HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-22TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, July 22, 1974, 7=30 p.m. Present- Chairman Councillor K. Entwisle Member Councillor K. Lyall Member Mayor G. B. Rickard Member Mr. R. Hetherington Member Mr. S. J. Lancaster Member Mr. D. Moffatt Member Mr. H. C. Muir Member Dr. H. R. Rowsell Member Mr. H. Belson N.& N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Mr. S. Worden Planning Consultant Mr. John Layng Planning Director Mr. Geo. Howden Secretary H. R. Best. Absents Member Councillor D. Allin Member Councillor D. Wearn Member Mr. H. Hammond Also presents Municipal Planning Consultants Mr. Derek Little and Mr. David Barber Approximately 13 other persons. (1) MINII'PES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Resolution No. P-167-74 Moved by H. Belson, aeoonded by H. Muir, That the minutes of the Special meeting on June 24, 1974, be adopted as printed. "CARRIED" (2) DELEGATIONS There were no delegations. (3) ITEMS BROUGRT FORWARD (i) New Zoning By-law for Bowmanville References - Resolution Nos. P -104-74y P-143-74• Mr. David Barber, Director of Planning, Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd., introduced the draft of anew zoning By-law for the former Town of Bowmanville and submitted 35 copies of same. Regular Meeting, July 22, 1974, continued Page 2 Mr. Barber briefly outlined the specific matters to be considered by this Committee during the initial review of this By-law. He suggested that this Committee provide him with written authorization to proceed in the following matters. (1) To forward a copy of the draft By-law to the Solicitor for the Town of Newcastle, The Ministry of Housing and to the Region with a request for their comments. (2) To undertake a review of existing building, salvage yard, sign, trailer and similar By-laws to ensure their compatibility with the new zoning By-law. The contents of Mr. Howden's Report No. 1 was reviewed and noted. Resolution No. P-168-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by D. Moffatt, That this By-law be received for information and copies of same be for- warded to the agencies as suggested by Mr. Barber. &"all (ii) Village of Newoastle. Zonigg By-law No. 73-15 References - Resolutions Nos. C-74-2599 P-51-749 P-157-74• Brought forward to receive Report No. 1 as prepared by Mr. Howden. The following recommendation was noted. "That Council instruct Municipal. Planning Consultants to prepare a revised zoning By-law for Newcastle Village based on the proposed new By-law for Bowmanville and incorporating provisions already approved in principle". Resolution No. P-169-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with the recommendation as contained in item b of Mr. Howden's report No. 1. "CARRIED" (iii) Bowtown Court Condominium Develovments Howmarrville . References - Nos. P -63-74y P -71-74y P-113-74. Brought forward to receive Report No. 2 as prepared by Mr. Howden to- gether with the draft of a proposed agreement between Morsyd Investments Ltd., The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and Bowmamrille Public Utilities Commission. Resolution No. 170-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Iyall. Regular Meeting, July 229 1974, continued Page 3 That this item be tabled in order to permit Committee Members to further study the agreement and to submit their oomments at the next meeting. WIVIatou (iv) Retail Potential Analysis References - P-164-749 P-165-74. Report No. 3, dated July 16, 1974, prepared by Mr. John Layng, Planning Consultant and Report No. 3 submitted by Mr. Howden, Planning Director, were reviewed. Resolution No. P-171-74 Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by H. Muir. That the following reoommendatione, as contained in Mr. Layng's Report No. 3 be adopted by this Committee. (1) IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT any general Retail Potential Analysis be deferred until the District Plan is far enough advanced to provide essential data and to determine the extent of such analysis. (2) IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT the final District Plan incorporate a oomprehen- sive Retail Potential Analysis adequate to establish a policy for the appraisal of shopping centre proposals. (3) IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT each applicant for a shopping centre be required to submit a market study based upon criteria to be determined by the Municipality. (4) IT IS RECOMA9ENDED THAT a Shopping Habit Survey of about 500 households throughout the Town of Newcastle be considered to determine what pro- portion and kinds of retail expenditures are made outside of the Municipality. "CARRIED" (v) Clarke Official Plana Amendment No. 1 References - C-74-2599 P-51-749 P-117-749 P-158-74. Report No. 4, prepared by Mr. Howden was reviewed and the following noted "In summary I believe the two proposed developments should be rejected". "This recommendation should not be taken as a total rejection of the proposed type of housing in the Town of Newcastle. I believe that this type of unit could form a useful part of the total housing stock if it were part of an existing community and conformed to CMHC recommended Mobi- le Home Site Planning Standards. It is the scale and location of the two proposals which, I feel, necessitates their rejection. If this Committee concurs with my recommendation above, then it should recommend to Council that the matter be finalized by the repeal of the by-law of Clarke Town- ship which originally adopted the proposed Amendment No. 1. Regular Meeting, July 22, 1974, continued Page 4 The following persons addressed the Committee in behalf of Rice Construction Limited. Mrs. Beverley Thorpe, Biologist of the firm Bird and Hale Ltd., Engineering and Environmental Coordinators. Mrs, Thorpe submitted, to each member, a copy of the report "Environmental Assessment for Wilmot Creek Cove Retirement Park, Newcastle, Ontario. Mr. Leon Kentridge, P.Eng., of the firm Marshall, Macklin and Monaghan, spoke in support of the Rice proposal with particular reference to the set- back to be maintained between the shore line of Lake Ontario and the banks of the Wilmot Creek from any building or structure in the proposed develop- ment. Mr. E. R. Lovekin,B.A.,LL.B., Solicitor for Bice Construction Ltd. spoke to the matter of Mr. Howden's report. Mr. Lovekin submitted copies of the following documents. Wilmot Creek Cove, Questionnaire Card Information from Wm. Eisenberg & Co. Chartered Accounts relating to realty taxes of Sandyoove Acres and its application to current prices of mobile home unite. Letter from D. Green, Treasurer, Township of Innisfil relating to assessment and taxes in Sandy Cove Acres, R.R.# 1, Stroud, for the 1974 taxation year. Resolution No. P-172-74 Adjournment Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor Lyall, postponed . That adjournment be postponed in order to complete this item of business. Resolution No. P-173-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor Lyall, That Mr. Howden's report No. 4 be sustained and that this Committee recommend to Council that Amendment No. 1 to Clarke's proposed Official Plan be withdrawn. Resolution No. P-171+-74 Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by Dr. Roweell, That the question be put. Recorded Mr. H. Balson requested a recorded vote. Vote H. Muir - yea Dr. Rowsell - may S. Lancaster - Yea R. Balson - Nay D. Moffatt - Yea Councillor ltiyall- Yea Regular Meeting, July 22, 1974, continued Page 5 Mayor Rickard - Nay R. Hetherington - Nay Chairman Entwisle-Yea Resolution No. P-173-74 -- "CARRIED11 (vi) M. R. L. Stevens; application for rezoning References - 0-74-533, P-99-749 P- 100-74. Brought forward to receive Report No. 12 as prepared by Mr. Howden, wherein the recommendation, as follows, was noted. "I would recommend that rather than passing an Amendment to the old By- law (1587) Council should simply change the zoning of Mrs. Steven's land to "RE" in the new By-law. This would avoid the problem of a zoning amendment coming up before the Ontario Municipal Board after the main by-law, which it amends, has already been replaced." Resolution No. P -175-7h Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this Committee adopt Mr. Bowden's recommendation. (vii) Armstrong Homes; Lawrence Crescent References - C-74-616; P-138-74. Mr. Irwin Gleiberman, Solicitor appeared in support of this application. Resolution No. P-176-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by H. Balson, That this matter together with Mr. Bowden's Report No. 7 be tabled and brought forward as item one on the agenda for the next meeting. VaCARR]Mfl (4) NEW BUSINESS No new business was considered. (5) AWOMUOM Resolution No. P-177-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Muir, That this meeting do now adjourn. "CARRIED" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 11;15 p.m. Secretary Chairman