HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-05-21TOWN OF NEWC:;STLE Planning Advisory Committee Special Meeting D,'.TE: May 21st, 1974 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLfCE: Council Chambers, Bowmanville AGENDA l Introduction of Draft Work Program for District Official Plan (Planning Director, Town of Newcastle). 2. Outline of Function of District Official Plans and their Co-ordination with Regional Planning and Works Programs (Regional Commissioner of Planning and Development). 3. Specific Questions Addressed to Regional and Local Staff and Committee Chairman (time limit z hour). 4. General Discussion of Draft Work Program (time limit ' hour). 5. Consideration of Draft Work Program by Planning,dvisory Committee, 6. I;djournment. WORK PROGRAM NEWCASTLE DISTRICT PLAN 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to outline: (i) the basic approach to be followed. in the preparation of the District Plan. (ii) the general content to be found within the initial Planning Study and District Plan, (iii) the anticipated timing of the various stages of the program; and (iv) the detailed studies to be prepared for the long term Planning of the District. 2. BASIC APPROACH It is proposed that an interim District Plan be initially developed through a fairly straightforward process of reviewing the four existing Official Plans, updating the data where necessary, re- vising the documents in light of recent Provincial, Regional and Town policies and consolidating this information into one document. The purpose of the Interim Plan is to establish policies that will guide the development of the Town of Newcastle in a desirable fashion, until such time as a Regional Plan has been approved. 3. PHASE I (a) Goals and Objectives: The first task before the Planning Advisory Committee should be to establish a set of Interim goals and. objectives that would provide the proper direction to the analysis and syn- thesis of the individual existing Official Plans, in order that a common reference will exist to assist in reconciling competing or otherwise conflicting interests. Preliminary goals and objectives relating to the Interim period. would be prepared by consolidating the goals and objectives of the existing Official Plans and. supplementing these as suggested by working experience. The Planning Advisory Committee would review the goals and objectives, ensuring they reflected the desired state for the Town. - 2 - (cont.........) (b) Base Mapping: A Base Map for the Town of Newcastle will be prepared at the scale of 1"=2000' using base maps supplied by the Regional Planning Department. For the areas of concentrated growth detail maps at a larger scale will be used. Cronars of all plates, schedules and base maps will be required from the Newcastle Village Official Plan and Planning Study.- Where suitable base mapping already exists, copies of the dylars would be provided to the Consultants. Mapping which has already been done by the Regional Planning Department would be used wherever possible. (c) Detailed Review of Existing Plans: The Consultants shall prepare a report reviewing the existing Official Plpns on a subject basis. For example, Estate Residential would be analysed on how the various Plans dif- fered in their handling of this form of development, as well as outlining the strengths and weaknesses of the various ap- proaches. Indirect implications of the present and alternative policies will be outline asa.part of the review. Once the report has been prepared, the Planning Advisory Committee and the Consultants should meet in order that areas concern and/or conflict may be identified. Copies of the Bowmanville Official Plan and Planning Studies, as well as any backup reports will be supplied to the Consultant. Where they.exist, the Regional Ministry of Housing's comments be taken into consideration. Planning Department's and the - on the four existing plans will PHASE II (a) Planning Study: Based on the existing Planning Studies and reports, an Interim Planning Study will be prepared for the Town of Newcastle and reviewed, by the Planning Advisory Committee. Updating of data will be provided where necessary. This study will con- centrate on the rural areas of the municipality and on those urban areas where extensive development or redevelopment could take place in the Interim period. - 3 - (cont.......) (a) Planning Study: During Phase II it is not anticipated that any new in-depth studies will be prepared, but rather that the background date that already exists will be updated and consolidated, including data assembled by the O.A.P.A.D. Study and any other readily available sources. The reasons for this initial approach are basically: (i) substantial efford went into the preparation of the exist- ing planning studies, and this information should not be disregarded; (ii) by accepting the data basically as it is, with minor up- dating, the length of time required to prepare an Interim District Plan will be greatly reduced; and (iii) problem areas that do appear can be studied in-depth as special reports, after the Interim development guidelines and policies have been established. The following aspects will be examined in the initial planning study. Topics that will require special in-depth study will be expanded. upon in Phase V. (i) Physical Aspects: Regional Setting Natural Features - including physiography, mineral resour- ces, agricultural capability, etc. Land Use - the existing land use maps will be up- dated where necessary. Transportation - .iny reports not included in the exist- ing studies will be analysed and included in the report. - Discussions will be had with MTC and the Regional Works Dept. with regard to short term transportation improve- ments. Municipal Services-sny reports not included in the exist- ing studies will be analysed and included in the report. -discussions will be had with the Mini- stry of the Environment and the Region- al Works Dept. regarding feasible short term servicing areas and projects. (cont.....) (b) Social and Economic Aspects: Historic Development Population Characteristics - Community Facilities Administrative/Financial Land Use Requirements Evaluation: Policy Alternatives Population projections from the existing Plans will be analysed and re-evaluated if they are not in keeping with the Town's goals regarding growth rate. - Including a preliminary analysis of recreational fac- ilities and school facilities. - Including Economic Base, Assessment Trends, Municipal Financial Capability. - Based on Population project- ions and acreages and areas for the various land uses. Interim and Long Term. - Alternative policies for each of the subjects dealt with in Phase I (c) will be outlined and recommendations made by the Consultant. Review By Planning ,ldvisory Committee: The Planning Study will be reviewed by the Planning Advisory Committee with the consultant and instructions given based on the alternatives outlined therein. 5. PHASE III Phase III will be concerned with the preparation of the Interim District Plan and will contain such sections as: Goals and Objec- tives; Land Use Policies; Transportation Policies; Development Policies; Implementation and Interpretation, as well as Development and Road Plans for the District. Goals and Objectives - relating to the following areas of concern: Enviro=ental Protection Areas, Recreation, Agriculture, Economics, Transportation, Servicing and Administra- tion. 5 (cont....) Land Use Policies - relating to the following Land Use categories: Environmental Protection Areas, Recreational, Conservation, Open Space, Urban, Hamlet, Estate Residential, Com- mercial, (General, Highway, Recreational and Local), Industrial (General, Restrictive, Waste, and Extractive), Rural and Existing Land Uses. Transportation Policies - including Functional Classification of roadway and areas for improvement. Development Policies - regarding location site plans, and reference plans. Implementation InterDreta 'on Schedules Staging, Servicing, method and of development, secondary plans, Schedule "A" - Development and Road Plan for the Rural Portion. Schedule "B" - Development and Road Plan for the Urban areas. Schedule "C" - Staging Plans for the larger urban areas. Scheudle "D" - Community or Neighbourhood Plans for the larger urban areas. 6. PHASE IV Following the presentation of the Draft District Plan to the Planning Advisory Committee and Council and its subsequent endorsement, a summary of the Plan will be prepared for Public Presentation. The District Plan will be revised once the Planning Advisory Committee and Council have reviewed the Plan in light of the Public's comments. ], PHASE V Once the Interim District Plan has been prepared, a long term Future Development Concept will be prepared as an input into the Regional Official Plan. This Concept will be prepared under further instructions to be deter- mined at the time. It will take account of any studies done or underway by the Regional Planning Department and the Regional Works Department at that time. It will include in particular the follow- ing work: - 6 - (cont,,.,..) (a) Commercial Land Need Study: This report will take a more detailed look at the Comm- ercial requirements of the District and its relationship to the Region. Included in the report could be a break- down of requirements for general, highway and. shopping centre commercial needs. (b) Servicing: This report will look into the servicing problems of the District, with emphasis in the areas of urban concentra- tion. (c) Secondary Plans: Detailed land use plans will be prepared for the areas of urban concentration. SPECIAL MEETING A meeting was held on May 21st, 1974, at Bowmanville, with the Council of the Town Consultants Ltd., Planning Consultants of of the Regional Municipality of Durham. Region of Durham- Mr. Walter Beath Mr. Manning Mr. Wm. McAdams Dr. Michael Mr. Manning 7.30 p.m, in the Council Chambers, of Newcastle, Municipal Planning the Town of Newcastle and representatives Chairman Clerk -Administrator Commissioner of Planning & Development Director of Planning Planner Council- Mayor Mr. G. B. Rickard Councillor Mr. I. Hobbs Counoillor Mr. B. Tink Councillor Mr. K. Lyall Councillor Mr. K. Entwisle Councillor Mr. D. Weare Councillor Mr. D. Allin Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. Mr. Derek Little Me J. Monteith Planning Advisory Committee- Member Mr. H. Hammond Member Mr. R.' Hetherington Member Mr. D. Moffatt Member Mr. H. Balson Member Mr. S. Lancaster Member Mr. H. Muir N.& N. Bd. of Ed. Rep. Mr. S. Worden Planning Director Me. Geo. Howden Planning Consultant Mr. John Layne Secretary H. % Beet Mayor Riokard chaired the meeting. The object of the meeting was to discuss, in general terms, the responsibility of the Region and of the Area Municipalities in the preparation of an Official Plan for the Region of Durham and more specifically the work pmogremme to be followed in the preparation and function of a District Plan for the Town of Newcastle. Mr. W. McAdams, Commissioner of Planning & Development for the Region of Durham reviewed the provincial legislation requiring the production of Regional Official Plan, District Plans and the need of co-ordination with the studies completed or undertaken by the Regional Work's Department. Mr. Howden, Mr. Layne, Chairman Beath, Dr. Michael and Mr. Manningr Ole## also spoke to the matter of District Plans`aand their relationship to the Official Plan for the Region of Durham. Special Meeting, May 21st, 1974, continued Page 2 The proposed work programme for the preparation of the Newcastle District Plan, as prepared by Mr. Howden, was reviewed and discussed during a question and answer period. Resolution No. P- 109-74 Moved by H. Belson, seconded by H. Hammond, That the work programme as outlined in Mr. Howden's report as attached to the agenda, be recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee to Council for immediate implementation. "CARRIER" Meeting adjourned at 10-05 p.m. 04 &�� . Secretary Chairman