HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-06-24TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Special Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, June 24, 1974, 7-30 p.m. Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N.& N.Bd.of Ed. Rep. Absent- Member Also present- Planning Director Planning Consultant Secretary Approximately 9 other persons. (1) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING (2) Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor W. D. Allin Councillor K. Lyall Councillor D. Wearn Mayor G. B. Rickard Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Hammond Mr. H. Belson Mr. S. J. Lancaster Mr. H. C. Muir Dr. H. R. Roweell Mr. S. Worden Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. Geo. Howden Mr. John Layng H. R. Best Resolution No. P-151-74 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Councillor Was=, That items Nos. 1 and 6 of resolution No...: -145g Section 4 (1) of the minutes of June 10, 19749 be amended to read as follows - No. 1 - Enforce the existing By-law for Sunday racing times and define racing practice and trials starting at 10-00 a.m.Sundays. No. 6 - Enact a By-law to prohibit Musio Festivals and related events. "CARRIED" Resolution No. P -152-71t Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by Councillor Wearn, That the minutes on June 10,1974, be adopted as amended by Resolution No. P-151-74• "CARRIED" (i) Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor for Rice Construction Co. Ltd. of Brampton, presented to each member a copy , dated June 24, 1974, of "Submission to Special Meeting, June 24, 1974, continued - Page 2 Planning Committee He: Wilmot Creek Cove, Committee Resolution 0-117-74" Mr. Lovekin, explained that due to problems encountered in registering the name "Pine Ridge Retirement Rome Park", that name had been abandonded and in its place the name "Wilmot Creek Cove" had been registered. (ii) James W. Robinson Mr. Robinson spoke to the matter of his letter to Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. regarding Bowmauville Sewage Treatment Plant. (i) Hookadav Fagan, So1_ina. H. J. C,ascoiane. Auvlicant. Referred to this Committee by resolution No. 0-74-2719 and No. P-127-74. Brought forward from the Agenda of June 109 1974, to receive and consider report No. 2 of that agenda, ao prepared by Mr. Coo. Howden, Planning Director. The following comment and recommendation was noted - "Couneil has already adopted the policy that all applications for large scale development, relative to their present size in the hamlets should be deferred until a definite policy has been established. It is recommended that a copy of this report be forwarded to the Ministry if the contents thereof are approved by Council". Resolution No. P-1 -7! Moved by Councillor Wes-rn, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with the Planner's report and recommendation. 4 O -DJ Mr. Howden was requested to obtain a statement of policy from the Regional Planning and Development Commission regarding their policy on servicing in rural communities and whether the Region is prepared to approve and accept the proposed services in this and other similar subdivisions. (ii) Courtice Ah,4y Barn References - Resolution Nos. P-11-749 P-37-749 C-74-641. Mr. Stevens appeared in support of his application. In Report No. 3, Mr. Howden noted that a notice of objection to By-law No. 74-42, signed by 50 residents , had been received by Council and referred to this Committee for a reply. Mr. Howden reoommended that the notice of objection be referred to the applicant, Mr. Stevens, with the request that Mr. Stevens prepare a response to the notice of objection for submission to this Committee. Special Meeting, June 24, 1974, continued - Resolution No. P-151-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Lyall, That this Committee concur with the Planner's report. Motion lost. Resolution No. P-155-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Wearn, Page 3 That the Chairman and Mr. Layng prepare comments on the objections received to By-law No. 74-42 and to submit same to Council and further that a copy of the objections be forwarded to Mr. Stevens. (iii) J. Oohonski - Proposed subdivi®ion, Clarke References - Resolution Nos. -C-74-310, P-131-74. Brought forward to receive Report No. 2, as prepared by Mr. Howden, wherein the following recommendation was noted. " I recommend that Council be advised that no further action is required on this proposal". Resolution No. P. 156-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Muir, That this Committee concur with Report No. 2. (iv) Village of Newcastle, Zoning By-law No. 73-15 References - Resolution Nos. 0-74-2599 P-51-74. Brought forward from Agenda of June 10, 1974, to receive and consider Report No. 6, prepared by Mr. Howden (attached to the Agenda of June 10) and to review Report No. 2, dated April 17, 1974 as prepared and submitted by Ms. Jean Monteith of Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. Resolution No. P-157-74 Moved by H. Belson, seconded by H. Hammond, That the recommendations as contained in Report No.6, by Mr. Howden and Report No. 2 as prepared by Me. Monteith, be approved by this Committee and that the same be recommended to Council for adoption. Special Meeting, June 24, 1974, continued - (v) Clarke Official P1an(Amendment No. 1) References - C-74-2599 P-51-749 P-117-74. Resolution No. 158-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Muir, That this item be tabled. (vi) Decisions of Committee of Adjustment and bend Division Committee Page 4 Brought forward by Resolution No. P-148-74 to receive Report No. 8 as prepared by Mr. Howden. Resolution No. P-159-74 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by H. Hammond, That the objections as contained in Mr. Howden's Report No.8, be upheld by this Committee. nCARRIED" (4) NEw BasnaEss (i) Waverly Road Neighborhood Shouving Centre Referred by Council Resolution No. C-74-473• Southeastern Building Corporation proposed to construct a shopping centre with a gross floor area of 52,050 sq. ft. including 20,200 sq. ft. of office space on the second floor. Access to the site to be from Waverly Road and Quinn Drive. Report No. 1 as submitted by Mr. Howden was reviewed and the following recommendation noted. " I would recommend that at this time not more than four stores with a maximum floor area of 1500 sq.ft. each should go on this site. If at a later date it is decided that there will not be a larger shopping centre in the immediate vicinity, then a neighbourhood shopping oentre containing a small supermarket and a total of not more than 25,000 sq.ft. of gross floor area should be permitted as an expansion of the initial development. The zoning by-law should not be amended at this time and the applicant should be advised that any more substantial development on this site must await completion of a commercial need study for the whole Town. Resolution No. P -160-2h Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Hammond, That this Committee concur with the Planner's report and the same be recommended to Council. SPeoial Meeting, June 249 19749 continued - (ii) J. & C. Sehwartz, Bowmanvillejproposed sub -division) Referred by Council, Resolution No. Page 5 Report No. 5, as prepared by Mr. Bowden was reviewed in detail, wherein the following recommendations were noted. - (1) That the Official Plan be first emended to the satisfaction of the Conservation Authority. (2) That adjacent lands in the applicants ownership which lie within the flood plain as defined by the Conservation Authority be conveyed to the municipality. (In return for this the municipality should not require any parks dedication within the subdivision or cash -in -lieu of parks) (3) That final approval not be given until adequate sewage treatment facilities are available. Resolution No. P-161-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Dr. Roweell, That item 2 of Mr. Bowden's recommendation be revised by deleting the bracketed sentence,i.e. In return for this the municipality should not require any parks dedication within the subdivision or dash -in - lieu of parka "CARRIED" Resolution No. P -162-7h Moved by Mayor Rickard, seoonded by Dr. Rowsell, That Report No. 5 as amended by Resolution No. P-161-74, be adopted by this Committee. 11CA 3M)" (iii) R. Spencer; proposed subdivision Lot 8. Concession 6. Darlington. East part of Hamlet of Tyrone. Referred by Council Resolution No. C -74 - Mr. Lloyd Perry, 646 Gorevale Crescent, Oshawa, Ph. 723-71979 appeared in support of this application. Mr. Perry requested that this application be tabled until the next meeting to enable the applicant to review and study Report No. 6 as prepared by Mr. Bowden. Resolution No. P-163-74 Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by H. Muir, That this application together with Report No. 6 be tabled. "CHUM" Special Meeting, June 24, 1974. continued - Page 6 Mr. Perry requested that he be notified of the meeting at.vhich this application would appear on the Agenda. (iv) Proposed Commercial Needs Studv Report No. 7, as prepared by Mr. Howden, together with a copy of a letter, dated June 21, 1974, from Larry Smith Research Ltd., to Mr. Howden were reviewed. Resolution No. P-164-74 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by H. Belson, That Mr. John Layng, Consultant, be authorized to assemble all available information from previous studies relating to commercial needs and to submit a report together with his comments to this Committee. Resolution No. P-165-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Muir, That the Commercial needs study as outlined by Larry Smith Research Ltd. and recommended by Mr. Howden, be tabled pending completion of Mr. Layng's Report. "CARRIED" (v) Cancellation of regular meeting_ on July 8. 1974. At the suggestion of the Chairman it was agreed to cancel the next regular meeting scheduled for July 8, 1974 (Election 74) and to re- schedule same for July 22,1974. (5) ADJOURIOM Resolution No. P-166-74 Moved by D. Wearn, seconded by H. Hammond, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10:55 p.m. Secretary Chairman