HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-06-10TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning ,Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, June 10, 1974, 7*30 p.m. Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N.& N.Bd.of Ed. REp. Planning Director Planning Consultant Secretary Absents Member (1) MINUTES OF PREPlOIIS MEETINGS Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor W. D. Allin Mayor G. B. Rickard. Councillor K. Iyall Councillor D. Wearn Mr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Hammond Mr, S. J. Lancaster Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. H. C. Mair Dr. H. R.'Rowsell Mr. S. Worden Mr. Geo. Howden Mr. John Layng H. R. Best Mr. H. Ralson. Resolution No. P-134-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Hammond, That the minutes of the special meeting of May 27, 19749 be adopted as printed and circulated. nGAr=n Resolution No. P-135-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Muir, That the minutes of the special meeting on May 219 1974, be approved as printed and circulated. "CARR =" " (2) DELEGATIONS (1) Mr. George Realini Referred by Council Resolution C-74-620. Resolution No. P-136-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by H. Hammond. Regular Meeting, June 10, 1974/ oontimaed Page 2 Whereas Mr. Realini's name does not appear on the Agenda. Now be it therefore resolved that Mr. Realini be heard at this time. Mr. Realini addressed the Committee in support of his application for approval of a proposed town house development on 3.132 acres of land in lot 14, Concession 1, Bowmanville and situate between Martin Road and Region Roel No. 57 and immediately north of the Cadallic Development. Resolution No. P-137-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Hammond, a That Mr. Raalinils application be referred to the planner and consultant for a fall report at the expense of the developer. (ii) Mr. Donald Fleming of Armstrong Homes Referred by Council resolution No. C-74-616. Mr. Flemming requested approval of a site plan pertaining to a town house development on 6.1 acres of land in lot 13, Concession 10 Bowmanville, situate on the east side of Waverley Road, overlooking Bowmanville Creek and referred to as Lawrence Crescent Development. Resolution No, P-138-74 Moved by D. Noffatt, seconded by Dr. Rowsell, That this application be referred to the Planner for the preparation of a draft site plan agreement, subject to the approval of the Department of Wblio Works, and further that the Planner present same to this Committee at the next meeting. "CARRIED" (i) Ste»henson Sg age Yard - Lot 23. Concession 1. Clarke References - 0-74-382; P-74-74• Mr. Robert Stephenson appeared in support of his application and also in aiapport of the petition by area residents requesting Council to approve of Mr. Stephenson's rezoning application. Resolution No. 139-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor Lyall, That this Committee recommend to Council that Mr.Stephenson'e application Regular Meeting, June 109 1974, continued Page 3' to relocate his present salvage yard to the south side of Hwy No. 401 as proposed, be approved providing that the lands now used for the purposes of a salvage yard will no longer retain their present status of a legal non -conforming use and further that the amending By-law incorporate stringent controls pertaining to such matters as adequate fencing, soreening, acreage etc. on the lands to be rezoned. (ii) Surplus School Buildings - Offer to purchase Brought Forward by resolution No. P-132-74 to consider Planner's Report No. 59 wherein the following recommendations were noted. (a) Browne School, Clarke - That the acquisition of this school by the Municipality be referred to the Community Services Committee for their consideration. (b) Burketon Station School, Darlington - No action be taken to acquire this building. (c) Lakeshore Sohool, Clarke - The site should be conveyed to an abutting owner and the building demolished. (d) Port Granby Sohool, Clarke - No action should be taken to acquire this school. Resolution No. P-140-74 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by Councillor Lyall, That this Committee concur with the Planner's recommendation as set forth in report No. 5, and dated June 109 1974• (iii) Coleman Street Bowmanvi.11e - Purchase of Land Brought forward by resolution Noe. 0-74-305; P-129-74 to receive and consider report No. 4 as prepared by Mr. Howden, wherein the following recommendation was noted. "I recommend that the applicant be advised that no action can be taken on his request at the moment, and that Council offer any surplus lands to abutting owners when the Waverley Road diversion is transferred to its jurisdiction". Resolution No. P-141-74 Moved by Councillor 911in, seconded by H. Hammond, That this Committee accept the recommendation as contained in Mr. Bowden's report. Regular Meeting, June 109 1974, continued Page 4 (iv) Clarke Official Plan (Amendment No, 1, Rice Construction & H9 Payne) Brought forward by resolution Noe. C-74-2599 P-51-74, P-117-74 to schedule a date for an on site inspection of the subject lands. Resolution No. P-142-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by S. Lancaster, That this Committee assemble at the residence of Councillor Entwisle at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18, 1974, prior to an on site inspection of the aforenoted lands. (v) New Zoning By-law for Bowmanville Brought forward by Resolution No. P-104-74 to receive and consider. report No. 7 as prepared and submitted by Mr. Howden, wherein the following recommendation was noted. "That Council specifically authorise Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd., in consultation with myself; to produce and submit a proposed new By-law for Bowmanville to the next meeting of this Committee". Resolution No. P-143-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Allin9 That this Committee conour with the Planner's recommendation. (vi) Letter re: Bowmanville Sewage Plant Brought forward by resolution No. C-74-304 and P-128-74 to receive and consider report No. 3, as prepared and submitted by Mr. Howden. The following recommendation was noted. "I am recommending that Council be advised that no further action is necessary on this matter". Resolution No. P-144-74 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by H. Hammond, That report No. 3 be received and filed. imll", (4) NEW BUSINESS (i) Conditions in MosRort Areas Clarke Referred to this Committee by resolution No. C-74-413• Report No. 1, dated May 27, 19749 as prepared and submitted by Mr. John Layng, Planning Consultant, was reviewed by the Committee wherein 16 Regular Meeting, June 10, 1974, continued Page 5 methods were recommended for the control of Mosport Park, Resolution No. P-145-74 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by D. Moffatt, That the recommendations as setforth in Mr. Layng•'s report be considered on an individual basis. "CARRIED" meed d No -1 Approved as printed. No.2 Revised to read -"Require measures to control drinking and drunk- enness at Mosport". No.3 - 5 inclusive; approved as printed. No.6 - Resolution No. P-146-74 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by Councillor Lyall, That item No.6 of the recommendationsbe deleted in its entirety. No.7 - 16 inclusive; approved as printed. Resolution No. P-147-74 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by H. Hammond, That this Committee accept Mr. Layng's report and recommendations as amended. "CARRIED" (ii) Decisions of Committee of Adjustment and Land Division Committee Resolution No. P-148-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by R. Hetherington, That the Planning Director report to this Committee on all decisions made by the Committee of Adjustment and by the Land Division Committee which are contrary to the comments submitted to those Committees by the Planning Advisory Committee of the Town of Newcastle in respect of same. (iii) Planning Act Resolution No. P -142-71t Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Hammond, That this Committee be furnished with copies of the 1974 edition of the Planning Act. 11C9RRIMf? Regular Meeting, June 10, 1974, continued (iv) Next special meeting on June 24, 1974, at 7030 p.m. (5) AWOMOWT Resolution No. P -150-Z Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this meeting do now adjourn. :;; INS.. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10.40 p.m. MII '