HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-05-27TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Special Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton Monday, May 279 19749 7.30 p.m. Presents Chairman Councillor K. Entwisle Member Councillor W. D.Allin Member Mayor G. B. Rickard Member Mr. R. Hetherington Member Mr. R. Hammond Member Mr. H. Belson Member Mr. S. J. Lancaster Member Mr. D. Moffatt Member Mr. R. C. Muir N.& N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Mr. S. Worden Planning Director Mr. Geo. Howden Secretary H. R. Best Absent. Member Dr. H. R. Rowseli Member Councillor K. Lyall Member Councillor D. Wearn Also Present. Approximately 12 interested persons. Resolution No. P-110-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by H. Muir, That the minutes of the regular meeting of May 13, 19749 be approved as printed and circulated. (2) DELEGATIONS "CARRIED" (1) Mr. Harold Ashton, Enniskillen Resolution No. P-111-74 Moved by D. Moffatt' seconded by R. Hetherington, Whereas Mr. Ashton's name did not appear on the agenda, Be it therefore resolved that Mr. Ashton be now heard. "CARRIED" Mr. Ashton, speaking on behalf of 3 other persons from the Enniskillen area, requested information pertaining to an application by A. R. Jeffrey Construction Limited to develop 44 building lots in part of Lot 18, Concession 7, Darlington. He expressed the concern of the area residents in such matters as access roads, water supply, private waste disposals etc. Regular Meeting• May 27, 19749 continued Page 2 Mr. Geo. Howden, Planning Director, briefly reviewed the history of this application and outlined its present status. Mr. Ashton requested that he be notified when this application was brought forward by the Committee for further consideration. (1) Bruno & Vincent Greco (rezoning application , Lot 30, Concession 39Darlington) Brought forward by Resolutions Nos. C-74-250 and P-46-74 to receive and consider Consultants report No. 1, as prepared by Mr. Howden,Planning Director. The following recommendations was noted - (a) This application should be refused at the present time (b) Council should adopt a stated policy of discouraging further unserviced development and the further division of land in the proposed Courtice Urban Area as tentatively defined in proposed Amendment No. 8 to the Darlington Official Plan, until such time as a Community Development Plan has been produced for the area. (c) Regional Council and the Land Division Committee should be informed of the policy statement recommended above. Resolution No. P-112-74. Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Muir, That this Committee approve of Mr. Howden's report and forward 'same to Council with the recommendation that it be accepted by Council and that Regional Council and the Land Division Committee be informed of this policy and further that the applicants, B. & V. Greco, be provided with a copy of Planners report No. 1. 11CARRLL'D°9 (ii) Bowtomn Court Condominium Development, Bowmanville Brought forward by Resolutions Nos. P-63-74 and P-71-74 to receive and consider a revised site plan and report No. 2 on the Agenda, as prepared by No. Jean Monteith of Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd., dated May 239 1974 and under the heading "Town of Newcastle, Consultants Report No. 4". Messers Sprackman and Friedberg appeared in support of this application. Mr. Howden suggested certain revisions to the draft Condominium Agreement, including a site plan, as prepared by No. Momteith. He would prepare and submit a revised Condominium Agreement at the earliest opportunity. Regular Meeting, May 279 19749 continued Page 3 Resolution No. P-119-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by D. Moffatt, That this matter be tabled pending a comprehensive review of the revised site plan and Condominium Agreement. (iii) Pitts and Quarries In addition to report No. 6, under date of April 89 1974. Mr. Howden sub- mitted a further report, No. 4, Table I attached to report No. 4 set forth all the information requested by the Ministry and additional data regarding Official Plans and Draft Official Plane. Report No. 4 also included the following recommendation 11 I recommend that this report be approved by Council and forwarded to the Ministry of Natural Rescurses". Mr. Howden read correspondence from the Minister replying to Mr. Howden's letter of April 3, 1974. In the Minister's letter, it was noted that Mr. Pletcher from the Minister's Office would be contacting Mr. Howden in the near future to arrange a discussion meeting. Resolution No. P-114-74 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by H. Hammond, That Planner's report No. 4 be approved by this Committee. iIKIMIii�ill Resolution No. P-115-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by H. Hammond, That this Committee recommend to Council that the following persona be delegate to attend the meeting with Mr. Fletcher. Chairman of Planning Advisory Committee Planning Director Chairman of Public Works Committee Director of Public Works. (iv) Charter Acres Subdivision, Lot 29. Concession 4, Clarke Brought forward by Resolution Nos. C-74-3619 P-59-74 to receive and consider Planner's Report No. 5 as prepared by Mr. Howden. Wherein it was noted that ible proposal had been turned down by the Ministry of Housing due to non -conformity with the policies for estate residential development con- tained in the Clarke Draft Official Plan. Resolution No. P-116-74 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by R. Hetherington, Regular Meeting, May 279 19749 continued Page 4 That this Committee concur with Mr. Howden's recommendation that Council be advised that no further action is required, (v) Clarke Official Plan (Amendment No. 1) Brought forward by Resolutions C-74-259 and P-51-74 to receive and consider Consultants Report No, 5 as prepared by Me. J. Monteith of Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. and listed on the Agenda as Report No. 6. Messers Max Rice, Dave Rice, Wm, Raine and E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor, appeared in support of Amendment No. 1 to the Clarke Draft Official Plan as it relates to the Pine Ridge Retirement Park as proposed by Rice Construction Co. Ltd. of Brampton, Mr. E. R. Lovekin addressed the Committee and refuted several statements as contained in Me. Monteith's report, Resolution No. P-117-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by S. Lancaster, That this report be tabled Jo a further meeting to be held subsequent to an on site inspection of the subject lands by members of this Committee and upon receipt of a written submission from Mr. E, R. Lovekin, Solicitor, for Rice Construction Co. Ltd. "CARRIED" (vi) M. Veltri. Orono(subdivision approval Lot 29 Concession 5, Clarke) Brought forward as an uncompleted item from the Meeting of May 13, 1974, to receive and consider report No. 4, attached to the Agenda of the May 13 meeting, and prepared by Mr. Howden. The following recommendation was noted. - 1. 1 recommend that this proposed subdivision be refused due to inadequate soil and drainage conditions on part of the site and the unsuitability of the proposed access. Development of the notheast portion of the site could be acceptable when the second well comes into operation but there is no way in which the problem of access can be overcome unless and until access is ultimately provided through lands to the rear of the site. 2. Any lots which are created on this site should be at least 129500 sq. ft, in area. Copies of this report if and when it is approved by Council, should be sent to the Regional Planning Department, the Regional Engin- eering Department, and the Ministry of Housing. Re3olution No. 118-74 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by H. Muir, That this Committee conour with Mr. Howden's report and the same be re- commended for approval by Council. "CARRIED' Regular Meeting, May 27, 19749 continued Page 5 (vii) L. Beaupre - Rezoning Application. Lot 24. Concession 8. Clarke Brought forward as uncompleted item from the May 13, 1974 meeting to receive and consider Planner's Report No. 5 as attached to the Agenda of the Mair 13 meeting. Resolution No. P-119-74 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by D. Moffatt, That this application be tabled. "CARRIED" (viii) Bowmanville Central Area Studv Brought forward by Resolutions C-74-426,. P-13-74 and P-86-74, to receive and consider Planner's report No. 8, wherein Mr. Howden requested approval of proposed outline for the above study as appended to Report No. 8. Resolution No. P -120 - Moved by H. Balson, seconded by H. Hammond, That this Committee concur with Mr. Howden's proposal and that the same be recommended to Council for implementation. °CARR n (ix) Durham Christian High School - Rezoning Application.Bowmanville (x) Brought forward by Resolutions C-74-92, P-14-74 and P-22-74, to receive and consider Planner's Report No. 9. In his report Mr. Howden suggested that the time is now appropriate to draw up an implementing zoning By-law Amendment and site plan agreement as re- quired by the Official Plan Amendment. He recommends that Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. prepare the required zoning amendment and relating agree- ment and further that the cost of work undertaken by Municipal Planning Consultants be charged to the applicant. Resolution No. P-121-74 Moved by Councillor Allin, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this Committee concur with Mr. Howden's recommendation provided that the applicant's agree to pay the costs of Consultant's services. WYA11 301417 Referred to this Committee by Council Resolution No. C-74-253• Resolution No. P-122-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Muir, Regular Meeting, May 27, 19749 continued Page 6 That this matter be tabled pending submission of Planner's Report. f (xi) Site for Oshawa Fair. Referred by Council Resolution No. 0-74-262 and brought forward by Resolution P-80-74. Mayor Rickard submitted a verbal report stating that a brief had been prepared by himself and Mr. John Layng and presented to the Council of Region of Durham. The Region had in turn scheduled a meeting with representatives of South Ontario Agricultural Society, Durham Central Agricultural Society, City of Oshawa, Town of Newcastle and Regional Officials. As members of South Ontario Agricultural Society were unable to attend the meeting as scheduled , the meeting had therefore been oancelled. ResolutionNo, P-129-7 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Balson, That this matter be filed pending further direction from Council. (4) NEW BUSINESS (i) Elva Reid (rezoning application.Pt Lot lh Concession 6 Clarke) Referred to Committee by Council Resolution No. C-74-533. The applicant requests a spot rezoning of her property, presently Zoned "A" Agriculture to permit the sale of arts, crafts and antiques within an existing dwelling. Miss. Reid and Miss. Diane McGee appeared in support of this application. Report No. 39 as prepared by Mr. Howden was reviewed with the following recommendation noted. Since the property will remain primarily agricultural and residential and since the proposed retail area is secondary to agricultural and residential uses, a zoning amendment should be passed to permit the application with the following restrictions. (1) That retail use be restricted to the sale of antiques and handicrafts. (2) That the retail sales area not exceed 400 sq.ft. or 35% of the present dwelling unit area. (3) That any advertising be limited to a non-illumizwted sign not more than one square foot. Regular Meeting, May 279 1974, continued Page 7 (4) That there be no external storage of goods or materials on the property. Resolution Wo.—P-124-7h Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by H. Belson, That Mr. Howden's report be approved and recommended to Council for implementation and further that copies of this rezoning application be circulated to all appropriate agencies concerned with this type of development. "CARRIED" (ii) ICLaue Zulauf.(rezoni.na aDDlication Lot 18 Concession 1 Clarke) The applicant has requested a Commercial Zoning for his premises on the south side of No. 2 Hwy. and known as Trailways Restaurant. The snack bar is presently a legal non -conforming use within an "A" Agriaultural Zone. Report No. 79 prepared by Mr. Howden was reviewed wherein the following recommendation was noted - The application should be approved provided that the Health Unit are satisfied that the site can conform with health unit requirement. Resolution No. P-125-7 Moved by H. Balson, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this application be tabled pending a report by Durham Region Health unit. (iii) Rules of Procedure Resolution No. P -126-7h Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Mayor Rickard, That the circulation of rezoning application to the appropriate agencies be the responsibility of the Town of Newcastle, (iv) Hookada Farm Solin - Rezoning a lioati n Referred by Council Resolution No. C-74-271. Resolution No. P- 127-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this application be tabled pending a report by the Planner to be Regular Meetings May 279 1974, continued submitted at the next meeting. (v) Bowmanville Sewage Plant Referred by Resolution No. C-74-304. Resolution No. P-128-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Balson, That this item be tabled and a report be prepared by Planning Director for next meeting. vvCPMIEDvv (vi) Coleman Street Bowmanville - Purchase of Land Referred by Resolution No. C-74-305. H. Hammond explained briefly the location of the subject lands and the matters involved. Resolution No. P-129-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this matter be tabled pending a report by the Planner, to be presented at the next meeting. "CARRIED" (vii) Golf Course Lands - Rezoning application. Lot 20, Concession 2, Clarke Referred by Resolution No. C-74-308. Application is made to rezone a small parcel of land from Open Space to Rural Residential in order to permit the construction of a dwelling on a separate lot. Resolution No. P-130-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Allin, That this application be tabled pending a report by the Planner. "CARRIED" (viii) J. Ochonski - Proposed subdivision, Clarke Referred by Resolution No. 0-74-310. Resolution No. P-131-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by H. Hammond, That this item be tabled. "CARRIED" Regular Meeting, May 27. 1974 continued (ix) Surplus School Buildinam - Offer to mwohase Resolution No. P- 132-74. Moved by H. Balson, seconded by H. Hammond, That this matter be tabled pending the Planner's report. (5) ADJoj1RN m Resolution No. P-133-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10-35 P.M. Az'A ,-a..16 Q. Secretary Chairman Page 9