HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-12TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, August 12, 1974, 7.30 p.m. Presents Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Planning Consultant Planning Director Secretary Absent. Member Member N.& N.Bd. of Ed. Rep Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor A. D. Wearn Councillor W. D. Allin(attended at 9s00 p.m.) Mayor Rick9rd(attended at 9.25 p.m.) Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Hammond Mr. H. Balson Mr. S. Jb Lancaster Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. H. C. Muir Mr. John Layng Mr. Geo. Howden H. R. Best Councillor K. Lyall Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. S. Worden Also Present. Mr. David Barber of Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. Mr. Jeryl Jaque, W W Urban Consultants. Approximately 6 other persons. (1) MINUTES OP PREVIOUS MEETING Resolution No. P-178-74 Moved by H. Belson, seconded by S. Lancaster, That the minutes of the last regular meeting on July 22, 1974, be adopted as printed. "CARRIED1° (2) DELEGATIONS (i) Mr. Richard Bates, R.R.# 3, Newcastle, appeared before the Committee and submitted a petition, bearing ten signatures, in opposition to the proposed salvage yard in the south half of Lot 23, Concession 1, Clarke, as applied for by Mr. Robert Stephenson. The petition reads as follows 11 We the undersigned, as property owners on the Baseline Rd. Newcastle are making this petition against the locating of Robert Stephenson Scrap and Salvage yard on the Baseline Rd." Richard P. Bates Viki Bates Phgllis Clark E. Staub Sam Powell William Wensvoort Anne Wensvoort Victor Schneider Ella Schneider Beat Niklaus Regular Meeting, August 12, 1974, continued Page 2 Chairman Entwisle advised the petitioners of the procedures that are followed in processing an application for rezoning and with specific reference to the fact that if the rezoning application is approved by Council by way of a By-law, any person can request a copy of the by-law and has 14 days in which to register his objections to same. Mr. Bates requested that a copy of the By-law, if enacted by Council, be sent to each person whose signature appeared on the aforementioned petition. No further action was taken by the Committee. (3) ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD (i) District Plan, Town of Newcastle References - 0-74-332Ag P-28-749 P-75-749 P-85-749 P109-74. Brought forward to receive and consider Report No. 1. as prepared and submitted by Mr. Howden, Planning Director, wherein the following recom- mendation was noted. I would recommend that since this Interim Plan does not contain any substantial proposals for future development, particularly development of an urban character, the Committee should deal with it as expeditious- ly as possible and recommend the plan with any desired modifications as quickly as possible. I believe that the approval of an Interim District Plan will be particularly valuable in one important respect. I think that by approving an Interim Plan we can satisfy the need to'get some- thing on the books' to meet day to day needs. This will provide us with a little more time to involve the members of this Committee, and more particularly the general public in the production of the final plan. It will relieve the pressure to push the final plan through with undue haste when the consultants first draft is laid before us.av Mr. David Barber, addressed the Committee and through the use of Coloured maps, defined the various designations of land use within the municipality. In summary Mr. Barber suggested that upon completion of a review of the draft document, he would meet with this Committee to discuss any questions or changes that the Committee may request, Mayor Rickard, Councillor Entwisle and Councillor Wearn spoke to the matter of the Ontario Housing Action Programme and outlined those specific items that had been discussed and resolved at a recent meeting of Council with Mr. Mansen of O.H.A.P. together with their possible effect on future plan- ning and development within the Corporation. They also stated that O.H.A.P. had allocated a sum of at least 3100,000.00 to the Town of Newcastle to assist in the implemetation of this programme. It was the decision of Council to direct these monies towards a detailed planning survey of the Municipality in order to assess the impact of this development (1500 - 2000 houses) on the Town of Newcastle and if found sat- isfactory, to determine those areas most suitable for residential, commer- cial and industrial development. Regular Meeting, August 12, 1974, continued Page 3 Murray Jones Associates, Specialists in Community and Social Planning, had been commissioned to undertake this study. Resolution No. P-179-77 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Hammond, That this matter be tabled for a special meeting of this Committee at the call of the Chairman. "CARRIED" SPECIAL Chairman Entwisle announced that the special meeting would be held on MEETING Monday, August 26, at 7930 P.m. in the Municipal Building, Hampton. (ii) Boomtown Court, Condominium DevelopmentR Bowmanville References - P-63-749 P-71-749 P-113-74, P-170-74= Brought forward from the July 22 meeting wherein it had been tabled to permit Committee members to study the agreement and to submit their comments at this meeting. Report No. 2 of July 22 as prepared by Mr. Howden together with the draft of a proposed agreement between Morsyd Investments Ltd., The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission was brought forward and reviewed. The following recommendation was noted. "I am recommending approval of this draft agreement subject to any revisions which may be deemed necessary by the Town's Solicitor and that the draft agreement be referred to the Solicitor for a report directly to Council", Mr. Sprackman appeared in support of this application. He stated that his company would be willing -to share an apportionate amount of the cost of a planning survey and study undertaken by qualified commercial planners in respect of a retail potential anaylis, Resolution Noo P -180-7t9 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by De Moffatt, That this Committee concur with the recommendation as set forth on Mr. Bowden's report No, 2 of July 22, 1974, (iii) New Zo inR By-law for Bowmanville References - P -104-74v P-143-74, P-168-74. Brought forward from the July 22 meeting to review Mr. Howden's report No. 1 of July 22, 1974, Regular Meeting, August 12, 1974, continued Page 4 Resolution No, P-181--Z4— Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Muir, That this matter be tabled to permit Mr. John Layng and others to submit written suggestions for revisions and further that the suggested revisions be presented for discussion at the special meeting ,scheduled for August 26. (iv) Armstrong HomLsj Lawrence Crescent References - C-74-6165 P-138-745 P-176-74. Mr. Howden's report No. 7 of July 22 and report No. 2 of August 12 together with the draft of an agreement between G. H. W. Construction Limited and Hillside Heights (Oshawa) Limited, both companies incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, hereinafter called the Developer and The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and The Bowmanville Public utilities Commission in respect of a row house project. Mr. Howden's recommendation was noted as follows. "I recommend that this agreement be forwarded to Council for its approval". Resolution No. P182-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this agreement be recommended to Council for approval. "CARRIED" (4) NEw BUSINESS (5) No new business was considered. Resolution No. P-1�kl Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this meeting do now adjourn. "CARRIED" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10:30 p.m. • �j VIVA��� Secretary �_ tL _ 2A41 Chairman