HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-09-12TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton Thursday, September 12, 1974. Presents Cha'rman McWr Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N. & N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Planning Director Secretary Absents Member Member Member Also Presents Six interested persons. (1) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Councillor Ii. Entwisle Councillor A. D. Wearn Councillor W. D. Allin Mayor G. Rickard Mr. S. J. Lancaster Mr. H. C. Muir Councillor K. Lyall Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. H. Belson Mr. S. Worden Mr. Geo. Howden Mr. H. R. Best Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Hammond Dr. H. R. Rowsell Resolution No, P -)Y-3-74 Moved by H. Ralson, seconded by D. Moffatt. That the minutes of the Regular Meeting on August 12, 1974 be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Resolution No. P-,� Moved by H. Muir, seconded by S. Lancaster. That the minutes of the Special Meeting on August 26, 1974 be approved as printed. "CARRIED" Regular Meeting, September 129 1974, continued Page 2 (2) DELEGATIONS (i) Mr. James C. Tamblyn and W. K. Lycett, Solicitor appeared before the Committee with regards to Mr. Tamblyn's application for rezoning in part of Lot 27, Concession 6, Clarke. Notee Refer to item (i), section 4. (ii) Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor and Mr. L. S. Langmead, Architect, appeared before the Committee in support of the Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge, Orono, Lot 29, Concession 5, Clarke. Mr. Lovekin briefly outlined the origin history and objectives of the Durham County Senior 6itizen Lodge. They were founded as a charitable non-profit organ- ization to provide housing at cost for senior citizens. The rental charge therefore would be geared approved by C.M.H.C. Mr. Langmead presented a sketch plan showing the staged development of the project. The first stage comprised some ten units with four apartments in each unit and would accomodate a total of 48 persons. Upon completion of the second stage, the total pop- ulation would be increased to 75 persons. Both speakers emphasized the .fact that they were endeavouring to start construction in the Spring of 1975 and therefore requested that the subject lands (approximately 62 acres) be designated and recognized in the preparation of the Interim District Plan. Resolution No. P--?fh5-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Mayor Rickard. That this matter be tabled pending the pre- paration of a report by Mr. Howden. "CARRIED" (iii) Orbit Construction Ltd. (Darlington Industrial Develop- ment). Mr. Dodds and Mr. Chabursky representing Orbit Construction Company submitted a proposal for Industrial Development in parts of Lots 27 and 28, Broken Front Concession, Darlington. Regular Meeting, September 129 19749 continued Page 3 Resolution Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by H. Muir. (iv) That this matter be referred to Mr. Howden for a report. "CARRIED" Mr. Jeryl L. Jaque of the firm W -W Urban Consul- tants Limited presented a plan for a proposed shopping centre development at the south-east corner of King Street East and Simpson Avenue in Bowmanville. The speaker referred to a previous proposal submitted in July of 1973. The present proposal includes a larger area (10 acres) and extends easterly to the Soper Creek. The additional area would require re- zoning to permit commercial development. Mr. Howden, Planning Director, spoke to the matter and referred to three other applications for ap- proval of shopping centres. He suggested that all applications for shopping centre developments be considered at a special meeting of this Committee. Resolution No. P -?/7-74 Moved by H. Muir, seconded by Councillor Wearn. That this application be tabled for a special meeting to hear and consider all pending proposals for shopping centres and further that Mr. Howden be authorized to arrange suit- able date for the special meeting. "CARRIED" (v) Mrs. R. L. Stevens application for rezoning. Referenceso C-74-5339 P-99-749 P-100-74. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens addressed the Committee with respect to their application to rezone approximately three acres of land on the south side of the Regular Meeting, September 12, 1974, continued Page 4 Concession Street extension, Bowmanville, to an RE category to permit the construction of a single family dwelling. Resolution No. P -1f/-74 Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by H. Balson. That the existing zoning By -Law of the former Town of Bowmanville be amended in accordance with Mr. Steven's application. "CA.RRIED" (vi) Mr. Richard Dudar4 Village_oi Newcastle. Mr. Dudar and his Solicitor, Mr. Frank Stolwyk, appeared before the Committee with respect to Mr. Dudar's propsrty in the Village of Newcastle on the south side of Robert Street and west of Church Street. Planner's Report No. 7 as listed in item 3(r) of the agenda was reviewed and the following recommend- ations noted. (1) That any change of zoning be deferred until the applicant has satisfied the Town's building inspector that proper foundations can be placed on the site. (2) That subject to 1. above the portion of the applicant's land now lying above the flood plain be rezoned R1 in the new by-law being prepared. (3) That, prior to approval by Council of such re- zoning, the applicant enter into a site plan agreement with the Town to implement the con- ditions required by the Conservation Authority. (4) That the Ganaraska Conservation Authority, who have sole jurisdiction in this matter, be urged to give top priority to the enactment of flood regulations. (5) That the Town establish a policy that no re- zoning will be permitted in future where flood plain land has been filled without the prior written consent of the Conservation Authority. Regular Meeting, September 129 19749 continued I� Page 5 (This, while not directly controlling filling operations, will at least ensure that persons who deposit fill without permission will not derive any benefit therefrom in terms of build- ing lots). Resolution No, P-142-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Mayor Rickard. That Mr. Dudar's application be approved in principle provided that the applicant fulfills the provisions as set forth in Planner's Report No. 7. "Motion lost" Resolution No, P J56- 4 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor Wearn. That this Committee the recommendations Report No. 7. urge Council to implement as contained in Planner's "CARRIED" (3) ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD (i) Clarion Holdinss Site Plan. References. C-79-6209 P-137-74. Planner's Report No. 1 of September 12 1974 and No. 5 of July 22, 1974 together with Report fqo. 6 dated July 119 1974 by D. Barber of Municipal Planning Consultants Limited were reviewed and the contents noted. Mr. Realini appeared in support of this application. Resolution No. P-),�1-24 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by Councillor Wearn. That the revised site plan (DW 9 s,'7486y July 269 1974) as submitted by Clarion Holdings and approved by the Planning Director, Mir. G. Regular Meeting, September 12, 1974, continued Page 6 Howden, be approved by this Committee and the same be recommended to Council. "CARRIED" (4) NEW BUSINESS Tamblyn, Reference. C-74-642. Planner's Report No. 8 of August 12 was reviewed and the following noted: "I would recommend that Municipal Planning Consul- tants be authorized to draw up an amending by-law and site plan agreement to permit the use of the applicant's land for industrial purposes under the above conditions with the cost of this work to be charges to the applicant. These documents should be circulated to the Regional Works Department and the Health Unit when they are completed. Resolution No, P -J, Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor Lyall That this Committee concur with the recommend- ation contaihed in Mr. Howden's Report No. 8. "CARRIED" (ii) Dom's Auto Parts. References C-74-626. Mr. John Layng's Report No. 6 dated June 27, 1974 and Mr. Howden's Report No. 6, dated July 22, 1974 were brought forward from the agenda of July 22, 1974 for further consideration. The recommendation as follows were noted in Mr. Howden's report. "I would recommend that before any other action is taken a meeting should be held between Town Officials and Ministry of the Environment Official responsible for salvage yards to try to determine a reasonable approach to this operation which currently is in Regular Meeting, September 12, 1974, continued Page 7 violation of both our regulations. Resolution No. P -J33-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor Wearn. That this Committee concur with Mr. Howden's recommendation. "CARRIED" (iii) Report on Land Division Committee -Decisions, Planner's Report No. 8 from the agenda of July 22, 1974 was reviewed and the following noted: "I would recommend that Mr. Layng be authorized: a) to review my recommended schedule of levies, b) to discuss with the Region (who now are collecting their own levies for lots within subdivisions) the proposed financing of Regional services, c) to contact the other municipalities in the Region to find out what levies they are charging (my figures are for 1973), d) to recommend to this Committee an appropriate schedule of lot levies for approval by Council." Resolution No. P-24 Z--Z4- Moved by H. Balson, seconded by H. Muir. That Mr. Howden's recommendations, in respect of proposed lot levies, be placed on the agenda of a future meeting under the heading of New Business. "CARRIED" (iv) Special Meeting. Tuesday, September 17, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building, Hampton was scheduled for a special meeting to further consider the proposed Interim District Plan. Regular Meeting, September 12, 1974, continued Page 8. (v) Regular Meeting• Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday falling on the second Monday of October the regular meeting was postponed until Tuesday, October 16, 1974. (5) ADJOURNMENT Resolution No. P -b5 -74 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by Councillor Lyall. That this meeting do now adjourn. "CARRIED" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10'30 p.m. Secretary Chairman