HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-12-09SPECIAL MEETING OF Council of The Town of Newcastle P.A.C. of The Town of Newcastle Region Department of Planning & Development Murray V. Jones Associates Ministry of Housing Municipal Planning Consultants Limited REGIONAL MUNICIPAL OFFICES 105 Consumers Drive Monday, December 99 19742 10.00 a.m. Present. Council Mayor G. Rickard Councillor I. Hobbs Councillor B. Tink Councillor K. Lyall Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor D. Wearn P.A.C. Member H. Muir N. & N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. S. Worden Planning Director G. Howden Secretary H. R. Best Region Dept. of Planning & Development Commissioner Wm. McAdams Planning Director Dr. M. Michael Senior Planner Mr. Kotseff Murray V. Jones Associates President Murray V. Jones Project Director Robert Garrard Senior Planner Patrick Frangella -two unidentified persons Ministry of Housing O.H.A.P. Co-ordinator Wm. Mansen Municipal Planning Consultants Senior Planner Regis Trudell Special Meeting, December 9, 1974, continued Page 2 Mayor Rickard occupied the chair and in his opening remarks stated that this meeting had been called to receive and consider the COURTICE CONCEPT PLAN as prepared by Murray Jones and Associates under the terms of reference of the Town of Newcastle Housing Study and Secondary Plan. Copies of the working brief of December 2 1974 and copies of the mapping of the Courtice Concept Plan, both prepared by Murray V. Jones and Associates were made available to each person present. Mr. Robert Garrard reviewed the working brief and explained in greater detail, with the assistance of a coloured map, the various items contained in the brief. Following Mr. Garrard's presentation, the meeting was opened for a question and answer period. In summary Mr. Jones requested approval by the Town of Newcastle of the basic concept of the Courtice Plan. Followingendorsement by the Town the planning process would be opened to public in order to obtain their response. The concensus of opinion expressed by Council and Committee members indicated that this matter should be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee at their meeting in the evening of even date with the request that a resolution would be forthcoming to Council, indicating the Committee's position in this matter. Muting adjourned at 12:40 p.m.. Secretary Chairman Present: Absent: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton Monday, December 99 1974 Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Planning Director Secretary Councillor K. Entwisle Mayor G. Rickard Councillor K. Lyall Councillor D. Wearn Councillor D. 411in Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. H. Balson Mr. H. Muir Mr. H. Hammond Dr. H. R. Rowsell (attended at 8:25 p.m.) Mr. Geo. Howden H. R. Best Member Mr. R. Hetherington N. N. D. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Mr. S. Worden also Presnet: Mr. Dave Barber of Municipal Planning Consultants Limited Mr. Regis Trudell of Municipal Planning Consult- ants Limited - approximately 15 interested persons (1) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS (i) Meeting on September 12, 1974. Resolution No. 321-74 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by Councillor Allin. That the minutes of the regular meeting of September 12, 1974 be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" (ii) Meeting on November 12, 1974. Regular Meeting, December 9, 1974, continued Page 2 Resolution No. 322-74 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by H. Hammond. That the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 12, 19749 be adopted as printed. "CARRIEDT' (iii) Meeting on November 18, 1974. Resolution No. 321-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Muir. That the minutes of the special meeting held on November 18, 1974, be adopted as printed. (2) DELEGATIONS (i) "CARRIED" At the invitiation of the Committee? Mr. Patrick Frangella of Murray Jones and Associates presented and reviewed the working brief and associated map- ping relating to he Couritce Concept Plan as had been presented earlier in the day at a joint meet- ing held in the Regional Planning and Development Offices in Whitby, In his remarks, Mr. Frangella stated that the study had been undertaken under the Ontario Housing Action Programme with the object of determining where and to what extent it would be possible to provide affordable housing for the most people in a self- supporting community. Four areas had been considered, namely Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle and elsewhere preliminary studies eliminated elsewhere and the plan in its present form indicated a growth, over the next twenty years to a maximum of five thousand persons in the Village of Newcastle, thirty-five thousand in Bowmanville and sixty thousand in the Courtice area. Development in the Courtice l;rea was on a Regular Meeting, December 9, 1974, continued Page 3 staged basis spread over a twenty year period. The first stagepprovided for 15 - 20 thousand persons in the next 8 - 12 years, stage two would increase the population to 30 thousand within the next eight years and stage three would be completed within the succeeding eight years. Mr. Frangella noted that residential development will inevitably occur within the Town of Newcastle and that it was in the hands of Council and the Town of Newcastle, to determine how the growth takes place. He recommended that Council plan for large scale growth of the best possible quality provided that it is assured that present residents will not be finan- cially penalized. Resolution No. P-324-74 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by D. Moffatt. That the "Courtice Concept Plan", as prepared by Murray V. Jones and i;ssociates, be accepted as a general concept for development in that area for the future. That the Council submit to the public and to the Regional authorities for their comments, a pro- posal to implement a first phase which shall bey as far as possible, a complete community. HUIM (ii) Mario Veltri and Dina Street Development. Bowmanville Mr. Veltri, Mr. Robinson and Mr. Riva Architect, appeared before the committee and presented per- spective drawings of proposed revisions, to his original plan of development, which original plan described a nine story building comprising retail stores on street level, office accomodatiom on the second level and seven stories of apartment space above. The revised plans included an expanded commercial area development on the property owned by Sun Oil Company and immediately east of the original pro- Regular Meeting, December 9, 1974, continued Page 4 posal. This property is currently the subject of negotiations between Mr. Veltri and the Sun Oil Co. Mr. Veltri requested approval in -principle --of his - ----- - proposal in order to further his negotiations with the Sun Oil Co. to develop their lands. Resolution No. P-325-74 Moved by Dr. Rowse119 seconded by H. Hammond. That this Committee approve in principle the type of development as proposed by Mr. Veltri subject to the understanding that this approval does not necessarily apply to the lrchitect's drawings as presented. "CARRIED" (iii) Windland lissociatess res Hampton Area Mr. Gordon T. Spowart9 Managekof Operations in the firm of Windland iissociates, Consulting Engineers and Town Planners, addressed the Committee and sub- mitted preliminary plans of a proposed estate resid- ential development of 65 one acre lots to the north and east of Hampton. The site comprised some 85 acres of land situate in the north half of Lots 17 and 189 Concession 59 Darlington. The proposed dev- elopment would be serviced by private waste dis- posal systems. The speaker requested that this proposmd develop- ment be recognized in the Interim District Plan. Resolution No, P-326-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by H, Hammond. That this proposal be referred to the Planning Director for a report. "CARRIED" (3) BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD (i) Interim District Plan. (a) Revisions to text. Regular Meeting, December 9, 1974, continued i Page 5 Report #98, as prepared by Mr. Howden, was reviewed and the contents noted. Mr. Dave Barber, Senior Planner with Municipal Planning consultants Limited, presented Consul- tants Report #8 containing a summary of the pro- posed revisions to the text of the Interim District Plan. Resolution No. P-327-74 Moved by Councillor L;llin, seconded by Councillor Wearn. That the summary of the revisions to the draft of the Interim District Plan be adopted by this Committee. Resolution No. P-328-74 Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by H. Muir. That this matter be tabled for a special meeting of the Committee. "CARRIED" (b) Revisions to Mapping. Mr. Barber presented revised versions of Map 3 Newcastle l;rea and Map 4 Bowmanville Area. These maps illustrated the revisions as previously requested by this Committee. Resolution No. P-329-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by H. Hammond. That, in respect of Map 3 (Newcastle Area), the area bounded on the west by the Wilmot Creek, on the north by the C.P.R. railway tracks and on the east by Graham Creek, save and excepting the lands occupied by the Marina Development, be designated in the Interim District Plan as Environmental s udsRgstzvLrea. "CARRIED" Regular Meeting, December 9, 1974, continued Page 6 Resolution No. P-330-74 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by D. Moffatt. That the matter of the mapping be tabled for a special meeting and to be reviewed in conjunction with the revised text. "CARRIED" References: C-74-968; C-74-1105; P-275-74. Report #94 as prepared by Mr. Howden was reviewed and the following recommendations noted: a) Council concur with the Region's decision to con- sider the proposal in conjunction with the prepar- ation of the Regional Official Plan. b) A copy of this preliminary review be sent to the Regional Planning Department. c) The Regional Planning Department be advised that based on present knowledge, this proposal does not appear to the Town to constitute the most desir- able direction of growth for Bowmanville in the presently forseeable future. d) That no change be made at the present time in any planning and engineering studies presently underway. Resolution No. P-331-74 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by H. Muir. That this Committee concur with the recommend- ation as set forth in the Planner's Report. "CARRIED" (iii) Tourist Camp By -Law. References: P-296-74. Mr. David Barber submitted a revised draft of the Regular Meeting, December 9, 19749 continued Page 7 proposed by-law to regulate and licence tourist camps. These revisions were in accordance with the changes as requested by the Committee at the NOV- ember 129 1974 meeting and includes the items as follows: a) page 29 item 8 (EXISTING) has been added. b) page 4, item 1 (LICENCE REQUIRED) has been revised to permit an existing operator to bring his camp up to the required standard. c) page 4, item 2 (NUMBER OF LOTS) new section added. d) page 4 item 5, (EXPIRY OF LICENCE) expiry date revised. e) page 8, item 19 (LAUNDRY FACILITIES) number of facilities revised. f) page 99 item 25 (PUBLIC TELEPHONES) excludes camps of less than 20 Lots. g) page 129 item 16 (PERIOD OF OCCUPANCY) Mr. Barber stated that he was not completely satisfied with the wording of this section and would further endeavour to find a more appropriate method of defining the intent of this section. Resolution No. P-332-241- Moved -332-74 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Councillor Lyall. That this matter be tabled. "CARR.IED" (4) NEW BUSINESS It was agreed to hold a special meeting on Thursday, December 19, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. in Municipal Office, Hampton for the purpose of continuing the review of the text and mapping of the proposed Interim District Plan. (5) ADJOURNMENT Resolution No. P-333-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by H. Hammond. 11 Regular Meeting, December 9, 1974, continued Page 8 That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10*50 p.m. ,j Secretary Chairman "CARRIED"