HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-28TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, April 289 19759 7930 p.m. Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member R.C.S.S.Bd.Rep. N.& N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Planning Director Planning Consultant Secretary Absent: Member (1) Mmmns OF PREVTCIIS MEETINGS Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor D. Allin Mr. H. Hammond Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. H. C. Muir Mayor G. B. Rickard Mr. H. Balson Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. R. Gutteridge Mr. S. Worden Mr. Geo. Howden Mr. Regis Trudell H. R. Best Mr. R. Yates (i) Special Meeting on April 8, 1975• Resolution No. P-51-75 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That the minutes of the special meeting of April 89 19759 be approved as printed. "CARRIED" (ii) Regular Meeting on April 149 1975 Resolution No. P-52-75 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond,, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That the minutes of the regular meeting of April 149 19759 be approved as printed. Regular Meeting, April 289 19759 continued - (2) DELEGATIONS There were no delegations. (3) BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD (i) Mario Veltri & Old Bus Station. Bowmanville References: Resolutions No. P-325-749 P-32-75 & P-33-75. Mr. James Robinson appeared before the Committee on behalf of Mr. Veltri. Page 2 Report No. 116 as prepared by Planning Director, Mr. Howden and report No. 10 as prepared by Municipal Planning Consultants were reviewed and the recommendations noted. Mr. Robinson stated that, due to ill health, Mr. Veltri was un- able to attend this meeting and would therefore request that the Committee table the matter for two weeks in order that Mr. Veltri may attend personally to participate in the discussion. Resolution No. P-53-75 Moved by Mr. H. Balson, seconded by Mr. R. Hetherington, That Mr. Veltri's application be tabled until the first meeting in May of this Committee and further that the Fire Chief of the Town of Newcastle, representatives of the Regional Works Dept. and Mr. Greer, Axchiteet-Planner, Municipal Planning Consultants be invited to attend this meeting. Kay""Ci �ilY (ii) Stephenson Salvage Yard, Lot 22, Concession 1, Clarke. References: Resolution No. P-36-75 Report No. 117, prepared by Mr. Howden, was accompanied by a site plan for Stephenson's Salvage Yard. The site plan,identified as Schedule "C" was prepared by Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. Mr. Howden's report included a recommendation that the foregoing site plan be included in the Development Agreement with Mr. Stephenson. Resolution No. P-54-75 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr. H. Balson, That the site plan, schedule "C" be included in the development Agreement between the Town and the applicant,Mr. Stephenson. "CARRIED" Regular Meeting, April 289 1975, continued- Page 3 (iii) J. C. TamblYna Lot 27, Concession 6, Clarke Referencess C--74-642, Section 4(i) of September 12,1974 minutes. Report No. 118, prepared by the Planning Director was reviewed and the following recommendation noted. "I am recommending that this file be closed subject to re -opening on receipt of a new application from any subsequent owner. Resolution No. P-55-75 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Mr. H. Belson, That Report No. 118 be tabled. Motion defeated. Resolution No. P-56-75 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That Mr. Howden's recommendation be accepted by this Committee. (4) NEW BDSnzSS (i) Stephen Liptav and Land Division Committee Decision. Referred by Council Resolution # C-75-246, wherein the following was noted - "That Council concur with the decision of the Regional Land Division Committee dated February 3rd9 1975, regarding Stephen Liptay and that the Planning Staff be requdn6ad to present a proposal to the Planning Advisory Committee for recommendation as to implementation." Mr. Howden's report # 119 contained the following recommendation - "I would recommend that the matter of the implementation of conditions 3 and 4 of decision LD 22/75 be referred to the Works Committee with the suggestion that the owner's intentions re- garding the remainder of his land be clarified before any decision is made." Resolution No. P -57-7Z Moved by Mr. H. Batson, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this Committee concur with the Planning Director's recommendation. nCARRIG+D" Regular Meeting, April 289 1975, continued - Page 4 (ii) Dudar Construction and Cul-de-sac in Lot 30. Concession 2. Clarke. Referred by Public Works Committee. Mr. Dudar, through his Solicitor Mr. Stolwyk, has requested that the Town, in accepting the conveyance from Dudar of part I of plan 10 R 461, designate the cul-de-sac contained therein as an "other road" within the meaning of appendix 2(9) of By-law # 1653 of the former Township of Clarke. This cul- de-sao provides the turning basin at the south end of the recently improved road allowance between lots 30 and 31, Concession 2, in the former Townskip,?of Clarke. As this request affects the zoning By-law, the Public Works Committee referred same to the Planning Advisory Committee for comment. In report # 120, Mr. Bowden has recommended as follows - "I would recommend that the Works Committee should be advised that any by-law to assume the said Part I as a public highway should not attempt to state the status of that highway in the zoning $y -law". Resolution No. P-58-75 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this Committee accept P'Lr. Howden's .report No. 120. v cArarm v (iii) Mr. and Mrs. Wk. =,'awzenuk and Hancock Road. Referred by Public Works Committee with the recommendation as follows - "That this Committee recommend to Council that By-law # 2111, Schedule "A1l Xey Map 172 be amended to reclassify the subject road as an improved road, being generally described as that part of the road allowance between lots 26 and 27, Concession 4, extending some 1950 feet, south of Region Road # 4"• As this matter relates to amendments to the Zoning By-law, the Public Works Committee referred same to the Planning Advisory Committee for comments. Regular Meeting, April 289 1975, continued - Pane 5 Report No. 121 as prepared by Mr. Howden was reviewed and the following recommendation noted. "I would recommend that an amendment to By-law 2111 be passed as suggested in the above resolution, although if hoped for progress is made in the zoning by-law, it could be passed before the said amendment receives O.M.B. approval". Resolution No. P-59775 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Mr. D. Moffatt, That Report No. 121 be accepted by this Committee. (5) OTHER BUSINESS (i) Next meeting of sub -committee to be held at the residence of H. Best at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 29, 1975. (ii) Next regular meeting of Planning Advisory Committee to be held on Monday, May 12, 1975, at 7.30 P.M. in Hampton Municipal Building. (6) ADJOUMO= Resolution No. P-60-75 Moved by Mr. R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 9.35 p.m. 9X� � �� 6 Secretary Chairman