HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-10TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, Fat-=LTy 10, 1975, 7.30 p.m. Present- Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N. & N. Bd. of Ed. rep. Planning Director Secretary Councillor B. Entwisle Mayor Rickard Councillor Allin Mr. H. Belson Mr. H. Hammond Mr. S. J. Lauowter Mr. H. Muir Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. Roger Yates Mr. S. Worden Mr. Geo. Howden H. R. Best Absent: Member Councillor D. Wearn Member Mr. D. Moffatt Member Mr. R. Hetherington Also presentsMunicipal Planning Consultants Mr. David Barber Mr. Regie Trudell Approximately 130 other persona. Chairman Entwisle introduced Mr. Roger Yates, the newly appointed member of the Panning Advisory Committee. Mr. Yates resides in the Village of Newcastle and was Chairman of the former planning Board of that Village. (1) Mn00TES OF PREVIOUS PIEETING (i) Regular Meeting on January 13, 1975• Resolution No. P-15-75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by H. Hammond, That the minutes of the Regular meeting on January 13, 19759 be adopted as printed. Regular Meeting, February 10, 19759 continued (2) DELEGATIONS A (i) Mr. =Shaw-, Fl� Shaw-, Square 100 Developments Page 2 Mr. Shaw again requested the Committee to classify his lands, in lots 29 & 30, B.F.Concession, Clarke, for deferred residential purposes within the Interim District Plan. He made reference to a possible error in the minutes of the meeting on November 25, 1974,(i.e. reso- lution No. P-316-74). In his opinion the resolution should have read "Subject however to any previous commitment of the Village of Newoastle".. He also referred to a possible error in the minutes of the meeting on December 99 1974v(i.e. resolution No. P-329-74). He felt that the last line should read Study Area in lieu of Protection Area. Resolution No. P-16-75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by R. Yates, That Mr. Shaw be thanked for his presentation. (ii) Residents from the Beau Valles Subdivision The following people spoke in opposition to amending By-law No. 74 -83 - Mr. Johnson spoke on behalf of 277 residents, whose names appeared on a petition in opposition to the re -zoning application. He sug- gested that the Committee should restrict the development to semi- detached dwellings or at least to limit the number of townhouses. He also questioned the placing of fill in the adjacent flood plain of Soper Creek. Mr. Gary Sirove also requested the Committee to limit the number of townhouses to not more than 10 and was of the opinion that any future development should be compatible with the existing development. Mr. O'Toole stated that Hobble Drive was the only access to the Beau Valley subdivision and was not adequate for the inorease in traffic generated by the proposed development. He also questioned the amount of parkland now available for the existing residents. Mr. John Liptav stated that the execrative of the newly formed Rate- payers Association are in support of the petitioners. Mr. J. D. Besso - was not in favour of any future development that would adversely affect the lifestyle as established by the existing residents. Regular Meeting, February 10, 1975, continued Page 3 Mrs. Dianne Markle requested information regarding the present status of the re -zoning application. Mr. B. D. Irwin quostioned the availability of school aoeomodation and the quality and value of the dwelling units to be constructed. Mr. H �11er enquired as the financial capabilities of the developer. Mr. Roy TregMa requested information regarding the policy of the Conservation Authorities in regards to placing of fill in flood plain areas. Mr. M. J. Wamboldt requested notification of any further meetings of this Committee when this matter would be given further consideration. Mr. Keith Connell suggested that the Town not convey the subject portion of Mearns Ave. to the developer. Mr. Bryan Markle suggested that all developers be required to inform prospective purchasers of single family dwelling of their intentions to develop row housing in that subdivision. Mr. Sirove asked for some commitment from the Committee with respect to their position in this matter. By a show of hands the Committee indi.on.ted they were in sympathy with the petitioners. Mr. Howden, Mayor. Rickard, H. Hammond and Dave Barber replied to the various questions raised by the ratepayers. Chairman Entwisle thanked the delegations for their presentation and assured them that they would be notified of any further progress in negotiations towards future development. (iii) Residents of Waverly Gardens Mr. Kingsley VanNest addressed the Committee on behalf of 354 petitioners who were in opposition to the re -zoning application of Southeast Building Corporation, to rezone, to a category permitting high rise apartments, 2.69 acres of land situate on the north east corner of Waverly Road and Quinn Drive. He stated that his clients strongly opposed any change to the existing by-law. They had purchased their properties because the existing zoning did not permit high density development. Mr. Alan Berk addressed the Committee on behalf of the developer. Correspondence from Wreyn and Ronnie 731imke was noted in opposition to the re -zoning Pnn1ica+•ion. Regular Meeting, February 10, 1975, continued Page 4 Mr. Howden, Planning Director reviewed his report No. 107. Resolution No. P -17 - Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this Committee recommend to Council that the application of Southeast Building Corporation, be refused. Resolution No. P-18-75 Moved by R. Yates, seconded by H. Belson, That this matter be tabled. (3) BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD No business was brought forward. (4) NEW BUSINESS (i) Procedure for Consideration of New Zoning BV -Law Report No, 103 as prepared by Mr. Howden was reviewed and the following recommendation noted. "Therefore, I am recommending that a subcommittee composed of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman and two other members be struck to review the proposed new zoning by-law and report back within one month's time", Resolution No, P-19-75 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by S. Lancaster, That the Planner's recommendation be accepted by this Committee and futher that Mr. Hetherington and Mr. H. Belson be added to the subcommittee. "CARRIED" AGENDA SUSPENDED It was agreed to carry over the remaining items on the agenda to Friday, February 149 1975, at 7.30 p.m. NEXT MEETING The next special meeting to be held on the regularily scheduled date of February 24, 1975. Regular Meeting, February 10, 1975, continued Page 5 The Interim District Plan and the associated briefs to be considered at this meeting. (5) ADJOMMVMT Resolution No. P-2075 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10.45 p.m. Secretary Chairman