HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-11-10TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLAMrM ADVISORY C011MITTEE Municipal Building, Hampton, November 10, 1975, 7;30 p.m. Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N. & N.Bd.of Ed. Rep. R.C.S.S.Bd. Rep. Planning Director Planning Assistant Secretary (1) Mnwm OF PamouS MEETING Councillor K. Entwisle Mayor G. B. Rickard Councillor D. Allin Councillor A. Cowman Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Belson Mr. H. Hammond Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. D. Moffatt, M.P.P. Mr. H. Muir Mr. R. Yates Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. S. Worden Mr. R. Gutteridge Mr. Geo- Howden No. N. Forrest H. R. Best Resolution No. P-154-75 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. S. Lancaster, That the minutes of the regular meeting of October 27, 19759 be approved as printed. "CARRDMn (2) DELEGATIONS (i) Mr. Hugh Macklin - re: Schickedanz Develouments Ltd. Mr. Macklin addressed the Committee in respect of lands owned by his client in the Town of Bowmanville. The subject lands comprise two parcels of lend situate on the south side of Concession Street and to the east side of Liberty Street. One paroel, commonly referred to as the former"Bickle property covers some 13 acres while the second parcel, referred to as the former 'Mutton' property, covers approximately 47 acres of land. The plan envisaged a development of single family and semi-detaohed dwelling units on lots of 40 and 50 foot frontages. This would result in a density of 64 persons per groes acre. A draft plan of subdivision would be available within two weeks. Planning Advisory Committee, November 10, 1975, continued- Page 2 Mr. Macklin stated that he had applied to the Region for an amendment to the Official Plan of the former Town of Bowmanville. Due to the length of time (28-30 months) required to process Official Plan amendments and subdivision proposals and in order to expedite his client's proposal for development, Mr. Macklin requested that the aforenoted plan of subdivision be circulated to the various agencies at the same time as his Official Plan application was circulated by the Planning Department of The Town of Newcastle. Resolution No. P-155-75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. H. Balson, That this Committee concur with Mr. Macklin's request, that his plan of subdivision be circulated in conjunction with his application for Official Plan Amendment. (i) Dennis Thompson and application for rezpning. Mr. Thompson appeared in support of this application, and requested that his application be tabled pending the attendanee of his solicitor, Mr. E. R. Lovekcin. Resolution No. P-156-75 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this application be tabled for one hour. "NOTIOF LOST" Director's Report No. 169 recommended as follows - a) the proposed rezoning proceed b) upon Ontario Municipal Board approval of the rezoning, the applicant be given an appropriate period of time to obtain a building permit and to bring his building into compliance with building and health regulations, c) if the applicant fails to comply with (b) above, the matter be turned over to the By-law F'aiforcement Officer for further prosecution. Planner Advisory Committee, November 109 19759 continued- Page 3 Resolution No. P-1 �7 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That this Committee concur with the Director's reoommendations as set forth in Report No. 169. "CMUED°' (ii) Preservation Sanctuary Club. Mr. John Morissett appeared in support of this application. Director's Report No. 174 recommended the adoption of an attached Bylaw to amend By --law No. 2111, whereby certain lands in Lot 59 Concession 10, Darlington, would be rezoned to permit a tourist camp. Resolution No. Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor Cowman, That this application be temporarily tabled in order that Mr. Morissett might study the amending by-law. ;TCA]? Rvi (4) DTAj BUSINESS (i) Government Policy for Mobile Homes. Director's Report No. 170 referred to a statement by the Minister of Housing outlining proposed legislation to govern and regulate the use of mobile homes in Ontario. Reeolution No. P�1 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Allin, That Director's report No. 170 be received for information. (ii) Town Centre. South-West Corner of Waverlay Road and Baseline. Director's Report No. 171 referred to the concern by Area residents over the possibility of a Town Centre being located at Waverley Road and the Baseline. ( Planning Advisory Committee, November 109 19759 continued- Page 4 The report recommended that Mr. Nixon, one of the area residents, be advised that area residents would have two opportunities to object to this proposal. The proposed Official Plan Amendment will be considered by the Planning Advisory Committee and then by Council when the current Commercial Needs Study is completed. Any objectors will be welcome to come to any of these meetings to voice their objections and Mr. Nixon will be listed as a party interested in this application. Resolution No. P-160-75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. Yates, That this Committee concur with Director's Report N09171e v CARRIP v (iii) Waverley Road Diversion; street namixo Director's Report No. 172 recommended as follows - "That the street connecting Highway tr- 2 with Waverley Road in Bowmanville be named Warren Hill Drive' by By-law and that the street be signed accordingly', Resolution No. P -1.02L Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this Committee accept the suggestion of Mrs. Gail deVries that the street connecting Waverley Road with Highway No. 2 be named 'ROMGK HILL" in honor of one of the oldest families in Bowmanville, subject to the woproval of the Roenigk family, "CAITUTO" (iv) Zone Provisions in Newcastle Village,. Director's Report No. 173 made reference to a letter requesting an amendment to By-law 73•-15 of the former Village of Newcastle. The report recommended that no further action was required as Council has already acted on this -request. Resolution No. P-162-75 Moved by Mr, D. Moffatt, seconded by Dr. Roweell, That Director's Report No. 173 be received for information. KEWD-1-milm Planning Advisory Committee, November 10, 1975, continued- Page 5 (v) Proposed Subdivision, Newtonville Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne, Tdewtonville, appeared in support of this application. The proposed subdivision covered some 30 acres of land in part of lot 89 Concession 2, Clarke, and made provision for some 70 lots, intended for S.F. Dwellings. Director's Report No. 175 recommended as follows - "That Mr. Payne'be advised that Newtonville is the subject of a study now underway and that a decision on this matter would be premature until such time as this study has been completed". Resolution No. P-16 n7r Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendation and further that the information relating to the Payne sub- division proposal be forwarded to the Regional Planning and Development Commission. "CA�.I3IGD°' (vi) Suteh Sand and Gravel,- application for rezonirpart of lot 18 Concession 10, Clarke. Mr. L. Giergon, apreared in support of this application. Director's Report No. 176 -recommended as follows - "That the subject site be zoned 'Extractive ODUSTRIAL' in the new zoning by --law and that this Council authorize the preparation of a By-law to regulate the establishment and operation of pits and quarries'. Resolution No. Moved by Mr. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this Committee concur with the Director'e recommendation. t°C1ll112 v7 (vii) Burketon Hills Development Mr. Giddens appeared in support of this development. Planning Advisory Committee, November 10, 1975, continued- Page 6 Director's Report No. 177 referred to a letter from the Ministry of Housing requesting the Town's comments on a subdivision proposed for part of lots 18 and 19, Concession 10, Darlington, which provided for a 30 lot Estate Residential Subdivision. The Director recommended as follows - "That the Ministry and the applicant be advised that The Town is not in a position to comment in this application at.this time pending receipt of an application for subdivision on the Town's usual form". Resolution No. 2-165-75 Moved by Mr. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this Committee concur with the recommendation as contained in Director's report No. 177. "CARRIED" (viii) Application for Plan of Subdivision Hi.ah Street Bowmanville. Application is made for approval of a 31.1ot subdivision on a 9.12 acre parcel fronting on High Street, Bowmanville and abutting the Canadian Pacific Railway mainline, Mr. M. Zygocki appeared on behalf of the applicant CEAN Investments. Director's Report No. 178 set forth the comments and recommendations as follows - "It is recommended that the Subdivision be re -designed according to these suggested modifications. Our proposed design will be presented at Monday's meeting. We note that Ontario Housing Co3zooration are currently seeking land in Bowmanville for both Senior Citizen and Family Housing. We recommend that it be condition of approval that a portion of the townhouse units be offerred to O.H.C. at a fair market value. In summary, the Minister should be requested to grant draft approval to the subdivision on the following conditions. 1) That the plan be redesigned in accordance with the drawing presented. 2) That the land abutting the railway line be conveyed to the municipality as parkland and landscaped to minimize noise. 3) That a portion of the lands for multi family units be conveyed to Ontario Housing Corporation in accordance with terms to be specified in the subdivision agreement. Planning Advisory Committee, November 10, 19759 continued- Page 7 i 4) That authorization to commence wor'.c be granted only when the Durham Commissioner of =Ics certifies that sufficient water supply and sewage disposal capacity is available for the proposed development. Resolution 7o.-:1665 Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this application be tabled to the next meeting in order that the applicant and Planning Director be given an opportunity to prepare a revised plan of subdivision acceptable to both parties, 12CARRIEDP7 (ix) Preservation Sanctuary Camp Clubirefer to item 3 iii Resolution No. P -1G - Moved by Mr. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That report No. 174 be lifted from the table. °'CAt?l ]MV Resolution No. =?v16ET-5 Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendation as set forth in Report No. 174. ;:CASiXtIED°v (5) OTHER BUSINESS (i) Special Sub -Committee Resolution No. P-169-7' Moved by Councillor Cowmaei, ueconded by Mr. D. Moffatt, That a sub -committee be appointed by Council to assist the Planning Department in the preparation of reports and with specific attention to asethic values, quality, types and mix of housing development in proposed subdivisions. MOTION WITHDRAW. I Planning Advisory Committee, November 10, 1975, continued- Mage 8 (ii) Hezional Construction and Cauital �;1or.!s.:!'ro�ects• Mayor Rickard addressed the Committee at length regarding matters currently under discussion at iiegional Council level and their possible impact on future development in The Town of Newcastle. He reviewed in detail the proposal for the expansion of the Bowmanville water pollution control plant and the proposed water filtration plants for the Oshawa-Uhitby Courtice Area and for the Bowmanville-Newcastle Area. He explained the system of Regional rates as compared to area rating for semTloe charges. He alna reviewed certain by-laws which had received se#ond readings flbxE ndc d and would be placed on the agenda for third reading before Nov 34/Ar the end of 1975= In summary the Mayor stated that, if there weg no objections Ayn ehc�@d forthcoming, he intended to support the reading of the �aforenoted by-laws, which when passed would authorize the Kjow Region to borrow money in 1975 to be applied to the construction of caaital works. (6) ADJOUMENT Resolution Mo. _ki' 120_I Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by 111r. He Belson, That this Committee concur with the position taken by the Mayor with respect to the aforenoted bylaws. Resolution No. P-171= -5, Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Pair• R. Hetherington, That this meeting do now adjourn, P . 1a0 Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10x35 p•mo D-4. CL" CSI &�� ---- - Secretary Chairman