HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-11-12TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Municipal Building Hampton Tuesday, November ?2, 1974 Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Planning Director Secretary Absents Member Member N & N Bd. of Ed. Rep. Councillor K. Entwisle Mayor G. Rickard (attended 8s20pm) Councillor W. D. Allin Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Balson Mr. S. J. Lancaster Mr. H. C. Muir Mr. D. Moffatt Councillor K. Lyall Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. Geo. Howden Mr. H. R. Best Councillor A. D. Wearn Mr. H. Hammond Mr. S. Worden Also Present: Mr. David Barber, Senior Planner, Municipal Planning Consultants Limited. - approximately 19 other persons. (1) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS (i) Regular meeting on October 15, 1974. Resolution No. P -A93-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Muir. That the minutes of the regular meeting of October 15, 1974 be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" (ii) Special Meeting on October 1,7, 1974. Resolution No, P491-74 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by D. Moffatt. ( Regular Meeting, November 129 1974, continued Page 2 That the minutes of the special meeting on October 17, 1974 be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" (2) DELEGATIONS (i) Sauare 100 Developments, Village of Newcastle. Mr. Donald Shaw, representing Square 100 Developments, �n�La addressed the Committee in respect of the owners property in the south parts of lots 29 and 30, B.F. m ut s e C Concession, Village of Newcastle. Ack{ wh"° His remarks were in addition to Mr. Enchin's attendance at the October 157 1974 meeting of this Committee and were accompanied by a copy of a letter &)Oki da dated November 12, 1974 and signed by Mr. Gerald Enchin of the firm Windland Associates Engineering Limited, together with an attached copy of a sub- mission under the heading, "Presentation to Planning Advisory Committee, October 15, 1974". The Secretary was instructed to provide each member with a copy of the aforementioned documents. (ii) Mr. Myron Chaburskvo Darlington Industrial Mr. Chabursky, President of Orbit Construction Limited spoke to the matter of the proposed Indus- trial Development in parts of lots 27 and 28, B.F. Concession, Darlington. His remarks were directed mainly towards the existing "Parkway Belt System West" and to the possible route of the Easterly extension of the Parkway Belt as it would affect Darlington as a whole and more specifically its effect on the sub- ject lands. The speaker suggested that according to the guidelines currently in use by the Ontario Government Planners the Ministry would favour rather than oppose the proposed development. (3) BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD (i) Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge - Orono. Regular Meeting, November 12, 1974, continued Page 3 References e s 42 x F I d ell'"R.r "Y'' Brought forward frmm the meeting of September 12, 1974 to receive and consider Planner's Report #93 and Report # 7 dated September 3, 1974 as prepared by Mr. Barber of Municipal Planning Consultants Limited. Mr. L. S. Langmead, Architect and Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor appeared in support of this application. Mr. Langmead, in accordance with Resolution # P- -74, submitted a revised site plan of the proposed development showing the landscaping and planting strips. The revised site plans was in- tended to reflect the suggestions as proposed by Mr. Barber of Municipal Planning Consultants Limited. The to an the was speaker stated that application had been made the Regional Department of Works for approval of extension of the Orono Water System to service proposed development. The cost of the extension estimated at $12,000. Mr. Lovekin requested that this proposal be in- cluded in the Interim District Plan currently under review by this Committee. The following recommendation was noted in the Planner's Reports "I would reccomend that before any approval to the project is given, a study by the Town's consultant engineers should be undertaken to evaluate the two possible accesses, recommend acceptable design standards for roadways, pedestrian walkways and street lighting, and suggest the approximate cost of recommended improvements. The applicant's should be required to agree to pay the cost of such study and the applicant's should also be made to understand that any improvements required will be constructed at their expense. The engineer's report should be submitted for approval to the Works Committee prior to being returned to this Committee and the applicant's should be advised that the Town is not obligated to assume for maintenance any new roads or other works regardless of any consultants report. Regular Meeting, November 129 1974, continued Page 4 Resolution No. P -A95-74 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by D. Moffatt. That the proposal of the Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge, Orono be approved in principle for inclusion in the Interim District Plan subject to the following provision: That the applicants obtain all the approvals as recommended in Mr. Howden's Report No. 93 and in Mr. Barber's Report No. 7 of September 39 1974 before rezoning of the subject lands would take place. "CARRIED" References: C-74-1309 P-30-749 P -4o-749 P-64-749 Brought forward from the meetings on September 12, and September 23,1974. Mr. E. R. Lovekin and two other persons appeared in support of this application. The following documents were reviewed and noted: (1) Mr. Howden's Report #1. of March 25, 1974. (2) The draft of a "Tourist Camp By -Law", dated November 11, 1974 as prepared by Mr. David Barber of Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. (3) The draft of "Tourist Camp Development Agree- ment" dated November 11, 1974 as prepared by Mr. David Barber of Municipal Planning Con- sultants Ltd. Mr. Barber explained in detail the intent and pur- pose of both documents. The Tourist Camp by-law would apply equally to any tourist camp established in the Town of Newcastle and would control the licencing, development and operating provisions. Regular Meeting, November 12, 1974, continued Page 5 The Tourist Camp Development agreement could be varied to meet the requirements of each individual applicant and would relate to such facilities.as water supply, sewage disposal, storm drainage, lighting and electrical distribution, driveways and parking, conservation works and vegetation planting. Subsequent to a review of the proposed By -Law, the following revisions were agreed upon° (1) Section 6(16) Dates of Operation The intent of this revision would permit oper- ation of the camp site for winter sports in order to accomodate those persons unable to participate on the week ends yet maintain sufficient control to prevent year round occup- ancy of the trailer sites by anyone person or family. Mr. Barber was requested to revise this section to reflect the consensus of opinion as expressed by Committee members. (2) Section 6(9) Collection of Garbage. To include provisions for disposal of garbage. (3) Section 7(1) Inspection. (i) To include a section whereby the operator agrees to permit inspection by Municipal Inspectors and/or representatives of any other public agency. (ii) The word "premises" in the third line to be replaced by the words "service buildings". (4) Section 4(8) Licence Fees (i) Item (a) to be deleted in its entirety due to the adoption by Council of a policy whereby an applicant was required to pay a fee of '1250. for any rezoning application. (ii) Item (b) to be revised whereby an operator would pay yearly a licence fee of $5.00 per camp lot. Regular Meeting, November 12, 1974, continued Page 6 G' Resolution No. P -A96-74 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by Dr. Rowsell. That the draft of the proposed By -Law be revised in accordance with the foregoing items and further that the revised draft by sub- mitted to this Committee at the earliest oppor- tunity. "CARRIED" Resolution No. P-197-74 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by D. Moffatt. That the draft of the Tourist Camp Development agreement be received for information and that a copy of same be made available to all owners and concerned agencies and further that Mr. Howden produce a specific agreement relating to the Preservation Sanctuary Club. "CARRIED" Resolution No. P-199-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Dr. Rowsell. That the owners of existing trailer camps be advised of the proposed by-law and invited to attend the next meeting of this Committee when this item appears on the agenda. (4) NEW BUSINESS (i) Solandt Commission Hearinss. Mayor Rickard spoke briefly of the recent meeting in Newcastle at which time Mr. T. Sparling had sub- mitted proposals for a more southerly route, that had been previously considered, of the Oshawa - Lennox 500 KV transmission line. Mayor Rickard informed the Committee that a brief was currently under preparation by Murray Jones Associates wherein the Town of Newcastle would Regular Meeting, November 12, 19749 continued Page 7 oppose any of the suggested routes and would recommend that Ontario Hydro consider a more northerly route than any previous proposal, pre- ferably throught the Ganaraska Forest area. The brief would also question the validity of the proposed Darlington Generating Station. (ii) Official Plano Region of Durham. Mayor Rickard informed the Committee that the De- partment of Planning and Development of the Region of Durham had completed the preliminary studies relating to the preparation of an Official Plan for the Region. The results of these studies and associated background information are to be pre- sented to the public at meetings scheduled for November 25 at Bowmanville Court House. The various maps forming part of the plan would be on display from 10.00 a.m, to 8.00 p.m. on November 28 at Clarke High School and November 29, at Courtice High School. Mayor Rickard requested information pertaining to Mrs. Brunt's application for relief from frontage requirements, which were granted by the Committee of Adjustment and their decision appealed by the Town of Newcastle. (iv) Next meeting. Monday, November 18, 1974. The agenda for this meeting was revised to permit further consideration of the maps relating to the proposed Interim District Plan, rather than con- sideration of the proposed shopping centres as previously scheduled. (5) ADJOURNMENT Resolution No. P-,Aqq- 44 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Dr. Rowsell. That this meeting do now adjourn. CARRIED° Regular Meeting, November 12, 19749 continued Meeting adjourned accordingly at 11:00 p.m. 8ecretary Chairman Page 8