HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-26TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Munioipal Building, Hampton. Monday, April 26, 1976; 7:30 p.m. Present: Member Member Member Member Member Member N.& N.Bd. of Ed. Rep. Member Planning Direotor Planning Assistant ffooretary Absent: Chairman Member Member R.C.S.S.Bd. Rep. Counoillor H. B. Tink Counoillor D. Allin Mayor G. B. Pickard Mr. H. Hammond Mr. H. Balson Mr. S. Lanoaster Mr. S. worden Dr. H. R. Rowell at 9:00 p.m. Mr. Geo, Howden 140. N. Forrest H. R. Best Counoillor K. Entwisle Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. R. Yates Mr. R. Gutteridge In the absence of the Chairman, Counoillor Tink 000upied the ohair. Voting Privileges Mayor Rioicard announeed that voting priviledges for the representatives of the two Boards of Education had been approved by the Committee of the 'Whole. •r u� • .. •�. �� •. Resolution No. Pe31-76 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seoonded by Counoillor Allin, That the minutes of the regular meeting on Maroh 22, 1976, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, April 26, 1976, continued- Page 2 (2) (i) Mr. Wm.Ashton addressed the Committee with respect to his proposed plan of subdivision in the hamlet of Solina(Lot 25, Concession 6, Darlington). He stated that the plan, which originated in 1972 and provided for a residential development of approximately 19 single family dwellings, had been approved by the Minister and by the Region and was now awaiting action by the Town of Newcastle. Resolution No. P-32-76 Moved by Mr. H. Belson, Seconded by Councillor D. Allin, That Mr. Ashton's application be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting of this Committee. °CARRIfB)° (i) AWlication for Plan of_Subdivision,Delfran_Reakb Jackman Road , Bovmanville. Reference: P-95-75• M•r. N. S. Glicicaman, President of Belfran Realty* Ltd., appeared in support of this application. Director's report No. 194A set forth the recommendations an follows - "That the Minister be requested to grant draft approval to the subdivision on the following conditions: 1) That the Plan be revised to limit residential lots to the area above the top of bank and to extend Jaelman Heights Boulevard to the southern boundary of the property. 2) That authorization to commence work be granted only when the Durham Commissioner of Works certifies that sufficient water supply and sewage disposal capacity is available for the proposed development and that the applicant 1wA satisfied all other conditions required by the Works Department. 9) That lots 26 to 29 which the applicant has now acquired be included in the plan. Planning Advisory Committee, April 267 1976, continued- Page 3 4) That the subdivider contribute to the cost of construction of a sidewalk on one side of Jackman Road and improved street lighting in proportion to the total number of dwellings using Jackman Road as their access to Bovmanville. 5) That Blook 'B' be increased to 5016 of the area of the sub- division excluding Blocks A. C and D. Resolution No. P-33-76 Moved by Councillor Min, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, '.khat this Committee concur with the Director's recommendations and further that the developer be required to provide a second aocess to the subdivision by way of Edsall Avenue. 991VITN (ii) Aorolfoation for Rezone -Home Smith Proroerties Orono. Reference- P-110-75. Director's report No. 195 recommended as follows - "That the application to rezone Bloat= 'E' Plan 693 from Open Space to Local Commercial be denied. It is also recommended that the offer extended in Report No. 147 be extended again, except that Block 'k" be rezoned 'Rural Residential' instead of 'Local Commercial'. ResolutionNo. P -31-j6 Moved by Mo. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. H. Belson, That this Committee adopt the Director's recommendations. (4) in, I BIISINESS (i) Official Plan Amendment 4b,Rlioat onl_rShoup Pa Centres No. 11, Western Auto Parts, Oshawa (38.21 acres) No. 20, Bowbrook Investments Ltd., (12.60 acres) No. 57, D.M.Consultants Ltd., (4.2 acres) Direotor's report No. 196 dealt with all three applications. Planning Advisory Committee, April. 26, 1976, continued - Page 4 The following persons appeared in support of application No. 11, Mr. Jerry Sprackman --- President of Western Auto Parts Mr, Derek ROO ---- Canadian Tire Store Mr, W. Lowman _-- Real Botate Manager -Dominion Stores Mr. J. Reynoldo --- Real Batate Manager -Zellers Ltd. Mr. XDhm --- Architect, Resolution No,4 --73 .-6 Moved by Mr. H. Baloon, Seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That Official Plan Amendment No. 11 be placed on the agenda for the next meeting and further that the Director's report include certain information misoing at the present time, and to include comments relating to taxes and other benefits which could be expected from this development, "CARRIED" Nin, Henry Joseph of Bowbrook Investmento appeared in support of application No. 20. Resolution_NO P.200 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, oeoonded by Mr. H. Ballon, That Official Plan Amendment No. 20 be included in the Director's report relating to Official Plan AmendmoK No. 11. "CARRIED" Mr. Peter Weston appeared in support of application No, 57= Resolution No. Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That Director's report No. 196 be tabled to a special meeting. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, April 269 1976, continued- Hage 5 Resolution No.P3Am 8d 6 .L_:. Moved by Mayor Richard, seconded by Councillor Allin, That the Special Meeting be arranged by the Chairman, Director and Secretary and further that the following persons and/or representatives be invited to attend, Council Members Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce Orono Chamber of Commerce Newcastle Chamber of Commerce Regional Planning & Development Committee Regional Planning Staff. TARRIED" Mr. Sprackman requested that the applicants be notified, at least ten days in advance, of the date of the Special meeting. (ii) Official Plan Amendments AUpliaation iUos,_32R)6_aud h7 (Bowmanville West) Resolution No. P-X.Z6_ Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That Director's re.?ort No. 193 be lifted from the table. :; l ► PLL. Conroy Dowson appeared in support of the applicant. He provided hand outs entitled "Bowmanville West, Reply to Regional Official Plan, Disoussion Paper No. 1411. Resolution No,y_P�1Od76, Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by 11r. H. Balson, That discussion on report No. 193 be deferred until next meeting in order for the members to review Mr. Dowson's document. "CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, April 26, 1976, continued- Page .6 (5) OTHER BUMMSS (i, Mayor Rickard suggested that a special meeting be held prior to May 17 and at the call of the Chair, to consider and resolve the Town's position with respect to the proposed Regional Official Plan. (ii) lir. Hammond referred to the need for improvements to the traffic flow patterns in Bowmanville prior to accepting any major develop- ment. (iii) Next regular meeting of the Committee to be held on Monday, IHay 10, 1976 at 7030 p.m. in the Hampton Municipal Offices. (6) ADJOMMWT Resolution No. P-lL1-76 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by lir. S. Worden, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10035 p.m. Secretary' Chairman