HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-05-12TOWN OF NEWCASTLE r4Wriuu :���� Regular Meeting, Court Room # 1, Bov*anville, Monday, May 129 1975; 7:30 p.m. Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member R.C.S.S.Bd. Rep. N. & N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Planning Director Planning Consultant M.P.C. Architect Fire Chief Secretary Absent- Member Member Member Also present. 12 other persons Councillor K. Entwisle Mr. H. Belson/ Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Hammond Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. H. Muir Mr. D. Moffatt Dr. Roweell (8:30 p.m.) Mr. R. Gutteridge Mr. S. Worden Mr. Geo. Howden Mr. Regis Trudell Mr. Wm. Green Mr. J. Hayman H. R. Best Mayor G. B. Rickard. Councillor D. Allin Mr. R. Yates. (i) Regular Meeting on =il 28. 1975 Resolution No. P-61-75 Moved by Mr. H. Muir, seoonded by Mr. H. Hammond., That the minutes of the regular meeting of April 289 1975a be approved as printed. "CARRIED" (2) DELEGATIONS (i) Mr. James Robinson, re: Josie Tomina, R.R.# 3. Bowmanville Mr. Robinson appeared before the Committee on behalf of Mr. Tomina.. He stated that Mr. Tomina was the owner of some 6 sores of land in Lot 24, Concession 2, Darlington and situate on the south east corner of the intersection of Nash and Solina Roads. By-law 2111 zoned the lands for "R 211 purposes. Regular Meeting, May 120 1975, continued- Page 2 In early April Mr. Tomina had applied to the Land Division Committee to sever 24g acres from his holdings. When the Land Division Committee were informed that By-law No. 75-27, passed on the 7th day of April, had placed the subject lands in a Deferred Development category, they tabled Mr. Tomina's application until May 20, pending receipt of further information from the Town of Newcastle. Mr. Robinson requested direction from the Planning Advisory Committee as to the proceedure Mr. Tomine should follow in order for his lands to revert to the previous R 2 category. Mr. Tomina also addressed the Committee in this respect. Resolution No. P-62.75 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. D. Moffatt, That this Committee recommend to Council that no action be taken in respect of Mr. Tomina's request. (3) BQSINESS BROIIGHT FORWARD (i) Mario Veltri & Old Blas Station,Bowmanville References: Resolutions No. P -325-a74, P-32-759 P-33-75• Mr. Veltri appearod before the Committee and presented each member with a summary of his proposal for redevelopment of the Downtown Core of Boum!anville. The Committee reviewed repert No. 10 as prepared by Municipal Planning Consultants and report No. 116 as prepared by Planning Director, Mr. Geo. Howden and noted the comments therein. Mr. Regis Trudel, Municipal Planning Consultant, by means of mapping illustrated some of his concerns relating to the proposed development. He summarized by stressing the comments as set forth in report No. 10. Mr. Green, Architect, Municipal Planning Oonsultants directed his comments toward the structural and visual aspects of the proposed building. Mr. Vic Goad, Technical Servioes, Regional Works Dept. referred to the limited capacity of the Bowmanville Sewage Treatment Plant and the Water Filtration Plant. In summary he stated that the Region considered Mr. Veltri's proposal to be premature until such time as additional plant capacity becomes available. Regular Meeting, May 129 19759 continued - Page 3 Fire Chief James Hayman advised the Committee of the lack of aerial ladders and adequate external fire fighting equipment for buildings over three stories in height. He recommended that the proposed building be equipped with fire detection unite and with fire protection devices to control smoke and heat movement. He also recommended that a vehicle access of not less than 30' in width be provided on two opposite sides of the proposed building. Resolution No. P-63-75 moved by Dr. Roweell, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That the Planning Sub -Committee meet with Mr. Veltri in an attempt to produce a proposed plan for development of Mr. Valtri's property (old Bus Station). The Plan to be acceptable to both Mr. Veltri and to the Sub -Committee and to be submitted to the Planning Advisory Committee within one month. (ii) Outstanding Referrals by Council Report No. 122 as prepared by the Planning Director contained the following recommendations. I would recommend that Council be advised that no further action is required on the following matters. Resolution C-74-969 Letter re Regional Official Plan and Industrial Development. Resolution C-74-1042 Letter re Site Plan Agreements Resolution C-74-1105 Letter re Pit and Quarry Site Plan - J. Coombes Resolution C-74-1144 Letter re Gravel Pit Application I. Sutherland Resolution C-75-132 Letter we Payne Gravel Pit Application Resolution C-75-199 Letter re Gravel Pit Application by Beatty Haulage Resolution C-75-288 Letter re Guidelines for Development Control. i Regular Meeting, May 129 1975, continued - Page 4 I would recommend that Council be advised that these matters are being considered in conjunction with the applications to which they relate. Resolution C-74-1017 Proposed Subdivision, Challister Investments Resolution 0-74-1353 Letter re Bowmanville West Community Resolution C-75-132 Letter re Gatehouse Holdings Application for Official Plan Amendment Resolution C-75-199 Letter re Durham Estates Application for Official Plan Amendment Resolution C-75-258 Lotter re Durham Estates Application for Official Plan Amendment. Resolution C-75-288 Letter re Durham Estates Application for Official Plan Amendment Resolution C-75-353 Letter re Durham Estates Application for Official Plan Amendment Letter re Ridge Pine Park Application for Official Plan Amendment. Resolution No. P-64-75 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. D. Moffatt, That this Committee concur with Mr. Howden's recommendation. (iii) Mosport Park and Outdoor Concerts Pursuant to a request by Council to revise the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit outdoor concerts at Mosport Park, Mr. Howden's report No. 123 contained the comment as follows. "Because this matter is currently under consideration I feel that no further action is required".. Resolution No. P-65-75 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That this Committee concur with Mr. Howden's comments. Regular Meeting, May 12, 1975, continued- Page 5 (iv) Beau Valley Subdivision. Referenced Item 2(ii) of the Minutes of February 10, 1975• Mr. Howden's report No. 129 contained the following - "The developers, L.D.C.M. Investments, are preparing a new proposal for the development of 45-50 Street Townhouse units on the subject site (Hobbs Drive). As street Townhouses under individual owner- ship are not-Grmitted under By-law 74-83, the developers will have to submit another application for Rezoning. It is recommended that no further action be taken at this time pending the submission on the new propocal and the application for rezoning". Resolution No. .P-66-5 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That Mr. Howden's report be accepted by this Committee. (v) Preservation Sanctuary Club References Resolution No. P-35-75. Report No. 130, signed by the Planning Director reads as follows - "Attached is a proposed Schedule "B" to the development agreement for the above Tourist yard. This agreement was approved by the Planning Advisory Committee and forwarded to the Works Committee for a statement of their requirements with respect to roads. I have examined this drawing and recommend its inclusion in the development agreement". Resolution No. P-67-75 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this Committee concur with Mr. Howden's recommendation. "CARRIED" Regular Meeting, May 129 1975, continued- Page 6 (4) I&V BUSINESS (i) Application by 262829 Holdings Limited, Application is made for the conversion of 18 Townhouses to Condominiums. These units are located at Church & George Sts., Bowmanville Mr. Paul Cooney appeared on behalf of the developer and requested that discussion on this application be defemmad to the next meeting. Resolution No. 2-11-68-75 NANMONI. Moved by Mr. H. Bobski, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That this application be tabled to the next meeting of this Committee. 1°CARRIED" (ii) Stream Diversion, Lot 30. Concession 5. Clarke Application is made for approval of the proposed diversion of an intermittent stream whereby four building lots could be developed. Mr. Howden's report No. 125 stated that this application had been circulated to the following agencies. (1) Durham Regional Health Unit (2) Town of Newcastle Engineering Department (3) Ganaxaska Conservation Authority. Mr. Howden's report contained the following recommendations. "0n the basis of their comments and a further consideration of the situation, it is recommended that permission for said stream diversion be granted, subject to adequate grading and bank stabilization. It should be noted and the applicant should be advised that he will still require relief from the provisions of the Clarke Zoning Bylaw regarding setbacks from watercourses before he can build on any of these lots. Resolution No. P-69-75 Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That this application be tabled pending a more detailed report by the Ganaxaska Conservation Authority. "CARRIED" Regular Meeting, May 129 19759 continued- Page 7. (iii) Justine Holdings & Shopping Centre Application is made for site plan approval of a proposed Shopping Centre on part of lot 30, Concession 2, Darlington. The site is located on the south-east corner of Highway No.2 and Trull's Road. Planner's report No. 126 was reviewed and the following recommendation noted. -- "Because this proposal is at variance with the Courtice Concept Plan, it is recommended that consideration of this site plan be deferred at present and that the plan be treated as a sub- mission requesting a change in the Courtice PlanO°. Resolution Mo. - 0 - Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this Committee concur with Mr. Bowden's recommendation. (iv) W. J. Wallace Ree Taunton $eland Glens Estate. Mr. Wallace proposes an Estate Development on a 115 acre site in lots 26 and 27, Concession 59 Darlington, located north of Taunton Road and east of Courtice Road. The subject lands are zoned for Agricultural purposes and are designated rural in the Official Plan. In report No. 127, Mr. Howden recommended as follows. "It is, therefore, recommended that the applicant be advised that he must apply to the Region for the required Official Plan Amendment". Resolution No. P-71-75 Moved - 1 - Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That the Planner's recommendtion be adopted by this Committee. 99CA=9v (v) Development Control The information as follows was contained in Planner's report No. 128. "This letter was sent by the Ministry of Housing to accompany their "Guidelines for Development Control (Site Plan Control)". Regular Meeting, May 12, 1975, continued - Both the Guidelines and the letter should be referred to the Zoning Sub -Committee for use in the drafting of the new zoning by-law". Resolution No. P-72-75 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That the Committee concur with the Planner's report. (5) OTHER. BusnESS (i) Neat regular meeting of Planning Advisory Committee to be held on Monday, May 26, 1975, at 7.30 P.M. in Hampton Municipal Building. (6) 9DJOURIMU Resolution No. P-73-75 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10.40 p.m. Secretary Chairman I