HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-06-14Present - TOWN OF MICASTLE IORAIMO�ti @IUU/k upl M�ia'dsl � �a�r nt Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, June 14, 19769 7:30 p.m. Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N.& N.Bd. of Ed. Rep. R.C.S.S. Bd. Rep. Planning Director Plarming Assistant Secretary Absent: Member (1) Mixmtes of Previous Meetings Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor D. Allin Councillor H. B. Tink Mr. H. Balson Nr. H. Hammond Mr. S. Lanoaster Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. R. Yates Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. S. Worden Mr. R. Gutteridge Mr. Geo. Howden Me. N. Forrest H. R. Best Mayor G. B. Rickard Resolution No, R- 6-76 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Allin, That the minutes of the regular meeting of May 10, 19760 and of the special meetings on May 269 and. May 31, 1976, be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" (2) There were no delegations.. (3) Re930nal Pluiiio& lities Amendment Act (Bill 55) Director's Report # 199 recommended as follows - "That the Treasurer of Ontario be advised that the Town of Newcastle considers Section 116 of Bill 55 to be poorly conceived and an unnecessary over -centralization of powers and responsibilities which can only increase delays in the plarming process and increase the cost of housing." Planning Advisory Committee, June 14, 1976, continued- Page 2 "Cur M.P.P. for Durham Nast should be advised of any resolution by Council on this matter since he was the person who brought the proposed legislation to Council's attention". Resolution No. P -La -76 Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That the Director's recommendation be adopted by this Committee. (4) Offioial Plan Amendment Application No. 11, Pvtha+xoras Group Limited. Director's report # 200 recommended as follows - 'That a copy of staff reports as well as the minutes of the Special meeting regarding shopping centres be sent to the Ministry of Housing in response to their query. Resolution No. P-ls8-76 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this recommendation be received for information. (5) Munioipal Incentive Grant Proeramme Director's report # 200 recommended as follows - 'That Council be advised no further action is required on this matter.' Resolution No. P-l�9-76 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Tink, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendation. (6) Town Clerk's Report reggKU rn Objections to Bs -law No. 75-93. Director's Report ` 200 recommended as follows - 'Since these objections have subsequently been withdrawn, we recommended that no further action is required in this matter'. Resolution No. _1?-50nL6, Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Nr. H. Belson, That this Committee conour with the Director's recommendation. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, June 14, 19769 continued- Page 3 (7) Town of Newcastle Ratepayers Association reEMEUPS Golf Courses. Director's report # 200 recommended as follows - 'That the Newcastle Ratepayers Association be informed that because of their possible detrimental effects on abutting land uses, it is necessary to limit the location of miniature golf and driving range to areas specifically zoned to permit them'. Resolution No. P $1 -76 - Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this Committee conour with the Director's recommendation. "CAP233D" (8) A plioati.on for Plan of Subdivision - Naava Develovmente�ad Developments., Mr. James Servioe, Solicitor for the applicants and Mr. Jeck Milne, Consultant, appeared in support of the application. Director's report ;j 201 recommended as follows - 1. That the approval of a specific plan of subdivision for the applicants lands be deemed premature at this time, pending revisions in accordance with the following guidelines. 2. That the applicant be requested to provide input to the District Plan by revising his proposal in accordance with the following guidelines. 2.1) That gross density of 20 ppa be used in both portions of the plan. 2.2) That the 10 acres of "quadruplex" units be retained in any revised plan. 2.3) That the medium density units be located as close as possible to the Village Centre. 2.4) That access be provided via Ruddell Road, Foster Street and an additional street leading to North Street. 2.5) That sufficient paxkland be provided in each portion of the plan including the deferred portion to meet the requirements of the Planning Act. In the southern area this should be provided adjoining abutting lends which will have to meet the remainder of neighbourhood requirements. Planning Advisory Committee, June 14, 1976, continued- Page 4 i 2.6) That a school site satisfactory to the Board of Education be provided in the initial phase of the plan in association with the required parkland. 2.7) That the environmentally sensitive areas identified by the Conservation Authority be removed from development. 2.8) That a storm drainage plan be submitted which drains as large a portion of the developable lands as possiblo to the Foster Creek and as little as possible to the Wilmot Creek. 2.9) That lots in the plan conform where possible with the draft zoning by-law for the Town of Newcastle as prepared by the Zoning Sub -Committee. 2.10) That sample buildingiAmw be submitted for type of dwellings not contemplated in the draft by-law so that they may be evaluted by the Town's Building, Fire and forks Departments. Resolution. No. 13-52-76 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendation. MOTION LOST. Resolution No. P� Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That item 2.1 of the Director's report be revised by deleting the figure 1120 ppa11 and substituting therefore the figure of 15 ppa. MOTION LOST. Resolution I'o, P-54-76 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond., seconded by Dr. Roweell, That the recommendation as set forth in Director's report 201 be approved by this Committee, with the exception of item 2.4 and further that this item be reforeed to the Director and the applicants for further study in relation to the access via Foster Street onto Highway No. 2. UMai;iKo��Yl Planning Advisory Committee, June 14, 1976, continued- 1,w 5 i (9) A2n3i0ati0n for Plan of Subdivision- Burketon lulls DevelonwM Lot 19, Concession 102 2arlireon. Application was made for the approval of a thirty lot subdivision on a L}5 acre parcel, located east of the Sougog Road and south of the C.P.R. railway tracks. The proposed plan also included a 3 acre neighbourhood commercial site and a 8.3 acre park site. Mr. Joseph Giddens appeared on behalf of the applicant, Mr. Mario Veltri. Direotor's Report # 202 recommended as follows - 1) That the lots abutting the shunting track be increased in depth, with the houses sited as close to the front lot line as the Zoning By-law permits. 2) that the fact that a potential noise problem exists be noted on the deeds to lots 25 to 30. 3) that the developer be required to erect a 6 foot high chain link fence along the ream of lots 25 to 30 and that a oovenant be registered on the deeds to each of these lots requiring the owner to maintain said fence. 4) that a road widening be dedicated to the Town to bring the width of the Old Sougog Road allowance abutting the proposed subdivision to 66 feet and that the subject portion of the road be improved to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle Works Department at the Owner's expense. 5) that a 10 foot wide parcel of land between proposed lots 7 and 8 be dedicated to the Town of Newcastle for the purpose of a walkway to connect "Street All with the park. 6) that a one foot reserve be dedicated to the Town along the east- erly boundary of the road allowance connecting Street A and Street B. 7) that Block B not be approved for neighbourhood commercial use, since there is already a neighbourhood oommevoial site on the main street adjacent to the railway station and the existing general store. Planning Advisory Committee, June 14, 1976, continued- Page 6 Resolution No.P-55-76 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That the following recommendations be added as item 8 and 9, 8) That the minimum lot area be increased to 37,500 rig -ft. subject to the approval of the Department of Health. 9) That this development proceed on the basis of private wells and septic tanks with field tile beds. "CARRIFD" Resolution No.P-56 76 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by 1`7r. H. Hammond, That the Director Ia recommendations as amended be approved by this Committee. 11CM'r'J D°' (10) Correspondence from E. R. Lovekin to Cler!;: re. Hamlet of Kendal and pending ReSionaJ Official Plan. (referred by Council) Resolution No. P-57-76 Moved by Councillor Tink, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That this correspondence be received for information. "CARTlI " (11) Cham-rman's Verbal Reports. (i) Correspondence from Milani and Milani, reg Bowmanville West and U.M.A. report. (ii) Newtonville Study. (12) Signing of Roads Councillor Tinlc was requested to report to the next meeting re- signing of roads in the Town of Newcastle. 0 3) ADJOURREUT Resolution No. P-5II-76 Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. R. Gutteridge, That this meeting do now adjourn. ''CARRD�°i Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10.15 p.m. +y � Secretary Chairman