HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-08-23TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, August 23, 1976; 7:30 p.m. Present: Chad r = Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N.& N.Bd, of Ed.Rep. Planning Director Planning Assistant Secretary Absent: Member R.C.S.S.Bd. Rep. (i) Minutes of Previous Meeting Councillor K. Entwisle Mayor G. B. Rickard Councillor D. Allin Councillor B. Tink Mr. H. Hammond Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Balson Mr. R. Yates Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. S. Worden Mr. Geo. Howden Ms. N. Forrest H. R. Best 1b?. S. Lanoaster Mr. R. Gutteridge Resolution No. P-73-76 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Por. R. Yates, That the minutes of the regular meeting on July 269 19760 be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" (2) There were no delegations. (3) Official Plan Amendment Application - Numbers 85. 88 and 99. Director's report # 214 recommended as follows - "That Regional Council be advised that no further action is required regarding Official Plan Amendment Applioations Nos. 859 88 and 99 since these applications have already been granted through the Regional Official Plan". Planning Advisory Committee, August 23, 1976, continued- Page 2 Resolution No. P-74-76 Moved by Mx. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That this Committee concur with the Directors's recommendation. "CARRIED" (4) Application for Rezoning, Jackman Road, Bowmanville. Application is made by Peter Willison to rezone a certain portion of a 28,847 square foot parcel of land, located on the north side of JacIman Road, from the present 11011 category to an "R11 category to permit the creation of a building lot. Director's report No. 215 contained the following comments - "The subject land is obviously not in a flood plain. The stream in question appears to be an intermittent one, and in any owe, the subject lot is high above the stream bed. We would therefore recommend that this application for rezoning be approved". Resolution No. P-75-76 Moved by Mr. H. H,:mmond, seconded by Mr. H. Balson, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendation. UMV0911017l (5) Official Plan Amendement Application No. 63. Part of Lots 26 and 27. Concession 5. Darlington. An application was submitted by Mr. W. J. Wallace to the Region of Durham requesting the redesignation of an 115 acre parcel to permit the development of 67 lots, ranging in size from 1.3 to 1.8 acres in size, or 42 lots with a minimum of 2 acres or a 105 lot mobile home park. T.b:. W. Wallace appeared in support of his application. He submitted a two page report under the heading Taunton Hyland Glens Estate, seting forth the history of the subject lands. Director's Report No. 216 commented as follows - "However, because we feel this site is not suitable for estate residential development, we recommend that the Region of Durham be advised that the Town opposes this application". Planning Advisory Committee, August 23, 1976, continued- Page 3 Resolution No. P-76-76 Moved by Councillor TiWt, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this Committee concur with Director's report Ho. 216. ii tml (6) Application for Rezoning:; Part Lot 24, Concession 8, Clarke. Application is made by P. B. Welsh to rezone an 82,500 square foot parcel, being part of lot 24, Concession 8, Clarke with frontage onto the west side of highway 35 & 115, from the present "A" category to "HC" category, to recognize the existing drive-in restaurant and allow for possible ancillary commercial uses. Mr. Paul Welsh appeared in support of his application. Director's Report No. 217 recommended as follows - "That the subject site be rezoned "Highway Commercial" with a special provision specifying that the lot be used only for the purpose of a restaurant and that the applicant be advised that an amendment to the Regional Official Plan would be required before any commercial uses, other than that presently existing, could be pormitted". Resolution No. P-77-76 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendation. (7) Application for rezoning; Block B. Plan 698, Bowmanville. Application is made by DM Consultants Ltd., for the rezoning of a 49,453 square foot parcel of land in Blook B of Plan 698 from the prosent "R" category to a Commercial category to permit construction of a variety store and twin cinemas as a second phase of the mall. The subject land has a frontage of 125 feet on Ung Street, immedia- tely east of the shopping mall presently under construction. Mr. Peter Weston appeared in support of the application. Planning Advisory Committee, August 23, 1976, continued- Page 4 t Director's Report No. 218 recommended as follows; "That the subject land plus Block A be rezoned to a Shopping Centre Commercial Zone which would be subject to the site plan agreement provisions of Section 35 (a) of The Planning Act, subject to the following conditiona- l. A site plan agreement be entered into prior to rezoning which would restrict the proposed uses predominantly to a cinema to ensure that the development would not simply add to the number of small stores of which there is presently an over -supply. 2. The boundary between Blocks A and B be lifted to ensure continued unified ownership of the entire project. We believe this would have to be done by a deeming by-law or by judge's order. 3. The applicant deposit a letter of credit with the Town to cover the lot levies which would have been payable if residential development had occurred, such letter to be held by the Town until the O.M.B. have resolved the matter of lot levies in existing subdivisions, and that the letter of credit then be utilized if necessary in accordance with the Board's decision. It is also recommended that the remainder of Block B and the applicant's other lands east of Block B be placed in a deferred development zone for the present time so that the excess sewage and water capacity assigned to these lands and not required for their commercial development can be re -allocated to other needed proposals (such as Senior Citizens Housing). Resolution No. P-78-76 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That this Committee adopt recommendation Boa. 1 and 2 of the Director's report No. 218 and that recommendation No. 3 be referred to the next meeting of the Finance Committee and further that a copy of the Finance Committee's decision be made available to the Planning Advisory Committee. "CARRIED" (8) Council resolution JA C-76-210; Proposal of Paramount Development Corporation Resolution No. P-79-76 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That Director's Report No. 204 be lifted from the table. ( Planning Adviwory Committee, August 23, 1976, continued - Page 5 Mr. Max Bacon and Mrs. Catherine Gravely, both of the Proctor and Redfern Group outlined a dovelopment proposal for an approximate 250 acres north of the C.P.R. tracks in the Village of Newcastle and owned Paramount Development Corporation. The proposal also provided a design for the developmmnt of the entire urban area as an alternative to the design as outlined by the Region. Mr. Bacon stated that application would be made immediately to the Region for an Amendment to the Official Plan to permit their proposed development. A printed document, dated February 1976 and under the heading "VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL" waw provided to each member. Direotor'o Report No. 204 commented as follows; "Council should be advised that no action is required unless and until the Town receives an application for an Official Plan Amendment duly forwarded by the Region of Durham. Resolution No. P-80-76 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That this Committee concur with Director's Report Ne. 204. UHN1Ci 016SWU (9) Application for Rezoning; Part Lot 22, Concession 10, Darlington. Resolution No. P-81-76 Moved by Councillor Tink, seconded by Councillor Allin, That Director's report No. 211 be lifted from the table, Mr. Herbert Richards appeared in support of his application. Resolution No. P-82-76 Moved by Councillor AUK, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That this matter be held in abeyance pending receipt of information from the Region's Planning Department relative to their policy on Estate Residential Development. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, August 23, 1976, continued- Page 6 i� (10) OTHNR BusnzSS Mr. Yates requested information pertaining to the outcome of a meeting with Region Officials relative to the division of planning responsibilities between the Region and The Town of Newcastle. Resolution No. P-83-76 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 9.50 p.m. Secretary Chairman (Ae7iN4)