HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-08TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING Municipal Building, Hampton, Tuesday, April 8, 19759 7:30 p.m. Present: Chairmen Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Planning Director Secretary Absent: N.& N.Bd.of Ed. Rep. Councillor R. Entwisle Councillor D. Allin Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Hammond Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. H. C. Muir Mr. R. Yates Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. H. Belson Mr. R. Gutteridge Mayor G. B. Rickard Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. Geo. Howden H. R. Best Mr. S. Worden Also present:Municipal Planning Consultant --,Mr. Regie Trudell (1) E. R. Lovekin James Robinson Sam Oureatz In his opening remarks, the Chairman introduced to the Committee, Mr. Robert Gutteridge, 90 Parkway Crescent, Bowmanville, who had been appointed by the Peterborough, Viotoria, Northumberland and. Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board to serve as an appointee of that Board on the Planning Advisory Committee of the Town of Newcastle. The Chairman briefly reviewed the history and development of the Interim District Plan from its presentation on August 12, 1974, up to the present time. (2) REPORT ON BRIEFS SUBMITTED ON THE INTERIM DISTRICT PLAN Report No. 113 as prepared and produced by Mr. Howden, Planning Director and Mr. Regis Trudell, Planning Consultent, contained an index of the briefs submitted in response to the Committee's request for same. f: Special Meeting, April 89 19759 continued Page 2 The following briefs were reviewed in addition to those included in the index - NO -42 - Roger Carr, re: Howard Payne No. 43- Creighton,.%=dock,Victor & Alexander, re. Newton Selby No. 44- Wm. H. Carman, Box 249, Orono No. 45- E. Vierhout, P.O.Box 171, Newcastle No. 46- Dirk Brinkman, R.R.# 1, Bowmanville (3) PLAN REVISIONS Pltrsusab to s --review of Report No. 113 and the additional briefs listed above, the Committee recommended that the following further revisions be made to the draft plan as revised to December 23, 1974. These recommended revisions are identified as originating either from the staff or members of the Committee. (a) Revisions to Text SECTION: 3(1)(b)(v) (Staff) - The sentence beginning with the word consents, should be amended to read: "Consents for non-agricultural uses should not be granted on lands where the soil capability for agriculture is rated in the Canada Land Inventory as Class 19 2 or 3 or on other lands used for producing specialized types of crops". (Committee)- The above staff recommendation should be revised to express the intent of the Committee that consents should not be granted on good agricultural lands intentionaly unused or left idle for the express purpose of obtaining a consent. SECTION. 3(4)(b) (Committee) - This section should be revised to provide that only where the lands to be conveyed are not practioal or acceptable will the Municipality accept cash in lieu of lands. SECTION: 40) (Staff) - The following words should be added to the end of the section "and that such use is permitted in the implemen- ting zoning by-laws". Special Meeting, April 89 1975, continued SECTION. 4(5)(a)(v) (Staff) - The following sentence services, UDevelopment authorities responsible cities of the servicing accomodate the propose sBGT-IQ 4-4(6 ) Page 3 d should be added after the word shall take place only when the are satisfied that the oapa- systems are adequate to development". (Staff) - The following sub -section should be added Section 4 (6)(a) to explain the Towns proposed procedure in respect to lomg term hamlet development. (ix) Future Development In the course of preparing the new District Plan, the development potential of each existing hamlet will be assessed, and for those which are considered to be potentially suitable for significant development, a planning strategy will be developed in the form of a Secondary or Hamlet Plan prior to any extensive new development being approved other than minor development or infilling. Such a planning strategy shall take into account the impact of Hamlet extension on the local environment with particular consideration given to the adequacy of water supplies, storm drainage, methods of sewage disposal, urban design, aesthetics, landscaping and physical relationship of new building development to existing development and the natural topography. The secondary or hamlet plans will be prepared in consultation with the Regional authorities responsible for any services involved and in consultation with the residents of the hamlets concerned. SECTION. 4(13)(a) (Staff) - The following sentence should be added to the Section. where land designated Major Open Space is not presently used or required for any open space purpose, agricultural uses may be permitted on such land, but the establishment of any new specialized farming operation as referred to in Section 4(16)(b)(iii) shall not be permitted. SECTION. 4(14)(b) (Staff) - The phrase "marine facilities" should be deleted. Special Meeting, April 8, 1975, continued Page 4 SECTION. 404)(c) (Staff) -The last sentence of the first paragraph should be amended to read. 1°If the municipality or other public agency does not wish to acquire such lands at the time an application for the redesignation of such lands for other purposes is duly completed and submitted, then such application may be.........". SECTION. 4(16) (Committee) - The following sentence should be added to the introductory paragraph - Major Development should not be recommended or encouraged on lands where the soil capability for Agriculture is defined in the Canada Land Inventory as Class 1, 2 or 3, or other lands suitable for producing specialized types of crops. SECTION. 4(16)(a)(v) (Staff) - "Existing residential development may be recognized in the implementing restricted area by-law and, where several dwellings are grouped, infilling within the zone may be permitted on lots which conform to the requirements of the by-law for rural residential development". SECTION. 4(16)(b)(ii) (Staff) - The section should be deleted. SECTION. 4(16)(c)(i) (Committee) - This section to - include a provision that only one estate lot may be severed from any existing parcel of land and to further provide that 25 estate lots may be created by consent for each year the Interim District Plan is in effect. SECTION. 4(11)(a) (Staff) - The last sentence should be stricken and replaced by the following. Other uses of and entertainment nature which are compatible with surrounding uses and create no pollution problems may also be permitted subject to restrictions contained in the implementing zoning by-laws. Special Meeting, April 8, 1975, continued SECTION° 4(17)(a) Page 5 (Committee) - The words "compatible with surrounding uses" to be strengtheted to reflect a more restrictive intent. (3)(b) REVISIONS TO MAPS (1) Man I. Lot 32, Concession 7, Clarke (Staff) - The E.P.A. designation in this area be revised to show more accurately the flood plain of the stream. Lot 13 & 14, Concession 81 Darlington (Staff) - The E. P. Area in Haydon should be shown as beginning slightly to the east of Maple Street to reflect the actual extent of the flood plain. Lot 29, Concession 3. Darlington. (Staff) - A small existing sand pit on the south side of the Fourth Concession Road approximately 175 feet west of Durham Road # 34 should be designated Pits and Quarries. Highway 35, Clarke. (Staff) - Highway 35 north of the junction with Highway 115 should be shown as a Provincial Highway. Lots 13 & 14, Concession 3, Darlington . (Staff) - The existing gravel pit in Lots 13 and 14, Concession 3, Darlington is not shown in its actual location, and this should be corrected. Lot 18 to Lot 3, B.F. Concession, Darlington. Lot 24 to 27, Concession 1, Darli on. (Committee) - The lands designated as Deferred Industrial should be re-classified to a rural category. Lot 30, Concession 5, Clarke ( Committee) - North one half of Lot 29 & 30, Concession 4. These lands should be redesignated to an Environmental Area. Special Meeting, April 8, 1975, continued Page 6 (3)(b)(ii) & 2 Lot 28, Concession 5, Clarke. (Committee) - The lands designated as Deferred Industrial should be re-classified to a Rural Category. Mill Street & Sommerville Drive. Orono. (Staff) -The lands southwest of Mill Street and Somerville Drive in Orono should be designated Urban Residential. Orono FaiKg2unds (Staff) - The parking lot of the Orono fairground notth of Centre Street should be shown as Major Institutional. Mill Street & 115 HidRm, Orono. (Staff) - The land southwest of the corner of Highway 115 and Mill Street in Orono should be designated Urban Residential. Lot 29, Concessions 4 & 5, Clarke (Committee) - These lands should be re -designated to an Environmental Study Area. (iii) Map 3 Lot 29 & 30, Concession 1, Newcastle. Lot 27, Concession 2, Newcastle (Staff) - The two subdivision in Newcastle having draft approval by the Ministry of Housing should be designated Urban Residential. Lot 26, Broken Front Concession A, Newcastle (Staff) - The land designated Major Open Space along Boulton Street and Lakeshore Road should be re -designated Rural. Lots 28, 29, 30 & 31, B.F.Concession, Newcastle. (Committee) - The Open Space designation between Graham Creek and Wilmot Creek should be removed and re -designated to Environmental Protection Area. Special Meeting, April 8, 1975, continued Page 7. Lot 27, Broken Front Concession A. Newcastle (Staff) - The unopened road allowance between Queen Street and Boulton Street should be deleted. (iv) Map 4 Soper Creek Watershed (Staff) - The whole of Soper Creek Watershed north of Highway # 401 should be revised to more accurately define the Environmental Protection Area. Bowmanville Streets (steer) '. - The following streets should be deleted from Map 4 (Bowmanville) since they do not exist as public streets. a) Frank Street north of King Street. b) St. George Street north of Church Street. c) Wellington Street west of Scugog Street. St. Mary's Cement (Staff) - The lands on Map 4 which belong to St. Mary's Cement Company and have received a license under the Pits and Quarries Act should be designated Pits and Quarries (Note that this excludes the area presently zoned Light Industrial). W Map 1e 3 and 4. ba&d Oatario Shoreline (Staff) - The whole of the Lake Ontario Shoreline should be designated Environmental Protection Area. (4) OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS (i) Lando south of C. N. R. railway lyinta between Graham Creek & Wilmot Creek, (Staff) - No change should be made in the Interim District Plan but Murray V. Jones should be instructed to include this area in his study. We understand that Murray V. Jones have already included this area in their information gathering process, so there would be little or no increase in cost in including it in the Secondary Plan Area. Special Meeting, April 8, 19752 continued Page 8, (5) Resolution No. P-L�2-75 Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, (1) That the Interim District Plan, as revised December 23, 1974, be further revised to include the foregoing recommendations. (2) That the Interim District Plan as further revised be approved by this Committee and submitted to Council. m�. Resolution No. P-43-75 Moved by Mr. R. Yates, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this Committee hereby recommend to Council as follows - (1) That Council adopt the Interim District Plan as submitted, (2) That Council hold a special meeting to consider the Interim District Plan. (3) That notice of this special meeting of Council be advertised in the local newspapers. (4) That all persons or organizations who have submitted briefs pertaining to the Interim District Plan be advised by letter of the time and place of the special meeting of Council. (6) ADJOURYSNT Resolution No. P-44-75 Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10220 p.m. secretary Chairman