HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-06-09TOWN OF NEWCASTLE F� Sinl��.t :�+ �; •u�u� uu� ILA pie;p ff; Planning Advisory Committee, June 99 19759 continued- Page 2 The Planning Director, Mr. Howden referred to his report No. 124, wherein he had made the following recommendation. "It is recommended that Council circulate the condominium proposal to the present occupants of the rental units to determine whether or not the present tenants would favour such a conversion". Resolution No. P-82-75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That this Committee recommend to Council that the conversion of the existing townhouses to a Condominium Corporation, be approved. "CARRIED" (ii) Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Rea Senior Citizens Lodge. Orono . Mr. Lovekin stated that the existing road patterns associated with the proposed site were considered as adequate for the development of a Senior Citizens Home on the north side of Station Street, West, Village of Orono. He requested that the subject site be designated for senior citizens housing within the provisions of the zoning by-law for the Town of Newcastle currently under preparation by the Planning Advisory Committee. Mr. Howden, in reply to Mr. Loveitin's request, stated that it would be necessary for the applicant to submit a re -zoning application, using the revised application forms. (3) Bumms BROUGHT FORWARD There was no business brought forward. (4) NEW BUSINESS (i) Housing Policy Statement Report No. 135, prepared by the Planning Director contained the following recommendation. "It is recommended that the development of a Housing Policy Statement be referred to our Conaultants on the three Concept Plans to be produced as part of the implementation phase of these three plans and that the Region be so informed". Resolution No.P-83-75 Moved by Mr. H. Balson, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That report No. 135 be received for information. voL+jMjM)vv Planning Advisory Committee, June 9, 19759 continued- Page 3 (ii) Zoning Application for Wilhelm and Herta Ulrich. The applicants are owners of 73.5 acres of farm land situate in part of lot 11, Concession 5, Darlington. They propose to process the carcasses of beef raised on their farm for freezer orders and to smoke some of this meat for sausage. They are requesting a change in the Zone category of a 100' x 280' parcel to permit a meat cutting and sausage making business. Mr. Howden's report No. 136 set forth the recommendation as follows - It is, therefore, recommended that this application be approved subject to the following conditions. (1) The applicant shall locate the proposed meat processing building so as to allow a minimum distance of 80 feet between the proposed building and the farmhouse. (2) The applicant shall deed a 17 foot strip of land along the entire frontage of his property to the Region of Durham for road widening purposes. The proposed rezoning cannot receive 0. M.B. approval until the Minister gives his approval to the Interim District plan. In view of this inevitable delay, it is recommended that this proposal be included in the new zoning by-law, rather than proceeding as an amendment to the present by-law. Resolution Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That the recommendation contained in report No. 136, be approved by this Committee and recommended to Council. .. 100 (iii) Zoning Application for Margaret Beaupre. W. K. Lycett, Solicitor, appeared on behalf of Mrs. Beaupre. Application is made to rezone part of Lot 24, Concession 8, Clarke, to a Highway Commercial category in conformity with the existing boat, motor and snowmmbile retail outlet. Report No. 137 prepared by Mr. Howden contained the following recommendations. (a) That one acre surrounding the land presently used for the existing commercial outlet be zoned Highway Commercial Planning Advisory Committee, June 9, 1975, continued- Page 4 with a special provision permitting the sale and servicing of boats, motors and snowmobiles. (b) That this development be recognized in the new by-law rather than proceeding with an amendment to the existing by-law. (o) That the applicant be required to convey a one foot reserve to the Town along the highway frontage and along Concession Road No. 8 up to the present entrance to ensure there will never be a direct entrance onto or adjacent to the highway. Resolutio!2!--P--8J-J.5 Moved by Mr. H. Balson, seconded by. Mr. H. Hammond, That the recommendations in Report No. 137 be approved by this Committee, subject to the following condition - That the North-South dimensions of the land, subject of this application, be increased to an estimated 275' - 300' (iv) Evaluation of Solandt Commission Report. A Memo, dated June 9, 1975, from J. R. Yates contained the following comments in opposition to the South Route (401) of the Lennox -Oshawa transmission line as recommended in the Solandt Commission Report of April 1975, 1. It is not the route recommended by Ontario Hydro nor by Commonwealth Associates Inc. 2. It is not the route favoured by Region of Durham. 3. I believe this route is opposed by the Town of Newcastle (References Mayor Rickard's brief to the Solandt Commission). 4. Maximum visual impact will result from this route. 5. The Darlington Generating Station has not been approved and this route is nonsensical without it. 6. The 401 route was selected by Dr. Solandt but was never the subject of public mailing of maps, descriptions and "Preference ballots" as were the original 3 routes studied, so this route was not properly vetted by the public. 7. It will destroy the maximum number of homes. (Sperling Report, October 7, 1974). 8. Ontario Hydro officials, at the November 1974 Newcastle hearing, acknowledged that if the Southern route was used then a more northerly line would also be required. Planning Advisory Committee, June 99 19759 continued- Page 5 The Planning Director's report No. 138 contained the following comments and recommendation. From every point of view except visual intrusion, the Commission Route appears to be the preferable route. However, we feel that the considerable cost to be saved by the Commission Route should be re -directed to undergrounding relatively small highly visible sections and planting landscaping screens along the adjacent highway. On the whole, given all the factors involved, we feel that the Commissioner has chosen the least offensive route, and we recommend that his report be enforsed by the Town, subject to the provisions mentioned above. This should not be taken as an endorsement of the Darlington Generating Station or an acceptance of the overall need for either the Generating Station or the Transmission Lines of the scale proposed". Resolution No. P-86-7 Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this Committee oppose "The Commission Route", that is, the south transmission line route between Darlington generating station and Wesleyville generating station and that the Honourable Allen Grossman, Provincila Secretary for Resources and Development, be so advised in writing. Motion defeated. Resolution No, P-8775 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. H. Balson, That this Committee accept the Planning Director's Report, (5) OTHER BUSINESs -- Nil (6) ADJODRNMENT Resolution No. P-88-75 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this meeting do now adjourn. MIAWOOM►71i Meeting adjourned accordingly at 9.35 p.m. P. aal Secretary Chairman