HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-10TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, March 10, 1975, 7=30 p.m. Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N.& N. Bd.of Ed. Rep. Planning Director Absent: Member Member Secretary Councillor K. Entwisle Mr. S. J. Lancaster Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. H. Hammond Mr. H. Belson Mr. R. Yates Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. R. Hetherington Councillor D. Allin Councillor D. Weare Mr. S. Worden Mr. Geo. Howden Mayor Rickard Mr. H. Muir H. R. Best Also present:Munioipal Planning Consultants: Mr. David Berber Mr. Regis Trudell Approximately 15 other persons. (i) Special meeting on February 149 1975. Resolution No. P-31-75 Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That the minfites of a Special meeting of February 14, 1975* be approved as printed. "CARRIED" (2) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Mr. Moffatt called attention to the lack of copies of Agenda and reports available to the delegations and to other persons in attendance at the meetings. Mr. Moffatt was of the opinion that these items should be made available to all persons present at the meetings. This matter was reforred to Mr. Howden's attention. Regular Meeting, March 100 1975, continued Page 2 (3) (i) Mario Veltri and King Street Development, Bowmanville Further to his attendance at a previous meeting of this Committee on December 9, 1974, at which time the Committee had suggested that Mr. Veltri endeavor to acquire the adjacent premises owned by Sun Oil Co., Mr. Velti appeared before the Committee and stated that he was unable tp purchase the Sun Oil Company property and was now presenting a revised proposal on his property on the north side of King Street, Bowmanville (former bus station). Resolution No. P-32-75 Moved by Mr. D. Allin, seconded by Mr. D. Moffatt, That Mr. Veltri submit his proposal to the Planning Direotor, Mr. Howden for study and a subsequent report to be presented at the next regular meeting of this Committee. Mr. Howden requested the Committee's authorization to obtain Consultants advice in the preparation of the Veltri proposal in order to give proper and complete directions to the owner and to the Committee in respect to height, sideyards, parking and all other data that should be considered in the construction of a commercial building that would enable the applicant to obtain a permit to construct same. Resolution No. P-33-75 Moved by Mr. D. Wearn, seconded by Mr. D. Allin, That Mr. Howden's request for Consultamt's assistance in the preparation of the Veltri report be concurred with by this Committee. „CRUD„ (ii) E. R. Lovekin re: Leland Payne Mr. Lovekin on behalf of his client Mr. Leland Payne of Newtonville requested the Committee to recommend to Council that the Town of Newcastle take no action to support the Regions appeal against the decision of Land Division Committee whereby the Land Division Committee approved of Mr. Payne's application to sever a parcel of land from his property in Lot 7, Concession 1, Clarke. Resolution No. -P -AL -75 Moved by Mr. D. Wearn, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That this Committee concur with Mr.Lovekia's request. 991RUNaG Regular Meeting, March 109 1975, continued (4) BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD Page 3 (i) Preservation Sanctuary Club and Tourist CM Development Agreement. Mr. Hackey of the Preservation Sanctuary Club appeared before the Committee in support of this application. The draft of the Tourist Camp Development Agreement (Preservation Sanctuary Club) dated Februay 20, 1975, and prepared by Municipal Planning Consultants, was reviewed and the contents noted. The recommendation as follows was noted in Report No. 110, prepared by Mr. Howden, Director of Planning. "I would recommend that the agreement be approved in principle and forwarded (a) to the applicant's solicitor for completion of blanks and schedules except Schedule 11011 (b) to the Works Committee for a statement of their requirements if any under Schedule "E". Resolution No. P-35-75 Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this Committee approve of the draft, dated February 20, 19759 of the Tourist Camp Development Agreement(Preservation Sanctuary Club) and further that this Committee concur with the recommendation as set forth in Report No. 110. "CARRIED" (ii) Stephenson Salvage Yard & Salvage Yard Development Agreement The draft of the Salvage Yard Development Agreement(Stepheneon Salvage Yard) dated February 20, 1975, and prepared by Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. was reviewed and the contents noted. Report No. 111, attached to the agenda of March 100 1975, as prppared by Mr. Howden was reviewed and the following recommendation noted. (1)"The agreement be approved in principle and forwarded with a copy of this report to the applicant's solicitor and surveyor fbv completion of the blanks and schedules contained therein. (2) Item 3 of Schedule "D" and Item 1 of Schedule "F" be referred to the Works Committee for a statement of their requirements. (3) The applicant's surveyor be advised that one foot reserves are to be taken around the whole of the property except for the approved entrance." Regular Meeting, March 10, 1975, continued Page 4 Resolution No. P-36-75 Moved by Mr. D. Allin, seconded by Mr. D. Moffatt, That this Committee concur with the recommendations as contained in Mr. Howden'e report No. 111. "CARRIED" (5) NEW BUSINESS (i) Outstanding Referrals by Council. Planning Director's Report No. 106 together with attached copies of correspondence were reviewed and noted. Resolution No. P-37-75 Moved by Mr. D. Alain, seconded by Mr. D. Moffatt, That this Committee concur with the Director's report on processing of work by the Planning Advisory Committee. "CARRIED' (ii) Caultal Works Projects In his report No. 108, Mr. Howden noted that the Town of Newcastle had been asked to give its approval to the construction of two sanitary sewer projects in Bowmanville. The recommendations as follows were noted. "I would recommend that the Town advise the Region that it approves of the issue of the debentures and accepts the charges thereunder provided that... (a) the costs arising out of project 527-74 should be charged to existing users. (b) the costs arising out of project S28-74 be charged to the development charge account for the Town of Newcastle. (c) that the Town, through its planning department, be kept informed of progress on project S28-749 and that the Town' be given an opportunity to comment before any works are approved." Resolution No. P-38-75 Moved by Mr. H. Balson, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That no action be taken by the Committee on this matter. Regular Meeting, March 10, 19759 continued (iii) Consolidated Sand and Gravel (Development Agreement) Director's report No. 109 was reviewed and noted. Resolution No. P-3975 Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, Page 5 That the Planning,Director, Municipal Planning Consultants, Director of Public Works and representatives of Consolidated Sand and Gravel, meet to discuss and prepare a revised draft on the Pits and'Quarries Development Agreement and to submit same at the next meeting of this Committee. (iv) Dennis Thompson R.R.# 2, Orono, and application for rezoning. a.c. T o The subject property comprises 2.25 acres of land in Lot 32, k�C:-O Concession 7, Clarke, on the east side of the Leskard Road in the south end of the Hamlet of Leakard. Mr. Thompson and his Solicitor, Mr. E. R. Lovekin appeared before the Committee in support of this application. Mr. Howden's report No. 112 contained the recommendation as follows... 11 I would recommend that the rezoning proposed above should only be proceeded with when the applicant has removed him- self from the premises and entered into a written agreement with the Town to the effect that (a) he will not occupy or permit the premises to be occupied without a certificate of occupancy from the building inspector. (b) he will proceed no further with any construction until such is in conformity with all by-laws, regulations, and court orders in effect. (e) he will rectify all faults in construction to the satisfaction of the building inspector and install sanitary facilities to the satisfaction of the Health Unit. As surety for the performance of this agreement the applicant should be required to deposit with the Town in the form of oash, negotiable securities, or a promissory note secured by property, an amount equal to twice the cost of complying with the terms of the agreement, which amount would be forfeited in the event of his default. In addition, the applicant should be required to convey sufficient land to the Municipality to bring the forced road in front of his property up to a width of 66 feet11. Regular Meeting, March 10, 1975, continued Page 6 Resolution No. P-40-75 Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. D. Wearn, That this Committee concur with the recommendation set forth in Mr. Howden's report No. 112. "CARRIED" Further to Mr. Thompson and his occupancy of hie unfinished house, which, in order to comply with the above resolution, he must vacate forthwith, Councillor Weare suggested the Newcastle Council which had recently acquired a vacant house in Hampton, be approached to allow Mr. Thompson iso rent the property and therefore start compliance with his contentious problems. The Committee respectfully requests Council to give this every consideration. (6) ADJOMUMM Resolution No. P-1Ll-75 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That this meeting do now adjourn. "CARRIED" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10.45 p.m. Chairman