HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-03-08TOWN of NE[-dCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMIT , REGULAR M43T.UTG Municipal Buildings Hampton, Monday March 8, 1976; 7.30 P.M. Present. Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Planning Director Acting Secretary Absent. R.C.S.S. Bd. Rep. Member N. & N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. 0 ) MIN ms OF PREVIOIIS NOTING Councillor Dirk Lntwisle Councillor Donald W. Allin Mayor Garnet B. Riokard, at 7.55 P.M. Councillor H. B.,Tink, at 8.00 P.M. Mr. Harold Belson Mr. Harold Hammond Mr. Sid Lancaster Dr. H. R. Rowsell, at 8.10 P.M. Mr. Roger Yates Mr. George Howden Norma Forrest Mr. R. Gutteridge Mr. 11. Hetherington Mr. S. Worden Resolution P-20-76 Moved by Mr. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Allin, That the minutes of the regular maeting of February 9, 1976 be approved as printed. li[Na�►�1 (2) Busmss BRouGHT FORWARD (i) Application for Plan of Subdivision. Part of Lots 19 & 20 This application proposes a 22 Lot Estate Residential subdivision on a 120 acre site. Planning Advisory Committee, March 8, 1976 continued - Page 2 I Mx. Goheen and Mr. Victor appeared in support of this application. They pointed out that this site was designated "Nstate Residential" in the proposed Amendment Number 8 to the Darlington Official Plano Director's Report Number 192, which was tabled at the last meeting of February 9, 1976, was lifted from the table. This report rec-- ommended that this application be refused on the groiilds that "because of the high agrioultural capability of the subject land, tine lack of vegetation and natural screening and the -proximity of the Conservation Area, these lands do not conform with the Town's policies for estate residential development". During the Committee's discussion of this application, the following issues were raised. the value of this land for agriculture, the Committee's need for a firm position on estate residential and hamlet development Resolution Moved by Pir. Hammond, seconded by Mr, Yates, That this proposal be considered premature 'pending reooipt of a Regional policy on Hamlets for the consideration of this Committee, as well as the submission by the applicant of an Official Plan amendment application and subsequent Zoning By -Law Amendment application. "CAIIRI )I? (3) NEW BUSIMSs (i) ARailication for Official Plan Amendment Noe. j21u and These applications proposed the development of 66LE acres of land for residential purposes, as well as 86,63 acres of land for industrial purposes, including a sewage treatment plant. The subject lands comprise part of Lot 15, Broken Front Concession, and parts of Lots 15 and 16, Concession 1, Bowmanville, Director's Report No, 193 reviewed these three applications in the context of the following guidelines for growth in Bowmanville. Planning Advisory Committee, March 8, 1976 continued -- Page 3 I (1) Urban population growth should ocouw at a steady rate of a/ to 61 per annap while maintaining a balance between employment and population. (2) Urban development should be so structured as to encourage the maximum of self-sufficiency with regard to employment, shopping, recreation, and other community services. (3) Urban development should be structured to conserve the marim„m of agricultural production and to ma::i.mize the extent of the agricultural community separating urban area. (4) Urban development should be structured to minimize the cost of all community services regardless of the manner in which these costs are passed on to the public and the maximum use should be obtained from existing investment in public services. (5) Urban development should be structured to maximize the accessibility and integration within the community in pro.- ference to maximizing the accessibility to other urban areas. (6) Urban development should be structured to maximize the possible exposure to sources of hazard and disturbance, The report concluded that the subject applications do not conform to these guidelines and therefore should not be recommended for approval. Mr. Conroy Dowson, the Planning Consultant representing Milani and Milani in this matter, -requested that this application be tabled for one month to allow an in depth study of Report Vs. 193. Resolution P--22-76 Moved by Mr. Yates, seconded by Dr, Rowsell, That the Committee concurs with the recommendations stated in Director's Report No. 163.. IILIKali il017;r.`1> aim) Ml Resolution P-23-76 07ed by Mr. Yates, seconded by Dr. Roweell, That this application be tabled for one month, Planning; Advisory Committee, March 0, 1976 continued r :Page !p (4) OTHER BUSINESS Q) Phi e Y.ine julz , The Chairman advised that Rice Construction Co., part owners of Fudge Pine Pare LW, requested that consideration of lilmot Cree'_;: Cove, which was to have been discussed at the Planning Advisory Committee Meeting of March 22, 1976, be postponed pending a final settlement of the proposed route of the Hydro transmission line,. (5) ADJOUi MIMUTT Resolution No. 1--20-76 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr, Yates, That the meeting adjourn at 905 P.M. ------------------- Secretary Chairman