession 2, Bowmanyilleg Ms. Carol Anderson. Application is made to rezone a 36,100 square foot parcel, located on the north side of Concession Street, to permit the use of part of an existing house and premises as a nursery school, the house being the former superintendent's residence for the Pine Ridge School. Ms. Carol Anderson appeared in support of her application. Director's report # 224 sets forth the following recommendation. "That the subject site be rezoned to an Institutional category to permit a nursery school and a dwelling to be used thereon". Resolution No. P-92-76 Moved by Councillor Tink, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendation as contained in report J, 224. "CARRIED" ;9) William Irwin subdivision, Lot 29, Concession 4, Clarke. Mr. Irwin sought direction from the Committee relative to completion of his subdivision lying to the south of Orono. Resolution No. P-93-76 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. S. Lancaster, That this matter be held in abeyance in order that Mr. Irwin may obtain information from the Durham Health Unit which information would determine the minimum lot area that would be approved by the Heclth Unit for the installation of a private waste disposal system. "CARRIDD11 (10) ADJOURNP•1ENT Resolution No. P-94.-76 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. H. Balson, That this meeting do now adjourn. "CARRIED" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 9.15 p.m. Secretary Chairman