HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-01-13TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, January 13, 1975, 7:30 p.m. Presents Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Planning Director Secretary Councillor K. Entwisle Mayor Rickard Councillor Allin Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. S. J. Lansoaster Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. H. Muir Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. H. Belson Mr. H. Hammond Mr. Geo. Howden H. R. Best Absent: Member Councillor D. Wearn '5 � RA) Also Present:Municipal Planning Consultants Mr. David Barber Mr. Regis Trudel Approximately 25 other persons. (1) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS - (i) Special Meeting of November 25, 1974. Resolution No. P-1-75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by H. Belson, That the minutes of the Special Meeting on November 25, 1974, be adopted as printed. "CARR" (ii) Special Meeting on December 9, 1974. Resolution No. P-2-75 Moved by Mr. H. Muir, seconded by Councillor Allin, That the minutes of the special meeting held in Whitby be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" Regular Meeting, January 13, 19759 continued Page 2 (iii) Regular Meeting on December 9, 1974. Resolution No. P-3-75 Moved by Mr. H. Muir, seconded by Councillor Allin, That the minutes of the regular meeting on December 9, 19749 be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" (iv) Special Meeting on December 19, 1974. Resolution No. P -IL -75 Moved by Mr, H. Belson, seconded by H. Hetherington, That the minutes of the special meeting on December 19, 1974, be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" (2) DELEGATIONS (i) Mr, Max Rice - re: Wilmot Creek Cove Retirement Park. Mr, Rice addressed the Committee in respect of his proposed Retirement Park in lots 33, 34 and 35, Concession I, Clarke. His remarks were further to his meeting with the Finance Committee on October 15, 1974, and were accompanied by a printed submission under the heading "Presentation to Planning Advisory Committee, January 13, 1975, by Ridge Pine Park Limited. Appendix B of the submission included copies of correspondence from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and from Marshall,Macklin & Monaghan res proposed grade separation on C.N.R. line. Resolution No. P-5-75 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by H. Muir, That Mr. Rice be thanked for his presentation. Resolution No. P-6-75 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this matter be deferred to a special meeting to be held towards the end of this month. Regular Meeting, January 13, 1975, continued (ii) Mr. John Lintas, Jr. reg Application for land severance Page 3 Mr. Liptay informed the Committee that he had an application for . ....0 severance currently before the Land Division Committee and requested confirmation from the Town of Newcastle that the lands in question had frontage onto an improved road within the meaning of By-law No 2111. The lands in question are situate in part of lot 14, Concession 8, and on the west side of Maple Street in the hamlet of Haydon. Resolution No. P-7-75 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by D. Moffatt, That Mr. Liptay's request be referred to the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning for a report to the Land Division Committee. "CARRIED" (iii) Mr. Pollitt res Dart lot 26. Concession I. Darlington. Mr. Pollitt stated that he had recently purchased a parcel of land, comprising 1} acres, from Mr. Oral MacLean in part of lot 26, Concession I, in the former Township of Darlington. The subject property was zoned MI (Industrial) and the owner requested permission to construct a residence thereon. Resolution No. P-8-75 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by H. Hammond, That the Director of Planning prepare a report on the subject property and submit same to the next regular meeting of this Committee. "CRIED" (3) BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD (i) Tourist Camp By-law References P -296-74y P-332-74. Report No. 101 as prepared by Ma; Howden was reviewed and the following recommendations noted - "I am recommending that the by-law betapprovdd subject to the amendments listed below. (1) Site plan required. (2) No building, structure or camp lot shall be constructed located or used on any land which, in the opinion of the Conservation Authority having jourisdiction, is subject to flooding or any other natural hazard". Regular Meeting, January 13, 1975, continued Page 4 Amendment No. 1 was not accepted. Amendment No. 2 was accepted subject to the deletion of the following phrase "in the opinion of the Conservation Authority having jurisdiction". Resolution No.P-9-75 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by H. Hammond, That further discussion on report No. 101 be tabled until such time as the revised development agreement and application form are presented to this Committee by Mrs Barber, In accordance with resolution No. P-298-74, as recorded in the minutes of November 12, 1974. The following persons submitted the comments as follows - Mr. Hartman of Cedar Valley Park, Clarke The operation of his camp was in conflict pith section 6 (16) of the proposed by-law. Mrs. Holroyd, Preservation Sanctuary Club, Darlington The section dealing with internal roads should be revised to eliminate the requirement for paved streets and driveways. Mr. E. R. Lovekin, represantigg the owners of Waltonia Park, ewoas e, a) too many specific details, by-law should be more flexible b) requirement should vary between established camps and new camp sites. o) licence fees should be scaled d) paved driveways not necessary e) free area for pitching tents £) reduce standards for camp lighting. Mr. Bentley - proposed camp site, lot 18, Concession 3. Clarke a) paved driveways unnecessary b) camp lighting should be left to the discretion of the operator. Regular Meeting, January 13, 1975, continued Page 5 (ii) Mr. Nies Zondervan - re -zoning application Brought forward from meeting of September 23, 1974= The recommendation, as follows, was noted in Mr. Bowden's report No. 102. "I would therefore recommend that the by-law be approved and that the previous requirement for a site plan agreement be rescinded". Resolution No, P-10-75 Moved by Ho Hammond, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with the foregoing recommendation. iTiM (4) NEW BUSINESS (1) Letter re; Regional Official Plan and Industrial Development Referred to this Committee by Council,Resolution No. C-74-9690 The recommendation as follows was noted in Mr. Bowden's report No. 960 "I would recommend that in future,correspondence should be referred to the Committee only when some action is required. To refer matters not requiring any action, only creates additional unnecessary paperwork". Resolution No, P-11-75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with Mr. Howden's recommendation, 011,10,4121 (ii) Challister Investments. Proposed subdivision Referred to this Committee by Council, resolution No -C-74-1017= The proposed subdivision is located in parts of lots 7 & 8, Concession 2,(Newtonville) in the former Township of Clarke. The proposa3 defined a residential development comprising some 34 lots. Mr. Bowden's report No. 97 and the following recommendations noted. - a) All subdivisions in Newtonville be considered premature until a comprehensive secondary plan for the Hamlet has been prepared and the Ministry of Housing be so advised, b) that money be set aside for preparation of such a plan Regular Meeting, January 13, 1975, continued Page 6 in the Planning Department budget for 19750 o) that the Region be asked to participate in a joint water, sewerage and storm drainage study of Newtonville to parallel the above planning study. d) that a joint steering Committee to include local residents be set up to supervise the planning study, Resolution No, P-12-75 Moved by Da Moffatt, seconded by H. Hammond, That this Committee concur with Mr. Howden's recommendations, "CARRIED" (iii) Election of Vice -Chairman Resolution No, P-13-75 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Ho Belson, That Mr, Douglas Moffatt be elected Vice -Chairman of the Planning Advisory Committee for the year 1975= (iv) Public MeetinM and Interim District Plan (5) ADJOURNMENT It was agreed to present the proposed Interim District Plan to the general public by way pf a public meeting to be held in the Bowmanville Court House at 7.30 P.M. on Monday, January 27, 19750 The Secretary was authorized to publish notices of this meeting in the appropriate newspapers. Resolution Noo P -1l.-75 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by He Balson, That this meeting do now adjourn, "CARRIED' Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10.15 p.m. Secretary Chairman