HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-09-08Present: Absent: (2) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE i ► 9t ► ► ua Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, September 8, 19759 7.30 P.m. Vice -Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N.& N.Bd.of Ed.Rep. R.C.S.S.Bd. Rep. Planning Director Planning Assistant Planning Consultant Planning Consultant Secretary Chairman Member Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. R. Yates Councillor D. Allin Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. H. Hammond Mr. H. Belson Mr. H. Muir Mayor G. B. Rickard Councillor A. Cowman Dr. H. R. Rowssell Mr. S. Worden Mr. R. Gatteridge Mr. Geo. Howden Me. N. Forrest Mr. D. Barber Mr. A. Hrenko H. R. Beet Councillor K. Entwisle Mr. R. Hetherington. Resolution No. P-128-75 Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. H. Mail That the minutes of the regular meeting of August 119 19759 be approved as printed. "CARR19Dov There were no delegations. :� ria. :�•►� : ►• :•9 (i) Mr. Steve Jansma_(applicatioa for rezonI:a9) Reference: P-96-74. Director's report No. 161 stated that Mr. Jerome, had conveyed, to the Town of Newcastle, sufficient land to permit the widening to 661, that portion of King Street fronting onto his property in lot 18, Concession 59 Darlington and Planning Advisory Meeting, September 8, 1975, continued- Page 2 further that Council had by by-law No. 75-44 designated the widened portion of King Street as an improved road. The report recommended that Map 13 of By-law No. 2111 (Darlington) be amended to show the subject segment of King Street as an "Improved Road" Resolution No. P -124 -Jr. Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That the Director's recommendation be approved by this Committee. vcCAR=1V (ii) Bowmanville West Community. References. Resolutions -No. 0-74-968; 0-74-11059 P-275-74. Director's report No. 160 was reviewed and noted. Mr. Chusid, Agent for the developer of the Bowmanville West Community, addressed the Committee in opposition to several items in the Director's report. Due to previous commitments the Vice-Cha„.man, Mr. Moffatt, vacated the Chair at 8;45 p.m. Mayor Rickard was appointed Chairman for the remainder,of::the meeting. Mayor Rickard referred to a resolution of Council whereby Council had concurred with the recommendations as contained in a recent letter from the Regional. Planning Commissioner. Resolution No. P-130-7l?� Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That Director's report No. 160 be received and filed. Planning Advisory Meeting, September 8, 1975, continued- Page 3 Mr. Yates requested that the four items of correspondenoe as referred to in report No. 160 be provided to COmmittee Members. Resolution No. P-131-75. Moved by Councillor A. Cowman, seconded by Mr. H. Belson, That the four items of correspondence.as referred to in report No. 160 be brought to the attention of Council. (4) NEW BUSINESS (i) Standard Subdivision Agreement (Text) The original draft of March 39 19759 as revised on September 29 1975, and prepared by Municipal Planning Consultants accompanied the agenda. Mr. Dave Barber of Municipal Planning Consultants briefly outlined the intent and purpose of the proposed agreement. Resolution _No. _P-132-75. Moved by Mr. H. Belson, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That the Standard Form of Subdivision Agreement be approved by this Committee and recommended to Council. (ii) Jadkman Road Land Fill Site Director's report No. 157 contained the recommendation as follows - 1) The portion of the landfill site property which lies within the flood plain should be designated Endironmental Protection in the District Plan. 2) The area occupied by the former landfill operation should be designated 'Open Space' in the District Plan. 3) The total area of the landfill site should be pleated in grass this fall. 4) The parts of the site which have a slope greater than 1 in 3 should be planted in coniferous trees in the spring. Planning Advisory Meeting, September 8, 1975, continued- Page 4 5) The Region should be requested to find a way of preventing erosion on the east face of the site prior to its transfer to the Town. Resolution No. P -133 - Moved by Councillor D. Allin, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this Committee concur with the Director's recommendations. 9104"A 93 (iii) Zulauf Snack Sar, Rezoning Application Application was made to rezone a 34,200 sq.ft. parcel of land situate on the south side of Highway No. 2 in the north part of lot 18, Concession 1 in the geographio Township of Clarke. The applicant requests the rezoning to change the status of the existing legal non -conforming use, a snack bar, to permit the construction of a restaurant on the site. Mr. Zulauf appeared in support of his application. Director's report No. 158 recommended as follows, "That the subject site be zoned 'Highway Commercial' in the new zoning By-law, but that the applicant be infor;r+ad that this rezoning recognizes the existing use only and that permission to erect any new buildings on the lot will depend on his ability to conform with Health Unit and Ministry of Transportation and Communications regulations". Resolution No. P-134-75 Moved by Councillor A. Cowman, seconded by Councillor D. Allin, That the Director's report be approved and recommended to Council. "CAR=vv (iv) A. J. Murdock; Rezoning Application. Application is made to rezone a 1.4.39 acre parcel of land fronting onto the east side of Leskard Road and situate in the north part of lot 32, Concession 7 in the geographic Township of Clarke. Planning Advisory Committee Meeting, September S, 1975, continued- Page 5 The applicant requests a change from an 1°A" category to an RR category to permit the severance of an existing lot with 2 houses, into 2 separate parcels. Mr. and Mrs. Murdook appeared in support of this application. Director's report No. 159 recommended as follows - "That 2.053 acres of the subject site be rezoned raral residential ("RR") in the Clarke Zoning By-law. These 2.053 acres shall comprise the norther section of the lot". Resolution No. P-135-75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That the Director's report No. 159 be approved by this Committee and recommended to Council. "CARRIGDty (v) Gatehouse Holdings; Official Plan Amendment - Received from the Region on June 11, 1974. The applicant requested an amendment to the Darlington Official Plan to permit commercial and residential development on a 153 acre site in lot 35, Concessions 1 and 29 Darlington. Director's report No. 162 summarized as follows - For the several reasons stated in the report the file had been closed on this application and no farther action would be taken unless otherwise directed. Resolution No. P-136-75 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor A.Cowman, That Director's report No. 162 be approved by this Committee. Mr. Calvin Potter, part owner of Gatehouse holding's addressed the Committee in support of the application. He stated that his firm were prepared to construct single family dwellings at a selling price of $40,000.009 semi-detached at $$35,000.00 and row housing at 8309000.00. Planning Advisory Committee Meeting, September 80 1975, continued- Page 6 He further stated that he was willing to post a preformance bond which would guarantee that the selling price of his dwelling units, when completed, would not exceed a stated figure. Councillor A. Cowman withdrew her name as seconder of resolution No. P-136-75. Resolution No. P-137-75. Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Councillor CowmaIj That this matter be held in abeyance in order to permit Mr. Potter to prepare and submit his proposals in writing to this Committee. "Motion Defeated" Resolution No. P-138-75 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That Director's Report No. 162 be approved by this Committee. (vi) Ridge Pine Parka Official Plan Amendment. Received from Region on May 6, 1975 The applicants request an amendment to the Darlington Official Plan to permit a Light Indusrtial Subdivision on an 185 acre parcel of land situate in part of lots 1,2, and 3, Broken Front Concession, Darlington. The Secretary presented correspond= -ice, received on even date, signed by David Rice on behalf of Ridge Pine Park ltd., and dated September 5, 1975, as follows - "We are enclosing herewith a copy of a letter which we have this day delivered to The Region of Durham. Accordingly we do not wish to proceed further with any proposal on these lands at this time". Director's Report No. 163 was received and contents noted. Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor, appeared on behalf of the applicant. Resolution No. P-139-75 Moved by Councillor D. Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That the Director's report be received for information, and filed. 'PCARRIED" Planning Advisory Committee Meeting, September 8, 1975, continued- Page 7 Resolution No. P-140-75. Moved by Councillor D. Allin, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That the applicants request to withdraw his application be granted by this Committee. ''CARRI " (5) OTHER BUSnzSS (i) Processing of Aunlications for Amendments to Official Plans. Resolution No. P-141 ,. Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That the Director' prepare a report to be submiited to this Committee setting forth the procedures that are followed in processing applications for amendments to Official Plans and further that No. McAdams, Regional Commissioner of Planning and Development be invited to attend the meeting at which Mr. Howden's report is considered. (ii) Presentation of Regional Official Plan. September 22, 1975, has been scheduled by the Region for the first presentation of stage 3 of their proposed Official Plan. To be held in Bowmanville High School at 7:30 p.m. (iii) Next Meeting of the Planning Advisony Committee. Due to the regularly scheduled meeting following on Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 13, the date was re -scheduled for - Tuesday, October 14, 1975, at 7:30 p -m. in the Hampton Municipal Buil'Ung. (6) ADJOMU24MT Resolution No- P-142-7. Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. 11. Yates, That this meeting do now adjourn. „CAME IED" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10:30 p.m. Secretary Chairman