HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-09-23TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning advisory Committee Special Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, September 23, 1974, 7-30 p.m. Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Planning Director Secretary Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor W. D. Allin Councillor K. Lyall Councillor D. Wearn Mayor G. B. Rickard Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Hamiaiond Mr. S. Lancaster Mr. H. Muir Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. H. Balson Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. Geo. Howden Tor. H. R. Best Absent- N. &. N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Mr. S. Worden (1) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the September 12, 1974 meeting were not available. (2) DELEGATIONS Ci) Mr,_ id es Zondervan� 1i, a3 1� Botarnailville., Mr. Zondervan appeared before the Committee in support of his application to rezone approximately 4.87 acres of land situate in the south west part of Lot 35, Concession 3, Clarke. Resolution No. P - Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by H. Hammond, Whereas Mr. Zondervan's application appears as item "m" on this agenda Now be it therefore resolved that item "m" be moved forward for consideration at this point in time. "CARRIED" Special Meeting, September 23, t974, continued Page 2 Mr. Zondervan stated that several years ago the former Township of Ularke had laid out a diversion road in lieu the original allowance for road in Lot 35 between Concessions two and three. This diversion road consequently severed the subject property compressing some five acres from the remained of the liuma farm. The lands so severed by the diversion road were recently purchased by the applicant. Mr. Zondervan further stated that earlier in 1974 he applied to the Land Division Committee of the Region of Durham for consent to sever the 4.87 acre parcel of land into two parcels, one contain- ing approximately one acre and the other containing 3.87 acres. (1) that the applicant enter into a site plan agreement with the Town of Newcastle in respect to all buildings on the severed lot and the remaining lot (2) that the applicant apply for and have granted an amendment application to the Town of Newcastle to re -zone both parcels to lural Residential (3) that this approval shall lapse at the expiration of one year from the last date of appeal of this decision unless all conditions are fulfilled and the formol consent has been released. i�eraort #86 as prepared, and submitted by Tir. Howden, Planning Director, was reviewed and the following recommendations noted; (1.) if Council considers itself obligated by previous continents, the application should be granted as this is a border line case within the wording of the Official Plan, (2) in any new by-law the reference to expropriation should be replaced by a reference to public ac- ouisition of land whether by expropriation or not the presnet by-law encourages owners to force the Town into a.n expropriation proceeding). Resolution L# Moved by Councillor tilearn, seconded by R. Hetlarington, That this Committee approved of Idr. Zondervan's application and recommended 'to Council that the Special Mseting, September 23, 194, continued Page 3 subject lands be rezoned to an 71. R. category provided that the applicant enters into a site plan agreement with the Town, and with the understanding that no further severances will be granted in respect of the subject property, The site plan to show the location of all existing buildings and of all buildings proposed to be erected on each of the two lots that would be created if the application for severance received final approval. "CARRIED" Resolution,.` P-,257.7 Moved by H. Belson, seconded by D. Moffatt, That Mr. Howden's recommendation as set forth on page 3, item 2 of report r86 be adopted by this Committee. "CARRIED" (ii) ilr ,Le_ Lovelsin _D_vA,_ L.LaE3 _ewcastle� !'r. Lovekin addressed the Committee with the request that the following matters be considered by this Committee in the production and drafting of the Interim District Plan. (i) Canadian Legion - re, land purchase in BoUmlanville Industrial Park. (ii) Durham Senior Citizens Lodge, Lot 29, Con. 5, Orono. (iii) Newcastle Senior Citizens Lodge, Lot 27, Con. 1, Newcastle. (iv) Newcastle Lions Club, re." location of proposed swimming pool. (v) Nesting Furniture, reo purchase of additional land, Lot 27, Con. 5, Orono. (vi) Proposed amendments to zoning By -Law #73-15 of the former Village of Newcastle in accordance with the recommendation as contained in report No. 6, dated June 5, 1974 and prepared by Mr. John Layng and Mr. Geo, Howden. Special Meeting, September 239 19749 continued Page 4 R.eSolUt Loz �� Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by Coun- cillor Lyall, That the foregoing items as presented by Mr. Lovekin be received and further reviewed by this Cotmnittee to determine their suitability for inclusion in the proposed Interim District Plan. (3) ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD (1 ) uCAA!ITEDn — Previous references, C—'J4-- 9 P— Report No. 69 June 24, 1974 and Report No. 9 of July 229 1974 as prepared by Mr. Howden were reviewed and the following noted - Comments - "I have been informed by Regional Planning Staff that they are presently working on a policy for hamlets throughout the Region. This will presumably spell out Regional Planning servicing and general development policies for all of the small communities throughout the :region." Recommendation - "I recommend that we do not make any comments to the Ministry of Housing on development in our hamlets until we have had an opportunity to see and discuss this Regional policy." Resolution 4-P-1/.-6_74 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by H. Hammond, That this Committee accept ',Ir..IIowden's r•eccommendation. "CA3RIED" Untravelled portion References - C-74-2539 P-122--74. Brought forward from the meeting of July 22, 1974 to receive and consider Planner's Report No. 10, wherein Special Meeting, September 23, 1974, continued, Page 5 the following recommendation was noted. "I recommend that this report be referred to the Works Committee for any further consideration re- quired." Councillor Wearn stated that this matter had been resolved by the Works Committee and the interested persons had been notified of the Works Committee's decision. Resolution -TVP -,/0 x,74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Muir, That no further action be taken by this Committee in respect of the foregoing matter. "CARRIED" (iii) Official Plan Amendment Procedures. Reference - C-74-513. Brought forward from the meeting of July 22 1974 to receive and consider Planner's Report No. 13 wherein three recommendations were noted as follows. (1) When it has been decided whether the Region or the Local Municipality are to process the amendment, all processing should be carried out by the party responsible, with the other party receiving periodic progress reports as necessary. (2) here the primary responsibility for processing an amendment is allocated to the local 14unici- pality, the Local Municipality should receive the fee paid for such processing. (3) The Local Municipality reserves the right to col- lect any additional fees required to cover the cost of processing. Resolution `P-1 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by Councillor Allin. That this Committee concur with the Planner's re- commendations. "CA.RRIED" f Special Meeting, September 23, 19749 continued Page 6 (iv) $Iiscellaneous Referals® Brought forward from the agenda of July 22, 1974 to receive and consider Planner's Report No. 13 in respect of the following matters° C-74-308 Rezoning of Newcastle Golf Course Lands, C-74-497 Rezoning Pettion for M. Veltri9 C-74-509 Site Plans for Pits and Quarries, C-74-512 Rezoning Application for Geoffrey Still Associates (Shopping Centre), C- 74-527 Petition, re. Stephenson Rezoning (Salvage Yard), C-74-569 Letter, Rea Jeffrey's Subdivision Enni- skillen= Resolutions P-.2�3.-74 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by H. Hammond, That Planner's :deport No. 13 be received for in- formation. "CA.RRIED" (v) Purchase of Lanewa __. irst_Street,_Dgwpianville� Reference - C-74-312. Brought forward from agenda of aiugust 129 1974 to receive and consider Planner's Report No. 3 wherein the following was noted= "I recommend that this Report be referred to the Finance and Legal Committee." Resolution-'P_)(I-__Z4_ Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by Councillor iUlin, That this matter be referred to the Finance Com- mittee. "CARRIED" Special Meeting, September 23, 1974, continued Page 7 (vi) Canadian Legion Purchase of Land. Reference - C-74-566. brought forward from the agenda of September 12, 1974 to receive and consider Planner's Report No. 2. The recommendation, as follows, were noted, (a) that the relocatiDn 'be subject to the elimin- ation of all non -conforming uses of the pre- sent site, (b) that the relocation of the Legion'Ffall be approved as regards planning consideration sub- ject to the satisfaction of Council regarding other matters, (c) that Council, the Legion and O.H.C. be urged to give favorable consideration to redevelopment of the present site for Sonior Citizen Housing. Resolution VP -26--24 Moved by H. 3alson, seconded by Dr. H. Rowsell, That Planner's Report No. 2 of September 12, 1974 be received and .led. "CARRIED" ESOLUTI�tJ "-P-,Cl•;-74 Moved by Councillor Ellin, seconded by D. Moffatt. That Mr. Howden's recommendations be .forwarded to the Finance Committee with the suggestion that Council retain control over the future use of the, Property presently occupied, by the Legion. "Ct RRIED" (vii) Gravel Pit Site Plans. Reference - C-74-509. Lrought forward from agenda of 'August 12, 1974 to receive and consider Planner's ?report No. 5. The recommendation as follows was noted, "I recommend that Council be advised that no further action is required." Special PloGting, September 23, 19749 continued, Page B i Resolution ¢j)-112% 74; Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Muir, That this Committee concur with lvlr. Howdeiz's Report. "CAR11IED" (viii) Water, Services. I<iewcastle Village(Milani_�'c Milani References C-74-3329 P-16-749 P-72-74. Brought forward from the agenda of August 12, 1974 to receive and consider Channers Report No. 6 wherein the following recommendations were noted. - (1 "I recommend that we should continue to abide by Mr. Layng's recommendations until such time as the proper authorities, (i.e. the 1?egional -Forks Department) advise us that they consider the water supply to be adequate for the approval of further subdivisions." (2) "I would. recommend that the Region be urged to consider expediting the supply of Lake water to the Village of iiewcastle as an alternative to proceeding further with the second well." Resolution P- T-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by R. Hettierington, That this Committee accept the recommendations as set forth in the Planner's Report and further that a copy of the Planner's Report be forwarded to I°ilani and Milani Holdings and to the Regional v4orks Department. "CA.RIED" (ix) Notice, re.- Township of Danvers_ Zoning ;Iy—Law. Reference - C-74-697. llrought forward from the agenda of August 12, 1974 to receive and consider Planner's Report No. 7. Resolution Moved by H. Ealson, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That report No. 7 be received for information. "CARRIED" Special Meeting, September 23, 1974, continued, Page 9 (4) NEW BUSINESS (i) Durham Mall Road Closing. Reference - C-74-505. Mr. Jerry Sprockman, President of Western Auto Parts Ltd., requests that Council close the original allow- ance for road which crosses his proposed Shopping Centre Site from Base Line Road to Hwy, 401 (Lots 12 and 13, Concession 1, Dowmanville). The following recommendation was noted in Mr. Howden's Report No. 3, "In any case, the disposal of this lot is henceforth a legal matter rather than a planning mai'ter, and I recommend that this report be referred to the Finance and Legal Co„imittee." Resolution _i P -_1)n -r14 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Muir, That this Committee accept sir. Howden's :teport. "CA RIED" (ii) lielinfeldt Group. Reference - C-74-684. Mr. Angus i". Cranston, Director of Planning for the Kelinfeldt Group, submitted two alternative concept plans for an estate residential subdivision on the west side of Liberty Street, ;,owmanville, immediately north of the Third Concession Road. Report No. 4 as submitted by Jt[r. 'owden was received and the following noted. "I am recogyiending that the following procedure be adopted. irhen the Interim District 'Man has been approved by Council and the Rcgion, I will prepare a report on all estate residential subdivisions submitted at that time to the 01unic:i_pality. I will recommend to the Committee those, if any, which I feel best conform with the policies in the District Plan while keeping within the required quota. If these proposals are then given conditional approval by the Committee, more detailed follow up studies will then be done including Special Meeting, September 23, 19749 continued, Page 10 consultants reports if necessary." Resolution ?L Noved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by H. Hammond, That no action be taken at this time in respect of the applicant's request and further that the applicant be advised of the provisions pertaining to Estate Residential Development as contained in the draft Interim District Plan. (5) ADJOtEUUvIENT "CA. uKED" Resolution 'P Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this meeting do now adjourn. °CA: ;RIEDn Meeting adjourned at 10.05 p.m. Secretary Chairiiian