HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-14Presents Vice-Chaimman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member R.C.S.S.Bd. Rep. Member Planning Director Planning Assistant Secretary TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLADII M ADVISORY COM1M= Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, July 149 1975; 7.30 p.m. Mr. D. Moffatt Councillor D.,Allin Councillor A. Cowmen Mr. H. Muir Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. R. Belson Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. R. Yates Mr. R. Gutteridge Dr. H. R. Roweell attended at 8:45 p.m. Mr. Geo. Howden Ms. N. lbrrest H. R. Best Absent: Chairman Councillor K. Entwisle Member Mayor G. B. Rickard Member Mr. H. Hammond N.& N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Mr. S. Worden Also present: Planning Consultant, M.P.C. Mr. Regis Trudel. (2) and approximately 40 interested ratepayers. Resolution No. P-106-75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That the minutes of regular meeting on June 23, 1975 and of the special meetings on June 24 and June 26, 19759 be adopted as printed. 91CARR3M)n (i) Mr. Allan Braes Mr. Brass of Proctor and Redfern on behalf of Allianoe-Exurban Developments and. Taunton-Courtioe Developments, presented the developers concept for development of the Courtioe Area. Planning Advisory Committee, July 149 1975, continued- Page 2 His presentation was accompanied by topographical mapping with overlays showing the conceptual plan for development. The mapping illustrated such features as physical development opportunities physical development constraints existing man made and natural environmental features environmental study area boundaries valley lands drainage area boundaries water pressure zone boundaries existing development major development constraints moderate development constraints minor development constraints. The oonseptual plan was designed to provide for a cluster of five villages loosely surrounding a town centre. Each village would be located so as to preserve the basic environmental features of the area and to provide for a population of 49500 to 10,=?'i persons. Each village would have its individual identity, focal point, school and commercial centre. Housing units in each village would range from a density of 4 units per acre to 15 units per acre. The plan envisaged a population of 25-50 thousand persons for the Courtice Area. The overlays indicated the location of each village, proposed new roads, the re -alignment and widening of existing roads. Mr. Brass stated that a written text to accompany the mapping would be submitted to the Committee in approximately one weeks time. The Chairman thanked Mr. Brass for his presentation. (i) Rezoning Apclication of Balkan Real References Resolution No. P-95-75. This application, together with Director's report # 1449 were brought forward from the meeting of June 239 1975• Planning Advisory Committee, July 14, 1975, continued- Page 3 Mr. Eves, on behalf of some 26 petitioners addressed the Committee and stated that the area residents were in agreement with the Director's recommendation that the proposed development be restricted to single family dwellings only provided that the existing water and sewer services were enlarged. Resolution No. P--10L--75- Moved ••10 -75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with tho Director's recommendations as set out in report No. 144 and recorded in item 4 (iii) of the minutes of June 23, 1975, and that the same be recommended to Council for adoption. "CARRIED" (ii) Revised Salvage Yard By -Law Reference. Resolution No. P-28-75. Brought forward from the meeting of February 14, 1975, to receive and consider Director's report #'148. Mr. Trudel reviewed the proposed revisions to the By -lair which resulted from the comments received from salvage yard operators. Mr. A. R. Good, Solicitor, spo'_e on behalf of his client G. and D. Elliott Limited. Mr. J. T. Skells, Solicitor, spol.,e on behalf of Dom°s Auto Parts Limited. Mr. R. Stephenson, owner and operator of Newcastle Salvage and Mr. M. Mendonca, owner and operator of Cowanville Auto Wreckers addressed the Committee on their own behalf. The aforenoted speakers suggested further revisions to the proposed by-law. Resolution No. P-108-75 Moved by Dr. Roweell, seconded by Councillor Cowman, R e vis ed That the Planning Staff meet with the operators, and/or their S 4 m M�u�tesagents, of existing salvage yards and to consider more flexibility in the by-law with regards to the screening and fencing of existing operations. CARR3 " Planning Advisory Committee, July 149 1975, continued- Page 4 (4) NEW Dummss (i) Rezoning Auvlication for L<D.C.M. Investments Application is made for an amendment to By-law # 1587 of the former Town of Bowmanville which would permit the construction and conveyance of fee simple of 50-55 terrace dwellings on Block C, Plan 698. These are proposed to be townhouses detached above ground level and located on 803 acres of land in the area east of Hobbs Drive. Mrs Peter Weston, agent for the applioant, provided further data relating to design, engineering etc. Director's report # 146 contained the following recommendation "That this application be granted provided that it conforms with the attached zone provisions subject to the following conditions. 1) that the units proposed for Hobbs Drive be changes to the detached semi type 2) that the applicant enter into a site plan agreement with the Town as specified under section 35A of the Planning Act to meet the concerns of the agencies commenting above 3) that walls of garages located within 8 feet of adjacent dwellings be of firewall constructions Resolution_No. P®1o9-75 Moved by Mr. E. Balson, seconded by Councillor Allin, That the Director's report be received and the recommendations, as follows, be submitted to Council for approval, 1) that the applicant enter into a site plan agreement with the Town as specified under section 35A of the Planning Act to meet the concerns of the agencies commenting above 2) that walls of garages located within 8 feet of adjacent dwellings be of firewall construction. 3) that the applicant provide adequate screening wherever needed or appropriates C,MIED;I Planning Advisory Committee, July 14, 19759 continued- Page 5 (ii) Remonina Anulieation by Rome Smith Properties Limited. Application is made to rezone 1.12 acres of land to permit the construction of a Local Commercial Outlet. The subject land is situate in lot 28, Concession 5, Clarke and located at the south east corner of the intersection of Region Road No. 4 and Robin's Road and more specifically referred to as Block E of Registered Plan # 693. Director's report # 147 recommended as follows - "That the rezoning application, as submitted, be refused, but as an alternatives 1) Block 'F' minus road widening and 1 foot reserves as requested be exohangad for Blocks 'A and 'E and Lot 21. 2) That an agreement to this effect be entered into with the condition that Block 'F' be rezoned local commercial. 3) That the Town a solicitor be authorized to draw up such an agreement. 4) That an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment for Block F' be drafted subject to the approval of the Health Unit and the Conservation Authority. Mr. M. Bouck, a resident in the Orono Estates Subdivision submitted a brief setting forth 5 objections to the proposed local convenience store. One other resident appeared in opposition to the application. Mr. Don Simmons, a resident of Orono Estates Subdivision appeared in support of the application. One other resident in the subdivision spoke in support of the application. All of the aforementioned speakers were in opposition to lot 21 being developed as a connecting link between Peter's Pike and Mill Street, North, Orono. Mr. K. Meipoom, Project Manager for Home Smith Properties requested that this matter be tabled in order that his company might have time to consider the alternative proposals as set forth in the Director a report. Resolution No. P -11,0 -7_5 - Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That the applicad-ion of Home Smith Properties be tabled until such time as r e applicants have submitted their comments relative to the Director's proposals. °°CARRIED11 Planning Advisory Committee, July 142 1975, continued- Page 6 The previously noted speaker's requested that they be notified when this application will next appear on the agenda. (i) Cancellation of Meetings Resolution No. P-111-75 Moved by Dr. Roweell, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That the meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee scheduled for Monday, Yu 28 and for Monday, August 25, 19752 be oanoelled. !•• X012 (ii) Next Meeting The next regular meeting of the Committee to be held on Monday, August 11, 1975, at 7:00 p.m. (Note change in time from 7:30 to 7:00 p.m.) Resolution No. P-112-75 Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Councillor Cowman, That this meeting do now adjourn. • X912 Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10:15 p.m. Secretary Chairman