HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-05-10Present: TOWN OP NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 100tilIMU,1� Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, May 109 1976. 7230 p.m. Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N.& N.Bd.of Ed. Rep. R.C.S.S.Bd. Rep. Planning Director Planning Assistant Secretary kzr bar Absents Member Vot„ iRSpower of School Board Members Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor H. B. Tine Mayor G. B. Riokerd Mr. A. Hetherington Mr. H. Hammond 11r. H. Balson Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. R. Yates Mr. S. Worden Mr. lt. Gutteridge Mr. Geo. Howden Ms. N. Forrest H. R. Best Co "t III, R. D ALLIN Dr. H. R. Rowsell The Chairman announced that the matter of School Boaxd Members voting on the Planning Advisory Committee has been oonsidered by Council and it was decided that they should be g*ented,vvting power. (i) Minutes of Previous Hestina. Resolution D7o. P -!a2-76 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. H. Belson, That the minutes of the regular meeting on April 269 19769 be adopted as printed. "CARRIEDIZ (2) DELEGATIONS (i) Mr, Fri MaMIgg, Kendal Pbr. Manning expressed hie concern regarding the Region's policy to restrict growth in the Hamlet of Kendal. He requested that the Chairman advise him of the manner and opportunity to submit his comments relative to the Rural Communities Servicing Study which is expected to be discussed by Regional Council in the near ftture. r3as ia.- A&visory Committee, may 10, 19769 continued Page 2 (ii) Mr. Bernard Hemix,� T rnone Mr. Homing stated that he was the owner of 5 acres of land in lot S, Concession 6, Darlington, and situate to the Bout:, of the seventh line road and abutting road Noll. Ile wished to sever the existing house and construct a new and larger house on the remainlvg portion. He also requested that his lot be included in the proposed hamlet residential area in the Region's Official Plan. Mr. Heming ums advised of alternate procedures with respect to Official Plan Amendments. (3) BUSnESS BROUGRT POR mu (i) Official P7aa_Amondment Annlications� No. 32, l6 cad 4��Bpwmar,ville wast) Reference. resolution Bo. P-40--76. Resolution PTo._._P jD 76 Moved by lb?. H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Tink, That Director's report DTo. 193 be lifted from the table. 57CArdJ3 Mf? Report No. 193 was reviewed in conjunction with report 197. Mr. Conroy Dowson, Consultant for Milani. and Milani, addressed the Committee at length. In his presentation he referred to a report currently under preparation by the U.M.A. Group which dealt with the servicing costs related to hie proposed development. In conclusion he invited debate on the issues raised by his proposals. Mr. Murray Chusid, Solicitor for the applicant also addressed the Committee at length. He also referred to the study being undertaken by the U.N.A Group which was expected to be oompleted within two weeks. lihon completed, this re'oort would be submitted to the Regional Work Department. He would have no objections to the Region supplying copies of the report to the Town of Newcastle. I:lesolution No. - . Moved by ITr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Tinh:, That further discussion on this matter be withheld until such time as the U.M.A. report has been reviewed by this Committee. "CARRE01v Planiaing Ad3rie<sxy Committee, Mey i0, 19 �6c oon+inuet Page 3 (ii) Application for Plan of .Subdivision Part of Lot 259 Concession 6, Darlington ((dm. Ashton, Solina) References resolution No. P®32•-76. Application is made for approval of a 19 lot subdivision comprising part of lot 25, Concession 6, Darlington. Por. and Mrs. 14m. Ashton appeared in support of the application. Director's report No. 198 suggested as follows - "That this subdivision be approved in principle, subject to the lot area conforming to the standards established in the Rural Communities Seavioing Study as approved by Regional Council". Resolution No- P-ls5-76 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Tin1c, That the application of Mr. Ashton be wo roved in principle subject to the lot areas conforming to the requirements of the Durham Regional Health Unit and to the requirements of any other authority having jurisdiotion in these matters. "CA1'JM-i " (iii) Shoppint•_Centress_ Town of Newcastle References resolution No. 2W38-76 The Chairman announced that the special meeting scheduled for 1^7ednesday, May 12, 1976, had been postponed to Wednesday, May 269 1976, at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Court Room, 132 Church Street, Bov=xville. (4) ADJOMUlm Resolution No. P-46-76, Moved by Councillor Tin'-., seconded by 11r. R. Yates, That this meeting do now adjourn. The meeting adjourned accordingly at 11.00 p.m. Secretary Chairman