HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-05-26TM 0P Xffi' 3AM=', PLAT MG ADVISORY ousaT'19 Special Meeting Court Room i 1, B(nmmnville, Wednesda;ir, May 26, 1976; '7:30 p.m. Present.- Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member IMI= N.& N. Bd. of Pd. Rep. R.C.S.S.W. Rep. Manning Director Planning Assistant Sepretary Absent: Member Member Councillor X. Entwisle Councillor D. Allin May= G. B. RiaLard Mr. H. Rammond Mr. H. Balson Mr. S. Lanoas-ter Mr, R. Hetherington Dr. H. R. Rowoell Mr. S. Worden Mr. R. Gutteridge Mr. G. Howden Iis. N. Ilorreet 1I. R• Best Councillor II. B. Tinl- Mr. 11. Yates Also present.- Mr. W. Beath, Chairman, (legion of Durham Mrs. A. Cowman, Area Councillor Mr. P. Woo, Regional Planning & Devolopmen-t Mr. Bud Wagar, Newcastle Ohamber of Commerce Sir. Tony Brandt, Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce Mr. Jerry Spraolamn, Tlestern Auto Parte Itr. Henry Joseph, Bowbrook Investments Iir. Gary Smith, D.H.Consultants and appro,dmately 25 other persons. In his opening remaxl_s, the Chairman stated that t1111s meeting had been called to receive comments related to the Shopping Centre issue from those persons invited to attend and to consider Report 1# 196 as prepared by Mr. Howden, Planning Director. (1) Introduction of Al�glieatione. Mr. Howden, Planning Direotor, briefly reviewed the background information pertaining to each application for Official Man Amendment. Iiia review was supported by the use of two macs, one showing the present Official Plan designations and the other illustrating the =o_)osoa amendments. (2) Official Plan AmendmentA=;plication No. _ 11, _(tTeptern Auto Parte Ztd. �, Oshawa), Mr, Jerry S__rracl^_man _resented a general outline of his ooggany's proposal to develop a shopping centre (Durham Mall) on a 30 acre site, bounded on the south by Highway 101, on the 4iest by Waverly Road, on the north by the baseline roost on the east by BoMmanville Creek. Planning Advisory Committee, May 269 1976, continued® rage 2 More deta3lod and specific information was submitted by Nx. Tom Black of Underwood, MoCellan and Asaociatea relative to the proposed out and fill operation in the flood plain of Bowmauville Creek, Nr. Harry XDln, Architect of the firm of Stone one Koln, presented isometric drawings illustrating various stages of the proposed development. Mr. Derek Pricks of Canadian Tire Corporation at forth the reasons why his company wished to lease 40,000 sq.ft. of retail space when available in the proposed mall. In addition to the aforenoted speakers, Mr. Spra&a= previously provided each member with a copy of correspondence from Grant A. Bacchus Consulting Traffic Engineer together with a bound booklet containing duplicate letters related to his application. (3) Offioiel Plan !amendment Apalioation ;r 20 (How'arooic Inveatmenta. ,Ltd Mr. Henry Joseph addressed the meeting and by the use of slides illustrated their proposed development on a 13 acre site situate between highway 401 and the baseline road and immediately west of Waverly Road. (4) Official _Y'lap Amondr A;� Ali cation .y7 D.Ni._Qon tante Ltd. Mr. Gary Smith, Solicitor, addressed the Committee on behalf of Mr. Peter Weston. By means of working drawings, he illustrated his clients plans for developing a 6 acre site in addition to the approvsd 1:rcFcssel on a four acre site situate on the south east corner of the intersection of Isng Street and Simpson Avenue, Bowmanville. (5) Bowmanville Obamber of_Commeroe Mr. A. G. Brandt presented a brief prepared by the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce and pertaining to Sho- ?ing Centre Development in Bowmanville. In summary the brief stated that the Chamber are in favour of large shopping centres on the outEkirts of Bowmanville and would li',:e more oo-operation to im?rove the downtown core area and t?at the Chamber I_eep a closer .mase on the situation in general. 6 Newoastle_.Chamber o£Commerce Mr. R. Wagar presented a brief under the heading Shopping Centres in Bowmarnrille, mud pre -_oared by Mr, ieith Barr, past i)resident of the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce. The brief concluded as follows- Planning Advisory Committee, May 26, 1976, continued - Page 3 "We aolaaowledge that the shopping oer_tre has become a part of our sooiety-thinking to -day. However, we do not believe that this is the time for same to enter our mode of living. Taking into oonsid- oration all the matters involved and all the areas in The Town of Newcastle, Ontario that would, in our opinion, be adversely affected, we cannot agree with the above-oaptioned subject. The Newcastle Village and district Chamber of Commerce acknowledge that the period of time to study all the ramfications of the above - captioned subject and the materials supplied to us, has been brief, however, the foregoing statements are our attempt to at least, bring some pertinent, and we hope construotive, points to your attention for consideration". (7) Waverly Community Association Mrs. P. A. HaV.cins, Chairman Area Development Committee, Waverly Community Association presented a brief with respect to Shopping Centre Development Proposals, southern oornere of the Waverly and Baseline Road intersection. The brief summarized the results of a questionaire, circulated by the Association to determine the feelings of the residents toward the shopping centre proposals. The summary concluded as follows - 'The Association has no evidence that the shopping patterns of the Waverly Community are duplicated elsewhere in the Town. Thus a similar survey of other areas might perhaps be justified to determine the shopping patterns of the Town as a whole. On the evidence of the Waverly Community it would seem that the merohante that might be hurt by a shopping centre in Bovmanville are located, not in Bowmanville, but in Oshawa' (8) _ lcstra'a Delicatessen Food Mawket. Bowmanville. Mr. Dykstra, speaking as an individual merchant, noted the trend in shopping habits towards larger shopping oentres with ample parking facilities and modern conveniences. In conclusion he stated that he was opposed to the proposal development at Ming and Simpson Streets, but was in support of a much larger centre on the outskirts of Bowmanville and in the area of Highway 401. (9) Mr. Howden. Planning Director. Town of Newcastle Mr. Howden, briefly reviewed the Commercial Feasibility and Impact Analysis Study for the Town of Newcastle as prepared in July, 1975 by Murray V. Jones Associates and set forth in Item 4.6 of Report No. 196. Planning Advisory Committee, May 26, 19769 continued- Page 4 (10) Mr, Harold I>ostka of Mnrra�y V. Jones Associates. Also spoke to the matter of the Commercial Feasibility and Impact Analysis Study. In his opinion there was no immediate need for any large scale shopping facilities in Boomianville. (11) estions_and Answers The representative of the various developers answered questions from the Committee members and from the floor. (12) ADJOViiAIl7Fi U Resolution No. P4 2ZJ6 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Sr. H. Hammond, That this meeting do now adjourn and to meet again at 7-00 p.m. on Monday, May 31, 1976, in the Bowmenville Torm Hall to complete item 10 of the Agenda. ,vCAPJ3DM),: Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10-50 p.m. r Secretary Chairman