HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-14TOWN OF NEWCASTLE In 10,10111 ff"I i UIP1W 10 1k Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, April 149 19759 7:30 p.m. Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member R.C.S.S.Bd. Rep. Planning Director Secretary Absent: Member Member N.& N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Also present: 8 other persons. Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor D.Allin Mr. H. Hammond Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. H.C.Muir Dr. H. R.Roweell Mr. R. Yates Mr. R. Gutteridge Mr. Geo. Howden H. R. Best Mayor Riokaxd Mr. H. Ballon Mr. S. Worden (i) Regular Meeting on March 10, 1975• Resolution No. P-1,5-75 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That the minutes of the regular meeting of March 109 1975t be approved as printed. • ` X511 (2) INLEGATIONS (i)'B. R Lovekin re: Senior Citizens Home, Orono. Mr. Lovekin addressed the Committee in support of his letter, dated April 14, 1975, to Councillor Entwisle, wherein the request as follows was noted- " It is my suggestion that the Planning Advisory Committee recommend to Council that they pass immediately upon approval by them of the Interim Official Plan a special zoning by-law covering our lands, and thus enable us to obtain a building permit for this project in time to be underway this summer." Regular Meeting, April 149 1975, continued - Page 2 Mr. Howden reviewed his recommendations as set forth in report # 93 and recorded in item 3 (1) of the minutes of November 12, 1974. Resolution No. P-46-75 Moved by Mr. R.Yates, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this matter be referred to the Planning Director to prepare a comprehensive report in conjunction with Mr. Lovekin and the Director of Public Works. Mr. Lovekin was advised to submit a formal application for re -zoning on behalf of the Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge. (ii) Ronald Amyotte, R.R.# 2. Bowmanville Mr. Amyotte, the owner of "Acres of Pallets Ltd" located on the north part of lots 31 and 32, B.P.Conoession, Darlington appeared before the Committee with the request that his property be designated for Industrial Purposes 02) in the Interim District Plan. This request was made in order that he might apply for rezoning to permit the manufacture of wooden products from the log to the finished product. Resolution No. P-47-75 Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That at such time as the litigation, currently before the Courts is disposed of, that Mr. Amyotte be advised to submit a formal application for rezoning and further that Mr. Howden, upon receipt of Mr. Amyotte's application, submit a report to this Committee seting forth the revisions to the Interim District Plan that may be necessary to accomodate Mr. Amyotte's request. "CARRIm" (iii) Mr. W.S.Penfound, R.R.# 4, oshawa Mr. Penfound asked at what time the Planning Advisory Committee would consider the briefs submitted in respect of the Courtioe Concept Plan. (iv) Mr. John Liptav, Bowmanville Mr. Liptay requested that a copy of all briefs and submissions received by the Planning Advisory Committee, relating to the Courtice Concept Plan, be forwarded to the Newcastle Ratepayers Association. Rggular Meeting, April 14, 1975, continued Page 3' I Resolution No. P-48-75 Moved by Mr.D.Moffatt, seconded by Mr. H. Muir, That this Committee recommend to Council that a copy of the briefs and submissions relating to the Courtice Concept Plan be forwarded to Newcastle Ratepayers Association. "CARRIED„ (v) Mr. E. R. Lovekin and Dennis Thompson Mr. Lovekin, on behalf of his client Mr. Dennis Thompson, requested information pertaining to the present status of Mr. Thompson's application for rezoning in respect of his property situate in Part Of lot 32, Concession 7, Clarke. Mr. Howden stated that the application was being held in abeyance pending receipt of a draft agreement currently under preparation by Mr. E. McNeely, Town Solicitor. This agreement was in accordance with Mr. Howden's recommendation as contained in Report # 112. (3) BUSIOSS BROUGHT FORWARD (1) Newtonville Study Area References: Resolution No.P-12-75, Director's Report # 97• The recommendations, as follows, were noted in Director's Report # 114. (a) that all subdivisions in Newtonville be considered premature until a comprehensive secondary plan for the hamlet has been prepared and the Ministry of Housing be so advised. (b) that money be not aside for preparation of such a plan in the Planning Department budget for 1975• (c) that the Region be asked to participate in a joint water, sewerage and storm drainage study of Newtonville to parallel the above planning study. Regular Meeting, April 14, 1975, continued Page 4 The following recommendations were noted in Staff report # 97. (c) that the Region be asked to participate in a joint water, sewerage and storm drainage study of Newtonville to parallel the planning study. (d) that a joint steering committee, to include local residents, be set up to supervise the planning study. Resolution No. P-42-75 Moved by Mr. H. Hammond, seconded by Mr. D. Moffatt, That this Committee submit the following recommendations to Council, 1) That the procedure as outlined in Staff report # 97(recommenda- tions c and d) be approved by this Committee. 2) That Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd., be retained to under- take the proposed study of the Newtonville Area. 3) That Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. revise the terms of reference to provide for the following - (a) the study to be undertaken in two stages. The initial stage to determine what constraints there might be. If the results of the initial study indicate that significant development is feasible and desirable, then stage two could be proceeded with. (b) The Region of Durham be requested to provide, if possible, all engineering data related to all aspects of service under Regional jurisdiction. "CARRIED" (4) NEW BUSINESS Nil. (5) OTHER BUSINESS (1) Next regular meeting of Planning Advisory Committee on April 28, 1975• (2) Zoning By-law subcommittee to meet at 7.30 p.m, on Monday,April 21, 19759 at the residence of Ift. K. Entwisle, Newtonville. (6) ADJOURNMENT Resolution No.P-50-75 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Mr.R.Yates, That this meeting do now adjourn. 11CARRIED" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 9.35 p.m. .Zc L _e4�— Secretary Chairman