HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-22TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Special Meeting Municipal Building, Hampton, Monday, April 22, 19749 7030 p.m. Present: Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member N.& D.Bd.of Ed. Rep. Planning Director Secretary Absent-. Member Also Present Municipal P. Consultant Planning Consultant (1) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING (2) Reeolution No. P-84-74 Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor K. Lyall Councillor A. D. Wearn Mayor G. B. Rickard Mr. R. Hetherington Pir. H. Hammond Mr. H. Belson Mr. S. J. Lancaster Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. H. C. Muir Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. S. Worden Mr. Geo. Howden H. R. Best Councillor W. D. Allin Ms. J. W. Monteith B.E.S. Mr. John Layng Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor Was=, That the minutes of the regular meeting of April 8, 1974, be approved as amended by the following revision. (a) Resolution No. P-74-74 revised to read as follows - That Mr. Stephenson's application be referred to Municipal Planning Consultant Co. Ltd. for consideration as to its compatibility with the District Plan for the Town of Newcastle. "CARRIED" There were no delegations. (3) ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD (i) Newcastle District Plan - Work ProjEamme Brought forward by Resolutions C -74-332A, P-28-74 and P-75-74. Report No. 1 as prepared by Mr. Howden was reveiwed by the Committee. " Special Meeting, April 22, 1974, continued Page 2 Mr. Howden stated that due to the recent postal strike his report was incomplete and suggested that it be tabled for further review at the next meeting. Resolution No. P-85-74 Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. Hammond, That Report No. 1 be tabled for a special meeting at the call of the chair. (ii) Veltri & Son Ltd., (Former bus station. Bowmanville) Application for re -zoning to build a nine storey tower for stores, offices and 54 apartments on the north side of King Street between Division and George Streets, Bowmanville. Brought forward by resolution C-74-426, P-13-74, to receive and consider Report No. 2, dated April 15, 1974, as prepared by Mr. John Layng,Planning Consultant. Resolution No. P-86-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this applivation be actively considered further in detail by Mr. Howden and Mr. Layng, in conjunction with a detailed study relating to the downtown core of Bowmanville and the proposed District Plan of the Town of Newcastle. "CARRIED" (iii)Mr. J. J. Bourke - additions to the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, Base line Road Bowmanville Applicant sought approval in principle of his proposal: to demolish the 57 existing units and to replace these units with a ten storey apartment - hotel. Brought forward by resolution No. C-74-374, to receive and consider Report No. 3, dated April 15, 1974, as prepared by Mr. Layng, wherein the follow- ing recommendation was noted - Subject to receiving more detailed drawings showings Height of buildings, and lawn spaces, number and placing of rooms and smites, number and location of parking areas required by formulae for hotel, motel and apartment units and for Public Rooms, and subject to- consent of the Fire Chief for fire control, and revisions to Zoning By-law 1587, Bowmanville. "The Planning Advisory Committee should recommend to the Council of the Town of Newcastle that it consider an approval in principle of this project." Resolution No. P-87-74 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by H. Hammond, Special Meeting, April 22, 1974, continued Page 3 That this Committee concur with the recommendation as contained in Mr. Layng's report. "CARRIED" (iv) Milinel Investments - West side of Waverly Road Bowmanville Application is made to re -zone six vacant infilling Tote, zoned General Residential (R) to a Low Density Residential Zone (R-2) thereby permitting semi-detached dwellings on lots with a frontage of 60 feet more or less. Messers Schievin and Vermeulen appeared in support of this application. Brought forward by resolutions Nos. C-74-256 and P-50-74, to receive and consider Consultants report No. 4, as prepared by Mr. Howden. The following comments were noted - "On the basis that infill lots should be developed in a similar manner to their established neighbours, I am recommending that this application should be refused". Resolution No. P-88-74 Moved by H. Muir, seconded by Councillor Lyall, That this Committee concur with the recommendation as contained in Mr. Bowden's Report. "CARRIED" (v) Toronto Street, C. N. Railway Crossing Newcastle Brought forward by resolution C-74-273, to receive and consider Consultant's Report No. 5, as prepared by Mr. Howden, Planning Director. The recommendation, as follows, was noted - At this time I recommend that Council authorize staff to reply to the Cana- dian Transport Commission and the Railway acknowledging that this crossing does not justify signallfation at the present time and enquiring as to the estimated cost of advance warning signs and improvement of the gradient of the southern approach. Resolution No�P-8-7 Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by H. Balson, That this Committee concur with Mr. Bowden's recommendation as setforth in Report No. 5. °1CARRIED" Resolution No. P-90-7la Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by H. Hammond, That this Committee recommend that Council request the Board of Transport Special Meeting, April 22, 1974, continued Page 4 Commissioners to undertake a survey of all unprotected level railway crossings within the Town of Newcastle. "CARRIED°1 (vi) City of Oshawa Zonin{By-1aw No. 27u. Brought forward by resolution No. C-74-323, to receive and consider Mr. Howden's Report No. 6. The following recommendation was noted. "The Town of Newcastle is not affected and I recommend that Council be advised that no action on the part of the Municipality is required". Resolut?.on No. -2=21-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by H. Balson, That Mr. Howden's recommendation be accepted by this Committee. (vii) Village of Newcastle Zoning By-law NoP-7 -1 Brought forward by resolution Nos. C--74-259 and P-51-74. Ms. Jean Monteith, B.E.S. of Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd. presented and reviewed Consultant's Report No. 7-2. Resolution No�.P922-LIL Moved by H. Balson, seconded by H. Muir, That the Amendments to By-law No. 73-15, as recommended and described in Consultant's Rport No. 7-2, be incorporated into By-law No. 73-15, and Further that the Chaia:man and Planning Consultant meet with those persons who had registered objections against the By-law and whose objections had not yet been resolved and Further that, subsequent to the said meeting, an amending by-law be prepared and submitted to this Committee for their approval. ! i; iOT)U (viii) Lot Levies Brought forward to receive and consider Consultant's Report No.8 as prepared by Mr. Howden. Resolution No. P-971 - Moved by R. Hetherington, seconded by Councillor Lyall, That this report be tabled for further consideration. Special Meeting, April 22, 1974, continued (ix) Darlington and Clarke hE-laws Page 5 Me. Jean Montieth requested that her report, dated April 179 1974, and numbered 9-3, be withdrawn as it had been prepared on the assumption that the Official Plans for Darlington and Clarke had been approved by the Minister. Resolution No. P-94-74 Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by Councillor Wearn, That this item be tabled. "CARRIED" (4) OTHER BUSINESS (i) Chairman Entwisle verbally submitted the following reports. (a) Council had engaged Mr. John Layng to assist with the preparation of a brief to ..be submitted by Council to the Solandt hearings relating to the Lennox -Oshawa Transmission line. (b) Mr. J. McNeely of the firm Marks & McNeely had been retained by Council in the matter of the continuation of an Ontario Municipal Board hearing of the appeal by the Planning Board of the former Township of Clarke against the decision of the Clarke Committee of Adjustment, whereby the Committee had authorized the Clarke Fish and Conservation Club to erect a Club house less than the required 100 feet setback from the Wilmot Creek. (ii) The next regular meeting would be held on May 13, 1974, at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Offices, Hampton. (5) ADJOURMWT Resolution No. P -94-7h Moved by H. Hammond, seconded by H. Belson, That this meeting do now adjourn. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10:30 p.m. h Secretary Chairman