HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-10-27TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 'a NI loi � Municipal Building, Hampton, October 27, 1975. 7.30 p.m. Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member R.C.S.S.Bd. Rep. Planning Director Planning Assistant Planning Consultant Planning Consultant Seoretary Absent: Member Member Member N. & N. Bd.of Ed. Rep. Also present: Councillor K. E. I:yall. (1) MnWTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING (2) Councillor K. Entwisle Mayor G. B. Rickard Councillor D. Allin Counoillor A. Cowman Mr. R. Hetheringtcn Mr. H. Balson Mr. H. Muir Dr. H. R. R.owsell(attended at 8:15 p.m.) Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. R. Gutteridge Mr. Geo. Howden Me. N. Forrest Mr. R. Trudel Mr. S. Neathe7y H. R. Best Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. R. Yates Mr. H. Hammond Mr. S. [Norden Resolution No P-119-75 Moved by Mr. H. Belson, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington; That the minutes of the regular meeting of September 8, 1975, be approved as printed. "CARRIED" (i) Mr. Jack Milne of Kilbora EngineeEk Limited. Mr. Milne, Consultant for Narva Developments Toronto, Erehwon Developments Willowdale and KSW Developments willowdale, presented a proposed plan of subdivision of part of lots 29 and 30, Concession 2 and part of lot 30, Concession 1, Village of Newcastle. Planning Advisory Committee, October 27, 19759 continued- Page 2 The area under subdivision proposal covers some 160 acres and included 5 acres of parkland adjacent to Foster Creek. The proposal provided for various types of housing accommodation for an approximate 2000 persons and includes single family dwellings, semi-detached, townhouses, apartments, bade to back semis with zero lot lines and a school -pack complex. This would result in a gross density of 16 persons per acre on the basis of 5.5 dwelling units per gross acre. The development was planned in four stages. The first stage development included an agreement with the Minister of Housing which requires 10'P/O of the housing units to be sold or built for Ontario Housing Corporation. Mr. James D. Service, Solicitor and agent for the owners also appeared before the Committee. The Chairman thanked Mr. Milne for his presentation. (3) BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD. (i) Revised Salvage Yard By-law Reference. Resolutions No. P-2875 and No. P-108-75. The revised draft, dated October 3, 1975, of the proposed Salvage Yard By-law for the Town of Newcastle was reviewed and noted. Director's Report No. 166 recommended as follows - that the attached by-law be approved and forwarded to Council for enactment. Resolution No. P-1 -7 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this matter be tabled until such time as the operators of salvage yards have received a copy of the revised by-law and have been given the opportunity to discuss same at a Planning Advisory Committee Meeting. °MOTION LOST" Resolution No. 2-11.5-75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That the revised salvage yard by-law be approved by this Committee and recommended to Council for enactment. "CARRM" Planning Advisory Committee, October 27, 1975, continued- Page 3 Resolution No. P-146-75 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. H. Balson, That a copy of the revised salvage yard by-law be forwarded to salvage yard operators and that the said operators be notified of the date when the by-law will be considered by Council. (ii) Processing of Applications for Amendments to Official Plan References Resolution No. P-141-75. Director's report No. 168 set forth the procedures that ase presently in use in the processing of Official Plan Amendment Applications. The recommendations, as follows, was noted. "That the Region be asked to convene a meeting of Regional and local Planning Staff in order to draft improvements to the Official Plan Amendment Procedures and that those im- provements should follow the lines stated above". Resolution No. P-1L7u75 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That the Region be asked to convene a meeting of Regional, Local Planning Staff, Council Members and Planning Advisory Committee Members in order to draft improvements to the Official Plan Amendment Procedures and that those improvements should follow the lines as recommended by the Director. "CARRIED" (4) NEw BBs1NESS (i) Application for Plan of Subdivision- W. G. Dallas, Haydon. Application was made for approval of a twelve lot subdivision on a seven acre parcel of land in Lot 14, Concession 8, Darlington and lying adjacent to the north side of the Hamlet of Haydon. Director's report No. 164 recommended as follows - "that the Ministry and the Region be advised that the subject \ site is unsuitable for development as a subdivision". Planning Advisory Committee, October 27, 1975, continued- Page 4 Mr, Graham Dallas appeared in support of this application. He requested that his application be tabled pending clarification of certain matters between his engineers and the Department of Health which he felt could be resolved at an on site meeting. Resolutinn No. P l-7 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this application be tabled to the next meeting of this Committee. "CARRIED" (ii) Application for Amendment to Darlington Official Plan, Indian Investments Application was made to the Region of Durham for an amendment to the Darlington Official Plan to permit the continuation and expansion of a business involved in the salvage, sorting, repair and sale of wooden pallets and situated south of the Baseline Road in part of Lots 31 and 32, B.F. Concession, Darlington. This application has been referred to the Town of Newcastle for processing. Mr. Ronald Amyotte and his Solicitor Por. E. R. Lovekin appeared in support of this application. Director's Report No. 165 summarized as follows - "That the Region be advised that The Town supports the designation of this land for industrial use. Although it is outside the scope of this application, the area surrounding this site is also well suited to development of low water use industries. It is therefore recommended that the Region be urged to consider the designation of the area shown on the attached map to Industrial for low water using industrial uses". Resolution No. i' -1L9-75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. H. Belson, That this Committee concur with Director's Report No. 165. Planning Advisory Committee, October 27, 1975, cantinued- Page 5 (iii) Application for Amendment to Bowmanv_ille Official Plan; Durham Estates. Application was made to the Region for an amendment to the Bowmanville Official Plan to permit the construction of Town- houses on a 4.51 acre par cel of land situate on the north-west corner of the intersection of Uaverly Road and the Baseline Road. This application has been referred to The Town for processing. The applicant requests a change from an Industrial designation to a Residential designation. Director's Report No. 167 contained the comment as follows - "In conclusion, we consider that the balance of planning considerations favour the retention of the existing industrial designation and that the Region should be advised that The Town opposes the application". Mr. Conroy Dowson, Consultant for the applicant, appeared in support of the application. He requested that this application be tabled pending the receipt of the Regions comments relative to Industrial land. He also requested that a meeting be arranged with the Town's Industrial Committee in order that he could present the options available for industrial land in locations other than the subject land. Resolution No Lis Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That this Committee accept the Director's recommendation as set forth in report.No. 167. "CA11RIED" (5) OTHER. BUSINESS (i) Dom's Auto Parte. Resolution YTo.-151-'j7 Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That Council be requested to examine the operation as conducted by Dom's Auto Parts on part of Lot 32, Concession 1, Darlington, and if this operation is found to be in contra- vention of any municipal by-lavre, that appropriate action be taken. :;CARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee, October 27, 1975, continued® Page 6 (6) (ii) Village of Newcastle, Concept Plan. Resolution No. P-152_ Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That Murray V. Jones Associates Concept plans for the Village of Newcastle be presented at a public meeting. Resolution No. P-153m:z� Moved by Mr. H. Balson, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this meeting do now adjourn. 7°CA)M. IG.'Dvv Meeting adjourned accordingly at 9At.5 p.m. R Dl= rlds= LLQ Secretary Chairman