HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-14TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE SFBCIAL MEETING Municipal Building, Hampton, Friday, February 14, 1975, 7.30 P•m• Present: Chairman Councillor X.Entwisle Member Mr. S. J. Lancaster Member Mr. D. Moffatt Member Mr. H. Muir Member Mr. H. Hammond Member Mr. H. Belson Member Dr. H. R. Rowsell Member Mr. R. Yates Planning Director Mr. Geo. Howden Secretary H. R. Best Absent: Member Mayor Rickard Member Councillor D. Allin Member Councillor D. Wearn Member Mr. R. Hetherington N.& N. Bd. of Ed.Rep. Mr. S. Worden Also present: Municipal Planning Consultants: Mr. David Barber Mr. Regie Trudell Approximately 25 other persons. (i) Regular meeting on February 10, 1975. Resolution No. P-21-75 Moved by Mr. H. Muir, seconded by Mr. R. Yates, That the minutes of the Regular meeting on February 10, 19759 be adopted as printed. (2) BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (i) Rice Construction Resolution No. P-22-75 Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Mr. H. Hammond, That prior to a special meeting of this Committee to:further consider the vroposal of Rice Construction to establish the Wilmot Creek Special Meeting, February 149 19759 continued Page 2 Cove Retirement Park, a copy of the Environmental Assessment for Wilmot Creek Cove Retirement Park, Newcastle, Ontario, as prepared by Bird and Hale Limited, be forwarded to the District Director of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Richmond Hill, Ontario, requesting his comments. J161111134N Resolution No. P-23-75 Moved by Mr. D. Moffatt, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That the owners or their authorized agents, of the subject lands involved in the proposal of the Rice Construction, Durham Retire- ment Home Park and Square 100, be requested to submit a formal application for rezoning before any further action be considered by this Committee. "CARRIED11 (3) BMINESS BROUGHT FORWARD (i) Revised Tourist Camp By -taw Report No. 104, as prepared by the Planning Director, Mr. Geo. Howden, was reviewed and the contents noted. The following persons submitted certain suggestions for revisions to the proposed by-law. Mr. Holroyd of Preservation Sanctuary Camp Club, Mr. Hartmann - Cedarvalley Camp Mr. R. LeBlanc - The Acres The revisions, as follows, to the revised draft of February 7, 1975, were adopted by the Committee. (a) Driveways; page 6, item 10, The word "paved" be deleted from the second last line so that item 10 now reads " Each camp lot shall abut upon a driveway which is maintained with a stable surface which is treated so as to prevent the raising of dust or loose particles and which is well drained. The driveway shall have a minimum width of 20 feet. No parking shall be permitted in any driveway. (b) Electrical Facilities and Equipment; page 7, item 139 The last sentence to be deleted so that item 13 now reads "All electrical facilities and equipment installed to service* a tourist camp shall comply with the requirements of the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario and, where ground Special Meeting, February 14, 1975, continued Page 3 The first sentence be revised to read as follows - "No camp lot shall be located closer than 50 feet nor farther than 300 feet from a service building which shall have" (d) Laundry Facilities, page 8, item 199 Resolution No. P -2G-75 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That item 19 be revised to read as follows -"Every tourist camp oontaining 40 or more camp lots shall have, on the premises, at least one building containing laundry facilities. "CARRIED" (e) License Required; page 4, item 1, The second sentence be revised to read as follows - "Following the thirty-first day of July, A.D. 1976, no person shall operate an existing tourist camp unless a license for such tourist camp is issued pursuant to this By-law". (f) Accesaory Commercial Uses; page 9, item 26, ri That the word "commercial" in the first line be replaced by the word "ancillary11 so that the first sentence shall now read, "Establishments of an ancillary nature such as retail stores and service shops (i.e.,laundromat) shall be permitted in a tourist camp of not less than 40 camp lots". (g) Period,of Oc2RRga2y, page 12, item 17, Revised to read as follows- "Every operator shall ensure that no tent, tourist trailer or tourist vehicle shall be occupied on the premises for more than a total of 150 days in any one calendar year". conditions permit, wiring shall be placed underground. (c) Service Buildinae; page 7, item 17, The first sentence be revised to read as follows - "No camp lot shall be located closer than 50 feet nor farther than 300 feet from a service building which shall have" (d) Laundry Facilities, page 8, item 199 Resolution No. P -2G-75 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That item 19 be revised to read as follows -"Every tourist camp oontaining 40 or more camp lots shall have, on the premises, at least one building containing laundry facilities. "CARRIED" (e) License Required; page 4, item 1, The second sentence be revised to read as follows - "Following the thirty-first day of July, A.D. 1976, no person shall operate an existing tourist camp unless a license for such tourist camp is issued pursuant to this By-law". (f) Accesaory Commercial Uses; page 9, item 26, ri That the word "commercial" in the first line be replaced by the word "ancillary11 so that the first sentence shall now read, "Establishments of an ancillary nature such as retail stores and service shops (i.e.,laundromat) shall be permitted in a tourist camp of not less than 40 camp lots". (g) Period,of Oc2RRga2y, page 12, item 17, Revised to read as follows- "Every operator shall ensure that no tent, tourist trailer or tourist vehicle shall be occupied on the premises for more than a total of 150 days in any one calendar year". Special Meeting, February 14, 1975, continued Page 4 (h) Exemptions (Service Buildings) That a new sub -section be added to section 17, whereby the Council may by resolution grant exemption from the provisions of Section 17 in respect of service buildings, existing at the date of the passing of this By-law, which substantially conform to the said provisions. Resolution No. P-25-75 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by H. Hammond, That the draft of the Tourist Camp By-law as revised February 7v 1975, be further revised in accordance with the foregoing approvals and that the revised By-law be submitted to Council with a recommendation for approval. IJCARRIED" (ii) Development Aaeement (Tourist Camp) Resolution No. P-26-75 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by H. Muir, That the Tourist Camp Development Agreement as revised February 49 19759 be approved by this Committee, subject to correction of printing errors in schedule "A" to the agreement, and further that the corrected draft be recommended to Council for adoption. "CARRIED" (iii) Application for Tourist Camp License The draft application for. Tourist Camp License, dated February 7, 1975, and prepaa®d'.by Municipal Planning Consultants Limited was reviewed and the following revision requested. That item 3 of "Information Sheet for Applicant" be revised to read as follows- "Every application must be accompanied by a certified cheque, in the amount of five dollars ($5.00) for each camp lot, payable to the Town of Newcastle. Resolution No. P-27-75 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by R. Yates, That the application form, as revised in accordance with the foregoing , be approved by this Committee and recommended to Council for adoption, 11CARRIEDvv Special Meeting, February 14, 1975, continued Page 5 (iv) Salvage Yard By-law The draft, dated December 9, 1974, of the proposed by-law to license, regulate and govern the operation of salvage yard as prepared by Municipal Planning Consultants Limited, was reviewed and noted. Mr. Howden's report No. 105 was reviewed and the following comments noted. (1) "The definition should not include any business which engages in outdoor storage solely for retail sales purposes or for purposes incidental to the repair of vehicles, machinery etc." (2) "Salvage Yards presently operating within 300 feet of a road should be allowed to continue with a lesser setback". (3) "Any existing natural screening around a site should be preserved". (4) "This section should also prohibit the discharge of liquid wastes into any natural or artificial watercourse". (5) "There should be a section requiring provision of adequate off-street customer and staff parking and ensuring that such parking does not become a part of the storage area". Resolution No. P-28-75 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by D. Moffatt, That Mr. Bowden's recommendations be approved by this Committee and the draft By-law as revised in accordance with Mr. Howden's recommendation and further that the revised draft be circulated to all operators of salvage yards and if found to meet their approval, the revised draft be recommended to Council for adoption. (v) Salvage Yard Development Agreement The draft, dated January 14, 1975, of a Salvage Yard Development Agreement as prepared by Municipal Planning Consultants Limited was reviewed and noted. The following recommendation was noted in Mr. Howden's report No. 105. "One foot reserves should be taken around the whole site of a salvage yard to guarantee against unauthorized entrances and to guarantee against the enroachment of the yard into adjacent lands not zoned for the purpose". Special Meeting, February 14, 1975, continued Page 6 Resolution No. P-29-75 Moved by Dr. Roweell, seconded by D. Moffatt, That "the one foot reserve" as recommended by the Planning Director be included in the Development Agreement and h=ther that the agreement as revised be approved by this Committee and recommended to Council for adoption. "CARRIED" (4) NEW BUSINESS (5) (i) Next Meeting The next meeting of this Committee to be held at 7.30 P.M. on Monday, February 24, 1975. Resolution No. P-10-75 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by D. Moffatt, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10.30 p.m. Secretary Chairman