HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-26T014K OF MICASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, July 26, 1976; 7030 p.m. Present: Chairman Councillor K. Entwisle Member Mayor G. B. Rickard Member Councillor D. Allin Member Councillor B. Tink Member Mr. H. Hammond Member Mr. R. Hetherington Member Mr. H. Belson Member Mr. R. Yates Member Dr. H. R. Rowsell Planning Director Mr. Geo. Howden Secretary H. R. Beat. Absent: Member Mr. S. Lancaster N.& N.Bd, of Ed. Rep. Mr. S. Worden R.C.S.S. Bd. Rep. Mr. R. Gutteridge (1) Minutes of Previous Meeting Resolution No. P-59-76 Moved by Por. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. R. Ramond, That the minutes of the regular meeting on June 14, 1976, be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" (2) There were no delegations. (3) Application for severance on Leskasd Road. Council resolution # 0-76-552. Director's Report # 203 advised as follows - "Mr. Lovekin should consult the Durham Official Plan, and if he considers that the proposed development conforms to that Plan, he should then submit an application for the necessary rezoning". Resolution No. P-60-76 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That this Committee conour with Director's report # 203. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, July 26, 1976, continued- Page 2 (4) Paramount Development Corporation Council Resolution # C-76-210 Miss. Catherine Gravely, Consultant, addressed the Committee on behalf of Proctor and Redfern and with respect to a paroel of land in the Village of Newcastle and the former Township of Clarke. She requested that this matter be tabled to the next meeting of the Committee to provide sufficient time for Proctor and Redfern to prepare a detailed submission. Director's report # 204 commented as follows - "Council should be advised that no action is required unless and until The Town receives an application for an Official Plan Amendment duly forwarded by the Region of Durham". Resolution No. P-61-76 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this matter be tabled to the next meeting of the Committee. �� gym► (5) Hamlet Development Policy for Kendal Council resolution # C-76-634 Director's Report # 205 recommended as follows - "That Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nanning be thanked for their offer of assistance and should be advised that there are no funds allocated in this year's Planning Budget for any study of Kendal. Further, they should be advised that a rule has been established in the Newtonville study that all residents may have input into the study but only residents who have no development interest in land, would be entitled to be members of any steering Committee". Resolution No. P-62-76 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by PIr. H. Hammond, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendations. "CAFRIEII" (6) Schiokedanz Development Limited Council Resolution # 0-76-634 Mr. Hugh Macklin, on behalf of the developer, requested information relative to the precedure to be followed in applying for Official Plan Amendments. Planning Advisory Committee, July 26, 1976, continued- Page 3 Director's Report # 206 was reviewed and contents noted. Resolution No. P-63-76 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That this Committee concur with Report ¢x206. Report No. 207 contained the following comments - "I believe that all Official Plan Amendment documents should be forwarded to the Town's Planning Department before enactment by Regional Council so that we may ensure that the actual document reflects the Town Council's intentions in approving the amendment". Resolution No. P-64-76 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with the Director's comments as set forth in report No. 207 and further that a copy of same be forwarded to Regional Council. „CARRIED" (7) Donavan & Fleischmann. Ministry of Housing; res subdivision application Lot 8, Concession 1, Newtonville. Council Resolution # 0-76-634 Director's Report # 208 states as follows - "The plan should be revised to provide for private wells and septic tanks and lot sizes satisfactory to the Health Unit, A second access via the road allowance between Concessions one and two and the forced road leading to Highway # 2 should also be investigated. These suggestions for revision should not be taken to imply any approval for development at the present time". Resolution No. P-65-76 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. H. Belson, That this Committee concur with report Ir' 208. YCH:I C�i�as7il Planning Advisory Committee, July 26, 1976, continued- Page 4 (8) Official Plan Amendment Avvlication- Numbers 32, 146 and 47, Bowmanville West Community. Director's Report # 209 was reviewed and the following recommendations noted - "That Regional Council be advised as follows - 1. That Official Plan Amendment Applications Numbers 32, 46 and 47 must be denied as premature at this time in view of the designation of Special Study Area No. 14. 2. That the completion of the studies contemplated by Sections 14.2.9 and 15.16 of the Durham Official Plan are regarded as a matter of urgency by the Town of Newcastle. 3. That the Town of Newcastle wishes to see detailed terms of reference for the above studies produced as quickly as possible. 4. That the terms of reference should provide for an active role for both local Municipal Staff and Council. Resolution No.P-66-76 Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendations as set forth in item 5 of report # 209. "CARRM" (9) Application for an Amendment to By-law 2111 (Vince CARNOVALE) Application is made by the owner of part of lot 17, Concession 1, Darlington to redesignate to a 'Class A Public Street' that portion of the allowance for road between lots 16 and 17, south of Highway No. 2 and which has previously been upgraded. Director's Report �1 210 recommended as follows. "That the portion of the road allowance between lots 16 end 17 which has previously been upgraded be designated "Class A Public Street". Resolution No. P-67-76 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendation. Planning Advisory Committee, July 26, 1976, continued- Page 5 (10) Application for rezoning - Part of lot 22, Concession 10, Darlington Herbert Richards. Application was made to rezone a 2.4 acre parcel west of Burketon Station to permit the creation of an estate residential lot. Mr. Richards appeared in support of his application. Director's Report # 211 recommended as follows - "That the application be denied due to non -conformity with the existing and proposed Official Plan, and that the ;$50.00 application fee be returned to the applicant since he acted in good faith in conformity with the Official Plan proposed at the time". Resolution No. P-68-76 Moved by Councillor Tink, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this application be tabled to the next meeting of this Committee in order to obtain clarification of the Regional Official Plan as it relates to Estate Residential Development. II IANIA3�a1171 (11) Application for Rezoningi Zulauf Snack Bar, Part of lot 18, Concession 1, Clarke. I -Tr. and Mrs. Zulauf appeared in support of the application. Director's Report No. 212 recommended as follows - "That the Clarke Zoning By-law be amended by changing the zoning of this site to 'Highway Commercial' to recognize the existing uses". Resolution No. P-69-76 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendations. (12) AMlication for Rezoning; Stephenson's Salvage Yard, Part of lot 23, Concession 1, Clarke. Director's Report # 213 contained the following recommendation. "That the applicant be given one additional month to complete a development agreement, sign it and return it to the Town. Otherwise the application should be considered abandoned". Planning Advisory Committee, July 26, 1976, continued - Page 6 Mr. R. Stephenson, speaking in support of his application, informed the Committee of his recent attendance before the Committee of the Whole, at which time a sub -Committee, composed of the Chairman, Clerk and Planner had been requested to visit the subject premises and to assist Mr. Stephenson in completing the devebopneitt agreement as it relates to fencing and screening. Resolution No. P-70-76 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this Committee do not accept the Directors recommendations, and That this Committee recommend toCouncil that the sub -committee undertake their inspection of the Stephenson property at the earliest opportunity. "CARRIED" (13) OTHER BUSINESS (i) Road Sims Councillor Tink submitted a verbal report on the cost of road identification signs as supplied by the Regional Works Department. Each sign, mounted on a 4" x 4" cedar poet would cost between $30.00 and 135.00. Resolution No. P-71-76 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this Committee recommend to Council that the Public Works Department undertake the gradual signing of all roads within The Town of Newcastle. "CARRIED" 04) ADiommoNT Resolution No. P-72-76 Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this meeting do. now adjourn. "CARRIED" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 9.30 p.m. LLI i1 0 lK �"t D nay Secretary Chairman