HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-11-24TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Municipal Building, Hampton, November 24, 19759 7.30 p.m. Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member R.C.S.S.Bd.Rep. Planning Director Planning Assistant Secretary Absent: Member Member Member Member N.& N. Bd.of Ed. Rep. (1) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Councillor X. Entwisle Mayor G. B. Rickard Mr. H. Balson Mr. H. Hammond Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Muir Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. R. Yates Mr. R. Gutteridge Mr. Geo. Howden Me. N. Forrest H. R. Best Councillor D. Allin Councillor A. Cowman Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. S. Worden Resolution No. P-172-75 Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That the minutes of the regular meeting on November 109 19759 be approved subject to the following amendments, i) That the fourth paragraph of item 5 (ii) be amended to read as follows - "He also reviewed certain by-laws which would be placed on the agenda for first and second readings before the end of December, 197511° 11) That the fifth paragraph of item 5(11) be amended to read as follows - "In summary, the Mayor stated that, if there were no objections forthcoming, he intended to support the first and second reading of the aforenoted by-laws whioh, when passed, would establish credit against the 1975 quota for the construction of capital works. Planning Advisory Committee, November 24, 1975, continued- Page 2 (2) DELEGATIONS There were no delegations. (3) BUS IMESS BROUGHT FORWARD (i) Standard Form of Subdivision Agreement. Reference: resolution No. P-132-75 Director's report No. 179 was accompanied by the last revised draft (November 10, 1975) of a Standard Form of Subdivision Agreement. Nine revisions, as suggested by the Planning Staff, Works Department and Consultants were also appended to the Directorts report. This report recommended as follows - "I would recommend that the agreement be approved by the Committee subject to a final detailed review as to legal form by the Town's Solicitor". Resolution No. P-17375 Moved by Mr. H. Balson, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this Committee approve of the revisions to the draft of the subdivision agreement subject to a final review by the Town Staff and to the subsequent approval by the Town Solicitor as to legal form. "CARRIED" (ii) Application for Rezoning°. Durham Christian High School, Lot 4, Concession 2, Darlington. Reference: resolution No. P-93-75• Mr. Peter Fedemma and Dirk Brinkman appeared in support of this application. The recommendations as follows were noted in Director's report No. 181. (1) That the applicant enter into a site plan agreement with the town including road widenings, fencing, location of entrances. (2) That this rezoning extend only to the top of bank. (3) That the applicant enter into an agreement with the Region `. respecting the provisioncof municipal water services to the site. `.anning Advisory Committee, November 24, 1975, continued- Page 3 Resolution No, P-171-75 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seoonded by Mr. H. Hammond, That the Director's recommendations be approved by this Committee subject however to final approval by this Committee of the site plan,when submitted. "CARRIED" (iii) Cean Investments, High Street, Bowmanville. Referenoeo resolution No. P-166-75. Mr. Zygooki appeared in support of his applioation.and presented revised plans of his proposed subdivision. The revised plan was basically in conformity with the Director's previous recommendations. The speaker stated that the revisions were generally acceptable to him with the exception of the required set back of 200' from the Canadian Pacific Railroad tracks. He requested that this setback be reduced to 175' in order to permit the construction of four additional dwelling unite. In summary, Director's report No. 180 recommended as follows - "That the Minister be requested to grant draft approval to the revised plan dated November 17, 1975, subject to the following conditions. (1) That Blocks D. H and I be combined as a pedestrian walkway. (2) That Blocks E, F and G abutting the railway line be conveyed to the municipality for parkland screening and that they be graded and landscaped to minimize noise, (3) That a portion of the lands for multi family units be offered to Ontario Housing Corporation at a price to be specified in the subdivision agreement not to be less than that which a knowledgeable private builder would pay. (4) That authorization to commence work be granted only when the Durham Commissioner of Works certifies that sufficient water supply and sewage disposal capacity is available for the proposed development. Planning Advisory Committee, November 24, 1975, continued- Page 4 Resolution No. Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That the Director's recommendations be approved by this Committee. Resolution No. 76-71 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by 1,1r. R. Hetherington, That the foregoing resolution be amended as follows - That the Director's recommendations be approved by this Committee provided that the minimum setback from the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks be reduced from 200 feet to 175 feet and further provided that no adverse comments, pertaining to the reduction in setback requirements, are received from the Ministry of the Environment within two weeks. (iv) Re -designation of Prestonvale Road. Reference- resolution No. P-78-75. Mr. Devon Biddle, P.Eng., and two other persons appeared in support of this application. Director's report No. 183 recommended as follows - (1) Prestonvale Road should be designated as an improved road in the new zoning by-law. (2) The Town Solicitor register a quit claim deed for that portion of the road which is a forced road to guarantee the Town's title to it. (3) That road widening to 33 feet from the existing centreline be obtained as a condition of agir future building permits which may be issued prior to reconstruction. Reeolution No. P-1 Mllr Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That recommendations one and two of Director's report No. 183 be approved by this Committee and further that recommendation number three be approved subject to the amendment as follows - 'That road widenings, to permit a 66 foot allowance for road, be obtained as a condition of any future building permits which may be issued prior to reconstruction. "CARR o Planning Advisory Committee, November 24, 19759 continued- Page 5 i (4) NE4d BUSINESS (i) Application for Official Plan Amendment, Durham Estates, pt. lot 119 Concession 3, Darlington. Application was made to the Region for and amendment to the Darlington Official Plan to permit a 45 acre Estate Residential Subdivision on 94.13 acres of land situate in part of lot 11, Concession 3, Darlington. Mr. Conroy Dowson, Planning Consultant appeared in support of the application. He furnished bound brochures of a planning report on Durham Estates,c/o Milani and Milani Holdings Limited. Director's report No. 182 recommended as follows - "That the Region be advised that this application is premature pending receipt of clear guidelines on future development in the Town of Bowmanville and a policy on Estate Residential Development in the Region". Resolution No. P 178 75 Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That the principle of Estate Residential is approved by this Committee, The application of Durham Estates is considered premature at this time for the reasons stated in the Planning Director's report No. 182. "CARRIED" (5) OTHER BUSINESS (i) Village of Newcastle, Concept Plan The Chairman reported that the presentation of the Concept Plan for the Village of Newcastle had not been abandoned but had been placed on hold by Murray V. Jones pending further development of the Region's Official Plane (ii) Next Meeting The next meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee to be held on Monday, December 8, 1975, unless otherwise notified. Planning Advisory Committee, November 24, 1975, continued- Page 6 i (6) ADJOURN= Resolution No. -1-72._l� Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That this meeting do now adjourn. "CAMUD,Dv? Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10°15 p.m. Secretary Chairman