HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-08TOWN OF kUMASTLE Planning Advisory Committee Regular fleeting isnanioipal Building, Hampton, Monday, April 8th, 1974, 7.30 P.M. Presents Chairman Nember Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Planning Director Secretary Absent: N.& D. Bd.of Ed. Rep. Also Presents Municipal P. Consultant Planning Consultant (1) MINOTES OF PREIMOBS MEETING Councillor K. Entwisle Councillor K. Lyall Councillor A. D. %•learn Councillor W. D. Alain Mayor G. B. Rickard BIr. R. Hetherington Mr. H. Hammond Mr. H. Belson Mr. S. J. Lancaster Mr. D. Moffatt Mr. H. C. Muir Dr. H. R. Rowsell Mr. Geo. Howden H. R. Best Pair. S. Worden Ms. J. W. Monteith B.E.S. Mr. John Layng Resolution No. P-69-74 I -loved by R. Hetherington, seconded by H. C. Muir That the minutes of the special meeting on Plonday, March 25, 1974, be approved as printed and circulated. "CARRMu (2) DELEGATIONS (i) M. D. Brown O.L.S.. re: Development Proposal for Newtonville Mr. Brom submitted the draft of a proposal for the development of those Parts of lots 7, 8, 99 10, Conescigg.�� 1, Clarke, lying between Rings Highway No. 2 on the north and King'a Hwy. Tho. 401 on the south and surrounding the hamlet of Newtonville. Mr. Brown requested that he be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting in order that he might review the proposed plan in greater detail. Resolution No. P-70-74 Moved by Councillor Wears, seconded by D. Moffatt, Regular Meeting, April 8th, 1974, continued Page 2 That P,Ir. Broom submit his proposed plan to the Planning Director to be considered by a Consultant to be appointed in consultation with the Chair- man. °CASRIED" (3) ITEMS BROUGHT POWARD (i) Bovtown Court Condominium Development, Bowmanville Brought forward by resolution No. P-63-74 to receive and consider the report under date of April 8, 1974, as prepared by Me. J. Monteith, B.E.S. of 14unicippl Planning Consultants Ltd. The'summary, as follows, was noted - "Thus, in summary, we can see no problems in regard to a condominium development on this property, so long sea new site plan is submitted and the proper agreements are signed prior to the issuance of building permits". Plessers Sprackman, Friedberg and Godfrey appeared in support of this application. Resolution No. P-71-74 Moved by H. Belson, seconded by Councillor Weare, That this Committee recommend that Council approve of this application in principle, subject to site plan amendments to the zoning By-law and Regional Approval of services and further that the necessary action be undertaken to implement the foregoing recommendation. (ii) Water and Hydro Services in Village of Newcastle Brought forward by Resolution No. P-16-74 to receive and consider report No. 2, dated March 30, 1974, as prepared and submitted by Ih% John Layng, Planning Consultant. The following excerpts were noted (a) "additional water services could not be provided to the Village until such time as a water works supply system taking water from LaIce Ontario could be built". (b) "The two subdivisions, presently with draft approvals from Provincial Ministries, cannot proceed now, because of the water and 'electric services situation". Resolution No. P-72-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor Lyall, Regular Neeting, April 8th, 1974, continued Page 3 That Air. Layng's report and recommendation be concurred with by this Committee and recommended to Council for support. "CARRIBY (iii) Proposed Bagonville Gene e,ting Station, Water Lot, fronting Lots 18 - Brought forward by Resolution P-45-74, to receive and consider Report No.l, dated March 28, 1974, as prepared and submitted by Nr. John Leyng, Planning Consultant, wherein the following recommendations was noted. "Until Ontario Hydro can supply much more detailed information on this project, and until the whole matter can be discussed by the Planning Advisory Committee and the Council of the Town of Newcastle, the consent for the water lot should be withheld." Resolution No. P-73-74 Noved by D. lbffatt, seconded by H. ikir, That Mr. Layng's report be approved by this Committee and recommended to Council and further That the Town of Newcastle, through this Committee, and the Region of Durham be urged to have input into the current Solandt Commission hearing on the proposed Lennox -Oshawa transmission line. MOM-NCitiNW� (iv) Stephenson Salvawe Yard. Lot 23. Concession 1, C1axlre. Referred to Planning Advisory Committee by Resolution C-74-382 and brought forward from the uncompleted agenda of March 25, 1974. REport No. 4, dated April let, 1974, prepared by AIr. John Layng, Planning Consultant and summary report No. 2, dated April 8, 1974, were reviewed by the Committee. Nr. Robert Stephenson, appeared in support of his application. Resolution Fo.P7 -74 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by Councillor Allin, That Nr. Stephenson's application be tabled andl-the-matter referred to Municipal Planning Consultant Co. Ltd., for consideration in the prepara- tion of the District Plan for the Town of Newcastle. "CARRIED" (v) Newcastle District Plan - IforP:Pro€,*ram. Brought Foniard by Resolution IQo.P-28-74. Pis. Jean Monteith, B.E.S. of the firm of Municipal Planning Consultants Ltd., Regular Meeting, April 8th, 1974, continued Pace 4 submitted a draft work program outlining Ibhe basic approach to be follo- wed in the preparation of the District Plan for the Torn of Newoestle. Resolution No. P-75-74 Moved by Councillor 'learn, seconded by ,Tayor Rickard, That this matter be tabled for a special meeting at the call of the chair. (vi) Alton and Valerie Smith, Overnight camping site and Conservation Area, Lot 6. Concession 3. Clarke. Brought forward as a general review item from the former Township of Clarke. Alton and Valerie Smith, R.R.it 1, Newrbonville, Applicants appeared before the Committee in support of their application. Consultants report No. 3, dated April 1, 1974, prepared by Mr. John Layng and Summary Report No.l, dated April 8, 1974, prepared by the Secretary, were reviewed by the Committee. Resolution No. P-76-74 Moved by Councillor Wearn, seconded by D. T•Toffatt, That this application be tabled pending revisions to the site plan, drawing No. 3530, a favourable report by the Durham Region Health Unit pertaining to the proposed sewage disposal system and consideration by Council of a By- law to licence and regulate overnight camping sites. ►M (vii) Pits and 6uarries Act, Licence to overate. Por information purposes only, i$r. Geo. Howden, Planning Director, submitted a copy of his letter to the Ninister of Natural Resources where- in he had requested clarification by the Ministry concerning the role Municipalities were expected to play with regard to pit and quarry licence applications. The Secretary supplied each member with a copy of the Pits and Quarries Control Act, 1971 and Ontario Regulation 545%71 as amended in August, 1973. Resolution No. P-77-74 Moved by, H. Balson, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this information be received and filed. "CARRIED" Regular Meeting, April 8th, 1974, continued Page 5 (viii) New Official Plan for the Cit. of Oshawa Brought forward from the Agenda of I•larch 25, 1974• Mr. Howden submitted report No. 7, wherein he identified three issues which he felt were of concern to the Town of Newcastle. Mr. Howden reque- sted approval by this Committee and Council of his comments as set forth in the report. Resolution No. P-78-74 Moved by H. Ballon, seconded by H. Hammond, That Hr. Howden's report No. 79 be accepted by this Committee and recom- mended for implementation by Council. Ug -110040) (ix) Lot Levies Resolution No. P-79-74 Moved by D. Moffatt, seconded by Councillor Lyall, That this matter be tabled. "CARRIED" (x) Site for Oshawa Fair Referred to Planning Advisory Committee by resolution C-74-262. Resolution No. P-80-74 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Lyall. That Mr. John Layng, Planning Consultant, be authorized to prepare a report on matters relating to a new site suitable for the Oshawa Fair and the Durham Central Agricultural Fair. °'CARRIED" (4) OTHER Busmss (i) Public Notice of Committee Hastings Report No. 110 dated April 8, 1974, prepared and presented by Mr. Howden contained the following recommendations. 1.After each Council meeting at which applications for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments or approval of Subdivisions are referred to the Planning Advisory Committee, the Secretary of the Commi- ttee will publish a notice in the Bo=anville, Newcastle and Orono news- Regular Meeting, April 8th, 1974, continued p..porc deacribi-7 the logation MCI nctLre of eeoh application end inviting interested p„rti c to contc:0.t 2. When the Agenda for each Committee meeting has been drawn up the Secretary will notify in writing or by telephone each applicant whose application is f on the agenda and all other interested patties who have contacted him. Resolution No. P-81-74 Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by R. Hetherington, That this Committee accept X-. Howden's recommendations. "CARRIED” (ii) Oshawa -Lennox Transmission Line Mayor Rickard proposed that the Town of Newcastle be represented at a meeting of the Regional Planning and Development Committee at which time Ontario Hydro's preferred route for the 500 X.V. transmission line to the Oshawa area transformer station from the Lennox Generating station and proposed stations at Wesleyville and Bommanville, would be discussed. Resolution No. P-82-74 Moved by Councillor Lyall, seconded by Councillor Wearn, That this Committee concur with Mayor Rickard's proposal and further That the Mayor, Chairman of Planning Advisory Committee, Representative of the Federation of Agriculture, Ty1r. John Layng and such other persons as the Mayor deems appropriate, be authorized to attend the aforenoted meeting. "CARRIED" (iii) Special Meeting_ Next special meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m, on Monday, April 220 19749 at the Hampton Municipal BD,ailding. (iv) Agenda Sus ended Chairman, Councillor But:•risle directed that the agenda be suspended. (5) AWOM& T Resolution No. P-83-74 Moved by Dr. Rowsell, seconded by R. Hethorington, That this meeting do now adjourn. "CARRIED" Meeting adjourned accordingly at 11:00 p.m. Secretary Chairman