HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-15TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton Tuesday, October 159 1974 Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Planning Director Secretary Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor A. D. Wearn Councillor W. D. Allin Mayor G. Rickard (attended 9 pm) Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. S. J. Lancaster Mr. H. C. Muir Mr. H. Hammond Mr. Geo. Howden Mr. H. R. Best Absent: Member Councillor K.,Lyall Member Dr. H. R. Rowsell Member Mr. D. Moffatt N. & N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Mr. S. Worden Member Mr. H. Balson Also Presents approximately 15 other persons. (1) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS (i) Special meeting on August 26, 1974. Resolution No. P-�.%-� Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by H. Hammond. That the minutes of the special meeting on August 26, 1974 be adopted as printed. °CARRIED' (ii) Special meeting on September 23, 1974. Resolution No. P-1'21-24 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Muir. That the minutes of the special meeting on Sept- ember 23, 1974 be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" I Regular Meeting, October 15, 19749 continued Page 2 (2) DELEGATIONS AND SUBMISSIONS (i) Mr. Conroy Dawson Planning Consultant, appeared before the Committee and presented maps and drawings illustrating the proposed development of 200 acres of land situate in Lots 13 & 149 B.F. Concession and Concession 1, Bowmanville. Supporting documents was distributed to each member. In summary the speaker advised that the firm of Milani & Milani intend to file for Official Plan and Zoning By -Law amendments relevant to the initial 200 acres in Dowmanville West Community and to formally place on record the supporting information as follows: 1) We are prepared to provide immediately the site for the Pollution Control Plant on lands owned by our Company, which will not inter- fere in any way with the operations of the St. Mary's Cement Company. This land is located on Part Lot 15, Conc. B.F., south of 401. 2) Our Company is prepared to finance the con- struction of the Disposal Plant and Trunk sewers for the total project. It is understood that the said expenditures will be deducted from the levies due to the Town of Newcastle or that we will be re-imbursed from any governmental grants given to the Town for servicing or by any developers utilizing these services. 3) We will assist you by providing; research and planning details to maximize the potential of the parklands. We will augment the com- munity development by contributing our fair share to the construction of a community centre which would provide facilities for year round sports activities. 4) Our Company is prepared to discuss the pro- vision of serviced industrial land with the Regular Meeting,, October 159 19749 continued Page 3 intention of maintaining controlled prices for the purpose of encouraging industries to locate within the Bowmanville area. 5) We are prepared to co-operate with the Town in the provision of further engineering or planning studies as deemed necessary. Resolution No. P -moi Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Hammond. That this matter be referred to Mr. Howden for a report and further that this report be presented at a special meeting of this Committee. "CARRIED" (ii) Mr. Alan Banfield and Mr. Edwin Bell Va ro Limited Mr. Stanley S. Lee9 B.E.S., Planner with the firm of Underwood McLellan and Associates pre- sented a proposed plan of subdivision as pre- pared for Urban Development Consultants on behalf of Mr. Banfield and Mr. Bell, partners in the firm Vapro Limited. The proposed subdivision is located in part ofLot 7, Concession 1, Darlington comprising 78.3 acres of land bounded by Highway No. 2 to the north Darlington Third Line to the east, Cemetery load to the west and bisected by Base Line Road at the south. The concept proposal illustrated a mixture of industrial, single family residential, two famil. residential, town houses, a high den- sitY/commercial and public park land uses. The speaker noted that the concept plan meets the residential breakdown requirements by O.H.A.P. In summary Mr. Lee stated that if the basic land uses, as presented, or in an amended form are approved by the Committee, the owners would proceed with a formal application to the Council for a rezoning of the subject lands. Regular Meeting, October 15, 1974, continued Page 4 Resolution No.. P -1b a74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Wearn. That this submission be held in obeyance until such time as an Official Plan is .approved. "CARRIED" (iii) Scuare 100 Developments. Village of Newcastle. Mr. Gerald Enchin, of Windland Associates, representing Square 100 Developments, owners of approximately 200 acres of land in Lot 29, B. F. Concession, Clarke addressed the Committee and briefly outlined the history of the subject lands. He presented a conceptual plan of the proposed development and requested that the subject lands be included in the areas currently under study by Murray Jones Associates with respect to the O.H.A.P. Resolution lyo. P -a7%-74 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by H. Muir. That Mr. Enchin's presentation be received for information. "CARRIED" (iv) Swartz & Swartz_, Village of Newcastle. Mr. Palter on behalf of Swartz and Swartz pre- sent a plan of survey, prepared by Donevan & Fleischmann, dated November 3, 1972, Job No. 22354, and revised April 26, 1973• This plan illustrated a residential subdivision on 7 acres of land, located on the south-east corner of the intersection of Baldwin Street and Clarke Street, Newcastle in part Lot 289 Concession 1, Clarke comprising 33 lots with minimum frontage of k' and minimum lot area of 7200 square feet. Mr. Palter requested that the subject lands be Regular Meeting, October 15, 1974, continued Page 5 (v) designated for residential use in the Interim District Plan, in lieu of the current Rural category as is shown in rsy-Law #73-15 of the former Village of Newcastle. Lie_P_olution Nom P4! -74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Hammond. That Mr. Palter's presentation be received for information. "CARRIED" Mr. Myron Chabursky, President of Orbit Con- struction Limited Builders and Land Developers, spoke to the matter of a proposed industrial subdivision in part of Lots 27, & 28, Broken Front Concession, Darlington. The property lies in an area east of Courtice Road between the Baseline and Highway 401 and comprises some 37z acres. The speaker noted that the subject lands were zoned "M1" in Darlington's zoning By -Law (revised August 22, 1967) and further noted that the mapping forming part of the Interim District Plan did not reflect the present zoning. In summary the speaker requested that the subject lands retain their 11M1" status in the proposed Interim District Plan. Resolution No, P- Moved by R. Iietherington, seconded by Mayor Rickard. That this proposal be given further consider- ation at the earliest opportunity subsequent to a review of the Planner's Report. "CARRIED" Regular Meeting, October 15, 19749 continued Mr. Chabursky requested that he be notified of the next meeting of the Planning Advisory committee when this matter would be given further consideration. (3) BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD (i) Commercial Development Applications Report No. 88 as prepared by Mr. Howden was reviewed and the following recommendation noted: I would recommend that a special meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee be called for Nov- ember 18 to hear presentations from applicants for commercial developments consider the Cen- tral Area Study, and, establish a policy for dealing with shopping centre applications. I am presently drafting a policy for this purpose. Resolution No., P-Igg-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by R. Hetherington. That this Committee concur with the Planners recommendations and further that a special meeting be held on Monday, November 18, 1974 to receive presentations by commercial developers. "CARRIED" (ii) Schgdule_of Development Charles Lot Levies. Reference: C-74-9079 P-79-749 P-93-74. Brought forward from previous meetings to receive and consider Report No. 91 as prepared by Mr. Howden wherein the following schedule of development charges were noted: Residential Apartment - Bachelor v 375 - 1 Bedroom 750 - 2 Bedroom $1125 - 3 Bedroom or more U1500 Regular Meeting, October 159 1974, continued Page 7 Senior Citizen Dwelling Unit (OHC or other non profit) $375 All Other Dwelling Units $$1500 Agriculture or Parkland Excluding Farm Dwellings 0 Any Other Use $$250 Resolution No. Pj Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor wearn. That Planner's Report No. 91 be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution Not P- A-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Hammond. That the standard lot levies hereinafter des- cribed and as collected by the former Town of Bowmanville in 1973 be adopted by this Committee as the schedule for development charges within the Town of Newcastle after consultation with the Town's Solicitor. "CARRIED" Single Family Dwelling- - - - -$600 Semi -Detached or Duplex Dwelling -4600 Town or.Row House- -- -- $$600 Apartment - Bachelor- - $150 - 1. Bedroom- - - -$300 - 2 Bedroom- - -- - -$x450 - 3 Bedroom or more Bedrooms- - -$600- - -$600- Senior Citizen Unit- ti150 Severance fee for each Lot created by Consent - - - - - $250 Resolution No. _P- 1A --2-4 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by R. Hetherington.- Regular Meeting, October 15, 1974, continued Page 8 That this Committee concur with item 8 (Parks Levy) of Planner's Report No. 91. "CARRIED" (4) NEW BUSINESS !(i) Subdivision Development Process. Reference. C-74-734. The recommendation, as follows, was noted in Planner's Report No. 5 of September 129 1974. "I would recommend that Municipal Planning Consultants Company be asked to prepare a standard subdivision agreement based, where feasible and desirable, on previous agreements, but to contain optional clauses to deal with hamlets and rural subdivisions." Resolution iVo P_$4-Z� Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Hammond. That this Committee concur with the recommend- ation in Planner's Report No. 5. "CARRIED" Association -of Ontario, HoU51nE Authorit;ec. Reference. C-74-312. In Report No. 87, Mr. Howden noted that the Town of Newcastle had been asked both to join the Association of Ontario Housing Authorities and to send delegates to their annual con- ference. In summary Mr. Howden recommended that the Town apply for membership in the Association of Ontario Housing Authorities. Resolution No, P-26_7� Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Muir. That this Committee concur with the foregoing recommendations. "CARRIED" i Regular Meeting, October 159 19749 continued Page 9 (iii) Gatehouse Holdinso Official P1 nAmendment. Reference.- C-74-747. (iv) Gatehouse Holdings Limited have applied to the Regional Planning Department for an amendment to the Darlington Official Plan to permit a sub- division covering an area of 57 acres situate immediately north and south of Darlington second Concession Road, Lot 359 Concessions 1 and 2. This application involves 255 single family dwellings, 88 semi detached dwellings, several large blocks for town housing, link housing and neighbourhood commercial uses. In Planner's Report No. 89 the following re- commendations was noteds "Since this area is currently under study by both our consultants, I would recommend that both the Ministry and the Region be informed that the plan is considered premature at this time, but that copies of the plan be forwarded to both of our consultants for their information and consideration." Resolution -AD . Moved by H. Iiammond, seconded by Councillor wearn. That this Committee concur with Pla u-ier's Report No. 89. "CARRIED" REFERENCE: C-74-707, Mr. LeBlanc appeared before the Committee and stated as followse The subject land comprises 10 acres and,is presently zoned for agriculture purpose. The purpose of his application is to recog+- Regular Meeting, October 159 19749 continued Page 10 nine the existing commercial use (acres restaurant) and to permit the construction and operation of a commercial campground on the lands. Report No. 90 prepared by Mr. Howden was reviewed and the following noted: "Before any trailer camps are approved in the Municipality, the municipality should pass a trailer licensing by-law under the provisions of the Municipal Act. This is likely to be an O.M.B. requirement prior to the approval of any rezoning. Even if this particular application does not proceed, there will be a need for such a licensing by-law, and I recommend that Munici- pal Consultants be authorized to prepare one." Resolution No. P-, gI=Z4 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Councillor Wearn. That this Committee concur with Mr. Howden's Report. "CARRIED" (v) Oshawa -Lennox Transmission Line Mayor Rickard advised the Committee of the two alternative routes as proposed by Dr. Soldant for the 500 K. V. transmission line and further that all comments must be in the hands of the Commission by October 22, 1974. Resolution NoLP - 4 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Muir. That this matter be referred to the Piayor and Chairman of the Planning Advisory Committee for further consideration. "CARRIED" (vi) Planning Seminar. Mayor Rickard advised of a Regional Planning Regular Meeting, October 159 19749 continued (5) ADJOURNMENT Page 11 Seminar on Thir sday and a provincial seminar on Saturday, both at the Holiday Inn. Resolution No. P-2�q-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Muir. That this meeting do now adjourn, "CA.RRIED" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10040 p.m, Secretary Chairman